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Location: Away from the Carnival

Interactions:With each other || A Collaboration between @metanoia & @King Kindred



Something should have told Kyle that this was wrong. Hell, he should’ve known that as soon as he had kept sneaking glances at Ali. Why was it the person he found himself most attracted to seemed to be the most dangerous for him?

Truth be told, even if she wasn’t the younger sister of one of his closest friends, seeing her getting way too personal with a speeding volleyball wouldn’t have changed anything. At his core, Kyle is a good person and he would have rushed to anyone’s side. It didn’t matter on their gender or what their relation to his friends were. At the end of it, he would make sure if he could do anything to help.

"I think I am now, thanks--”

With a sigh of relief, Kyle was going to make the transition to find his boys, but just as he was about to turn, he felt a particular tug on his arm. It wasn’t much, but just the fact that her hand was touching his, Kyle froze almost instantaneously and he begrudgingly turned his head back around to see Ali’s brown eyes pleading-face emoji his heart to shreds. 

“But uh... hey, can we go somewhere and talk?”

He stuttered for a few seconds and then said… “I should really go. I think Soy and the otters are waiting--”

And there were those brown eyes that made it nearly impossible for him to say no. Even after she had made it clear as she was cute -- stop that! -- Kyle went along with it.

He stared back longingly at the fun that everyone was having and part of him was jealous, but God, Kyle was weak. Cute girls were his kryptonite and right now, Ali Bishop might as well be the Lex Luthor in this equation. Only she wasn’t a bald middle-aged man and had his full, undivided attention. And she was way cuter than Lex ever was. Like unreasonably cuter.

Before they ventured away to a somewhat isolated part of the lacrosse field, Kyle looked at her. “Hey, uh...lemme hold your bag for you. I mean..you know, after what just happened, the extra weight can’t be good for you right now, right?” He laughed nervously and scratched the back of his head.

To say that Ali was a mixed bag of emotions was a severe understatement. She was alone with a boy and not just any boy. The boy she had been crushing on for as long as she laid eyes on him and despite how nervous and happy that made her she was sad too. Because part of her felt like he really didn’t feel the same way about her that she felt about him. She practically had to force him with her infamous puppy dog pout.

But when Kyle asked to carry her bag a glimmer of hope surfaced inside her heart. She didn’t think she had a concussion or anything like that, but it was nice of him to consider the possibility. “Uh, right.” She responded nervously before removing the strap of her bag from her arm and handing it to him. Once it was safely in his hands she paced in her mind wondering what exactly was she going to say to him before her mouth opened before her mind could complete the thought process and she blurted out the most forward thing she didn’t think of. “Why don’t you like me?”

She covered her mouth just as quickly as she said it. She couldn’t believe she just said that. She wanted to bury herself right there on school grounds, die, become a lonely ghost and haunt the school wandering the halls searching for her heart and the common sense that should’ve stopped her.

Immediately, Kyle’s entire body froze mid-step, a rather sharp what!? leaving his lips as looked at Ali, who had her hands over her mouth. And by mid-step, he was literally frozen: his legs were in front of each other with the left in front and the right in back, it was stepping off of his back one so the toes were on the ground. “What do you mean?” He found himself asking her. Paralysis persisted and Kyle searched Ali’s face for an answer. He had something of an idea of what she meant and speaking truthfully would be a terrible thing for his own health, so play the safe card.

Well, as safe as he could be in a situation where he was alone with Cass’ younger sister. 

“Of course, I like you,” he said as he turned around. He smiled at her in the way he always did when it came to her...when he was around Cass. A few seconds later, he realized he needed to clarify. “--I mean, you’re one of my best friend’s sister. How could I not like you? I mean, you’re a rad chick, Ali.” Yeah, that’s much better. Totally.

Ali truly couldn't believe her ears and didn't want to. Kyle's words hit her like multiple arrows to the heart. She was a "rad chick" and only saw her as an extension of her brother. She thought this year would be different and that she'd start making her own mark but the one guy she liked only saw her as Cassian's sister.

Ali slowly dropped her hands from her mouth and had a rather stern look on her face to hide her inner wounds. "That's not what I meant. Every time I look at you or try to get your attention it feels like you're purposely avoiding me and I don't know what I did wrong. To make matters worse I like you. Like really like you. So it's confusing and it hurts."

She couldn't believe she just said all of that out loud, but at this point she really didn't care. Today was already so terrible that admitting to Kyle that she liked him couldn't make it any worse. She wasn't going to let the rest of the year go by without expressing how she felt.

Hearing what she said was difficult for Kyle to process. Not because it was shocking...okay, yeah it was a bit of that, but mostly Kyle was having trouble giving her an apt response because, on some level, he was afraid of saying anything. Truth of the matter was that she nailed it right on the head. He was avoiding her and he felt guilty because she didn’t do anything wrong. Lord knew that, if anything, he was in the wrong for having whatever feelings he was experiencing for her. He knew Cass would beat him up or make him eat spicier food than usual. Honestly, he didn’t know which was worse.

“Ali…” He opened his mouth and then closed it. How could he quell her mind, or in this case heart, without crossing any lines. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to cause you pain. And..” Don’t say it man. Don’t.. “Cass would kill me. I..can’t..”

"Cassie literally can't kill you. It's illegal." Ali retorted. She sighed trying to figure out what to say next. Her emotions had carried her this far but she still couldn't overcome the obstacle that seemed to be her brother. "I know you and my brother are really close but so am I and your sister. But that still doesn't change how I feel. If you tell me you don't feel the same way I'll leave it alone and we'll just be friends because I know you wouldn't lie to me."

It was a bold move but Ali had bet her all on this. She hoped he felt the same way about her and she hoped he wouldn't lie to her, at least not to her face. That wasn't the guy she fell for. She knew it wasn't. So he either liked her or he didn't. She'd find out now.

Damn it.

Sometimes Kyle hated being that good person that his parents raised him to be. It wasn’t always like this because, usually, he never found himself in a situation where that made him feel so guilty. Ali was right that he wouldn't lie to her. He was always honest with her. 

At least until now. And it was killing him. He didn't lie often and the guilt of knowing he had a chance to tell Ali the truth and wouldn't might as well be a worse hypothetical than the not-so-hypothetical scenario where Cass would do his worst to him

After several moments of remaining silent, Kyle looked at Ali with a tense gaze. "Fine…" Kyle said, biting his lip in a rare fashion. "You didn't do anything wrong, Ali. The person who is in the wrong is me. I am betraying Cass because his sister is one of the raddest chicks I've ever met. She's smart -- way smarter than I could dream of being. She's sweet and totally bitchin in the way that's endearing. And today, during homeroom, it took everything in me to not stare at how hot she looks in her outfit today." Kyle felt his internal body temperature go way up and his heart was trying to experience the outside life for the first time. 

If Ali had still been holding her bag she would've dropped it. Her cheeks flushed bright red in response to his words. She couldn't believe that THE Skylar "Kyle" Vass found her hot! She pinched herself to make sure this wasn't all just some dream she had while she was still laying unconscious from her volleyball accident. Ouch. Okay, not dreaming.

"You… you really mean all of that?" She stuttered. It was admittedly a dumb question. Of course he meant it. He just said it. Don't give him a reason to take it all back.

There was a long moment of silence, all of which was spent by Kyle looking at Ali. He smiled at her and he wanted to do something that wouldn’t be crossing any lines, but maybe they were past that as it was. “Fuck it..” He muttered to himself and he took her hand. God, he knew this was a mistake, but as he looked down at her (due to their obvious height difference), Kyle brushed his hair out of his face with his free hand (the same one that had her bag over his shoulder). As he stroked her hand, he felt every part of his body react in a way that built internal tension. 

“I meant every word.” His voice was a little shaky but he stood firm. He didn’t know what else to say, though. He had a long list of things he could, but none of them made it out. All he could do was gaze into her eyes and resist the urge to kiss her right here and now.

The long silence after her question was a bit unnerving, but she and her nerves were placated by Kyle's smile and the touch of his hand. Ali’s heart started beating rapidly in her chest causing her body to heat up around it. She could get lost in his eyes forever if she could but at this moment she didn't need to. She could tell what they both wanted was something else and Kyle may have been too much of a gentleman to steal what he wanted so it was her job to do it instead.

With her free hand Ali reached for and tugged on the collar of his shirt. She then stood up on her tippy toes and brought her lips up to connect with his. In that moment she had forgotten all that had happened today, including the volleyball that her forehead surely remembered. All that mattered was this one kiss. Their first kiss.

And it was...totally rad! Everything in Kyle's body came alive. No amount of a surfing-induced adrenaline rush nor a hot wing eating contest with the boys sent Kyle to the moon and back as it did when he felt her lips on his. It was dangerous and one wrong move could wipe him out, but something about this felt absolutely right. Like French fries dipped in a vanilla milkshake. Like pineapple on pizza.

As Kyle wrapped his arms around her and lifted her up with relative ease, the kiss broke but the euphoric and electric energy it created didn't. He smiled wide at her, his heart beating and wanting to see their faces for itself. "Ali, that was...incredible!" He had no other word but that and he half spun her around and lightly pressed her  back against a wall of a building nearby, slowly letting her back on her feet.

Ali found herself giggling with glee when Kyle lifted her up and broke their kiss. She felt almost weightless in his arms and truly couldn't find herself being happier than she was in this very moment. When he put her back down against the wall she gave a confirming nod before moving strands of her hair from out in front of her face. "It was the raddest. Now come here." She said before pulling him closer once again for another passionate embrace of their lips.

Dorian Underwood

Location(s): The Big House - Camp Half Blood; New York

Interacting With: Everyone in the Big House; Pierre @MarshiestMallow

I swear I was kidding.

Just as Dorian jokingly asked if there were anymore surprise claimings and Mr. D shooed them out of the door he heard the loud sound of thunder. He knew it wasn't Zeru since he was off getting ready for Erin's quest and unless Levina somehow found out she was replaced on the quest it wasn't her. As everyone crowded over to the door and noticed the screaming blonde with a bolt of lightning over her head Dorian just wanted to get through and get back to his cabin so he could finish packing. But he knew that with his frail frame against these warrior demichildren he stood no chance of forcing his way through. So he did the only thing he could do. He used the shadows.

Dorian attached himself to the shadow of one of the many quest-goers in front of him. Someone would likely feel a slight chill down their spine as if the grim reaper had attached himself to them. It would only be temporary as he would move on just as quickly. If anyone looked down they'd see a moving shadow scurrying across the camp ground. It stopped in front of Ryley for a moment and wait was that a huntress? The inquisitive shadow was curious about what was going on with camp today, but instead of stopping it decided to continue on its way taking a turn and heading towards the cabins.

Dorian's shadow made its way to the cabins and was closing in on the Thanatos Cabin fast when it screeched to a stop and pulled a quick reverse before stopping once again in the Morpheus Cabin. Dorian had remembered at the very last second that Pierre was supposed to be going with his quest group to Atlanta. The pale and slim young man rose from the ground like a shadow vampire and walked to the door giving it a good knock. Of course a vampire has to be let in.

"Yo Pierre, you wanna come out here?"

Cyrus Ray Starr

۵ ۞ ۵

Location: Edge of the Forest; Camp Half-Blood - Long Island Sound; New York.
Interacting With: Octavia Ramírez-Arellano @Vicier

Cyrus could tell that Octavia wasn't entirely convinced of his suggestions, but he hoped the two siblings would be able to find some common ground. He had seen what it was like for demigods to continue to bottle up their feelings. It either led to them hurting the ones they cared about or getting themselves killed out on a quest because they couldn't stay out of their own heads. Though the likelihood of that happening for a child of Ares was slimmer as their anger tended to fuel them in battle, but it was still rather costly. He wished he could personally do more for her and Talon and maybe he could. Maybe the how to the equation will come to him later.

His thoughts left him the moment Octavia placed her head on his shoulder. He was meant to calm her, but her touch had a way of doing that for him. He was a guy that was always racing off into danger or to help someone in need, but whenever she touched him everything about him became as still as an undisturbed lake. Cyrus wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her just slightly closer to him before resting his own head on hers and listening to what she had to say about the events of the morning at camp. The gods were yet again blaming a demigod for one of their stolen possessions and one who wouldn't or couldn't have stolen it in the first place. The last time something like this happened the King of the Titans was behind it, but Cyrus doubted Aphrodite's dove would give a Titan the power they need to fight the gods unless that wasn't the point at all. Like Octavia said the death of Erin would cause a war and the Underworld would be joining the demigods against Olympus and a war like that would have mass casualties on both sides. Was that this thief's endgame? The death of the gods and their children?

He lingered on the thought for a bit until Octavia lifted her head from his shoulder and brought up her ex who had just so happened to be here in Camp. That calm stillness inside him? Gone. And he didn't understand why the thought of Octavia possibly getting back with her ex made him uncomfortable with a tightness in his stomach. He couldn't have been jealous. He and Tati had a fun thing going and he and Octavia were just friends... Right?

Cyrus leaned upwards and back against the tree to take everything in, including her expression as she gazed into his eyes. "Wow... I really did miss a lot this morning. I'm confident Erin will be fine. She's stronger than even she gives herself credit for. I haven't smelt Thunder Breath for a while so I'm guessing he went with her. If we're taking bets I'm calling they'll finish in five. But as for Aurelius... But it's been what, three years? He didn't tell you he was coming?" He wanted to ask if she still had feelings for him, but he had to remind himself that it really wasn't his business.

Location: Delbrook Festival
Interactions: Brother, My Knight in Shining Swim Trunks @metanoia

Alessandra's first day of Junior Year was... off to a pretty rocky start to say the least. Up until the morning announcements she expected her first day to be perfect. Not only was she in homeroom with Cassie and Natasha but she was actually sitting behind KYLE! She definitely had to show Miss Goldman how thankful she was come teacher appreciation day. She had a secret crush on the older surfer. She first met him through his sister Malu when he picked her up from Houghton Skate Park. The moment that her eyes locked with his was the moment she knew that she found her future husband. Unfortunately he didn't seem to know that yet. She could almost swear he was avoiding her sometimes and Cassian didn't help things when he joined the Lacrosse team and "The Boys". Initially he didn't even want to bring her around them and at first she had no intention or desire to do so. She assumed, wrongfully of course, that they were just another boys club like their predecessors before them. But her opinion of them changed when she saw how happy they made Cassian. It was the happiest he had been since their father passed and she was glad he had guys he could go to that cared about and looked out for him. And once she met them and saw that Kyle was a member they were more than okay in her book and she would often make up excuses to join Cassie in their adventures.

But when the morning announcements came and she had to stand for the pledge her mood shifted and she could no longer focus on the hunk of a man in front of her and his perfect hair that she wanted to sme---. Okay she could think about him a little. Ali was very capable of multitasking. During the assembly and once her brother had entered a state of temporary unconsciousness she vented her frustrations to Natasha about the pledge and Cassian getting her to stand when Miss Goldman ultimately made no fuss about it. But once they were finally out onto the field for the festival she decided to get her mind off of it. She felt a little better once she smacked Cassie awake and there was no way she was going to let an oppressive government and an idiot brother ruin her time at a festival. Plus an hour of venting was enough time to get over thirty seconds to a minute of standing.

Alessandra made her way through the festival towards the botany club, but that was when she spotted something more important than the school's greenhouse in the corner of her eye. It was her time to turn this morning around. “Kyle!” She was able to catch attention, but it seemed he couldn't tell where her voice was coming from so she tried again.

“Kyle! Over here!” Ali accompanied her words this time with an excited wave of her hand so that there was no possible way he couldn't tell who was calling out to him and for a moment she could've sworn he looked at her and kept walking away. She frowned at this and as she was pulling her hand down in slight embarrassment she was struck in the face by a white spherical object. Alessandra fell to the ground with a thud that almost matched the sound her face made. She forced herself not to cry refusing to make her day or herself feel worse than she already did. She looked up to see what her eyes believed was Kyle Voss running towards her in slow motion in lifeguard shorts which was weird because a beach was the one thing they didn't have at this school.

“Hey, uh, you alright there, Ali?”

She shook her head when she heard his voice causing reality to fix itself and she saw that Kyle was clothed and moving in normal speed. She almost forgot that he had spoke to her. Just when she was about to respond she felt a buzz from her pocket. She reached into her pocket to take out her phone and check the message. It was from her brother. Wow, perfect timing.

"I think I am now, thanks. But uh... hey, can we go somewhere and talk? Away from the Botany Booth and the Boys?"

Location: Freedom Festival; Botany Booth
Interactions: Club members, Sister, Natasha Knight

Cassian made his way to the Botany Booth and was confused when his sister wasn't there. Did he get there before her or did she get there and decide to leave? He decided to ask one of the senior members who said that they hadn't seen his sister since the assembly. He sighed in annoyance in having had to walk here to supposedly fix things between him and Sandra but she was nowhere to be found. Was she that upset with him that she'd shirk off her responsibilities? No, that wasn't like her at all. Responsibility was almost her middle name.

He decided to text her hoping that he would get some kind of answer, but when she didn't respond he decided to give up and send a text to Nat.

Location(s): Freedom Festival; Robotics Booth
Interactions: Cassian Bishop and Natasha Knight

Cassian could feel that Natasha's enrgy was off ever since they parted ways with his sister. Though if he were being honest her energy was kind of off since homeroom. Things were fine with her this morning and the night before so what happened between then and now? It couldn't have been that they had Goldman for homeroom. If he recalled correctly she loved her class when she took it her Freshman year. He eyed her curiously and cautiously not sure what to say to figure out what was going on with her.

Natasha felt Cassian's eyes on her and sighed before making things easier for him by speaking first. "I can feel you staring, Cass. What?" She spit the last word out with a bit of unexpected venom. She hadn't realized she was this upset and it was the first time her bitch face was active instead of resting.

Cassian winced and recoiled at her verbal assault. He was right and it seemed that her bad energy was directed towards him. "I can feel the intensity of your vibe all the way over here. You good, man?"

Natasha quickly stopped in her tracks and turned around whipping her hair forward in the process. She pushed the strands from in front of her face and gave Cassian a complete look of disapproval. "I'm not good. Why did you tell your sister to stand back in homeroom?"

He was taken aback by the question. That was what all this anger was for? Because he didn't let his sister sit down during the pledge? And if it was an issue then... He decided not to finish the thought and instead responded to her question with another question to express his obvious confusion. "That's what you're mad about? I thought you didn't even care about that stuff."

She rolled her eyes in response. "I don't. Not really, but your sister does. She cares about it all. How do you think she felt standing while Monse sat down?"

Cass reflectively shoved and immediately realized it was the wrong gesture, but wasn't one he could take back now. "I don't know. I didn't think it was that big of deal. She didn't fight me on it."

"It's a big deal to her and you know she listens to you and hates feeling like she lets you down. Why do you think she smacked you awake after the assembly?"

Cassian rubbed his cheek where his sister had slapped him awake. He did feel like there was a lot more force in her hand than usual. Was she really upset with him too? "She was just fine a second ago. Are you sure you're not projecting right now?"

It took everything in Natasha Knight not to smack some sense into her best friend's dumbass stupid looking head, but her self control and common sense saved both him and her from letting her frustration of getting the best of her. Instead she clenched her fist and counted silently in her head until she no longer wished to kill him for the stupidity that came out of his mouth. She released her fist and her words followed soon after. "I can't believe you just said that and because you can't possibly be thinking I'm going to blame it on your current decline of brain cells and that you're still barely awake. Do some critical thinking for once, Cass. Ali is one of two, maybe three juniors in a senior homeroom. This is her time to make a name for herself as she's going to be taking things over at Delbrook for us. Instead you held her back and now once she sits down tomorrow all it'll be is an echo of Monse sitting today."

Cassian blinked for a few seconds taking sometime to completely register his own stupidity. In his mind he had just been looking out for his sister and didn't want her to get in trouble, but all he did was hold her back and stop her from being herself. All he and his mom ever preached to her was for her to be herself no mattter what and let no one or anything stand in her way. She took that literally, but it seemed she held an exception when it came to her brother. He was disappointed in himself. Both for holding her back and for not seeing what was so painfully obvious. "I'm---"

"Going to fix this?" Natasha said finishing his sentence for him. "You better. Don't come back until you do. Your sister is too precious for her light to be dimmed." Before he could say anything else to make her upset she turned away from him and continued on to the robotics booth leaving him standing there with a task of his own.

Zeru Troy Williams

۵ ۞ ۵

Location: Hades Cabin; Camp Half-Blood - Long Island Sound; New York.
Interacting With: Aquila, Erin & Pals, Door to Hell @Vicier

Zeru made a slight gulp once Erin completely formed the door in front of them. He didn't know why, but he wasn't expecting an actual door into darkness. He figured she'd swallow them all up or force them into their own shadows or something. Both thoughts seemed equally terrifying, but this? This was just like stepping into the unknown. But Zeru wasn't the type of man to shy away from things that scared him, especially since it was rare for him to feel that emotion. When you've been running from and chasing monsters for as long as he has not much could actually frighten you. But he always felt uneasy around shadows and closed spaces. It was an unfortunate side effect of being his father's son, but compared to the benefits it wasn't really much of an issue.

He initially planned to head in first just so he could get it over with, but Tyler seemed to beat him to the punch. Once he was through he turned to see Ezra comforting Erin. Why wasn't he going on the quest again? It would be nice if they could just scare the thief into handing over the Dove and they were already down one member of the team. He decided not to voice his opinion on the matter. He was sure if they, or more specifically Erin, needed Ezra he'd find a way to Italy. The guy could teleport after all. Zeru decided it was his time to clear the room and tucked Aquila into his chest. If he didn't want to walk through the door there was no way he was going to let his girl face the full brunt of darkness.

"Here goes nothing." Was all that was said before Zeru charged forward into the unknown ready to face what was on the other side.

Alina Leora Kim

۵ ۞ ۵

Location: Iris Cabin; Camp Half-Blood - Long Island Sound; New York.
Interacting With: Jamie Walker@MarshiestMallow

Alina listened to Mr. D's announcing of the names over the intercom. She didn't recognize his "you're all in trouble" tone, but it surprised her how busy today seemed to be. Erin's huge quest and now two large groups were possibly about to head out as well. She could tell that this was going to be an interesting summer. She couldn't wait to see what she'd end up painting by the end of it. Jamie's question redrew her attention and she turned back to her before giving a slight nod and another sip of her coffee.

"I'll go check my network and I'll get back to you. Let me go get dressed first. It's about time I officially start my day."

Location(s): Long Beach Loft, Goldman Homeroom, Torture Assembly, Freedom Festival
Interactions: Cassian Bishop, Alessandra Bishop, Natasha Knight

... "Cassie!!!"... "Wake up!! We're gonna be late! I told you to set an alarm!" The sound of an annoying sister down in the kitchen could be heard all the way from Cassian's room. He was having a wonderful dream where he was taking on a villain, he thought solo, until his sister appeared at his side and yelled for him to wake up. He sighed with annoyance while slowly peeling his eyes open. The room was still dark except for a faint glow of a lava lamp in the corner. Cassian wrestled himself out of bed and made his way across the floor over to the light switch. He prepared his eyes for the incoming light and flipped the switch upwards. Light was fully restored to the room once more and Cassian turned around to look for the clothes that he had put out the night before. He knew he wanted to get as much sleep as he could before the final year of High School ruined that for him.

After putting on his clothes he finished his normal morning routine and headed downstairs immediately confronted by the smell of bacon and a lot of other smells, but that one stuck out the most for him. He almost glided over the remaining steps before turning towards the kitchen to see Alessandra sitting at the table and Natasha finishing setting it up. "Now I know why I decided it was a great idea for you two to stay the night."

Alessandra raised her eyebrow in response. "You decided? It was my idea. I knew you were going to be late, mom hates when I'm at the house alone, Nat's a way better cook than you, carpoo----"

"Okay, I got it." Cassian surrendered. "Don't forget you also wanted to smoke." He sat down at the table and started reaching for the assorted breakfast laid out before them.

"Speaking of... Here you go." Natasha reached over Cassian's shoulder and placed down a Russian Cream Backwood and a rather perfectly rolled bat of a joint next to it.

Cassian's eyes lit up at the sight and turned his head to look at the benefactor for today's morning session. "You know me so well. You're the best, Nat. But, sit. Help us scarf this down so we can get out of here."

The trio finished breakfast and after stopping Alessandra from sneaking Alvin out of the loft they hotboxed Cass's car all the way to school. They managed to make it on time keeping Alessandra's perfect attendance in tact and they were all surprised to find out they'd be in the same homeroom this year. Cass was indifferent about it, but Ali was excited to be able to spend her brother's last year of high school with them. When they reached room 915 they greeted Miss Goldman each as they entered. "Yo, Miss G." "Good morning Ms. Goldman." "Buenos días, Sra. Goldman."

Homeroom breezed by quickly and although Alessandra wanted to sit during the pledge Cassian urged her to stand up, at least for today. There would be time for social activism later. When it came time for the assembly it pained Cassian to be in that auditorium. So much so that he forced himself to continue his previously interrupted sleep right there on his sister and best friend's laps. Alessandra did the honors of smacking him awake when it was time for them to move onto the field. Finally, they were free.

"Sandra, since you'll be taking things over next year why don't you go handle things over at the Botany booth? I'm going to go chill at the Robotics booth for a bit and maybe hang out with the team."

"Fine, but you owe me. I wanted to sneak away and have fun too." She ran off towards where she knew they had set up the booth leaving the two alone to walk through the festival.


Cassian Michael Bishop



Alessandra Nalani Bishop



Natasha Elora Knight

Character(s) 3 of 3 done and man these profiles are gonna be the death of me. Will be adding the rest to this post.



Cassian Michael Bishop



Alessandra Nalani Bishop



Natasha Elora Knight

Cyrus Ray Starr

۵ ۞ ۵

Location: Edge of the Forest; Camp Half-Blood - Long Island Sound; New York.
Interacting With: Octavia Ramírez-Arellano @Vicier

Cyrus laughed in response to Octavia's cooking joke as he made his way closer to her. When he was about six feet away he continued with his response. "You think so? I think I even got the charred smell just right. And I noticed. I'm surprised the morning games are over already. Where is everyone?" He did see some campers walking around as he flew overhead, but comparatively it felt like a ghost town with the prominent members of camp seemingly missing. He'd ask her about that later. Right now it was clear that something was on her mind and he was soon proven right.

He sat down beside her sitting his back against the tree. He looked up at it slightly feeling the shade of the leaved branches above them. The air was cool and nice and he was really starting to see why she liked it here so much. He turned his head back to her and began to think. Cyrus figured she was talking about Talon. Her other brothers were easier to get along with. He and Talon had some similar issues so he always felt as if the son of Ares was a kindred spirit in a way, but never really tried to pursue a friendship. The guy had built walls that Cyrus knew he couldn't brute strength his way through. "You mean Talon, right? Yeah... That's not gonna be easy. I've known people like Talon, both back in Kansas and from camp. He's stuffed his feelings in a bottle, buried it underground, and built a fort around it. But it's not his fault. I can't pretend to know his past but I know one thing that's common among demigods. Monsters follow us wherever we go, but not every monster a demigod will face is a mythological one. They face the very real monsters of the world that bring nothing but pain, suffering, and tragedy. I recognized the look when he first got here. It was the same as Erin's and many others."

He paused for a moment before letting out a sigh. He hated it sometimes and didn't really understand why things had to be so difficult for a lot of them. They could handle monsters you could fight, but too many demigods had felt the dark forces of the world rise against them when they didn't need to. They had gods for parents and instead of looking out for them they were left to fend for themselves until they could be rescued and brought to Camp Trauma where too many kids were suffering just like you. At times Cyrus felt guilty. No one in the outside world could hurt him even if they wanted to and while at camp he hasn't really done anything to help the others through their pain. He knew it wasn't his job, but what good was there being a hero when you didn't or couldn't help them when it really mattered. The sound of a nearby bird stopped Cyrus from drowning in his own thoughts and he turned back to Octavia to continue with his advice. "But if you want to get through to him you can't force it. He's only going to shut down or push you away. Instead just be there, even if it's in silence. Join him in things that he likes or even bring him here. As you can attest it's a great place for thinking."
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