Avatar of LokiLeo789


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6 yrs ago
Let me taste you.
6 yrs ago
The Hierarchy Shall Crumble.
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6 yrs ago
"No one man should have all that power."
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6 yrs ago
6 yrs ago
"Well as far as brains go, I've got the lion's share. But when it comes to brute strength, I'm afraid I'm at the shallow end of the gene pool." - Who?


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Took me longer that I expected but I've managed to complete my CS, @Nallore.

@LokiLeo789 Yep I remember you, were apart of an earlier version of this RP. However it has gone through a very major overhaul since the last time you have been apart of it. Just make sure you read through the rules and stuff but you are certainly welcome to be apart of this if you like. :)

Aye, aye cap'in. Thank you.

Hello, so I've been sniffing this out for some time, I can't put my finger on why but I feel like I've done something like this before, and I'd like to do it again. Could I perhaps announce my intrest?



Anything on Character Development?

Tuesday, 4th Period (Armory)

@Eklispe, @Crimmy, @Abillioncats

"Aye, takes a predator to know a predator." Geni retorted, mocking Gratia's deadpanned tone. He had taken a liking to igniting her ire; as it seemed to be the only way to get her to acknowledge anything outside her work.

The pale-haired faunas picked up one the Apex twins—which he rightfully dubbed Panthera—and turned it in the light to try and garner some sort of solution to the problem. A quick fix would boil down to a simple greasing of the shifting mechanism. Sure it wouldn't last long but it sure as hell wouldn't prove as hearty a task as removing the shifting axel from the entire column and putting a lock in place to smoothen out the module shifting process. Just thinking it proved arduous.

Unless you wanna grease her every few weeks, might as well work on the permanent solution now. he concluded.

With a plan in mind Geni set Panthera down flat and set out to find tools to further his endeavors. An impact driver with socket adapter would suffice in removing the outer ring of the axle.

As Geni searched a voice from overhead caught his attention. Intrigued, he looked up and found a female student looking back down at him. She even greeted him before soaring off to another section of the Armory.

"Doesn't take a predator to know that she'll fall at some point, and when she does, I'll laugh for her." he sighed. Geni's search resumed.
<Snipped quote by LokiLeo789>

I just did. And I'm still working on my post.

I fell into your trap. Well, at least there will be another post to catch up on.
This place has been pretty quiet lately.

Generate some activity then.

Tuesday, 4th Period (Armory)

@Eklispe, @Crimmy,@Ayazi

The lion faunas ignored the pony-tailed girl's intense stare to which felt as if a branding iron had been taken to his back. The acrid smell of superheated metal didn't help his integrity, yet he managed to remain stalwart and focus his energy on the project before him and Krysanthe to his right.

Geni palmed one of the twins, holding it up the the light for a moment. It had taken him two weeks of vigorous construction to complete, yet his Apex Predator still remained imperfect. And imperfection had no place in Geni's arsenal; a soldier was only as good as his weapon.

Or was it hero? Bah, same difference!

With a small flick of the wrist Apex Predator shifted into axe mode, it's transformation quick yet rather violent, causing his hand to jerk a small bit.

Shifting mechanism needs work. An Ursa's ass, this his shoddy craftsmanship! he mused apathetically.

Geni set the twin down and picked up the other, testing the shifting mechanism on that as well. The result remained the same. It couldn't be helped. Sure he noted the fault during his bout with Sapphire, yet with all the adrenaline coursing through him he had passed it off as usual procedure.

At least this time I'll be working on the weapon instead trying to work it into someone's head. A small growl reverberated from his throat as that thought occurred.

Taking heed to Krysanthe's question, Geni glanced as Gratia's project for moment before returning his focus to Krysanthe. "Couldn't tell you. I really just met her yesterday, so that's a question you outta ask her yourself." he paused and leaned in closer. "Watch out though, she bites." he whispered.
Oh good, Geni didn't get branded.
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