Avatar of Lucius Cypher


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2 yrs ago
Current Ethical? No. Illegal? Also no.
2 yrs ago
Some people need to make a hard choice when deciding which two karaoke streams they want to listen to. I have no such weakness: I have two ears for a reason.
3 yrs ago
The hard part about trying to play some politically savvy mastermind is the assumption that the world operates off real world politics and not your DM’s politics.
4 yrs ago
Don't put too much stock in prophesies. At best they're full of shit, but more often than not they're one of those self-fullilling kinds. Plan for what happens afterwards instead.
4 yrs ago
A character isn't deep or compelling just because you let them get hurt a lot, are always depressed, or do morally questionable things.


If you're here either you're wondering what I'm doing cause I need to post in your RP (In which case, calm yo tits, I'll get around to it), or you want to know who I am. So let's begin.

I'm a college age asian kid who has more heart than he has senses. I'm still working out this whole "adulthood" thing, so until then I just do what I feel I must. As far as personality and traits go, I'm not one for boasting. So if there's anything redeeming about myself you'd have to figure it out in person or by word-of-mouth. Generally however I'm rather perverted, in the best and worst ways. nothing is too much until I've crossed the line, and that just means I've started.

As far as Roleplays I like, I have a thing for fantasy, though I'm also good for some types of sci-fi, supernatural, Modern, and slice-of-life. If it's open and sandbox, I'll probably join it. Never really been a romantic, I often chose to sexualize any notion of romantic encounters I come across. I generally write at Casual quality, though I have no issues with Free-Level Rp/Players and I can hold my own in Advance.

Most Recent Posts

Yeah I got like, 2 gold to my name. I really need this job.
"Certainly. Sounds like you would like a full bow. I think I have one suitable for you." Yurt went to the back of his shop and brought out a fairly nice looking bow. It was a darken brown, with a white rawhide string. There were etchings in the wood that not only looked ornamental, but also served a different purpose: they helped the bow flex for the draw without compromising too much for it's durability. "Been holding onto this for a few months now. Client brought one for his daughter, but I haven't seen them since the commission, nor have I received my payment. So I'm willing to sell this to you just to get rid of it. As for leather breastplate, hmm... I don't normally sell armor for women, so I don't have any. However, I do believe I have some for younger men. It ought to be roughly the same fit. That will be an extra 25 denarius."
In the dark metros, it's not unusual for the infrastructure to give way and collapse seemingly at random. It wasn't as if anyone was going out of their way to ensure the structural integrity of these cement walls after years of relentless ice and snow. So for any experienced wandering, they should know the signs of collapsing walls. And Cat could tell that the explosion that rocked the drug store had suddenly turned the area into a danger zone. The walls were cracked, ice and water dripped from the ceiling. Another explosion like that would bring down the entire tunnel. And even now, this place might collapse anywhere between a few days to a few minutes. Cat needed to get out of here, fast.

Donny was just a few feet behind her, staggering. He made the rookie mistake of not covering up his ears or making sure his body was ready to adjust to the sudden shift in air pressure. Despite going only at a relatively mild jog, his head was suffering from some major ringing and his body felt like a mutant just smashed his chest. He was out of breath and feeling suddenly exhausted. When Cat went to him Donny tried to gather his breath but suddenly drew his pistol. He aimed it past Cat at something shambling down the hall. The movements were all too familiar: a ghoul. Brain-dead and partially frozen. Surely it couldn't have just arrived in this state, no so soon after the explosion. It must've been a lone wanderer. Or worse. A scout.

There were another tunnel to the left the duo could go down, leading deeper into the underground metro. Unknown to the duo, and the ice seemed undisturbed. Could be that no one else has been here in a while. Or, it's possible the ice has covered the trail of anyone who has been here. The existence of the ghoul shambler certainly showed that this area was not completely uninhabited, for better or for worse. "Gotta go. Kill or go?" Donny said between heavy breaths.
Oof, that would've been bad. Pretty sure ghosts are immune to nonmagical weapons, so nothing Domic could've done to help cept like, throw candles at em or something.
Cheesus, negative two?
Psha, this cheap booze ain't nothing to Domic, plus that was just a nice way of saying "I don't really care about what we're doing, so go ahead and just talk."
Got a pretty solid 17! Domic will try to treat the ghost with civility, making it clear I'm just here to listen to what she wants to say.

Domic enters, still angry, but trying his best not to lash out at anyone. He downs his booze and tries to redirect his focus on something else. Apparently, everyone was going to a seance or something? Talking to ghosts. Domic put no stock in such things, at least not from some halfling in a tavern, but it was better than stewing in his own madness. So Domic finishes his drink, as well as any other unattended mugs, and will attend this ghost meeting.
@Dark Cloud dude, you got to chill. RPing isnt life, we all have things to do. Spamming about how people aren't posting is just going to annoy people who don't have all the time in the world to post.
@Dark Cloud If nothing else, maybe incidents like this can give Zag a chance at character development. His "honor" is not the same as everyone else's. He's not among dragonborn, he's among humans, elves, gnomes, and shifters. He'll need to learn how to conduct himself among these unfamiliar people. Morality is not so black and white that everyone follows the same set of good and evil, even in a world where there are gods who try to categorize such things.
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