Avatar of Landaus Five-One


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current The Multiverse is within us all. But the biggest one within me is A Fantasy RP and A Sci-Fi Series classified as "Jaina'Res."
4 yrs ago
I'm still working on a Fantasy RP, it isn't dead. Its just writer's block sucks ass... :(
4 yrs ago
I've been working on a Fantasy styled roleplay. It's still in the development stages since it has no name right now.
1 like
5 yrs ago
What's this? I'm finally updating my status in 10 months. Wonderful. I hope you all enjoy it. As well, profiles are what I enjoy creating.
5 yrs ago
The Sanctuary, VC, NCQuest, Talrae and the ILR all have one thing in common I am in them in terms of the RPs.


I am Landaus Five-One, which likes being called Holy since its A, Easier and B, I've used that distinction much longer than Landaus. I am into roleplays of any variety as long as they are interesting and unique for me to be apart of. There's a list below showing the roleplays I am interested in.
  • Sci-Fi
  • Space Opera
  • Magical
  • Fantasy
  • Modern
  • Post-Apocalyptic Themes
  • Alternate Universe / Alternate Reality
  • Horror
  • Insert any Fandom Here

I can play both genders easily, even though lately I've been playing mostly Female characters. Artificial Intelligence Characters are something of a odd quirk I like doing only because I have like a few characters that are basically massive AI Controlled Starships. Additionally, you can contact me via Discord using Holy R. Enigma#6381 for anything really. My birthdate is June 26, 1987, going to be soon 33 years old. Might as well add that these are the only two things I am going to put on here. Out of everything, I am really enjoying my time on roleplaying guild, just need to start working on the massive revamp of the Jaina'Res Mulitverse/Main Realm and the Fantasy RP I have been starting to work on. It's still in the Development stages in terms of the Fantasy RP I am going to GM.

Hopefully everyone has a good 2020 and beyond, gl and hf. As well, I'm highly interested in Strategy Games, Grand Strategy and MMORPGs aka play FFXIV.

The Roleplays I am apart of: The RP's Creator - Roleplays listed second.
Letter Bee: Iliad City: A Magical RP in an original world resuming & Academy of Noble Arms - The Golden Generation
LetMeDoStuff: Persona the Beholder
The Jest: Lost Innocence RP Reset - This roleplay went through a complete reset. The Pages are children whom gained magical powers from being infused by dust of a crystalline race. Need to still finish the required profiles I've been working on mostly been sidetracked a little. However, Sidetracking is always a pain in the ass. Additionally, The Jest is still working on all details of said roleplay before he launches it.

Roleplays that have an OOC and were rebooted once before:


Interest Checks that Caught my Interest:

Creation of Something New: Getting back into the swing of things...
The Venerdale Legends RP: Retinue of the Ariel Guardians - The Name has finally been chosen, which is the Fantasy RP that is still in development. Got many things to work on, at least its finally named. (Like the Magic System and others)

Most Recent Posts

Melinda L. Holstead

Melinda kept quiet when the Hellhound spoke about going to the fall court. She wanted to live in this new strange land that was pleasing to the eyes. She was holding her fox plushie tightly because it kept her calm. ”This is pretty amazing I can’t wait to see what the Fall court looks exactly like,” Melinda thought to herself, with a smile on her face holding her plushie in her arms. She didn’t really know how long the travel will be.

Along the month journey Melinda had never walked anywhere for too long before but she wasn’t the one to complain about it. She had never seen all these sights before, they were like out of her anime in some cases but slightly different. She had a gentle smile on her face all the way through their journey to the Fall Court. ”This place is wonderful,” Melinda thought to herself, with a smile on her face. She hadn’t really thought to talk to any of the other humans even though some of them are interesting. She had wondered how the woman who said said those mean things are doing.

Melinda enjoyed the journey so far, and had an expression of a slight smile on her face while looking around at the scenery. She did notice the man, who was drawing in midst of what happened a month ago. ”Huh? Sometimes people who are masters of their crafts confuse me and he definitely does right now,” Melinda thought to herself, with a slightly confused expression on her face. She had never seen anyone with a neutral expression before, mostly because of her friends. She could tell he was looking at the same things she was looking at but she didn’t really have the artist touch like he has, since his drawing was beautiful of what she saw of it.
Working on my post now. Kinda spaced it. Because of my sleeping schedule is been erratic again.

I really need to stop having a dumb sleeping schedule. :P
I dislike when I nuke my internal clock from orbit.

Nvm, I have finished it. :P

In the Library of Knowledge, an eerie thing happens to the Spectre, it starts glowing with an dark radiance the opposite of Maria’s Rainbow Aura. It had an eerie familiarity to it felt as if for but a moment time itself stopped, when this dark evil energy started to flow out of the Spectre. ”What is happening…? You are worthless Spectre, you cannot kill one puny Pulsar Dragon with the powers I granted you,” The Spectre said, with two distinct voice patterns one distinctly male and the other female. It was terrified that it was slowly being taken over by its master. ”Master… please forgive my insolence. I can no longer afford your tactics in searching for the knowledge I seek. Maria’s Father will be punished accordingly,” The Spectre said, with a sickening twisted distortion in the female’s voice. The color emitting from it changed from a green to a crimson blood glow from its eyes and image. The male voice had a haunting scream was heard when it was disconnected from its body. It had a floating orb that pulsed a pale green glow surrounding the Spectre’s head.

Maria looked a bit concerned when she recognized the second voice coming from the creepy haunting ghost. She shuddered in fear when it hit her, the Spectre had two sides and now there’s only one side. U-Uh w-why d-do I recognize that voice? Maria asked, towards the Spectre. She heard that this voice knows her father particularly well too and that he’ll be punished. N-No Dont punish my daddy, Maria said, with a bit of anger in her voice. She couldn’t really understand why this voice was back in her life now. Her aura enlarged by another few meters and was even brighter than it was before. She couldn’t really understand why her aura was going out of control but she was exuding fear in terms of what the color of her aura is right now.

The Spectre had an air of confidence over what it had before fear. It had a sickening smile when the brat spoke to it. ”It’s nice you recognize my voice. But you can’t stop me harming your father for what he had done to stop me. You will be seeing how much terrible I can be compared to your hate filled parents,” The Spectre said, with a distortion tone. It flowed through the floor but leaving half its body where it could see Maria’s reaction to what it is doing. It couldn’t wait for the torture it could give to Maria. The orb that was floating around the Spectre’s head was pulsing a slight red tone in terms it was angry of what its master is doing to Maria. ”I love feeling the torment within you Maria,” The Spectre said, with a distortion to its tone.

Maria listened carefully to what the female voice she recognized said and she was terrified to her core of what was going on. Her aura showed what she was afraid of, this voice specifically and it showed the color of fear. N-No I-I dont want to be punished Miss Voice, Maria said, with fear in her eyes. She could feel herself being crushed with what the voice was doing and all she could do is scream in pain. Her aura was flickering as if a light was being turned on and off rapidly or clouds covering the sun. She landed hard on the floor because she lost balance and could no longer stand in her shapeshifted form because of the crushing feeling. She heard a different song but it had a similar tune to the Song of Despair but it was pure and nice. The notes were pulsing with a homey and strange light to them. She was as if she was having a seizure but it was her only way to act. She had a confused look on her face and wondered what is happening. P-Pl-Please S-St-, Maria sobbed, with an ounce of strength to tell the Spectre to stop. She had tears down her eyes as she laid there unconscious and shaking uncontrollably. Her aura was flickering even quicker.

The Spectre saw the enjoyment of the torment it was causing Maria and decided to lift up to the same level as Maria. It looked at its work and enjoyed feeling the torment from her even now as she is laying there unconscious. ”How wonderful. How will Sophia react to this? I hope it’s a good show,” The Spectre said, with a distorted laugh. It had a sickening grin and could sense the song of despair playing in the background. ”You can have your body back Lowly Spectre,” The Spectre said, with a dismissive tone in the female voice. The red blood crimson glow slowly faded and the original green glow came back and it could tell it’s body again. ”Oh shit… I definitely need to be separated from her now before my master kills Maria,” The Spectre said, with a depressing sad tone of voice in it. It had a fearful look in its entire being and couldn’t help to hope that the Goddess of Knowledge could help, his host Maria. ”Maria, will be out of it for awhile,” The Spectre said.

The Capital of Nero, Johnson was lost in the capital, he needed to find the castle but he was in the wrong district. ”Something tells me this is going to be harder than finding my way in Vrondi,” Johnson thought to himself, with a frustrated look on his face. He was near the Library in the Capital. He could tell it wasn’t the right area since it wasn’t a castle. His gut was telling him to ask the nearest Nero Guard for help to the location of the Castle and which direction he needs to go to. He walked up to one of the guards and sighed with a bit of frustration in his eyes, mostly the fact he hates being lost. ”May I ask for directions? I am looking for the Castle, I got an invitation to the Blood Banquet. My name is Johnson R. Stonefield,” Johnson said, with relief to find a guard.

Johnson knew his reputation proceeds him as a bounty hunter but he gets lost easily in a Capital he doesn’t know too well. He had that happen to him when he went to Gaia’s Capital to hunt for a bounty that got away from him, he forget the target’s name but it had a high bounty on its head. ”I dislike having to inconvenience someone with my sense of direction or lack of it in a Capital I have rarely visited,” Johnson thought to himself, with a distinct knowledge of the other capitals he has visited minus, the underwater capital. He takes out his invitation to show to the guard if he needs proof of him being invited to the Blood Banquet.

At the Twilight College, Elise blinked at the response from the tall man in front of her. She did notice he tried to shroud himself with his beautiful wings and her eyes were sparkling in awe. ”W-What d-do y-you m-mean h-he’s n-not a-a k-kitty c-cat?” Elise asked, curiously to the man who had awe inspiring wings. She heard Black Kitty’s response to her and giggled cutely towards the talking black cat. ”Y-You a-are v-very c-cute,” Elise said, looking at the kitty cat. She had cute little eyes looking at the black kitty, she had always wanted a kitty cat.

Elise noticed ahead of them, a dwarf woman covered in soot from working at a blacksmithing forge. She walked forward to greet the woman, even though she stays away from forges in her hometown because they craft swords mostly. ”I-I g-guess, I-I s-should g-greet m-myself,” Elise thought to herself, nervously but she didn’t fall on her face again. She gently smiles towards the woman who’s approaching them. ”H-H-Hello…,” Elise stuttered, nervously because of the fact she’s nervous around new people. She cutely and gently sighs and tried to become calm around new people.

Elise had stopped walking right next to the man with beautiful dragon wings at closer inspection. She only wanted to get closer to the black kitty cat. ”I-I s-so w-want t-to p-pet t-the k-kitty,” Elise thought to herself, while looking at the black cat in awe of his’ adorableness. She was looked up for a bit and had a smile on her face. She waited for the person who approached them to speak since she wanted to introduce herself unless, she’s already known for coming here.
Melinda L. Holstead

Melinda heard what the king had said and felt, she was wrong about what she had interrupted from the king. ”Oh I need to stop jumping to conclusions. My parents told me I have a problem with that,” Melinda thought to herself, while holding her fox plushie. She was in a bit of shock when the King up and vanished. She had a look of how did he do that but she came to realize quickly she’s in a world where magic actually exists. ”That is wonderful I am going to enjoy it here more than my other life. Only because I had to be in the meetings with that CEO Lady. It was boring to say the least,” Melinda thought to herself, holding her plushie a bit tighter. She was grateful that Natalie sent her here instead of dealing with trying to take her revenge against the mafia for her parent’s deaths.

Melinda had a small smile on her face while she looks at her fox plushie. She blinked a bit when she heard a language she had only heard in class, which was Spanish. ”That’s strange I guess there’s a human that speaks fluent Spanish here. Those classes were hard to understand, it went over my head most of the time,” Melinda thought to herself, a bit frustrated in remembering her Spanish class but at least the teacher was nice. She always had fond memories of listening to that teacher speak in Spanish, she was an excellent teacher. Her eyes were staring at her fox plushie and had a smile on her face.

Melinda looked up and wondered when they will be escorted to the Fall King’s territory but she stayed quiet since she wanted to think of fond memories. She looked around and noticed that Yin wasn’t here anymore, probably chasing the ‘hellion.’ ”Sir Fox is fast. He is definitely unique. The fantasy animes I’ve seen only shows female kitsune of beauty and elegance,” Melinda thought to herself, with a delightful smile on her face at the fact she adores foxes, mostly because of all her fox plushies at home. Her grip on her fox plushie was somewhat loosened since she moved its face to hers and hugged it tightly. ”My Plushie Foxy is in awe about Sir Fox,” Melinda thought to herself, while staring at her fox plushie directly in the eye.
I've been off for awhile. Though that's mostly have to do with the constant distractions in RL. I dislike them so, its quite annoying.

But I am working on my next post right now. I guess my off day was yesterday since I couldn't really come up with anything for my post. But now I can. Working on the second paragraph right now as I'm typing this. XP

Enjoying this roleplay a lot, @LadyRunic.

P.S: Fox Plushies are adorable!
@Belle That's adorable.
@LadyRunic Your posts are amazingly wonderful. :P

In the Vrondi Capital, Banquet Hall, Zargoth couldn’t help but smile at all the Descendants talking about him and his daughter. He still didn’t really enjoy these parties but the voice on the songstress did soothe his hurting soul. He had many things on his mind but these distractions made some sense. He moved his left hand to his forehead at some things that the descendants did say about him and his daughter. ”What would my father do? He wasn’t really that forefront with all his thoughts. He seemed more distant during the end of the Dragon War than he has ever been,” Zargoth thought to himself, within his processes of what this meeting means. He sighed and came from his thoughts and looked directly at the King of Vrondi. ”There’s not many people would like council from a dragon especially the one who has the Enforcer’s Blood in his veins,” Zargoth said, with an annoyance of saying ‘Enforcer.’

Yioplya was in a bit of shock when her father outright said the Enforcer’s Blood. She looked at Vrondi with a kind and gentle smile. ”I’m having fun… I can say that much. That songstress has a beautiful voice,” Yioplya said, kindly towards the King. She couldn’t really understand her father’s annoyance at her grandfather Bahamut. ”Dad, why are you annoyed at Bahamut, the Enforcer? My grandfather,” Yioplya said, with a bit of a naive smile on her face.

Zargoth heard more of what the King of Vrondi said and glanced towards his daughter with a slight scowl on his face. He put his hand on his face again and tried to calm down because causing a scene wouldn’t be a good idea. ”You should know very well, why daughter. He could have been more but only stayed as the Right-hand of the Dragon God. The Enforcer… I have no idea what he was enforcing since he never told me anything,” Zargoth said, in a bit of a state of annoyance at the fact of his father’s never wanting to take a leadership role. He returned to look at Vrondi with a bit of a different look on his face. ”Whoever you are having trouble with, should be eliminated because I enjoy peace more than War. As my actions shown in the Dragon War itself, they were only to protect the Rainbow Princess, Maria Z. Tetra-Lira. If I ever failed that task, I will feel as if I failed her and my father, the Great Bahamut, The Grand Enforcer Platinum Dragon,” Zargoth said, with a bit of confidence since he enjoys speeches a bit more than others.

Yioplya was in shock again by her father’s words the first thing he said and the second thing he said directly to Vrondi. She has never seen him this irritated at seeing the surface world in chaos but he has never really showed feelings to that effect. ”Father, why did you say Maria? It’s not like her search for the truth will lead her anywhere dangerous,” Yioplya said, with her guarded because the last Pulsar Dragon is the rarest dragon species. She was hopeful her father wouldn’t go off on her for saying that outloud.

Zargoth narrowed his eyes and turned to look down at his daughter, and was slightly annoyed at what she had said. His mind hit a snag and put his hand on his forehead. ”I hope Sophia, Remembers what we talked about all those years ago. Mostly about the Rainbow Princess…,” Zargoth thought to himself, and his thoughts were protected by barriers. He sighed in relief hoping that will be corrected. ”I bring her up because she’s the reason why I sided with the Descendants in their war against the Dragon God. She would be slightly peeved off if I didn’t help them again. The Kind Dragonlord would be no longer kind if I didn’t keep my end of the bargain up. Therefore, King Vrondi you have my aid,” Zargoth said, while looking at his daughter with a kinder look than he did look at her with. He calmed down a bit and couldn’t help to notice everyone looking directly at him and his daughter.

Yioplya heard her father’s words and they were awe inspiring but his look before what he had reinforced what he meant to the king was true. ”How many times does he always have to have a speech like that? My father has his moments even though he dislikes these events more than anything. It’s how he is mostly,” Yioplya thought to herself, with a smile on her face. She was a bit nervous though because she could feel the eyes on her from all the other descendants and her father’s reinforcement of his actions are quite conflicting. ”Somethings never change with you, Father,” Yioplya said, with a gentle smile on her face. She enjoys teasing her father because she knows he’s too gentle with her most of the time and never truly punishes her.


In the Library of Knowledge, Maria’s aura was going out of control and it was getting even brighter than it had gotten. She couldn’t calm herself down at all since the Spectre was being a creep and utterly out there. Her inner shell of her aura was a inner reflection of what she truly feels about the voice she now can see, an hatred she has never had before. I-I H-Hate you Haunting Spectre, Maria said, with a slight truthfulness to that but her kind heart won’t say the crueler things she wants to say. Her eyes were teary eyed because she had never once said these words to another person before now. Her aura was strong and bright and was reaching towards the Spectre as if it was an extension to her.

The Spectre heard the words it has always wanted to hear from this kind hearted dragon for as long as it has been attached to her. ”Finally… Finally… You say the one thing I wanted to hear you from you, all this time. And it only took me to make you cry and feel pain for the one you miss dearly. All for my master’s givings. My master will enjoy you better if you are utterly pacified now,” The Spectre said, with a crooked grin even though it can’t see her. It launched a powerful beam of energy towards Maria, but the beam couldn’t get through the unbelievable strength of the Aura, that seems to be protecting her. ”What the…? This is impossible… How are you stronger than my power… It can’t be possible,” The Spectre said, a bit in shock of what’s going on. The beam of dark energy fizzles out but it leaves a dark a corrupting surge of power in the vicinity of where it was launched from the Spectre. It had a shock and something new appear on it’s face, fear.

Maria looked directly at the Spectre and wondered what it fired at her because she wasn’t really expecting it to fire a beam of evil dark energy at her. C-Creep, what was you tried to use on me? Maria asked, confused. She never thought her aura would be powerful enough to stop the Spectre’s magic. Her aura continued to beat like a heart and it showed her feelings more clearly than they have ever been. The aura shows she’s conflicted, confused, and scared of learning the truth about herself. Her fear is more real than the fear that is on the Spectre’s face. She stayed where she was and didn’t move closer or further away from the Spectre and looked at it directly with intensity in her eyes.

@Vesuvius00 Congrats, Vessy!
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