Avatar of Lmpkio


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4 yrs ago
You can find me on discord if you so wish~
4 yrs ago
Sorry about my lack of appearances. At this point Im taking a much needed hiatus from here after 5 long years. Not sure when I'll be back, but it won't be for awhile... sorry about that... : (
4 yrs ago
Revenge of the 5th has always been a thing tho...
4 yrs ago
Do not forget about the GOD DAMN bacon.
4 yrs ago
Once upon a time, I used to cheer for May the 4th... now I cry with disappointment. *Except Clone Wars S7 and the Mandalorian - they are awesome*


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<Snipped quote by Lmpkio>

Clearly Goomie ate them.

Get slimed on.

@Crimson Raven Yup. I'm going to hopefully make a post today. I don't know about the others though (by others I mean non-GM folk who hadnt been seen for at least a day or more), however regardless Im going to make something.


@EliteCommander, @Zarkun

After several minutes weaving through the winding streets, Samus finally made her way back to the hangar. She was cautious about any potential stalkers that might take a malevolent interest in her abilities, however as far as she knew she had nothing to fear. With the Rodians on the run, the bounty hunter could at least rule them off as harmless at this point.

As she entered her ship, Samus could see Thaz patiently waiting for her within a passenger seat.

"Simple and quick. Best kind of jobs. Bounty hunting here doesn't seem much different from back home. Find a target, shoot it. Taken plenty of heads before myself. I think I'll fit in just fine."

"Don't be so sure." Samus responded as she sat down and prepared the ship for launch, "In my experience, bounty hunting can be quite a... complicated profession. I have a feeling the missions are going to get more complex then this."

She looked back at her alien partner.

"Be prepared for anything that happens next."

With that, her gunship began vibrating as it slowly ascended before thrusting into space.


@EliteCommander, @Zarkun

As soon as Samus tucked away her quarry's tusk in her arm component and walked back towards the hangar, she would be hailed by the commanding Kaleesh warrior. Catching the datapad with her exposed hand, her visor shined off the valiant lights as she gave an appreciative nod towards the warriors that then proceeded to chase after the straggling Rodians. Whatever schematics were hidden within that pad, she reckoned that they would come in handy one way or another. She'll have to look at the full list when she gets back. It was then when Thaz contacted her once again.

"Everything clear for you? The fat green one dropped quick. You get something off of him?"

"Only its tusk." the bounty hunter replied as she glanced down at the bloody thing, which was still tipped with mangled nerve endings and all, "Think of it as a confirmation of authenticity. Now head back to the hangar. We're done here."
@LordOfTheNight Cassandra could be a possible new recruit.

Once I finish my croc person, he might become a new recruit to the Runners as well.
I will try to get a post up soon.


@EliteCommander, @Zarkun

With chaos erupting all around her, Samus forced herself to wait for Thaz to take her shot. She could easy take the matters into her own hands by arming a well-placed shot towards Gorm, but timing was of the essence. If she killed him too quickly, it may not bring Jerus enough time to make his move, and being that she had no direct contact with him at that moment, it was up Thaz to do the honors.

So just as Samus shot another Rodian in the shoulder, she quickly witnessed two laser bolts piercing from the heavens and hitting their mark. The first shot penetrated straight through his skull, while the other penetrated the pig-creature's round belly, both spelling doom for the unfortunate Gamorrean. She whirled to see the target fall limp and collide with the floor. Now the tides had turned completely for the opposing Rodians, as they began to issue a hasty retreat while the Kaleesh followed in pursuit. As the bounty hunter proceeded to make her way towards the corpse, the masked Kaleesh leader would ask if she was here for the "pig".

"Affirmative." the armored bounty hunter nodded but said nothing more.

Once she reached him, Samus kneeled down and began to inspect the corpse. She'd then proceed to lower her head towards her comms.

"Target acquired." she reported in to both Jerus and Thaz, "We're on our way towards the rendezvous point."

She'd then speak directly to her partner.

"Good work, Thaz." the armored figure said approvingly, "Meet me back at my ship."

Before she would leave however, Samus ripped out one of Gorm's tusks as a sign of documented proof that she indeed killed her quarry. With that, she began to leave the premises and regroup with her partner back at her ship.
One NPC character in the works! Should be done soon!

@LordOfTheNight Btw, I asked this before, but what's the limit on both playable and NPC characters?
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