Avatar of Lmpkio


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4 yrs ago
You can find me on discord if you so wish~
4 yrs ago
Sorry about my lack of appearances. At this point Im taking a much needed hiatus from here after 5 long years. Not sure when I'll be back, but it won't be for awhile... sorry about that... : (
4 yrs ago
Revenge of the 5th has always been a thing tho...
4 yrs ago
Do not forget about the GOD DAMN bacon.
4 yrs ago
Once upon a time, I used to cheer for May the 4th... now I cry with disappointment. *Except Clone Wars S7 and the Mandalorian - they are awesome*


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@Sep Then I suppose Samus is who I'm going to go with. I think it would be pretty cool to see her board capital ships and try to accomplish the directive or something.
Edit: And done!

I just need help figuring out which ship/character/franchise I should use...

Either have a tiny ship that carries a badass bounty hunter, or have the future mingle with the past and present... maybe even have Kylo confront Grand Daddy Vader.
Here's my two ideas @Sep, which do you think is better? I suppose I can't choose both but still I feel a strong interest to play either or.

Aaand posted! The quest is ending soon. There should be at least be one or two more posts before we can call this completed.

"A Titanic Trio"

- : | Mentions | : -
@13org, @Restalaan

Rodie attempted to launch the hobgoblin off towards his friend, using all of her burning rage to concentrate on this very moment. However, she soon discovered that her opponent was firmly grasped to her very talons. Yet he wasn't screaming in pain, but rather in pure joy, like a child playing in the sand. The fiery titan was startled by this realization, and began to slam her onto the ground multiple times more, yet no matter how much she tried to throw her off, Ditzy simply refused to~

"GAGH! GET OFF OF ME YA PERSISTENT WRETCH!" the winged titan shrieked viciously as she swung her whole body back and forth in a frenzied panic, "WHAT KIND OF MADMAN ARE YA?!"

Meanwhile, Titanica began to slowly rise back onto her feet as she glared straight towards the distracted Rodie. Wanting to end the battle as soon as possible, the titan's spines began to crackle and spark as her signature blue aura began to hint to what was about to come. But as she was about to release her atomic fire, an arrow streaked right by her line of sight, almost completely obscuring her vision for half-a-second. Her flame began to die down as she cocked her head to the direction of the shooter.


At the same time, Rodie could see another arrow zoom in between she and her opponent. The flaming titan also turned her head in the direction of the shot, only to see an angry Viera declare his statement of the matter. The two titans would cease their activities and look upon this mere stranger, however the flaming titan seemed more curiously peeved compared to the silent, blank-faced, saurian.

"Look what you have done to your surroundings! I don't CARE if you two decide to kill yourselves! But you will not drag innocent people or leave a trail of destruction behind due to your petty squabbles!" Freyr said, with a cutting cold tone on his voice.

Titanica remained neutral on the matter, resting only due to her "moral" high-ground on the situation. Rodie on the other hand, didn't seem to take his statement as respectfully. She became visibly annoyed by he bunny's careless complaints as a bird-like growl emitted from his vibrating throat. She looked down at Ditzy for a few seconds before tossing her to the side, but still kept the same aggressive look towards Freyr.

"Ohohoho..." the fiery pterosaur cooed mockingly as she slowly approached the archer, "Wise words to go by considering yer idiot friend decided to, oh I dun' know, SLAM HIS STUPID BAG INTO MY BACK! Y'all should've stayed back and let us duke it out alone, but nooooo, you just HAD to add yerselves in. I think it's all yall's faults for gettin' into this.

"I won't stand by watching you destroy your surroundings without a single ounce of respect to the forest, nature and those nearby!" he said, still with his bow on his hands. "Not even ANIMALS do what you are doing right now! Keep insisting on this senseless, violent and self destructive behavior and you will prove to me that you two are a danger not only to the world around you, but the people too. And if you do so, I will do the necessary to stop you two." Freyr finished.

A brief pause filled the air as Rodie seemed to initially think about what he said. Suddenly, she burst into haughty laughter, her raspy shrieking enveloping the entire forest with her voice alone. It took a solid half-a-minute for the titan to finally regain her composure as her beak seemed to recoil into a smug smile.

"You?" she asked mockingly towards Freyr, "YOU are gonna stop us? Oh, foolish bunny, I don't believe ya recognize who you're talking to. We've existed on this world for far, FAR, longer then you or yer ancestors combined! You think y'all are the dominant and 'SuPeRiOr' species?!"

The pterosaur titan would then rise onto both of her feet and extends her wings as far as she could, rising them into the air for dramatic affect.

"We're KAIJU! TITANS OF OLD! The TRUE alpha rulers of this world! If there's anyone 'ere that's more a'tuned to nature then ya mortals living in artificial houses, it's us!"

Her beak would then lower to face directly into Freyr's eyes.

"And we will do what we please... when we please. So if ya wanna stop us, good luck doin' it pal."

Her jaws began to open slowly as her tongue began to lick the sides of her mouth.

"Cuz' yer about to become my NEXT MEA~"

Within seconds in preparing to eat Freyr alive, everyone would find the entire area being engulfed in a powerful white light from above. In addition, yellow scales began to fall upon them like slow-falling snow. Rodie paused before issuing a creaking growl, shielding her eyes from the intense brightness with her massive wings. Titanica also found herself covering her eyes as she tried to peer through the holy interference that showered upon them. However, she already knew on who was emitting those "God Rays".

"EVERYONE STOP!" a familiar voice echoed with pressured urgency as panicked chirps attempted to nullify the aggression from all party members.

Morgan had finally revealed herself, yet she wasn't in her own beast form unlike her fellow titans. Only her vibrantly colorful wings had been elongated and her eyes glowing a holy white color to them. The two grounded titans would only stand in place, glancing up at the marvel that was upon them, almost forgetting about the two strangers that followed them here.

"Morgan..." Titanica breathed softly as she slowly lowered her arms.

"Well if it ain't the tiny butterfly that comes to save the day..." Rodie muttered sarcastically before directly addressing Morgan, "I thought yer were dead!"

The girl's eyes looked down at Rodie, seemingly with indifference.

"Return to your default forms." Morgan ordered with an affirmative essence, before looking back at Titanica as well, "We shouldn't be fighting one another! At least, not in front of our humble guests. Please, I beg the both of you."

Both figures seemed hesitant at first, looking at one another with the last remnants of their primed hatred. Eventually however, the two would seem to silently concede and slowly morph back into their humanoid forms. Once they've morphed, Morgan's god rays would slowly dissipate and the particles cease, as she slowly descended towards the ground - yet still levitating a few inches above the ground.

It would seem that a crisis had currently been prevented...

My bet is that the guy's planning on summoning the shadow of the statue of liberty to attack us.

Unless Babble destroys it first

"I've used the freedom... to destroy the freedom."
<Snipped quote by Lmpkio>

Windel Answer: I made it because of EDF and Date A Live.

Real Answer: It was either this or vampires.


I swear, did you make this RP just to draw my attention? Jeez, your advances don't have to be so obvious...

(Will keep my tentative interest until I have more information).
Will hopefully post by tomorrow.
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