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7 mos ago
DM me for a 1x1 Yoshi roleplay. You can't be blue Yoshi I'm already blue Yoshi. Plot will explore an alternate universe apartheid Yoshis Island that has fallen under Wario's libertarian rule.
7 mos ago
starts beating the shit out of you
1 yr ago
I wish you all the type of cringe RP you still think about four years later in a cold sweat.


horny and mentally unstable

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I'm sorry what
big bump on this one. currently interested more in a MHA 1x1. PM me if you're interested in that or other ideas here.
@Animal -GASP-
I am here to bully you and also request to join maybe fight me.

Interactions | @Zelosse @EnterTheHero

Kenji had drifted off after his discussion with Kiko. While he had gotten enough sleep the night before the utter exhaustion of the mountain climb compounded with the crash after Kaito's boost had been more than enough to put him out for a bit. The helicopter entrance, however, shocked him back to the world of the living. It took him a bit to register what the teacher who identified himself as Uranashi-sensei had to say in his dizzy half-awake state. When it hit him that they were already going to do a rescue operation a swirling mix of anxiety and excitement hit him as his mind was filled with images of All Might pulling people out of wrecked buildings. There was one problem though, he needed to be in a team of three. While he liked the idea of working with a team of people, he didn't think it was realistic for him to get lucky twice in one day and have someone include him.

Kenji looked around and saw people were already getting together groups. He decided to stand up and try his best to find someone who needed a third. As he pushed himself onto his feet he felt something soft stumble off of his chest, a teddy bear? He looked down at the lost toy in the grass and wondered where it had come from. Maybe someone had dropped it by mistake when they were walking by him, was it Kiko's? He didn't remember her having a teddy bear on her. Either way someone would miss it, and it would be mean to leave it behind in the field without trying to find it's owner. He picked it up and held it loosely in one arm before he was approached by the same boy from the demonstration.

His eyes lit up with happiness when he realized that Kaito wanted to pair up with him again and he had even brought someone with him. Kenji recognized the second boy from his demonstration, another amazing quirk. How were these people giving him the time of day?

Kenji immediately nodded his head as quick as lightning at the offer, his antennae pointed to the sky. "Yes!" he exclaimed, before calming himself down. "I mean, of course. But I don't think I've been introduced to your friend yet. I'm Ito Kenji." he said, offering his free hand to Suzaku.
of moist dick



no no no
Just dropping my interest ay. Have a character already thought up.

Collab post with @Zelosse
Mentions/Interactions: @liferusher @ShwiggityShwah

After Elina seemingly took the comment about being lucky to survive fighting Croc seriously, he found it appropriate to clear the air about his relationship with the teacher.

"Well, of course he wouldn't actually kill me. He's my uncle after all." he grinned.

That makes sense. Must be on his fathers side.

Kaito sat quietly next to the social butterfly now known as Kenji, whch was amusing since the larger boy was a beetle. Maybe in this context it would be better to call him a social bug? A non shutter-bug? Insect jokes aside it seemed he had made quite an impact in the early stages of the opening exams. As far as the music quirk boy was concerned that was fantastic news, not just in the sense of a strong friend but it also meant that others would flock to this guys side. Sort of like how Kaito had.
With his own quirk only capable of being used on others it made sense for Kaito to make friends with a physical prowess quirked student. It helped that Kenji was very friendly. Keeping track of those entering was a challenge but Kaito was quick to make note of all of them; The dragon was a good choice for Power Chord if they were a physical type of quirk. The usb tail guy had shown up too but seemed unlikely to be compatible with a physical paramater boosting quirk like his own, at least not yet. The fire-haired girl started him a bit but with them ignoring him it seemed prudent to do the same, seeing as their quirks weren't able to synergize well. Others entered the Auditorium one after another and each one was systematically evaluated as Kaito, unaware he was staring, twirled his flute in his hand like a baton while assessing each newcomers likely quirk and likely potential as a recipient to his own quirk.

So far the list held 5 contenders; Mari was an obvious first choice, Kenji was almost first but speed could mean the difference where it counted, the kid with turbines on his arms would easily benefit from a strong stimulant in a likely unexpected way, the dragon was fourth for all around capabilities, and the fifth if he had to choose would go to the thug looking boy (Seijin) who looked like they knew their way around a brawl.
Without any way of knowing their quirks it would take time to refine the list of prioritization. Deep down he felt bad labelling some students as unlikely candidates for the amplification effects he had, but with Kaitos inability to manifest the quirk more than once every few minutes it was better meant as a stimulant for those falling behind or willing to charge ahead. There simply wasn't any room for those who were average.

A spotlight turned on and the first speaker took to the stage, Kenji stared attentively at the stage for most of the assembly, a big lasting smile stuck on his face as each teacher made their flashy entrances. That is except for when he went on stage. Kenji knew Itagaki Naomoro on a more personal level than perhaps anybody in that assembly hall, after all to him Crooked Croc was actually Uncle Croc. While initially excited to see him come onto stage and make a big show of himself, Kenji immediately grimaced at the sight of his choice of attire. Uncle Croc was a cool hero and that wasn't up for debate, but could he seriously be trying to act so tough while wearing a Mickey Mouse tie?! His grimace quickly faded away though, as he could no longer keep his laughter hidden away. The attire, the tough guy attitude, the horrible pun and directly calling out Sakimoto on stage was all too funny to him.

When Tanifuji-sensei came on stage, Kenji felt a sudden shift in the environment. At first he couldn't tell why but then he heard the labored breathing of a smaller kid sitting behind him. He briefly turned his head to see what was going on and had an expression of genuine concern. It was the same kid from before, the one that had run away from Tanifuji-sensei earlier. He really was afraid of her, wasn't he? Kenji gave him a gentle smile as if to silently say
As soon as the teacher had left though, the student gave him and others seated around a gesture to let them know he was okay. Kenji nodded and turned his attention back to the stage. The rest of the assembly went on without incident until the princible decided to make her late appearance. Kenji at first didn't recognize her but when he finally caught on to who she was he could have ripped his own seat apart in excitement. ORACLE THOUGHT, he shouted internally, fanboying over a famous veteran hero. He couldn't believe that SHE of all people would be his principal. His excitement over the coming year had reached it's peak and Kenji believed that anymore could make him pass out...

Or maybe that was just the moment when the boost Kaito had accidentally given him started wearing off and he felt lethargic again. It was a blessing in it's own way. He didn't want to make a scene during the rest of the opening ceremony.

The Assembly was brief and to the point as each teacher went on stage, introduced themselves and showed off a bit of their personality, and when it came time for the 'ruler' to take the stage Kaito felt his heart stop in his chest as his grip on the flute he had been so casually been spinning about his fingertips suddenly became a death grip. Even without their quirk activated, the feeling of dread was lodged deep. Fujino Sensei was easily the most intimidating figure on the roster. When they sat down and Kudo began leading the students out, Kaito let out a relieved sigh.

The first order of the day was a training exercise! A small blessing put support heroes with a partner to show off their quirks usage and Kaitos grin took in his ears.

"I should have brought my stuff! Kenji, what do you think about getting another dose of Power Chord and showing what you can REALLY do?!"

"Eh?" Kenji replied, a little shocked at the suggestion. "Oh right. I guess you will need someone to demonstrate with, huh?" the beetle boy was a little hesitant in accepting the offer. After all, he wasn't really keen on being so flashy and showing off in front of everybody. But Kaito so far had been the only one to strike up a real talk with him since he had arrived and he didn't want to lose the chance to make a friend.

"Yeah, let's do it then." Kenji decided with a sudden conviction in his voice. "I'll make a good show for you!"

"Together. I've got some ideas about how we can make a hit but we will need to go late. You and me need a moment before we get started." Clearing his throat, Kaito tried desperately to think of a way to put his thoughts out in a way that wasn't going to offend. "My quirk and myself are limited. I cant play on the fly, and power chord takes time to build up."

With a sweeping motion of his hand, Kaito gestured to every other student marching forward. "Everyones quirk helps them, but mine can't help me forward. We have one shot with it at a time and that means there needs to be a correct timing. Too soon, it wears off, too late and you've lost your opening."

Kaitos eyes spoke volumes where words were failing to. The music boy wanted to help where he could but knew that his powers were ill suited at this time for anything but giving someone else a chance to move forward.

"When I use my quirk on you, make no mistake; You are a conduit for my hopes and dreams for the future. All I can do after that is hope to be a distraction to get you an opening to cut loose and show them what you can do. Which means I am a weight to carry, Kenji." The look of determination in his eyes was unmistakable. "Can you do the work of two?"

A weight to carry, huh?

Those words echoed through Kenji's mind when it finally dawned on him that since Kaito's success as a hero depended entirely upon those he blessed with power chord. He could hear the frustration in his voice, and as he over at the masked boy as they both marched towards Goudo-sensei he could read it all in his eyes. Kaito probably saw himself as more of a burden than a partner, but with a quirk like that he was naturally suited to be a limit-breaking leader. Kenji wished he could find the words to express that sentiment but instead he gave a solemn nod of understanding when they both got to the line with their class.

Then uncle Croc approached and towered over his chubby nephew, instantly laying on a bug joke and expressing his pride that he had gotten accepted into his school. Kenji smirked at the statement about no special treatment and looked up at Croc with a growing smile, a counter-pun boiling under the surface.

"After the entrance exam, I should think not! You really Croc'd my world!" he just couldn't hold that one in.

The snort of his laugh was impossible to suppress. As a big fan of puns, the back and forth had come out of thin air and Kaito had been wholly unprepared for it. To croc, there was a grin hidden below the mask. "I guess you have a few.. tails to tell, concerning Kenji?" Biting his lip he tried not to laugh at his own wit, forgetting everyone else was still around.

With that, Goudo sensei lead their class to the gym. A massive room that looked more like a basketball court than a room for training heroes in. It was a little disheartening to see until Goudo-sensei made the grand reveal of it's danger-room like qualities. Any type of scenario could be made here, and as awe-inspiring as it was Kenji was feeling overwhelmed. He twiddled his thumbs as he looked over at Kaito.

"It-- uh, looks like we have a lot of options here. What should we do?"

"We wait. Let a few others go, warm up the crowd while we watch. But it shouldn't be them we watch." What Kaito referred to was the danger room itself and the myriad of circumstances it could create and how quickly certain parts operated.

Kaito watched it all while he crouched quietly at the end of the room, eyes focused as his mind took in information required to put on a show. Every so often he would pat the front of his coat where the flute was hidden and mumble something.
It was the paintball turrets that had his attention the most. A few quick glances at Kenjis thick form made him arch an eyebrow in thought before finally standing up again.

"With me."

Ushering the boy off further from the group, Kaito seemed almost giddy. "How quick are your reflexes."

"Well uh, I play a lot of fighting games. I'd say my reflexes are okay from counting frames." Kenji guessed, a little curious. The demonstrations from the other students were frankly awe-inspiring, Kenji suddenly started feeling the pressure to not be let himself and Kaito get left behind.

"I have a plan, but.. I need to know you can follow my instructions and react on a moments notice."

"Yeah. I can do this no problem. What are we doing?" Kenji replied, eyes now locked on Kaito.

"First thing first.. I need my equipment. Lets go." With that, Kaito ran off with Kenji out of the gym and down through the allways to a nearly unused section of the school that had recently been recently filled. The music room.
Inside was instruments of every kind, brass horns, tubas, acoustic guitars, a massive taico drum, a piano nestled in the back. Ignoring them all he grabbed the electric guitar and swung it over his shoulders to rest across his back, as well as grab the drumsticks resting nearby. Chord in hand, he motioned to the heavy amp with the speaker connected on top of it.

"Grab that for me please. I've gotta get juiced up before we rock this show. I'll explain on the way back"

Following his orders, Kenji picked up the amp with ease and followed close behind Kaito. He was a little concerned about getting in trouble for going off alone during the quirk demonstrations but went along with it anyway. He didn't want to make them both look weak as a result of diligent rule following.

Along the way, Kaito detailed the plan. Kenjis quirk made him ideal for a big show and with a power up it would make the beetle boy a paragon of force, further still if he was able to keep himself focused. The plan relied on precision and the big frame.
When the two entered the gym again, Kaito set up with practiced ease. Guitar stand, amp, speaker, chord plugged in and volume was set high. Another recording device was attached to the speaker and Kaito shuffled through for the right name.
It wasn't his original song but it had the tempo he wanted to set.

"You got the plan down? 2 for right, 1 for left.?"

"Yeah. I think so. I hope I do well for you." Kenji said, excitement gradually rising until his antennae were sticking straight up in the air. Counting the antennae actually made him a lot taller than most people in the class.

"It's not me anymore. It's us. I got a dream, Kenji. A big one. A band of heroes known across the globe and it all starts here. This is our shot at greatness and the beginning of a legacy. You in?"

Kenji briefly thought about how silly it was to think of the first time demonstrating their quirks as their big shot, but Kaito's enthusiasm rubbed off on him rather quickly. So what if it was just school? It was time to show the class that they won't be the background fodder of their stories.

"Yes! Let's do this thing together."

The grin on Kaitos face, hidden by the mouth covering mask, was gigantic as he sprinted off to Goudo to set up the formation they wanted to demonstrate with. It was a fairly standard course with two ground level turrets, two hostages, and a tight V formation of 'villains' numbering 7 in total.
A large one in the back and the rest aligned in two rows of 3 close together like a wall. The hostage dummies sat in the back.

It was going to be a tight run but they could do it. They had to do it. For their hopes and dreams they would do something absolutely crazy.

Something that started with a song.

Kaito thumbed the play button and it fed an audio track through the speaker, absent the lead guitar. With his guitar in hand he struck the chords and let his fingers dance across the instrument with their usual grace as he built on the tempo, starting from a simple strum to a more aggressive rythme.
Every strike of the chords vibrated with his entire being as the rush of gathering energies roared to life in his chest.

It was different than when he played normally. The situation was different. A glance at Kenji was all he needed to understand why; there was finally someone he could share this feeling with. Who could make use of it to bring themself beyond their abilities and become something more.
With the final strum of the strings, Kaito all but flung the guitar off his shoulders and onto the guitar stand with the same practiced precision and went into a crouch.

"Lights are on, crowd is waiting, and we're hungry. Are you ready to ROCK?!" All but shouting as he braced. On Kenjis start they would rush off to meet their destiny.

Feeling pumped, Kenji realized they hadn't introduced themselves to the class as per Goudo-sensei's instructions. He decided to take on that duty shortly before they started.

"This is Kaito, his Power Chord ampilifies physical strength and stamina! I'm Ito Kenji, and I'm--" Kenji stopped himself from leading into a long explanation of his quirk. "I'm a beetle, and all that it implies!"

Straight into the enemy. Kaitos hand slapped onto the beetle boys back and felt the rush flood away like a tidal wave.
A 3x amplification.

Blowing two quick whistles, both of them taking off in unison along the right side of the gym, Kaito was quick on his feet but with the amp up the beetle boy would easily outpace him. A snap of his fingers brought attention to the paintball turret. With them on the right side it had begun targeting, in moments it would begin firing.
Kaito blew a single whistle.

Hearing the signal, the boosted Kenji turned on a heel and began barreling towards the mock villains. Along with his physical strengths the boost seemed to be affecting him emotionally as well, he felt all his happiness and all his frustrations fight each other in his core and his muscles spasmed with excess power. For a brief moment Kenji felt he could finally ignore his hesitations and show what his quirk was capable of. With the turret hot on his heels lighting up the floor just a step behind it, the Beetle quirk teen barreled forwards, drawing the attention away as Kaito ran as quickly as he could at the turret with a drum stick in hand. When Kenji veered the tracking began to swivel back towards the musician but the timing had been right. Sliding on his knees forward he thrust out and lodged the metal drum stick through the barrel where it wedged cleanly.

I don’t like using my power for violence but…

Upon reaching the side of the V formation he grabbed the dummy by it’s head and effortlessly swung it like a bat at another, the mock villain broke in half in his hands and sent the second dummy flying away from the zone and smashing to bits against the glass dividing the danger zone and the console room. Kenji’s gaze snapped towards next target and he dropped the remains of the first dummy.

This is the only way to prove ourselves here!

Kenji formed a fist with his right arm and put all of his power and weight into an downwards punch on the next closest dummy’s head. It crumpled underneath him into the gym floor, leaving a crater.

β€œYour quirk is incredible…” Kenji mumbled, briefly glancing at his handy work. β€œI wont waste it.”

With four dummies to go he planted his feet firmly on the ground and launched himself forward horizontally towards the other line of dummies to topple the center one and land on it’s chest feet first. He grabs the other two dummies in each arm and slams them together in front of him, knocking their heads before stomping the one beneath him. While the dummies were dealt with, Kaito began his run at the opposite turret without Kenji at his heels.

The turret was aiming at the way they had come in so it would take a few short instants to recognize the new target and swivel but still the musician ran on, gradually slowing from a full on sprint to an almost lazy strut. With a click the turret had registered Kaito as a target.

three quick and loud whistles escaped from his lips as Kaito stood with arms crossed over his chest, chin raised in defiance. Had this been a proper weapon this would be a display of extreme arrogance or just plain moronic. This was neither. In his chest his heart was beating like a jackhammer in those brief moments as the world seemed to slow to a crawl, but the plan was set and Kaito had to play his part without question as Kenji had.
So he held his ground and waited for it to happen.

Kenji heard the sound cue and knew that Kaito needed assistance just as soon as he had reached the last and biggest dummy. He was fast with the boost, but if he simply ran over Kaito would have taken fire, so he did the next best thing he could think of.

"Incoming! Kaito! Special Move: VILLAIN YEET CANNON" He shouted, grabbing the base of the dummy and spinning it around before launching it like a missile at the final turret. The impact sent sparks and debris flying skyward like a grand finale pyrotechnics show. Kenji appeared from behind the sparks carrying the hostage rescue dummys on his back and intensely illuminated by the fireworks. "Hostages are safe, villains are eliminated." Kenji said before punting the disabled turret to the side and placing a foot on the mangled dummy's back. "And the ringleader is in our custody."

"All according to plan." There was a sharp intake of air as Kaito took a deep breathe, suddenly aware he had stopped in sheer anticipation.

Kenji's expression was a strange sight to behold. While he was smiling triumphantly, he was also crying. Tears of joy? Maybe.

"We did it!" Kenji proclaimed, offering a high five to Kaito.

Inspiration hit him right then. The name of the band and agency he would make. "World Tour makes its debut!" With equal cheer, Kaitos hand struck Kenjis with a satisfying SMACK.

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