Avatar of KiwiHalcyon
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    1. KiwiHalcyon 5 yrs ago


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Hey there, welcome to my page! I sort of leave and come back every so often, so if you're seeing this chances are I'm around. I look forward to roleplaying with you.

A bit about me:
- 22 year old College Student w/ a part time job.
- I love video games with a burning passion.
- I've been roleplaying on and off consistently throughout the years, so I'm no stranger to it.

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Sorry, I have a bad habit of thinking of something else to add to my message and editing it in after I post it...
Because I need a job lol, but on a serious note also because that was a large factor from what I remember. Restarting from the beginning when your character dies seems unforgiving, but it also would force people to play smarter and adapt, and it also is a consequence for not being careful. If you just kept your items, then there'd be no real challenge you know, no real threat or risk. It gives you a reason to be orderly and care about your life there.

I WOULD assume that there may be limited storage in our homes, but anything we have in our inventory upon death would be lost and up for grabs.
Do people lose everything their avatar had if their avatar dies like in Ready Player One, and if that's the case, would there be people who you could hire to help regain said stuff?
I feel like if they were siblings, they'd know who the other's avatar would be.
You took my idea lol, I was considering having my character use an avatar of the opposite gender, but I'm not sure at the moment.
I wouldn't mind making a character who's blood-related to someone.

When Indigo first boarded the airship to what he thought was on it’s way straight to Beacon, he was almost shuddering from the anticipation and excitement building up inside him. To him, today was the day that would move forward to the rest of his life, and he was pumped to get there. Who needed to wait, he was taking charge of his future right now, and today, when he’d arrive at beacon, be believed it would be worth the wait. With each passing step he drew closer to his room, a large smirk appearing as he reached for the handle. Today!

What Indigo didn’t realize was that the day he was picked up was not the day he’d arrive at Beacon, a fact he only came to realize as that first day on the airship drifted slowly onward. Any excitement he may have had was slowly drifting away into a never ending boredom that was near impossible to fight in the stuffy room he was stuck in. A majority of that first day was spent vexed as he stared up at the wall above from his bed, despising the lack of free space his room provided, and attempting to figure out ways to entertain himself. A way to keep active in such a confined space, it almost sounded unrealistic. But then it hit him, if he was able to properly sleep on the bed, then that meant there was just enough room to do some simple exercises. If he couldn’t run and since any of his weights were in his luggage somewhere on the ship, then he’d have to stick to some mediocre pushups, situps, and things like planking. The bed would make it hard to stay properly upright as he wouldn’t have a good base to hold himself up, but at least it was something in his eyes.

It turned out to be a great way to pass the time, and when he felt his body feel close to collapsing, he dragged himself into the bathroom for a nice, relaxing shower to ease and sooth his muscles. It was hard to fight the sleep that kept poking at him, and it felt like whatever strength he had left was being used to stay awake for just awhile longer to enjoy the warm cascade of water. He was glad that it was approaching night by the time he was finished, and without hesitation, fell asleep content.

He wasn’t sure of the exact time he woke up, but he felt refreshed and energized, ready to face the new day and tackle… the wait? He wasn’t sure exactly, the entire process was extremely idiotic to him, but if his assumptions were right, maybe they just wanted everyone there at the same time? But if that were the case, why not… He shook his head, he had just woken up and already he was thinking about the weird schedule Beacon had set for picking up students. It wasn’t worth worrying about anyway, and so Indigo lightly slapped his face several times to jolt himself awake, stretching slightly as he started getting ready. By the time he finished, he was in luck, as the announcement played that they would be arriving soon.

Grabbing his weapon, Indigo’s excitement from the day before resurfaced as he rushed to the viewing gallery. The view was simply breathtaking, definitely an improvement over Vacuo! He couldn’t help but grin at the castle in the distance, beginning to stretch a bit more as he stared outside. After all, if he was going to be among the first to get out of this thing and arrive, he’d need to make sure he wasn’t about to pull something!
<Snipped quote by Vongola_Hasayo>

<Snipped quote by Hitman>

Oh god, you have just set Team RSTC on the worst possible course. You have literally picked someone who is going to climb into a high cupboard and peer out of the cupboard door.

All in all, I'm not sure how I feel about Russell being a leader. He's not really the leadership type, it doesn't really fit with his character, and wasn't really the direction I wanted to bring him. He's more the type to get lost and then realise he's lost, get worried, and run around in fear, getting even more lost.

I wouldn't worry too much, think of it like Jaune. He's definitely not the most qualified leader, especially when he first arrived to Beacon. You could use Russell being the leader as a way to gradually grow him. Sure, at the start he may be entirely lost, but maybe he could develop into the role with time?
Please move your lovely stuff to the Character tab kthx.

Partnerships are separated, leaders are highlighted. Teams were chosen by opposite character traits overall in an attempt to make things as interesting as possible. Any questions or concerns are not only accepted by appreciated- this kind of got cobbled together with me and an index card, so it's not necessarily the best, but I think these teams and pairings best promote that good ol' RP drama/growth thing we all love.

@datadogie @KiwiHalcyon @CAS1006 @soph @Vongola_Hasayo @KiltmanBagz @CriticalHit

Cassius and Indigo as partners with Cassius as the leader, didn't see that coming but it definitely adds something interesting to this. It's funny, Cas and I were talking a bit in DMs about their interactions, and if that brief little talk is anything to go off of this is gonna be a wild and fun trip.
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