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Boops for all
@Sazama Well before I actually pop in gotta be clear about what I'm allowed to do. My go to power is actually a transformation, normally permanent. Boosts defense, reflexes, and strength. I can pm a picture of what he turns into if you wish it.
It sounds interesting...just need to make sure the ability I have in mind is allowed o.o
Asura was more annoyed than anything at the pace he was going at. If his spirit, or whatever he currently was, had muscles they'd all be bulging with strain. When he took note that goblins were coming his annoyance grew further, damn bastards didn't know when to fucking quit. Then he noticed another thing...Mother Slime was missing. He had last seen her where they had plowed over that goblin.

His annoyance got a sense of urgency and he moved, wiggled, shifted, whatever which way he could to get to his body to get moving. His annoyance and urgency was turning into anger due to the pace. Moungingstar could only hold off that many goblins for so long. He was not going to die mid-evolution damn it!
INTERACTIONS: @Zoey White @JazzyJuniper
TIME OF DAY: Evening
HEALTH: Minor cuts on hands, gash below eye going to his jaw.

Drachen hadn't gotten very far before he heard female voices off to the side away from the flames. He could see the dark shapes of a pair of people and the soft, but higher pitched, voices made them to be women. One actually called out for some assistance, and since he was feeling fine, he started lumbering towards the pair. Those long legs made short work of the distance, but he wasn't moving too fast so the girls didn't spook. People seemed to run, or try to, when he moved too fast.

As he approached he took stock of the girls situation. One clearly had a leg injury, the clothes would have to go to get a better look. The other was bleeding from the head, which seemed to be a worse injury. "Hmmn...do not sleep..." He rumbled to Veronica. His voice was almost painful to listen to given how deep it was. Looking to the other girl he held a great hand out, silently telling her to take it so he could help. It was obvious to both that he was more than capable of taking on her weight, and given his size he'd be more likely just to carry her.
Kaze listened as Cassius spoke, namely giving the group a game plan for proceedings. He was already partially down the stairs to give the others room. When he mentioned booby-traps and gas leaks the giant waved his hand. "I don't think the X are quite smart enough just yet to set traps. I can smell a leak long before we reach its source though." He said while keeping his monstrous shotgun aimed unwaveringly down the stairwell.

The behemoth raised an eyebrow when Cassius said if nothing was there he could take point. Wouldn't it make more sense to have him lead if something was there? "I haven't lived this long by taking unnecessary risks..." He replied before swapping out his weapons. The shotgun rested between his shoulder blades and the massive pistol at his hip was drawn. A series of clicks and its tip was glowing slightly with electricity. His thumb hit the middle button for a Focused beam.

"Let me know when we're ready to get moving." He stated before turning his attention back into the dark. His glowing body could only light up so much after all.
Asura felt himself turning into a gelatinous egg when he decided to evolve into the Amorphous Slime. It felt...strange. What was even more strange was that he left the egg...spiritually? He rose up a bit of a ways before he was stopped by something. He could look about the cave, have a vague feeling of things beyond it, and that Jason seemed to be doing something dumb. Messing with a red colored orb didn't sound like a good idea really.

Then everything got tinted red as if an alarm were going off. Which there was considering the system message that garbled its way onto his mental screen. Soon the Demon King took over as well which made his eyebrow go up. Solid choices and playing to their strengths? He had simply picked what sounded sensible for the direction he wanted to go in. But while the Demon King talked Asura took note of Crispy coming down the tunnel. I should have hidden first...dumbass. He thought.

He was stuck by some invisible force which wasn't good. So he started to struggle to get back down to his body so he could get the hell out of Crispy's way instead of being a sitting duck. Even with Mother Slime and Mourningstar there he wanted to be able to move damn it. He was pushing all of his will into moving himself in whatever direction he needed to to get his ass moving once more.
Seems interesting enough
We still alive here?
Kaze listened to Zen about the X's defensive capabilities. "Hod do they react to acid? Unless it's glass I've yet to see anything stand up to acid except mucus but only for so long." He questioned as they moved down the hallway and into a rather dark stairwell. Zen lit up the place with some lights but they were the typical beam straight ahead types. Thinking for a moment Kaze inhaled and seemed to hold his breath.

His chest, once a deep royal purple started to glow this sickly green color. Much like a glowstick except like a million times stronger. The green glow lit the hallway up twenty feet up and down before it started to grow weaker. "How should we proceed? I personally would prefer point considering I have shields and have the heaviest armament for close quarters." He questioned, his multiple tones slightly strained from making himself glow. He'd eventually tucker out but he could regain energy with food, not the elusive electric socket.
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