Avatar of King Cosmos


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I'm interested in the premise but am also a little apprehensive of the fandom aspect of it. I've played a little bit of Titanfall 2 (it unfortunately does not run very well on my PC) but know hardly anything of the setting or the tech and that is a bit of a barrier to me joining.

So they are the archetypal shounen protagonist essentially. Fair enough, I can get behind that, though will power or spirit might be a better word for it than bravery.

Well I'd definitely be up for being a part of this and would like to call dibs on Defense if that is ok.

This sounds like something I would be interested in. This premise sounds closer to Digimon than anything with the virtual setting and the single partner for each character while the structure seems like a JRPG with the quest to defeat six bosses; maybe a JRPG is what the game appears to be from the outside?

I like the idea of each creature fitting a certain theme, but I would question why bravery is included in that list. With the other five themes you have almost matched the classic DnD character stats of strength, intelligence, agility (dexterity), defense (constitution) and charisma, but you have bravery instead of wisdom. If the similarity to RPG stats wasn't your intention then I'd still say that bravely seems oddly out of place alongside the others.
Hello everyone, I look forward to working with you.

I have been a member of various roleplay sites on and off for probably about 12 years at this point. It was something I got into because a forum I was a member of at the time had a small roleplay section which I was eventually sucked into and it's been a hobby ever since.

I generally prefer smaller or one-to-one roleplays since group projects seem more prone to falling apart (more chance of someone dropping out I guess). I usually write fantasy, whether that be high, low, modern, dark or whatever else, though I'll also write sci-fi or horror; I'm always up for trying something new though, I'm pretty happy to step outside of my comfort zone from time to time.

Aside from writing/roleplay my hobbies are pretty much just video games, movies and anime. I also play tabletop rpg's like DnD and Pathfinder but haven't had the chance to do that much recently.
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