Avatar of LordVoldemort
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  • Posts: 397 (0.14 / day)
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    1. LordVoldemort 8 yrs ago


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Gabriel Moreau - Mountains

Gabriel had hardly any time to worry about the cold that bit at his hands. Even when he seemed like he was doing just fine, which he took great steps to doing in order to inspire the team he was with, he was freezing his ass off. He had no problems with the cold weather, especially because it was one of the best seasons to go fishing. Of course, he enjoyed summer fishing much more. That wasn't important at the moment however. What was important was that everyone was accounted for. He glanced down at Reese when he butted him with his head, but let Olivia and Tanner speak first. He glared down at the boy and gave him a small bonk to the top of his head.

"We'll get there soon, Reese!" He spoke above the wind that howled at them. To Gabriel, he took it as an insult; mother nature itself was trying to stack the cards against their chances of succeeding. He shook his head from the thought and looked back at the group. His eyes lingered on Olivia, then moved to Tanner. He thought of the promise he had made to the introverted boy and gave him a silent nod, hoping to reassure him that nothing would leave his lips. He spoke up to the others, yelling as loudly as he could over the storm.

"If we're going to kill titans, we can't let this storm beat us damn it! Titans are unnatural!
The only way we can conquer monsters is if we can conquer the very world itself! Let's keep moving! We're nearly there!"
He turned his back to the others and waved his hand up, signalling for them to keep moving. It appeared that Gabriel was just plowing through the snow like it was nothing. Of course, it was taking him all of his strength to keep moving in this type of weather. Even so, he needed to look strong for the others....he had to. If they he didn't have the strength to pull through, how could they?

As he continued up, he began to wonder how Lauren was holding out. Hopefully, she would pull through. He looked back to Olivia and stared at her for a few seconds before looking back in front of him.
"Reese, keep an eye out on the others for me! I need you to make sure nobody falls behind while I try to find our way through!" He yelled behind his shoulder to the other boy.
Gabriel Moreau - Training Grounds

Gabriel believed that he would have Grant by the ropes at the point that his stance was broken. His grip was still strong on the other boy...until both of them fell down like two large trees. Gabriel let out a grunt the moment that they crashed to the ground. He sat up, rubbing the back of his head, and smiled at Grant. He wasn't sure if he or Grant had won, but that didn't truly matter to him much; after all, they were training. If he could help Grant improve on his skills and work on his own at the same time, it was enough for him. "Up to you if you'd like to join me, Grant." He stretched his arms for a few seconds, then looked at Lauren, raising a brow.

"You want to go against me? I don't want to hurt you, you know...." Gabriel wasn't trying to sound overly-confident or like a badass; he was truly worried about hurting her, in a way. Whether this was because he was too gentlemanly or just worried that he might be too strong wasn't quite clear, but his kindness was there in his words. He stared Lauren down, waiting for a response. It was kind of funny to be fighting all these people. It sort of reminded him of his gang days when he and the other boys got into major brawls. It was pretty dirty fighting, but if it worked....
Adrien Hathoway

Adrien tried to speak up to Alberich as he walked off. "Oh, I'm not a-...." His voice trailed off slightly as Alberich went to speak with the necromancer. It was a curious sight to Adrien, watching the undead wander off into the woods at the man's command. In a way, it alarmed him slightly at the sight of someone who could raise the dead and use it for his own gain. Still....it was rather intriguing. Magic was extremely rare where he had come from; all of these events that followed were something new. Of course, he had been exposed to magic and dark creatures ever since the Dark Lord invaded his country, but it was only now that he was grasping the full-measure of it and the widespread of it's use. Still...it was so surreal to see it being used.

He went over to his horse and put his blade away, tying it to the side of it's saddle. He gave her a few strokes to her mane and smiled, talking to it. "Easy girl, easy girl....it's over now. We're just going to rest here for a little while, okay?" After a few pats to her neck, he walked over towards the party, still clad in full armor. He looked about at the party, unsure of who to speak to. His eyes lingered on the half-elf, the 'old' man, and the necromancer. "So....this 'magic' stuff. What exactly is it?" He spoke up, desperate to figure out what this insane phenomenon was. Was it possible that they served the Dark Lord? It was the only incident that he witnessed such crazy things occurring.
@The Mad Hatter RIP Hatter. And to answer your earlier question, the characters do change each Part. There are cameos and appearances of characters, however. The second-most reoccurring and my personal favorite character (who just so happens to be from my favorite part) is Joseph Joestar.
@LetMeDoStuff You make sure everything is fine before you respond to me, ya' hear!? -Slaps him back to the ward-
@dereken I mentioned you ;-;.
Adrien Hathoway

Adrien jumped slightly at the sudden appearance of the half-elf. His eyes went a bit wide, realizing it was a lady, and stared at her for a few seconds in shock. After a few seconds of awkward silence, he spoke up. "What did...how...where did you....?" It was quite obvious that wherever this young man was from, magic was extremely rare....perhaps even non-existent! He looked around, as if trying to figure out if he was day-dreaming over the whole ordeal. He looked around at the party, trying to figure out how they suddenly appeared in the blink of an eye. His concentration was broke when he noticed an older gentleman charging into the water, dealing with a group of murlocs. He looked back at her and pulled away from her gently, charging forth to aid the man. "I'm at your side!" He called out from behind as he waded through the shallow end of the water.

The greatsword cleaved through several of the murlocs with ease as Adrien assisted Alberic fend off the horde of water beasts. Every strike against the creatures seemed to be full of wrath and anger, as if he harbored a deep rage within himself. He looked over towards Alberic, noticing a murloc sneaking up on him, and hacked down onto it, cleaving it's skull. He let out a few grunts as he battled against the creatures. The water turned red with the blood of their foes as both young and older man wiped the murlocs from the face of the planet. After battling for what seemed like a while, he looked over at the party, taking deep and heavy breaths, and stared at them silently, trying to find something to say. Awkwardly, he moved his hand up in a wave, and spoke with a smile underneath his helmet. "Nice to meet you, travelers."
@Wick Well...guess I have to rewrite everything. RIP. Thanks for letting me know, though.

EDIT: There we go. Changed it up a bit. He doesn't see them now, but he was heading in their direction. He's outside of your barrier.
@Lich Not sure it's working for me.
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