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5 yrs ago
Current "Soon you will have forgotten all things. And soon all things will have forgotten you."
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courtesy of @Muttonhawk

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@BBeast I'm going to be on for the next few hours, if you happen to login and are feeling inspired, come onto the google doc and we can can make some headway on the post
Captain of the Guard Shagal Ikondu's Report Regarding the Decree of the Majestic King (may he reign a hundred-hundred lifetimes) on Uhulmikown the Warlock

Troops moved in after sunset. The compound was encircled and all its inhabitants ordered to come out in peace. No one emerged. Troops were ordered to seize the compound and pacify all occupants. The warlock was not found. Only women and children were present. They ransomed themselves with one pound of silver. We have deemed it necessary that their release be postponed until such a time that orders from above descend regarding their ultimate fate. One man, a son-in-law of the warlock, was also seized. He was thrown into the the scorpion pit when the sun was highest in the sky. The search for the warlock and his associates continues. The city has been locked down.
And I am Helvana, daughter of Vestec and
the mother of


Those poor Iulyas, they quite clearly worshipped the Witch-Priestess >->

While reading that I suddenly had a vision of what Belru's reaction to all this warring and suffering at her doorstep may be...

Basically, I finished exams and hit the post-exam blues :C I'm still here though don't worry. Still have plenty of ideas to get down into posts, plenty of dragging BBeast through collab hell (sorry T-T), and plenty of posts to read
from The Tablets of 'Amkula Bujunda

The Tablet that Shall Be Forgotten

This is the tablet of which shall be said when the question is asked: "Where didst thou hear that?" and shall the response be, "It is written on the Tablet that Shall Be Forgotten." This is the record of which shall be asked: "Is this the truth?" and shall the answer come: "The Truth is from He who has experienced all things, so let him who will believe in it do so and let those who will disbelieve do so - for He is all aware and watches."

Of the Miracle at the Home of the Most Beneficent, who is Uhulmikown, let this be known: it was a night of divine fury and rage, and the hand of He, who is Eokihilitchin, was seen to reach even through the Darkness Beyond Sight. And even the claw of Giwabi, who is called the First GodKing, was struck low. He, who is King-in-Truth, protects his glorifiers. He, who is Eokihilitchin, watches and prepares. ...
Guys, do you remember when I submitted one of the Rukbany posts for a writing competition?
Well, they got back to me, and guess what!

Wasn't even shortlisted by the buggers. They clearly have no taste >.>
@Scarifar yeah, I'd say reading the summaries is a good place to start. The last few OOC pages have also seen a few good summaries of some stuff geared towards Kaben, but are also generally good summaries. See also the the IC's Zeroth post (here) for a list of recent events.

The Diviwiki has the general summary, but it's significantly behind.
In Godspeed! 6 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@Double Capybara not at all, I'm the slowest post reader in existence ^^' no need to apologise

As for the Warface, and Blood-heads and their warmasks when pops are high enough that they start spawning, I've no plans at all. Feel free to do as you please with the Un/Sullied and all that Seihdhara has left behind :)
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