Avatar of Lord Orgasmo


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27 days ago
Current The outdoors be like: "This mf forgot his Zyrtec, get his ass!"
1 mo ago
At last, the correct amount of garlic 🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄
3 mos ago
I have consumed far to much garlic bread. My hubris has doomed me once again.
3 mos ago
It's either: sleep is for the weak, or sleep FOR a week.
3 mos ago
Pink Starburst gang, wya?
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"No one can escape the fate given to them.
All that remains is the end, where you will all perish.
Eternal greatness exists only within myself.
Sing a song of sorrow in a world where time has vanished."

My 1x1 thread, because I'm a shameless hack.

Most Recent Posts


No special guest this time.

In a strange turn of events, not only has Joseppi gotten the bartender out of the bar but he also pulled a magic sack of money out of his ass, so that was a thing. The bartender had already poured her a glass of Brandy while everyone else was scrambling around and Joseppi was bribing the bartender.

Annie tipped the glass back and admired the flavor of her brandy. Fruity, not too strong, a little citrus. Annie wasn't a professional taster by any means, but could identify flavors pretty well. She wasn't one of those people who, with just a sip, could tell the exact amount of years it was aged, the barrel wood that was used, the fruits in it, or anything like that. Those people were freaky.

Annie pulled her bag of sweets and set it on the bar in front of her. She put her hand in and pulled out a random piece of candy. A small sphere of what looked like dark chocolate. With an expert (right) hand, she set the sphere on the back of her thumb, which was tucked slightly under her pointer finder and flipped the sphere like you'd flip a coin, and the sphere arced into her mouth flawlessly. Dark Chocolate. It was... pretty bitter to say the least, but it was far from the worst she's had. The chocolate melted quickly, and was gone in a flash. She left the bag on the table, totally unguarded from young blonde boys with a candy addiction, and crossed her arms behind her head, leaning backwards. Her lean was stopped short as she made contact with Neon Knight's cold metal exterior. Perhaps a drink or two would warm him up? "Say, Neon, why don't you go get a drink? It'll be good for ya. Here." Annie reached into her pocket and pulled out an assortment of nickels, dimes, pennies and quarters, before counting out four dimes and putting them into Neon's enormous, heavy metal hand.


"Very well, if you insist." Neon leaned off of Annie's chair and took a few steps before going behind the bar. Each step of Neon's steel-like greaves made the wood creak, and the sound of heavy metal to wood could be heard nearly all throughout the bar. Upon reaching the back of the bar, Neon looked at the various bottles of alcoholic drinks. Dark liquids swirled in glass bottles, as well as the lighter brown ones. But what to get?

His eyes(?) scanned the bottles, before falling on a bottle that read "Sun Zaoh Brandy". Asain Brandy? It looked like what Annie was drinking so he decided to give it a shot. He set his four dimes on the wooden shelves before grabbing the mysterious asain brandy. Grabbing one of several short glasses and filling it with ice, he dumped in some of the brandy. He flipped up his visor, exposing the inky black darkness underneath. He brought up the glass to the edge of the opening and poured in some of the liquid. "Hmmm... Fruity. And... cold."


Neon held his sword behind him, wary of the approaching Joseppi, ready to strike at a moment's notice. Joseppi flew out of the bar, much like the two on the ground did, only this time, he landed on his feet, rather than tumbling to the ground. "Oh? You're approaching me? Instead of running away?" "I can't block the shit out of you without getting closer." Neon mocked. In hindsight, that probably wasn't a great idea, but he couldn't pass up the opportunity. Joseppi came closer and closer, Neon's grip tightening on his shield.

The tension grew thicker in the air as Joseppi was finally within striking distance, but if there's one thing Neon knew about combat, it's that often times if they're in striking range, so are you. Airbag reached out, and Neon put one foot behind the other, in a defensive stance, ready to lean into his massive tower shield to block his blows. But in an instant, all the tension dissipated, as Airbag rested on his shield, and Joseppi let out a hearty laugh. Joseppi snarked about how those two behind him ended up on the ground, knocking on his shield all the while, and saying how they could all use a drink.

Neon lifted his shield up, and it retracted back into it's normal kite shield-like appearance. Neon let out a heavy sigh as he sheathed his Longsword and brought his shield back to it's resting position. You know what? Why the hell not. Come on Annie, let's get a drink." he said, waving his arm in a "come hither" motion.

As Annie picked herself off of the ground, dusting off her bodacious booty, she watched as Neon took a defensive position against someone. To her surprise, Joseppi of all people leaped out of the doorway, accompanied by some floating marble-skinned person with a long golden chain coming off of a similarly golden collar. It looked like a leash someone would walk their dog with. Was Joseppi keeping this thing as a pet or something? That seemed kinda odd. Maybe it wasn't as "Human" as Neon was. While the two exchanged words, Annie took the time to observe the two that flew out of the bar. One was Simon, the man with the big moustache who got first place. Him and his giant robot friend. The woman she didn't recognize, but her attention was drawn to two large green balls hanging in pouches behind her. Maybe she was really into some sort of game that used those?

Annie snapped back towards the sound of Neon's voice, their dispute apparently solved, and Neon's shield back to its normal look. Upon hearing the word "drink" she remembered "Oh right, that's why we came here wasn't it?" Annie skipped towards the doorway next to Neon. Suddenly struck by a bout of generosity, she turned to those behind her. "Well c'mon, y'all! I'll buy ya a round! Ya certainly could use one after all that!" Annie's boisterous personality shone through as she offered the drink, and then promptly leaped into the first chair she saw at the bar, Neon Knight standing close behind her, leaning on her chair. She pointed a thumb at the small group behind her. "First thing they ask for us on me. And I'll get..." her eyes scanned the large wooden board above and in front of her. "...a glass of yer finest Brandy!"

Interacting with: Everyone, technically.

There was a rush of wind as the demon exploded in anger, snuffing out the candles on the room. Alex let out a small chuckle as he held out his arms once more. "Well! It speaks!" He chuckled once more, and returned his arms to his side. "Well, I suppose some introductions are in order. Let's start with me, shall we?"

"My name is Alex, like I said beforehand." He pointed a thumb at himself. "I'm a magician. I'm also a novice Summoner, like the rest of these poor schmucks. My main training is in Illusion magic. Observe." Alex raised his staff and tapped it on the ground, all the while speaking a near-silent incantation. The instant his staff touched the ground, Alex dissapeared from sight. "See? Well, no, I suppose you wouldn't see." There was another tapping sound, and Alex winked back into existence. "Ta-da! Invisibility! A common illusion spell. Now, who's next?"
I'll get something up in a bit


Featuring:@Severance, mostly, but the rest of you are there, too, I suppose.

Donny had attempted to say... something, but was unintelligible with all the caramels gluing his mouth together. Eventually Annie heard a "Sure." from behind her, and decided to hop along to the nearby tavern. Neon followed close behind, trying to keep a theoretical eye on both Annie and Donny.

"Question is, what to get?" Annie muttered to herself. Whiskey was all well and good, but after a while it kind of got samey. Maybe they had some sort local specialty? Maybe a local wine? Had to be white wine though. Red wine left a dry taste in her mouth. Brandy would also be nice. Maybe some sort of mixed drink? Something fruity would be nice.

It was about this time when a young woman flew out of the bar in front of her, quickly followed by a man with a large moustache. Annie noticed that this man with the moustache had a seemingly giant wind-up toy on top of him. Were those illegal around here or something? Her question would quickly be answered when said giant toy began to yell at the man with the big moustache, and move on its own. He had his own Neon Knight! Though it was more of a Neon Toy. Annie pointed towards Neon Toy before turning to Neon Knight and saying "Hey Neon look, it's a frie-- Oh!" Annie was cut off as a large plated hand gripped hair shoulder and tore her backwards. Stumbling back and landing on her sizable rump with an "Oof!", there was a loud *CRUNCH* as Neon Knight ate the remainder of his novelty sized lollipop in a single bite, before flicking away the stick to the side.

"Stay. Put." Neon practically commanded. There were two problems. One: there's an angry Stand on top of a someone, though it seemed the three on the ground were in cahoots with each other, and were likely involved in problem number two: from what Neon could see, the doors to the bar were broken off. And considering they weren't out in the open, they were likely on the inside. Something very strong would've needed to hit those doors. And considering the velocity and height those two had when they flew out, something even stronger would've been needed.

There was only one explanation Neon could think of. There was a Stand in there. And it wasn't happy. Neon held out an open hand to the three on the ground in a "Stay put" gesture, Donny now with them, before pulling out his Longsword. But what would be better for this scenario? Range? Defense? Overwhelming force? Defense seemed like the way to go when starting out. Hopefully it would buy him some time to come up with a strategy. Neon brought his kite shield in front of him before making a slamming gesture towards the ground, and then quickly raising it back up. As he did, the shield lengthened, reaching from Neon's broad metal shoulders to the ground beneath him with a *SLAM!* The width expanded slightly as well, nearly reaching the width of the doorway. Having a Tower Shield would definitely slow him down, but his durability would be unmatched.

Neon's large, imposing figure approached the doorway, his visor back down and peeking over his new Tower Shield. One man stood in front of him, a white, marble-skinned stand next to him. Neon immediately recognized the two as the man they had met back in San Diego. Joseppi. "Joseppi. I'm going to politely ask that you desist. A fight would not be a good idea at the moment. Please, come outside so we may discuss this with civility."

Interacting with:@Severance

Holy cannoli! A demon! It worked! Although it wasn't... as big as he had expected. Maybe this was all they were able to summon with their meager power. Alex knew he certainly wasn't much help. Or perhaps for whatever reason, this demon was weakened, and therefore easier to summon? It was a demon right? It certainly didn't look like any human he'd ever seen. Some of his features seemed... animalistic. He had hooves like a horse, and his hands were wreathed in fire.

"Well, I'd certainly hope this is our demon. Otherwise... we might be in for a bit of a bad time." Alex gripped his staff a little more firmly, just in case. The oaken staff was just a little bigger than he was. He had designed it himself. Lacquered, inscribed with basic arcane runes, and perfectly sanded down to give the best grip possible for him. At the top was clear gem. Crystal, given to him by his mentor, Donovan.

Would this demon truly help them? Would it even speak their language? "So." Alex held his arms out to the side. "Welcome to the realm of the humans. We're uh... not doing so hot right now." Alex returned his arms back down to his sides. "I'm Alex. These schmucks are my uh, 'co-workers' if you will." Hopefully a little bit of introduction would put this demon at ease somewhat. Even though the demon seemed weakened, it would likely still be a formidable foe. One he couldn't fight alone. Fortunately he had several allies that would probably help him if things went awry.
Same. Have our character's introduce themselves, describe their role in the party, establish relations to the world, etc.

I'll take a Summoner, if you don't mind.
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