Avatar of LordOfTheNight
  • Last Seen: 7 mos ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 436 (0.14 / day)
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    1. LordOfTheNight 8 yrs ago
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4 yrs ago
Current How did I not know that there was going to be a Dune movie staring Jason Momoa, Josh Brolin, and Oscar Issac?!
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4 yrs ago
If anyone has a friend who is a professional hitman, send them my way please. Having a car that doesn't have windows that roll up SUCKS!
4 yrs ago
Monster of the Week RPGs are hard to come by. I got one going on a weekly basis but if I could I'd do it daily
5 yrs ago
These trials make us who we are, we're motivated by the scars we're made of
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5 yrs ago
Still working on packing my stuff to move out. Nearly done, just bear with me


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I can make it happen cappen

EDIT: Alright! That should do it

Perfectly fine! If you'd rather I can add a bit more to the post and give you some more to write with


S a n d o
E v e n i n g

Hawke sighed as he tended to the boga and shook his head. This wasn't the mission to be sending new recruits on. At that thought though, another thought came to him. What was the proper mission to send recruits on? The deserts weren't a forgiving place. They never had been and likely never would be. Every time you left the safety of the city, you put your hands in fate and fate was not usually kind. Hawke rubbed his eyes. Hawke had been nearly a boy when they'd sent him on his first mission. Clear a tribe of gleekon that were causing trouble with trade routes between Murkwell and Acton. What was supposed to be a simple mission had turned into a bloody battle. 15 Runners went, 5 came back. Hawke was 1 of those 5.

"Evening" said a voice. Hawke turned and raised an eyebrow as he saw Asante approach. Asante was one of the younger members of the Runner's Guild but also one of the newest as well. Asante was a fine navigator and quite quick to learn but he had much that still needed to be learned. His riding skills were quite good as well. Hawke had spent time with the lad and taught him what he knew. He was picking up swordplay with some effort but given time he'd be quite the swordsmen. Given time with Torvin, he'd perhaps become quite a marksman as well

"Asante. I take it by your eagerness that you have heard that you are to accompany us on the trip to the dig site?" he said with a gruff tone. Hawke began to put his reservations about whether or not others were prepared for what was to come aside and began thinking as a leader. 2 teams with the same goal, escort the schooner to it's destination and protect the occupants of said schooner. It occurred to Hawke that it was perhaps in their best interest to put those who lacked the skills to ride (or simply had skills that'd better suit other tasks) on the schooner with the traders and offer their aid as best as they could. Asante was a fine enough rider. He'd trust him to keep up with the schooner and to do his job.

Hawke's eyes scanned his surroundings as he saw Iyana in the peripheral and a pair of figures coming. One was a human woman from what he could tell. The other was a large insectoid creature. A zitan. Hawke raised his eyebrow as the white zitan began to sign and recognized it. He wasn't an expert but he was able to pick up the gist of what the insectoid was trying to say. He was asking if they were the ones going to Ruk. The woman asked almost the exact same question and nodded.

"Yes. We are the Runner's heading to Ruk. I'm veteran Runner Elrin Hawke. You can call me Hawke. Am I to assume you will both be accompanying us to the dig site?" he asked with a raised eyebrow, regarding the woman and the zitan who had addressed themself as Skahn. He seemed a bit uncomfortable around the boga. Schooner for him, definitely the schooner. The woman....he had no way of knowing WHAT her riding ability was. He didn't even know her name yet.

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Karissa, Asante, Iyana, Skahn

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M e n t i o n e d :

Torvin was sitting in the Drunken Miner, the local tavern of Sando and Torvin's unofficial home. If Torvin wasn't on a run, he was generally at the tavern and enjoying some drink. Torvin drank his mead as the Guild Master came in and set a scroll down before him. Torvin raised an eyebrow and looked up to the Guild Master.

"Job finally showed itself, eh?" Torvin asked. The Guild Master nodded and smiled.

"Yep. You and Hawke are gonna be in charge on this one. Heard about that dig site near Ruk?" he asked. Torvin took out his pipe and lit it as he nodded and spoke.

"Definitely. Heard they found some Maker artifacts and started searching for more. Sounds like it's quite a find. What's the job?" he asked as he took a puff of his pipe. The Master nodded and explained that the job was simple enough. Escort a Dune Schooner with precious supplies to the site. Simple enough. It sounded like they had some help with them as well. Hawke and himself were MORE than capable of leading the teams. Torvin smiled and nodded. "Sounds like a good way to go, when do we leave?" he asked.

"Tonight. Hawke will meet you at the stable and you'll leave once the sun goes down. Best gather the others and form your teams" he said. Torvin smirked and nodded. The dwarf continued to eat his food and drink his ale when a large plated human sat beside him. The dwarf raised an eyebrow and nodded in return.

"Mind explaining who you are friend?" he asked with a raised eyebrow. He listened as the human introduced himself as August. He extended a hand to which the dwarf shook and nodded. "Torvin Ironfist. You can call me Torvin" he replied. Torvin drank his ale and looked up when August spoke again and regarded the tattoo. Torvin smirked. "Disgraced member. Evidently the Engineer's Corp doesn't like the fact one of their members would rather earn coin and make their own decisions than be forced into a job till they die" he explained. He grunted and spoke. "So your joining us then Augie? Looks like you know your way around a blade so that's welcome" he said. With a quick gulp, Torvin slammed the mug down and stood as he whistled loudly. "Alright Runners! Got us a mission! You want work? Get your asses to the stables" he called over the din as he motioned to August to follow him

"So, Augie. That armor of yours reeks of magic. Care to explain where you got it from? Or rather, do I need to be concerned about someone sniffing around concerning a set of magic plate armor?" he asked. Torvin didn't really care that the man was a thief, a man did whatever he had to to survive. Sometimes they stole, sometimes they lied, sometimes both. Torvin was a man of questionable morals to begin with and he couldn't say much in any regard. He wouldn't hesitate however to put a blade in someone's neck if they tried to steal from him. Torvin didn't suffer thieves trying to take from him.

The dwarf lead the way through the city as he approached the entrance of the cave and the entrance of Sando. The sun was going down and many were beginning to stir. Especially those who did their business on the surface like the Runners. The dwarf could see the gathering of Runners up ahead and scowled slightly. Zitan. Torvin wasn't a racist by any means but he wasn't exactly a fan of insects. Too many eyes. Torvin didn't say anything though as he approached and nodded at Hawke respectfully. Hawke nodded in response and eyed the human warrior as he approached. Hawke could sense the magic in the armor and based on the armor and weapons, the man was quite a fighter. Not that anyone would complain
As in get to the stables first?

So, I made the first post for Hawke. Those who wish to get in touch with Hawke can find him at the stables on the surface of Sando. Those who wish to be in touch with Torvin can find him (or be with him) at the local tavern by the name of "The Drunken Miner"


S a n d o
E v e n i n g

Near the southern border of the Dune Sea lied a small city by the name of Sando. It was a prosperous settlement thanks to the constant supply of Aquamarine Tears from the veins beneath the earth of the settlement. They were the life blood of the desert. Without it, many would die of thirst before they could get to the next town. One could wander the shifting sands and not sea a drop of water for miles. While liquid water was a true treasure, Aquamarine Tears were nearly as valuable as gold if not as valuable. Were it not for the efforts of the merchants, the Tears would never find their way to those who need it. Without the efforts of the Sunrunners, those merchants surely wouldn't arrive at their destination

It still amazed the Runner that the air underneath the scorching deserts could be cool and so pleasant. That there was running water they could drink rather than just Aquamarine Tears like some people had to settle for. The man was at work securing a large pack of supplies to the customary mounts of the runners. The environment of the world above was far too harsh for the likes of horses so those who ran supplies to various settlements often rode what the elves had called 'Boga'. Massive quadrupedal lizards with bird like beaks and feathers. They were fast, strong, and could handle the heat of the sands and the sun. More impressive was their ability to scale canyon walls with ease. The creature almost purred as the man rubbed the feathers that sprouted from the scaly beast's neck.

"Atta girl" he said. He secured his saddle to the creature as the master of the Sunrunner's Guild whistled to him. The man looked up and nodded as he approached, taking his hood off as he addressed the man. "What is it?" he asked.

The master was a barrel chested man with his long hair drawn back into a thick braid. From his hair came thick facial hair that came down his cheeks and jaw to cover his lip but not his chin. He looked at the man and handed him a scroll. "Hawke, you and Torvin have been assigned to escort a shipment heading towards the excavation site outside of Ruk, familiar with it?" the large man asked.

Hawke took the scroll and read it before giving it a moment of thought. I've been to Ruk once or twice, I know the excavation site you're talking about though. Any details I need to be concerned about? Cargo? Tag alongs? Anything?" he asked. The man smirked and chuckled.

"All the above, my friend. The excavation site is in need of Aquamarine Tears, Dried Food, Steel, and Black Powder. Their also in need of a few able bodies so a Dune Schooner is being employed to move all these to the site as well" the master said. Hawke nodded slowly and frowned as he mentioned a Dune Schooner. Dune Schooners were essentially skimmers, land boats that used the wind in a sail to move across the sand. Difference being that the Schooner was a full blown boat with a crew, large enough to haul many items across the desert. They were also juicy targets for raiders and gleekon.

"Wait...it isn't just Torvin and I, is it? A Dune Schooner CAN'T be escorted by just two of us sir. It's simply impossible" he said as he fiddled with the handle of one of his daggers. The master smirked and motioned towards the mouth of the cave.

"Doubting me son? Not to worry, you and Torvin are just the leads for this. You'll have a few with you that will follow your commands, some are recruits and some are just a bit green. You'll show them all the ropes" he said. Hawke frowned again. This was a big job and recruits complicated things. They needed to be sharp and on their game or they could die. The desert wasn't a forgiving place and had a knack for weeding out the strong from the week.

"Kyr Pas Air, 1" Hawke cursed quietly in fae. "Sir, you know that new ones only complicate things. Especially if they aren't trained. With all due respect, do you really think it's wise to put them on a job like this?" he asked. The man sighed gently and pat Hawke on the shoulder.

"Son, you and Torvin are among the best. You are MORE than capable of doing this and you are a fine one to learn from. The recruits aren't undisciplined either. They won't let you down. Trust me my boy" he said. Hawke sighed and rubbed his eyes.

"Alright, how many runners in total do we have then?" he asked. The master explained that including both Hawke and Torvin, there would be a total of 7 runners. Hawke scratched his jaw and nodded. "Alright, have the group meet Torvin and I at the stables outside then, we'll address them directly and we'll see where we go from there" he said. The guild master smiled and nodded as he walked away, Hawke shaking his head and sighing as he walked towards the mouth of the cave and towards the stables themselves. Torvin would be with them shortly and once there they could decide who looked after whom. Hawke and Torvin were in charge on this one and the only way this could work is if they worked as a team.

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E f f e c t s :

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N o t e s :
1) Kyr Pas Air - Fae for "Gods Damn It"
Perhaps the blessed steel negates the effects of desert heat and sun. Magic and such. A good work around, no?

Looks good! I will point out that metal armor will probably get uncomfortable in the heat without some sort of covers

Glad to see the excitement! Once I have all our characters I'll put up our first post.
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