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    1. jynmi88 7 yrs ago


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3 yrs ago
Current Kind of going through a breakdown. Some personal stuff is getting mess.. Thanks to some idiots who not only left the fan on but threw shit right at it!
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"Ah well." The redhaired, and blue eyed boy said, blinking at his hand, which was still in the air after everyone had left. "I suppose we'll be able to go through introductions some other time, then?" He swallowed hard before closing his eyes, and taking a deep breath. When that was done he disappeared and reappeared with the others.

@Crimson Lion@Yorutenchi
"Ah okay." Nemuri said, jumping at the appearance of another one of their 'Prodigy division.' "That's three members. We're getting there." She frowned, and put her hand on her chin as she anxiously tapped her sandal on the what originally looked like a dirt covered floor, but gave off a hollow, metal sound underneath. "Slowly, very, very slowly, but surely."

After a moment her spunk disappeared"Boy, I wish the Shinigami Academy spent more time on teaching everyone Hoho. It's taking forever for everyone to show up."

Upon the sound of another entrance, Nemuri looked up and tilted her head at the sight before her. Her first instinct was to bounce on the heels of her feet that another member had appeared in their group, but that excitement was quickly pushed aside by the man's obvious ego problem.

For a moment the young dark haired woman's mouth twisted into something like a grimace, but that quickly disappeared in place of a blank expression. "Shihoin?" She blinked and pulled out a piece of paper. "Shihoin? Shihoin?" Her finger moved down the page until it came to Savaris. "Ah! The Shihoin member. You're the one that's a bit slower than the rest." Smiling again, the page in the woman's hand disappeared back into her uniform. "Strings and all that I guess." She gave shrug and turned away from the white haired man as if he wasn't worth another look.

"Really." She said, appearing by the man who spoke up to protect her in a flash. "There's no need to worry." Excitement had crept back into her face and body. It was obvious she was becoming more energetic the more of the division appeared. "There's no need to worry." She patted Saishu on the shoulder. "The Shihoin will soon learn what's what, once the captain gets here." She took a step back and grinned from ear to ear.

@BladeSS4@Yorutenchi@Renny@Champion@Crimson Lion@Masahiro@Red Mage
Nemuri's face twitched and she let out a long, audible sigh of triumph. "Well, I guess that's enough for now. Master Mayuri will be here sometime shortly, and he won't be very happy if he returns and sees I still haven't at least begun the explanations." She frowned and scratched her cheek. "He does so hate having to explain the simple stuff." With a shrug the girl turned around towards the hole. "So come on." With that she jumped down into the hole.
At the bottom of the ladder the group would find themselves in a large room, with couches, a single massive table with a hologram of Mayuri's face floating over it.

"Well then!" Nemuri threw her hands over her head in a grand gesture of welcome and take a seat, before vanishing and reappearing at the front of the table. "Welcome fellow prodigies, and one Shihoin to the fourteenth Division's HQ." She looked around at the chrome walls, with four doors and the entrance which still had natural light pouring through. "It's not much yet, but we'll get working on that sometime soon." Another shrug.

"Anyways." She clapped her hands together and bounced. "I'm sure everyone here has some questions, and I'm sure there's quiet a few of them that are important, but for now let's start off with the basis. I'm sure you all are thinking to yourselves 'what the hell is the fourteenth division and what's the whole deal with the prodigy part?' I'll explain that now." A control appeared in the woman's hand which she aimed up at the floating black and white face of Mayuri. With a flourish she jammed the button with her thumb. There was a click and the image shimmered a little before focusing back into its normal self.

Nemur looked down at the remote, and frowned. "Hold on." She tried pushing the button a few more times, but nothing happened. "Ah." Shrugging, she tossed the remote over her shoulder. It made a loud clang that echoed for a few seconds before dying down. "Visual aids are for pansies anyways."

"Okay, so here's the deal. Everyone here knows who Gin Ichimaru and toshiro hitsugaya are, right? They were captains born with brilliant minds which allowed them to quickly move up the ranks of shinigami, reaching captain status in record time, and surpassing what most shinigami are normally capable of." With this Nemuri disappeared and reappeared at the center of the table, directly below her captain's massive heard.

When she began to talk, the young woman had given up on any attempts at restraint and shouted every word that came out of her mouth. "For the longest time it was a mystery as to why these prodigies were so rare, or even existed at all, but thanks to some research and experimentation that was definitely worth the sacrifices performed by Mayuri-sama we've come to understand that the prodigy status is nothing more than a rare genetic mutation that's normally a recessive gene. Through this same research, Captain Mayuri has not only been able to identify the specific genetic mutation but has found a way to forcefully create and activate it."

The young woman sighed and hopped off the table. "Unfortunately, the process by which prodigies are created isn't perfect and the process doesn't effect every soul the same way. Some weren't effected at all and many, well everything is fine in the name of science." Here Nemuri paused before reappearing at the front of the table. "Which brings us to here, the 14th division and it's responsibility." Nemuri grinned, wide and malicious. It was easy to see she was not only her father's creation but also his daughter. "You all are here to stay alive. To prove that the prodigy program is worth continuing, or " she shrugged. "It's just another dead end, and we'll have to find some other way to repair the ranks loss to us thanks to the Quincy invasion a few years ago."

"Ugh!" The old marine in the chair mumbled. "My head." He winced after moving a bit and decided not doing so was the wiser decision. Not that he had much choice in the matter as he was currently tied too tightly to move.

"We're under attack, sir" Dylan said as he slowly crept out of his hiding space towards his superior. "I'm not sure what their after, but they left awhile ago. I'm not sure where they went."

"Bah." The old marine mumbled. "To attack a marine, we'll have their heads, we will, won't we, Dylan my boy?"

"Uhm." Dylan looked around for a way out, but there was only the exit to the room the pirates left.

"Ah. Never mind then." The old man said, wincing as he did so. The movement really did make his head hurt. "I'll do it. Just untie."

"Yes sir!" Dylan said with a crisp salute.

Freed, the old marine, who was actually quite large when you took his stooped posture into account took a moment to locate his walking stick, before motioning Dylan to move on ahead of him.

The entire ship shook from the explosions of the red woman's javelin attacks. "What the hell's that!" The marine captain snarled, bracing himself against the steering wheel. "Are those bloody pirates trying to take the entire ship down. Don't they understand that we're still tethered? Are they suicidal as well as stupid?"
"Well." Mark said as he looked down at his empty mug. "They are pirates, and pirates aren't famous for being individuals who think things through before acting."
"Right sir" Tim, nodded and continued to look at his feet.

"Damn pirates!"
"No respect for anything!"
"They think they can pick a fight with the marines and walk away?"
"They're crazy."
"They're, right above us actually. Come on!"
"Wait, not through the..... Oh. Bloody hell. The captain's going to have our asses for that."

When they stopped, a few levels below deck, Abbygail made a point of keeping Musashi's hands on hers. "Well, things are a lot better now, aren't they?" She sighed. "So before we were unknown, and now not only are we known, but we're going to be targeted with a vengeance." The woman in purple took a moment to look around before shrugging and starting in a direction she hoped would lead them.

"So here's the plan." Abbygail said, pulling Musashi behind her. "What we're going to do is........"
She didn't get to finish. One second everything, but for the panicking marines was perfectly normal, and the next, the floor beneath her exploded outwards and a large, grey man with glowing red eyes, rammed into her stomach, and forced her upwards, through all the floors that stood between them and the deck. Bright, morning sunlight poured in.

"Damn it!" A long spidery arm appeared by the hole, and then another. The muscles tensed, and the long bodied figure of the long arm tribe appeared. "I knew that dumb bastard was going to do it, again. I just knew." He stopped and turned his attention to the girls, a large smile appearing on his face. "Well, none the less, at least he did find the intruders." The marine licked his lips before pulling out the sword from his sheath.

"That's great and everything." A voice called from under the hole. "But would you mind moving so I could come up. I don't want your damn balls to bump against my head when I get up there, again."

The long armed marine sighed and stepped aside so his partner, a short, stout man with wide eyes,and thick glaces slowly pulled himself up.
Once up he took a moment to look around before settling on the shapes of their foes. He leaned forwards, but couldn't make much out.
"One second." He raised a finger and then cleaned his glasses. Once their were back on he looked and nodded. "Ah. Those are pirates alright! Definitely not the sort we want on this ship, but without a doubt the kind we'll keep on board till we take them to their new cell homes!"

"Hey, are those them!" A voice called from below the hole.
"Should we come up too?"
"Nah. We've got these, but there's still a couple more on the ship. Go and find them or the captain will have our asses for these holes not being justified."

@Crimson Lion@grandia20
The young marines weren't much of a match for Rainer. However, he didn't have much time to rest before an old man's voice rang out across the deck. "You damn youngin. No respect for your elders!" The old man appeared, and slowly started making his way towards the fishman.

"Hey!" The marine with the gun to his head, raised his arms in surrender. "Now. Let's not doing anything stupid. We're on a marine ship. Why not just turn yourself in and accept life in prison instead of a messy end on here?"
yeah, she's on page two. I'll get her and the new guy in the character section when I get home from work.
Jasper was tired. One could see it in her eyes, with the fact there was more red than white, and bags under neath that could serve as a coin purse. She'd been out late the night before. Her head was killing her, and not softly either. It felt like there were torches and pitch forks savagely working away at the inside of her skull, trying to burst out like a more traditional alien baby burst out of the gut.

[color=red]"What's going on?"[/color.] She muttered, slowly moving towards the rest of the crowd. "Why is everyone so loud this." She paused to look outside. "Early morning?" She shook her head and moved in close to the group, by the bulletin board, wondering if the interest had come from an exciting new job with a large pay off.

"What is it?" She yawned as she dragged her feet towards the group. "Do we finally have something in there with demons, because those pay hefty, I"m assuming. Never worked on one myself."

Upon, entering the group, she stopped, noting there was something different. It took a moment for her battle ravaged mind to be able to pick out. "Hey" She pointed at the new girl, in a way that some may consider accusatory. [color=red]"We have a new girl."[/color.] Nobody responded which made her feel like she was the last to know. "So much for my prize position"

Jasper moved closer to the group, slithering between members until she was standing next to the new girl and the board. "Hiya." Her voice was suddenly cheery. "The name's Jasper.
And if you're looking for a job, because that's the point of joining a guild, right, and need some help, I'm here for you."
Which was true, because she was currently broke.
Great! I've got an early shift, but I'll apply either immediately after, or maybe, if my phone doesn't screw with me, through my phone during my lunch.
Was planning on doing it before work but apparently there was a power surge and so my alarm didn't go off >. <



I have an idea about it. Similar to Genryusai and Toshiro's I plan on mines being the strongest of its element. Since its lightning, I've been contemplating allowing it to dive into the storm category. I need to research the particulars of lightning a bit more before I can fully flesh it out.

The strongest lightning zanpakuto would be interesting. Kind of surprised that there weren't more lightning releases in the series, seeing as next to fire it's kind of the most popular element, I think.
Hmmm. Well I've read that there were some cases of people being struck by lightning and finding weird temporary tattoos on their bodies called Lichtenberg figures. So maybe something to do with symbols or at least interesting tattoos when the bankai is activated? Another odd thing about lightning is its been known to cure blindness and cancer in a few occasions.

@Red Mage

For her bankai its probably gonna be like...world of chains and something that drastically increases her ability to drain other people. And maybe an effect that paralyzes those caught in her chain. But the paralyzation is something I think I want her to gain as an ability later.

World? So will it be similar to Tousen's bankai like a sphere of swirling, glowing chains?
Huh. I feel silly because for some reason I thought that paralysis was something that came inherent with her shikai ^.^;
Perhaps one of the abilities is it constantly drains the spiritual power of anyone caught inside of it?


If I'm doing my math right I think since I'm the last one to post her graduation report that leaves me with 005? Yes?

<Snipped quote by jynmi88>

I think for her bankai she will create a field where red sakura petals will be falling. And she can instantly switch places with any sakura petal in this area and create a blizzard of strikes from any angle. And then perhaps she can even make copies of her strikes and send them through the falling petals. So she can be doing actually more than one strike at a time. Though this is just something that comes to the top of my head.

That seriously does sound pretty bad ass. Maybe her actual bankai could be a cherry blossom tree in bloom? Although I guess that would make it kind of hard to use since bankai would be such a large target and she'd constantly have to move in order to protect it.


I gave Bakuto's bankai some thought. So far I have thought of a bit of a mixture between Ichigo's bankai which is shrinking down the overwhelming size of a bankai to increase speed and power. The other is a bit from the Bount filler using the idea of how the bount's leader could use wind attacks, turning Bakuto into his own Bankai. Creating swords of wind from his arms, enveloping Bakuto's strikes punches and kicks with intense wind enhanced speed attacks. Speed faster the normal Shunpo/Flash step ect.

Another cool idea! For some reason I think that the change would be manifested through his hair like he'll have some kind of swirling green mass over his head. Also a wind aura would be a neat technique for that ability like its swirling around so fast that attacks lacking in power to penetrate it just shoot off to the side, and after further training he'll be able direct where said reflected attacks are shot in?

Also, a heads up for everyone. I just learned I'm getting full time so my replies, for a time, might not be as frequent as they are now since I'll be getting used to working more than twenty five hours a week, but I'll do my best to reply as often as I can. @.@
Risiru paused to turn her attention to@ChampionSavaris, a character she had seen on a few occasions, but never really had much of a chance to get to know. "Hmmm?" She mumbled, coming her blue hair back as she looked down at the letter. She had an arguably wide net, in terms of contacts, but hadn't heard anything about a new squad, much less anything that threw interesting terms like prodigy around so freely. On the one hand it was exciting, if not a bit confusing, which only served to add to the excitement, but at the other side of the spectrum it was odd that there were so many people whom she knew randomly finding themselves in the same squad, without any of them coming close to resembling the same skill set. "I am." She gave a nod, still focusing on the paper. "And I'm completely unaware of exactly what's going on. Frustrating, sure, but at least it's something different." She shrugged. "Which is fine with me, aside from the third and twelfth divisions, most of the squad's don't hold much interest. At least with this there's a chance I'll be able to take part in something interesting."

With a smile she held up the map, and pointed at the X which marked the spot to either an interesting future or one of doomingly gloomy prospects. "But at least there's a map. Would've been frustrating if they wanted us to serve in a new division without any bread crumbs to help us find it, right?" With that she folded up the piece of paper, and stuffed into a pocket. "Well then." She gave a quick salute, before flash stepping away to the spot on the map.

"Hey!"@Masahiro A sadly familiar voice called out from amidst the chaos of the after ceremony pandemonium. "Did you say something about a new division and the number 001?" The now shinigami, who so recently was boring the life of every member of the graduating class appeared in front of the group. "I am sorry." He paused awkwardly in front of Kariya and the others, suddenly all too aware of the fact that despite being at the same school for a few years, he'd never spoken with any of them. "I am. I didn't mean to interrupt or ease drop on your conversation, but I couldn't help but overhear what you said. You guys are in all the fourteenth division too?" As if the prove that he wasn't making anything up, the man with the light blue hair and red eyes, held up the piece of paper with the map as if it was a letter or recommendation from the captain commander himself. "See, I've got one too."

Smiling, a bit nervously for a man who just spoke in front of captains, and graduating death gods, the shinigami took a nervous step forwards. "It's uh. Nice to meet all of you." Slowly he raised his trembling hand, and held it there for whoever wished to shake it.

Risiru reached her destination, but at first she didn't think that was what she'd done. It was definitely the spot on the map, but it wasn't anything like she thought it would be. She double checked the map, but no, that was the spot. however, instead of a building or barracks as was the case with the other division headquarters, what she found was a perfectly square, empty space. It was about a square acre, and sat next to the division 12's laboratory entrance. It was also a stone's throw from the disivion's sleeping quarters. For a moment Risiru simply stood, looking around, wondering if this was some kind of joke. Then, without anything better to do she raised her hands around her mouth and called out if she was in the right spot.

Another moment went by before she heard a hissing sound.

"Hello!" A young woman called out as the ground in front of Risiru. There was a click as the dirt covered steel door raised up, revealing a slit of white light and a dark haired young woman in a purple outfit. "Welcome to the fourteenth division headquarters." She called, probably louder than she meant to, judging by the scrunched up face she made. After a moment of looking like the world was about to bonk her on the head, she shrugged off the nervousness and continued. "So then." Smiling she pushed open the hatch and crawled out. Behind her, in the ground further the dim white light revealed a deep, mildly lit ladder that went down some ways. "We're still in the middle of construction, but for now the barracks and training area are ready for use." Nodding her head excitedly she continued. "Officially, there's no captain for this division so for now Captain Kurosutchi will be in charge. I'm his assistant Nemuri. I'll be explaining a few key points till he gets back from the captain's meeting." She paused and looked around. "Uhm. I'm sorry, but where's everyone else?" Her tiny face scrunched up in confusion. "Master Mayuri said there'd be more." She put her hand on her chin and scratched it nervously. "At least I think that's what he said. No." She shook her head. "I'm sure that's what she said"

Okay well I want character to go through the trials also, so we need to figure out who wants to compete and who wants their character to be a partner if we do decide to do a trial.

Wait. Do we already know how the trials are actually going to be done? I mean, will it be like in Fairy Tail where the potentials get to fight S classes or will it be done another way?
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