Avatar of Lmpkio


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4 yrs ago
You can find me on discord if you so wish~
4 yrs ago
Sorry about my lack of appearances. At this point Im taking a much needed hiatus from here after 5 long years. Not sure when I'll be back, but it won't be for awhile... sorry about that... : (
4 yrs ago
Revenge of the 5th has always been a thing tho...
4 yrs ago
Do not forget about the GOD DAMN bacon.
4 yrs ago
Once upon a time, I used to cheer for May the 4th... now I cry with disappointment. *Except Clone Wars S7 and the Mandalorian - they are awesome*


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<Snipped quote by Lmpkio>

W-What kind of beams are only shot on certain days of the month!?

Also, I really need to watch Shin Godzilla. I love the decaying look that version has.

It's by Hideaki Anno - you know, the same guy who did Neon Genesis Evangelion. :P

I highly advice you do though! I've seen it when it briefly came for limited viewing in America. It brings a unique, yet modern, taste to the Big G in an utterly terrifying and spectacular way.
Magnus' poultry projectiles are helping.

Also beams.


It's only that most do it on certain days of the month...

ALSO good thing she isn't depressed or anything, or otherwise you'd be seeing something like this.

@Lmpkio in the overlord universe they're, if memory serves, quite the rarity. They're a secretive racecin overlord thus far.

From what I've been reading yes, they just do their own thing really, not truly bothering much with the outside world. Well this dwarf says "Fuck this boring shit" and becomes an adventurer.

Now all we need are twelve more dwarves and a midget and we're set :P
Ooooh you're gonna be popular with the townsfolk

That's a good or bad thing?

Ik the dwarves exist in Overlord, but I think mostly in the novels and other material outside of the anime? From my understanding, humans are... indifferent to them?
Oh boy! An Overlord RP! While I'm a little behind with the Anime, I'd still love to join. Seeing that there's so far no non-human characters, I'll take one for the team by making a dwarf. (Note that Personality and Bio are empty - I'll add them in in due time)

(BTW, how many characters can we make?)

Posted at long last!

"Mmm." Ferrus mumbles satisfyingly as he eats a fresh fish that he bought from the market, which he cooked on the end of his flaming sword, "You know, this fish is actually pretty tasty if I may say so myself. I don't believe I've ever tried a fish as rich as this."

"Hmph." exhales Mallus as he sits across from his brother while reading a book.

Ferrus glances at the blonde haired man briefly before proceeding to slice a clean piece for him on a plate.

"You want a piece, brother?" he politely asked.

Mallus looks up from the book only to frown in disgust.

"No." he mutters coldly before returning to indulge on his reading.

"You sure?" Ferrus asks curiously, waving the plate slowly.


The redhead shrugs as he proceeds to consume the piece for himself. As a seven foot tall inquisitor primarch, who is constantly going on extensive missions against heresy, Ferrus needs to eat often in order to satiate his fast metabolism. This is especially true for his mastery of fire manipulation skill, one that burns way more calories than simple exercise alone. He'd eat just about anything to keep his energy up and his fires flowing. Many would believe the same is true for Mallus, however in his case he happens to be the opposite. He barely eats anything at all, and when he does it's usually in small portions. Perhaps his mastery in manipulating ice allows him to retain the nutrients in his blood for longer periods of time, consuming most at a slower speed while pocketing reserves for later. Yet all the while being still able to keep a heavily chiseled physique and his quick reflects all the same.

Yet the journey ahead of them will be tough. Kushiel had plucked them from their inquisitional duties to join with his task force of Angels to help in the collection of the Pillars of Earth. Most of the missions they've partook in were mere quests for artifacts or to find and sedate heretics that threaten Heaven and the Hierarchy of Laguna. It would usually just be the two of them going out together, sometimes alone in rare cases. Now they are up on the front lines with their rogue superior, the angel Kushiel, with each having two opposite opinions on the matter.

The two were initially rather conflicted whether they should join him on his own "crusade" or to stay as "loyalists" to Jubelius, despite their lack of choice in the matter. Ferrus believed it would be better to join him, as after all he too was doing it for the sake of Heaven and not to any harmful cause. Mallus, on the other hand, wanted to decline, as he didn't trust the rogue angel and was skeptical about whatever "heretical plans" he might want to commit. Yet at the end of the day, both were forced to be part of Kushiel's tutelage, whether they wanted it or not.

This is why the brothers came to Aquapolis.

"Say..." Ferrus wonders as he finishes his meal, "Can you remind me who these False Riders are again? Are they those Nephilim that we are supposed to find?"

"Yes." Mallus answers while still looking at his book.

There was a slight pause in between the two. Ferrus' eyebrow lifts up as if he's waiting for something.

"Well... who are they? And who are the Real Riders?"

The blonde coldly stares at Ferrus before snapping his book shut.

"Did you not pay attention to Kushiel's debriefing?" he asks somewhat harshly with an icy glare.

"Course I did." the redhead retorts lightly, "All I need is a crash course to settle the information in. It was really a lot to take in, you know? Like... we only just got started in getting our feet wet. And you know pretty much all of this information, so I imagine it'll won't be a problem reminding me."

Mallus sighs at his brother's response as he sits up.

"You should really be reading this information up yourself." he replies bluntly as ever, "But if you insist, I suppose I ought to remind you..."

"We might as well start out with the real riders then. These Four Riders are part of the Charred Council and are used as countermeasures in case the seals are all destroyed. These seals are essentially barriers between the three realms; Heaven, Hell, and the human realm. With the destruction of each seal, it becomes easier to travel through them. If all of them are destroyed, the realms will collapse on themselves and form one singular realm, causing chaos and mass heresy across the entire world."

"And that's what Vega and these False Riders want, right?" Ferrus asks.

"Yes." confirms Mallus, but with slight hesitance, "Although their ultimate goal is unclear. We can only assume that's what they're going for."

"Well, in that case, how many of the false riders are there?" the redhead inquires.

"We don't know." responds the blonde, "There could be as little as a handful to as many as an entire legion. I've found reports that two of these heretics have already been found. They're identified as Void and Aeon. Other than them, we're still searching. That's all the information I have on them at the moment."

"Ah alright, thanks." Ferrus nods politely, "See, that wasn't so painful right?"

"Right..." Mallus growls as he picks up his book, "Anyways, let me get back to my reading. Why don't you go and uh... mingle with the others or something?"

"Sure." the younger brother responds positively as he leaves his older brother alone to find others to talk to.

Mallus, meanwhile, continues with his reading in peace, glad that he finally has time for himself.

"It's... been awhile." Gideon growls reluctantly as he plants his foot in Aquapolis.

Indeed it has. The half-demon assassin had been out of serious engagement with the rest of Hell since the battle at Barlour City. He remembers fighting the Angels of Heaven and Humanity with his fellow kin, as well as successfully defeating and recruiting the vicious Gorgon to their cause. By all accounts, Gideon was a promising asset to the army. However, the demon king, Mundas, had other plans for the young demon. He pulled him out of the front lines and placed him as a spy, issuing espionage behind enemy lines to scout out their next moves. For the most part, Gideon did his job rather well. He even enjoyed the whole sneaking around and gathering information, but especially in assassinating high-ranked individuals. It wasn't very often he did such missions, but when they did, he enjoyed every second of it.

Now that Hell has made an alliance with the rest of the factions, issuing a temporary truce as they attempt to find the missing seals, Gideon's services as a spy will be compromised for as long as it holds. It was rather disappointing to him really, for he was already getting used to this espionage thing. On the bright side however, he'll definitely have more opportunities to kill Mundas' opponents so it's definitely not bad at all. In the meantime, he is to join Gomory in their quest to find and hunt down someone going by the name "Vega" in the city of Aquapolis. All the demon knows about him, according to literally everyone else, is that he's extremely dangerous threat, to the point where he threatens the entire world as they know it. Even a capable assassin like him wouldn't be able to stop him alone.

Gideon has been preparing for the engagement ever since he caught wind of Vega's existence shortly prior to being relocated to Aquapolis. His desert eagle pair, Lucifer's Wings, have already been upgraded and he has learned several new gun skills to his arsenal. He also continues to improve on his blade work, despite them lacking in new abilities and upgrades. While Gideon certainly relies on them for most of his non-firearm attacks and as an efficient defense, he is trying not to be absolutely dependent on them. Nonetheless, he'll certainly upgrade and add new abilities to them at a later date.

For now, he ought to enjoy the peaceful environment that Aquapolis has to offer... although perhaps it's a little too peaceful for his tastes. Nonetheless, Gideon proceeds to go out and stroll in the main plaza area. Perhaps he can find something interesting to do in order to keep his mind occupied until he's needed.
And posted!

Btw, @The Irish Tree, Ima be nice and have Magnus be spared from being noticed lol.

Just don't be like this guy:

Titanica's roar succeeded in distracting the intruders above, as they came out of the shadows revealing themselves. She can see a small group of these short-stumped creatures, each either holding a bladed weapon or a musket rifle. These are definitely goblin brigands that were trying to break into the building. Some of the thieves descended onto the ground to face the giant seven foot tall figure, with their leader being amongst them. He wasn't pleased that she ruined their plans, as he began to split the groups up, with one group going inside to find whatever they're looking for and for the rest to face this 'dragon'.

But who they face is no mere dragon, at least not one of your ordinary or typical description. Titanica can't even fly, yet she doesn't need to. In fact, they'll be the ones regretting that they didn't run for their lives. She looks down at the goblin invaders ominously, releasing only a guttural growl developing within her throat, as she feels her blood surging with immense power. This energy was flowing directly into her spines. They began to pulsate and glow rapidly as a bright blue light flickers with a low hum. Even her eyes began to glow this cold blue color, her mouth steaming from the energy popping within her toothy maw. And suddenly, without any other delay, her mouth opens to unleash a beam of burning plasma energy that attempts to utterly disintegrate the leader. Whether she succeeded or not, she then immediately moves her head to eliminate the other figures standing in her presence.

Yet as Titanica begins to eliminate them, she didn't notice several other figures that were watching her, both behind her and from within the building. While she knows all too well that any bystander nearby would be looking at the destruction she'll unintentionally bring, she has no clue as to who else is watching her. But she didn't care. Whether they be innocent travelers, rival monsters, demons, or knights from the Order, they ought best to keep back while she did her work. For any who gets in her way, risks nearly certain death.

And these dirty insignificant thieves will certainly taste the bite of Titanica's awesome power.

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