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    1. jynmi88 7 yrs ago


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3 yrs ago
Current Kind of going through a breakdown. Some personal stuff is getting mess.. Thanks to some idiots who not only left the fan on but threw shit right at it!
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Got a few ideas. The one I'm leaning towards most is
Glass Cannnon- an emitter type quirk which allows the user to emit a special wave which transforms solids into various types of glass
I'm okay with waiting a bit for the OOC since I'm still trying to figure out an interesting Quirk (from which my character will be developed ) ^_^;
I don't see any issue with new members
@Raider Dog
Several children appeared around Sadao like locust on a newly discovered plain of wheat, or corn, or whatever it was that the insects didn't just eat, but devoured with a lust that really didn't belong anywhere outside of a bedroom. With a smile Jasper watched them. "At least they're happy." Jasper sighed. "They're lucky with the way things turned out. The world's not such a bad place, don't get me wrong, but there are enough places that are bad enough to kind of make up for all the good in it." She shook her head and looked around for the train station. "Hey," She said, grinning and nudging her fellow guild member in the ribs. "There it is." She frowned. "You wouldn't happen to have some spare change for an extra ticket, would you?" Her frown deepened. "I kind of blew all my spare everything last night on drinks, and what not."
Question: should we put the limitations/ weaknesses to our quirks in a separate section or should that just go in the basic description ?
@Weird Tales@AngelofOctober
Wow. Was literally going to have a character that's sort of the combination of the characters you two created. Her quirk was called 'bubble suit' and basically her entire epidermis was a combination of stretchy skin and powerful lungs which she could breath and exhale through. At any area of the body, the skin could be rapidly inflated to many times her normal size (though only through her mouth) to be used for a variety of purposes such as defense (filling up her skin like airbags to cushion a blow), offense (rapidly sucking in air to smash into whoever is nearby, also like an airbag), nearly unlimited stamina (because again, her entire skin is composed of super efficient lungs), transportation (via rapidly pushing air out of her body via the small slits located throughout her skin), air based attacks(similar to the transportation method but only aimed at an opponent), massive air storage(for both fighting in areas without air, and depriving opponents of air in a sparsely ventilated area), as well as some other nifty things, but now I kind of feel like I should think up something else since we've already got an air type quirk as well as a rubber type quirk @.@
I'll probably get a post up sometime tomorrow since I"m off.
Personally, I'd go with Vigilantes, because I think it offers the most versatility.
@Crimson Lion@grandia20
"What's this now?" The old man's face broke into a scowl. "How's your?" He would've said more, but paused as understanding slowly came to him. He was moving, that was true enough, as there was no way the figure in front of him could've kept him from doing so while in his prime, but it was so slowly it didn't do him any good. "Grrr." He growled, bracing himself for what he knew was going to happen next.

"Damn." The short man with the pistols muttered just after the ringing in his ears died down. "Those were some explosions. Hope that little lunatic doesn't sink the ship with stunts like that." He didn't wait for an answer, but instead, relaxed his body, and burst out of the smoke, making a Bee line for the young woman. "Better do this up close, or we'll all end up sinking to the bottom of the sea." He readied his pistols, intent on shooting Janet point blank in face when he got to her, which wouldn't take long at all. Despite the shortness of his legs, he moved with an unnatural speed.

"Don't let her get away!" The woman snapped, slapping her partner on the back, hard!
"I'm not." The man shouted, turning away from his shot, and shoving the female marine harshly to the side. "If you'll just give me a chance to aim so I can take her out before she gets to the ship. Now, let me work woman, and keep your hands to yourself. Geez. I don't want to have to go through another HR thing with you again."
"Fine. Fine. Whatever." The woman sighed, folding her arms over her chest, and leaning back. "Just hurry up."
"I'm hurrying." The man said, getting into position. "Don't you see me hurrying. Now hold on and let me just look through here."

For a moment, the man paused before throwing his head back and laughing. "You're a pirate, and scum." He raised his sword up over his head, while moving the open palm in front of him. "Who cares what you think." He began to move to slash at the woman, but paused at a strange sound.
Despite the obvious fear in the sound, which didn't belong there, he had no doubt it was Kir. "Kir?" He mumbled, looking around. The sound was getting louder, closer. "Please tell me, you're not..."
Before he was able to finish, a flash of white light broke through the ceiling above them, right besides the hole made a few seconds ago. The white face with red eyes appeared again, but this time, there was no furry in its face. Only fear, and confusion. He didn't stop to say hello, but instead continued on his way, smashing through the floor, and continuing long after.

"Hello!" Abbygail, shouted as she fell after the man. "Don't go anywhere, I'll be right back."

"Uh." The long armed swordsman paused for a moment, mouth hanging open as if his jaw was broken. Then he remembered where he was, gritted his teeth, and made a swipe at Red-Eyes long, and slender white neck.
@Crimson Lion
"Thanks" Risiru said with a slight bow before Takuya finished his series of attack with a half circled wall of ice. "But unfortunately he's not very good with wide range attacks, at least not at the moment." She laughed, scratching the back of her head. One of the strange hollow creatures took that as a sign her guard was done and she'd be an easy target. It raced towards her like a bullet, jumping over the corpses of its fallen kin, and lunged directly at the blue haired woman. It never reached her though. Instead it found itself in a giant's hand, and then slammed into steel, which bent under the force like clay. Then things went blissfully silent.
"But there's hardly a better opponent when it comes to one on one." She grinned, turning her head to look at the large grey giant, whose arm was shoulder deep into the wall.

@Red Mage
Understanding comes to the hollow far too late. It's confidence in it's attack caused it to pause, to savor the moment, but there wasn't any blood. None. What should've been a geyser of red didn't exist anywhere. Panicking it looked around for a second, which was a second far too long when a fight for life was concerned. One moment things were as calm as a choatic battle could be and the next yellow light, blinding yellow light. It was the kind of light whose brightness caused a momentarily shortage of understanding, and then it turned into an actual physical restraint that kept the thing glued to the ground. Rage boiled out of its lips as it made a cawing sound, trying to force its way out of the light and at the target.

"Hmm?" Nemuri said, tilting her head to the side as she looked at something on the wall. "Hold on, just a second here." Her hands disappeared into her pockets and reappeared, each holding a strange looking tool.

Several rapid shots fired from the red haired shinigami's zanpakuto and several white faces disappeared in order. "Strange." The shigiami blinked, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose, and moving towards the hollows. "Don't you think?" He walked passed the scythe wielding, possibly fanatic, and knelt by one of the corpses around him. "How come these things are piling up instead of being purified and disappearing?" He said, watching Bakuto for an answering

The hollow let out a screech as it's target approached her. It's body tensed with the certainty it would manage the kill this time, and then it knew nothing. It felt nothing. Time and being ceased the cascade which it had known since birth. The world went black, but not just any kind of black. It was the darkness that swallowed up thoughts and light like a fat man at an all you can eat buffet. Before it even came to understand it was dead, it's various pieces fell to the ground with, hard, surprising loud wet thuds.

"Ah!" Nemuri shouted in excitement. "I think I figured out the problem here. One second, and watch your eyes. Don't want everyone to go blind for a second." There was a loud click, and the lights just above them, the ones over the entrance flickered to life. Then the ones next to them like a row of dominoes that were on fire, lighting up the gigantic, dark room as they went.

A few of the hollows managed to understand that what the man in the air was doing was actually something to consider a threat, but not many, and by the time they realized what was going to happen, it was far too late. By that point all they could manage to do was start to dodge, but that was it, start. Most couldn't make it more than an inch away from where they started before the attack hit, and they burst into flames, screaming.

While the last of the hollow things were screaming, the lights made its way to the end of the room, revealing a large, mess of machinery that appeared to belong in an HR Giger work. The main point of the machine was a circular metallic bulbous piece, suspended a few yards off the ground, with steel wires surrounding it. Lights flickered from the various buttons and screens on the mammoth machine's front. Beneath it were several glass tubes, filled with smoke.

As they watched, one of the glass doors slit open, and three brown, eggish objects fell out, onto a pile of empty husks. While they continued watching, several familiar purple, bony hands reached out of the pile and began pulling themselves up out of the mound.

"Damn thing is on the fritz" again, Nemuri sighed.
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