Avatar of Lucius Cypher


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2 yrs ago
Current Ethical? No. Illegal? Also no.
2 yrs ago
Some people need to make a hard choice when deciding which two karaoke streams they want to listen to. I have no such weakness: I have two ears for a reason.
3 yrs ago
The hard part about trying to play some politically savvy mastermind is the assumption that the world operates off real world politics and not your DM’s politics.
4 yrs ago
Don't put too much stock in prophesies. At best they're full of shit, but more often than not they're one of those self-fullilling kinds. Plan for what happens afterwards instead.
4 yrs ago
A character isn't deep or compelling just because you let them get hurt a lot, are always depressed, or do morally questionable things.


If you're here either you're wondering what I'm doing cause I need to post in your RP (In which case, calm yo tits, I'll get around to it), or you want to know who I am. So let's begin.

I'm a college age asian kid who has more heart than he has senses. I'm still working out this whole "adulthood" thing, so until then I just do what I feel I must. As far as personality and traits go, I'm not one for boasting. So if there's anything redeeming about myself you'd have to figure it out in person or by word-of-mouth. Generally however I'm rather perverted, in the best and worst ways. nothing is too much until I've crossed the line, and that just means I've started.

As far as Roleplays I like, I have a thing for fantasy, though I'm also good for some types of sci-fi, supernatural, Modern, and slice-of-life. If it's open and sandbox, I'll probably join it. Never really been a romantic, I often chose to sexualize any notion of romantic encounters I come across. I generally write at Casual quality, though I have no issues with Free-Level Rp/Players and I can hold my own in Advance.

Most Recent Posts

Good to know, good to know. Fairly understandable throughout, I thi j I'll buy some minor like the healer kit and drum. A bit shame about the horses but that's expected. Ought to save for armor but tbh I have no clue if/when we'd be back at the castle to buy it, and frankly there's probably good odds of Fran looting armor piecemeal from her enemies, especially if we go after bandits and the like.

With shopping done, is there anything in particular someone like Fran could do in the next few days? She unfortunately has no craft skills so nothing she can make, and I don't imagine there's much she can do as a barbarian that isn't basically regular guard work. She does however have animal handling, land vehicle prof, and prof in drums, if she can somehow use those for work or labor. I'm thinking something along the lines of just playing music to lift people's spirits and generally helping the folks out in the city, for whatever money or favor they can afford to give her.
Btw you mentioned the econ being a bit jank, so how much would equipment be? I think I'll have Fran buy some gear during the down time so just wanted to know what's available. Things in particular she wants to buy:

Some medium armor (either breastplate or even half-plate)
A drum
Healers kit
A horse (riding horse or war horse if possible)
Traveling supplies
Any potential upgrades to her weapons.
Works for me. I like to think the mysterious and unknown nature of their homelands is why the Varangian as a whole are both strong but paranoid warriors: they have had to fight many strange things and strange people and thus are used to axe first, ask questions later.
Glad to see you like her backstory! Personally I've always been a fan of seeing humanity's difference when you got actual fantastic races to compete against. I imagine one of the reasons for the Varangian current decline isn't necessarily out of decedence, but warfare: without a king to unite them and point them towards an enemy, the Varangian have been warring with their rival tribes and may be even considering invading other nations in order to amass more wealth and resources.

It hasn't been easy if course, but their overall goal certainly conflicts with the interests of the Dale and threatens other nations, only kept in check by the violent nature of their native homelands keeping them from growing too powerful. But with the weaken authority of the royal family enabling chais to seep in, things could take a turn for the worse if the Varangian actually manage to unite their homelands and sought scouting out their next area of conquest.

It would certainly put Francesca in between two worlds. On one hand she's proud of her warrior heritage of the Varangian but as such people are, unsurprisingly, violent and prone to attacking their neighbors. On the other she was born and raised in the Dale and has learned culture and lived there her whole life, but it's on a steep decline and needs strong leadership right now. And that's not even including how she sees the other nations and their potential to save or threaten her people.

You got a good thing going here and I'm interested in seeing how it all unravels. In any case, I'll read up on the IC and figure out where to insert myself.
Posted my CS. I changed the game proficiency from the Noble background to an instrument.

Here's my stat roll too:
11 14 13 11 16 11

Not the best stats, but not the worse either. Kinda wished that I could play around with the stats better, humans were never meant to be generalists, but I'll just have to make up for the lack of talent with better skills.

Francesca Varangian

Got an idea for a character, likely will make em a human barbarian. Question though, for character creation I assume standard rules for items and such? Or do we get any extra items? I understand that I'll be coming in after everyone has already gone through some stuff, so I imagine that they are a bit ahead of me in terms of equipment and probably aren't expected to provide me any items.
I don't mind playing a human. Reading through your rules atm, might take me a bit but I can adapt easily enough. Anything in particular we need party wise? I'm thinking Human barbarian, but I can adapt to pretty much anything.
@Fading Memory

I'd be down to clown. Anything in particular I should know before diving into this?
Character sheet complete! Can't wait to start.
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