Avatar of LordOfTheNight
  • Last Seen: 8 mos ago
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  • Posts: 436 (0.14 / day)
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    1. LordOfTheNight 8 yrs ago
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4 yrs ago
Current How did I not know that there was going to be a Dune movie staring Jason Momoa, Josh Brolin, and Oscar Issac?!
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4 yrs ago
If anyone has a friend who is a professional hitman, send them my way please. Having a car that doesn't have windows that roll up SUCKS!
4 yrs ago
Monster of the Week RPGs are hard to come by. I got one going on a weekly basis but if I could I'd do it daily
5 yrs ago
These trials make us who we are, we're motivated by the scars we're made of
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5 yrs ago
Still working on packing my stuff to move out. Nearly done, just bear with me


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It's worth note I am adding more races to the playable category, just running into roadblocks developing them haha
Pretty much haha. A mix of high fantasy and some science fiction thrown in for shits and giggles haha

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Not much is known of the time before the Exodus. What is known is that the forefathers of Man, Fae, and Dwarf were forced to leave by monstrous threat our ancestors called the "Shyr Polaes" or in common "Blood Drinkers". The creatures spread like wildfire, wanting nothing more then to kill and multiply like locusts. Our ancestors were powerless to this enemy and were given no choice but the to leave the lush world they once called home. The fae called these lands “Jhyr Jhal” or in common speech, “The Lost Lands”.

To ensure the survival of not only themselves but future generations, the ancestors pleaded to the Makers for aid, a means to survive the horrors that threatened to consume their servants. The Makers answered in kind, leading those seeking to escape to what the ancestors collectively referred to as “The Conduit”, an ancient structure believed to be constructed by the Makers themselves. With the combined efforts of the old magic, the most powerful of the ancestors shamans and mages awoke The Conduit, opening a portal to new and unfamiliar lands, a place seemingly inhospitable to the threat that followed.

“Aezoli Jhal”, The Exiled Lands. A place of sand and stone, seemingly comprised only of shifting deserts and rocky canyons. A place seemingly inhospitable to any form of life. Little is known of that time. What is known is that our ancestors forced those creatures that followed into the Deep Deserts where they would perish, from there they began spreading out in search of places to call home. The dwarves took to the mountains, digging deep and thriving despite the harsh world. Many fae took to the deserts, becoming nomadic tribes that wandered the shifting sands. Some tribes of man took to the deserts in search of more hospitable lands, others settling on the first sources of water they could find, and others settling on in the ruins of what were once cities of the Makers that were teeming with powerful artifacts.

The deserts are a cruel and unforgiving place. Scorching heat, minimal water, dangerous terrain, sandstorms so powerful they can shred the skin from your bones in minutes, and that's just the elements without mentioning the deadly creatures as well. Despite all these things, there are still those who endure it all and those people more often than not place their faith and hope into the hands of those who are willing to travel through hell and back: Sunrunners. Mercenaries, caravaners, heroes for hire, when someone needs something taken care of in the deserts, they recruit anyone from the Sunrunner's Guild. Were it not for them, many would have suffered or died long ago....

As you likely could have gathered from the story above and from the title itself, I am looking for a small group of people to take on the roles of new recruits within the Sunrunner Guild. I would like to have somewhere between 4 & 5 people to join with one of them taking on the role of both recruit and one of the primary antagonists. This person who doubles will play out a one-on-one scenario with my antagonist character and we'll get insight to what's going on behind the scenes until it's time for them to be introduced to the group publicly.

For our intrepid adventurers, the RP will begin with the group meeting with a veteran rider in the small underground settlement of Sando who will begin by evaluating the group. After the initial evaluation, the group will embark on a journey to aid an excavation team that has uncovered something major in an area known as Crescent Moon Canyon. From there, our story would unfold....

------- Q & A -------

Does magic exist and how does it work?


Magic does indeed exist and is a teachable skill. It's best to think of magic like medicine. Some things can be taught and performed in a few minutes with no prep whatsoever, others require years of knowledge and practice before even being attempted. Magic follows a set of laws but the most basic rule is that magic requires two components always: knowledge and will. Without either, no spell can be performed.

Are artifacts magical or advanced science?


Good question. The answer is both. Artifacts generally consist of pure magic, pure science, or both

What playable races do we have?


Will this be pure storytelling or will we be doing this tabletop style?


Good question. Honestly, I am good with either. If we do this tabletop style than I will either do this D&D style or Dungeon World style. Difference between the two? One is a classic DnD system and the other is Powered by the Apocalypse

You seem to have put some thought in this. Is their a map of these "Exiled Lands"?


Yes there is! While it isn't Tolkien level detailed BUT it is fairly detailed and will likely become more detailed as inspiration hits
The Exiled Lands

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E f f e c t s :

W i t h :
Vardi Zaitsev

M e n t i o n e d :

Torvin was sitting in the Drunken Miner, the local tavern of Sando and Torvin's unofficial home. If Torvin wasn't on a run, he was generally at the tavern and enjoying some drink. Torvin drank his mead as the Guild Master came in and set a scroll down before him. Torvin raised an eyebrow and looked up to the Guild Master.

"Job finally show itself?" Torvin asked. The Guild Master nodded and smiled.

"Yep. You and Hawke are gonna be in charge on this one. Heard about that dig site near Ruk?" he asked. Torvin took out his pipe and lit it as he nodded and spoke.

"Definitely. Heard they found some Maker artifacts and started searching for more. Sounds like it's quite a find. What's the job?" he asked as he took a puff of his pipe. The Master nodded and explained that the job was simple enough. Escort a Dune Schooner with precious supplies to the site. Simple enough. It sounded like they had some help with them as well and Hawke and himself were MORE than capable. Torvin smiled and nodded. "Sounds like a good way to go, when do we leave?" he asked.

"Tonight. Hawke will meet you at the stable and you'll leave once the sun goes down. Best gather the others and form your teams" he said. Torvin smirked and nodded.

"Sounds right. Last I heard, Vardi was in the jail again" he said. The guild master scowled and sighed. Vardi was a handful and a nuisance at his worst but damn it if he couldn't fight. The master set down a small pouch containing the silvers needed to bail him out and Torvin prepared to take it before the master eyed him. "It's just to get Vardi out, I don't intend on taking your coin and I don't intend on going out there without someone who knows how to fight" he said. Torvin wasn't a push over. If anything, Torvin was about as deadly as you can get. A whirlwind of gun fire, grenades, and deadly chops with his axes and knives. Torvin took the coin and nodded before setting a gold piece on the table and standing, walking for the jail.

The guards looked to see Torvin and grunted. "Here for Vardi?" he asked. Torvin nodded and the guard grunted as he stood and grabbed his keys, leading the way towards the cells.

"Another bar fight?" he asked. The guard shook his head and explained that Vardi had jumped into the drinking water. Torvin laughed, a loud and booming sound that was unmistakable as he made his way towards Vardi. The guard unlocked the gate and tossed Vardi his belongings as Torvin leaned against the far wall. "Jumping into the drinking water, eh? That's a new one. Doesn't seem like a fitting end for someone of your caliber. How's about we get you saddled up and we chance a death defending a Dune Schooner?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.
Half of Sando is underground. Above ground is the stables and smiths

Click Me!

I used Fancy Text 28 and BeFunky. Just copy, paste, BOOM!


S a n d o
E v e n i n g

No one truly knows who made the cavern city of Sando. The buildings had been here when the first settlers of the Exodus had come to these lands, most with light damage and completely abandoned. It had the characteristics of elven architecture, elegant and beautiful but it had a touch of dwarven ingenuity to it as water was pulled up from the massive springs deeper within the caves and caverns with massive pipes. The water, though relatively pure to begin with, was made even purer by the mages within the city and made drinkable to all. More impressive was the cool air that loomed over the city and kept all who inhabited it comfortable. Not to mention the constant supply of Aquamarine Tears from the mines in a subsection of caves.

It still amazed the man that the air underneath the scorching deserts could be cool and so pleasant. That there was running water they could drink rather than just Aquamarine Tears like some people had to settle for. The man was at work securing a large pack of supplies to the customary mounts of the runners. The environment of the world above was far too harsh for the likes of horses so those who ran supplies to various settlements often rode what the elves had called 'Boga'. Massive quadrupedal lizards with bird like beaks and feathers. They were fast, strong, and could handle the heat of the sands and the sun. More impressive was their ability to scale canyon walls with ease. The creature almost purred as the man rubbed the feathers that sprouted from the scaly beast's neck.

"Atta girl" he said. He secured his saddle to the creature as the master of the Sunrunner's Guild whistled to him. The man looked up and nodded as he approached, taking his hood off as he addressed the man. "What is it?" he asked.

The master was a barrel chested man with his long hair drawn back into a thick braid. From his hair came thick facial hair that came down his cheeks and jaw to cover his lip but not his chin. He looked at the man and handed him a scroll. "Hawke, you and Torvin have been assigned to escort a shipment heading towards the excavation site outside of Ruk, familiar with it?" the large man asked.

Hawke took the scroll and read it before giving it a moment of thought. I've been to Ruk once or twice, I know the excavation site you're talking about though. Any details I need to be concerned about? Cargo? Tag alongs? Anything?" he asked. The man smirked and chuckled.

"All the above, my friend. The excavation site is in need of Aquamarine Tears, Dried Food, Steel, and Black Powder. Their also in need of a few able bodies so a Dune Schooner is being employed to move all these to the site as well" the master said. Hawke nodded slowly and frowned as he mentioned a Dune Schooner. Dune Schooners were essentially skimmers, land boats that used the wind in a sail to move across the sand. Difference being that the Schooner was a full blown boat with a crew, large enough to haul many items across the desert. They were also juicy targets for raiders and gleekon.

"Wait...it isn't just Torvin and I, is it? A Dune Schooner CAN'T be escorted by just two of us sir. It's simply impossible" he said as he fiddled with the handle of one of his daggers. The master smirked and motioned towards the mouth of the cave.

"Doubting me son? Not to worry, you and Torvin are just the leads for this. You'll have a few with you that will follow your commands, some are recruits and some are just a bit green. You'll show them all the ropes" he said. Hawke frowned again. This was a big job and recruits complicated things. They needed to be sharp and on their game or they could die. The desert wasn't a forgiving place and had a knack for weeding out the strong from the week.

"Tajaes vyraes iar, 1" Hawke cursed quietly in fae. "Sir, you know that new ones only complicate things. Especially if they aren't trained. With all due respect, do you really think it's wise to put them on a job like this?" he asked. The man sighed gently and pat Hawke on the shoulder.

"Son, you and Torvin are among the best. You are MORE than capable of doing this and you are a fine one to learn from. The recruits aren't undisciplined either. They won't let you down. Trust me my boy" he said. Hawke sighed and rubbed his eyes.

"Alright, how many runners in total do we have then?" he asked. The master explained that including both Hawke and Torvin, there would be a total of 7 runners. Hawke scratched his jaw and nodded. "Alright, have the group meet Torvin and I at the stables outside then, we'll address them directly and we'll see where we go from there" he said. The guild master smiled and nodded as he walked away, Hawke shaking his head and sighing as he walked towards the mouth of the cave and towards the stables themselves. Torvin would be with them shortly and once there they could decide who looked after whom. Hawke and Torvin were in charge on this one and the only way this could work is if they worked as two small groups.

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E f f e c t s :

W i t h :
I could see either. He could be an established member from another city who's getting roped into the group

OH! I almost forgot to ask, who intended on being the newest recruits to the runners and who intended on being veterans?

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