Avatar of Lugubrious


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Current Forgotten footfalls, engraved in ash
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Stalling falling blossoms in bloom
2 mos ago
Even if our words seem meaningless
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3 mos ago
Time turning on us always
3 mos ago
Fusing into the unknown


Current GM of World of Light. When it comes to writing, there's nothing I love more than imagination, engagement, and commitment. I'm always open to talk, suggestion, criticism, and collaboration. While I try to be as obliging, helpful, and courteous as possible, I have very little sympathy for ghosts, and anyone who'd like to string me along. Straightforwardness is all I ask for.

Looking for more personal details? I'm just some dude from the American south; software development is my job but games, writing, and trying to help others enjoy life are my passions. Been RPing for over a decade, starting waaaay back with humble beginnings on the Spore forum, so I know a thing or two, though I won't pretend to be an expert. If you're down for some fun, let's make something spectacular together.

Most Recent Posts

Alrighty, here you go. I'm very interested to get your feedback on him.

A few pats of a paper napkin around the lips and Elliot was good to go. “Delicious, delicious carbohydrates,” he declared under his breath as he pushed open the diner door and waltzed out into the city air. Where to now, he wondered? Without bothering to answer the self-administered question he started to walk. Half the fun of large cities, he felt, was wandering around until something caught his eye. After this morning's events he felt rather disinclined to encounter any trouble, so the less reputable parts of town wouldn't do, but anywhere else would be just fine. With an dispassionate look on his face and his hands in his pockets he meandered between the Denver streets, focused solely on putting one foot in front of the other, another faceless figment of the everyday crowd.

In the course of his aimless trek Elliot found himself sequestered in a corner of Quaestor's Emporium, a multi-level bookstore whose prodigious carpet, carved wood, and filigree marked its faithful appeal to an earlier era. Sitting in a comfortable albeit reduced-price armchair by a low screen displaying a fireplace, flipping through a book on advanced barbecue techniques that captured his attention, made Elliot feel somewhat like a refined gentleman enjoying some free time in his mansion's study. The idea that he might get his life in order to that degree amused him, but his concentration lay mostly upon the incredibly in-depth methods outlined in the book. From detailing beginners' mistakes and their remedies to explaining the vastly different meats that could result from subtle variations in seasoning and grill position, the author truly knew his stuff. The portly man's visage on the front, wearing a big smile and bearing a giant slab of roast on a skewer, belied the unfathomable complexity of his subject. 'Never judge a book by its cover' was the adage, and Elliot knew all too well both how widely that principle applied and how widely people ignored it.

Despite thinking about that for a moment, Elliot did not allow any piteous musings to ruin his time with the volume, and by the time he replaced it on its shelf his mind raced with possibilities. Assumedly the HQ had a kitchen of some sort, but would the staff let a Ward try out recipes of his own? To even reach that point, he would need to get enough money together to buy ingredients. One thing he knew for certain: were his indomitable mastery to apply itself to the realm of cuisine and result in some heavenly morsel, the fruit of his labors would be for him alone. Who, after all, would help him plant the wheat?

Back into the early afternoon sun. A haphazard series of twists and turns through the avenues came next, with Elliot eyeing a number of stores but not deigning to enter. Without much of anything burning a hole in his pocket, he felt better than usual about stone-facedly walking past the homeless, but even still the sight weighed on his conscience. Who really needed help? Who would try to hurt or steal from him? Who would squander charity on drugs or alcohol? Who would tell the truth? Who were there because of their own wrongdoing, because of honest mistakes, because of another's neglect or misdeed? What could he really do to help? Legitimate concerns, but regardless of legitimacy, Elliot did not want to see people so miserable.

So he tried to make sure he didn't see them.

That couldn't stop him thinking, of course. Once being a superhero fails, I really should find a soup kitchen or something that'll actually help people. Hopefully they'll let me sample my own wares—once I'm out of the Wards, I'm as out of a livelihood as any of their clients. Not a hero, not a villain. Just a nobody. All because the ignorant morons fail to recognize my genius. “Ugh.” He glanced from side to side. Don't you people think less of me. My life is suffering, too.

Another couple of hours passed before Elliot grew too thoroughly bored with the city. “Back to the gilded cage I fly,” he muttered as he oriented himself back toward HQ. Hopefully he would encounter nobody but security on his way to his room. Seeing one of the girls' faces scrunch up with disgust as he passed by, together with the smog inhaled during his wanderings, might make him puke.
Hey there. I've been watching with some interest, liking what I've been seeing, and may be applying in the near future.

I do have a question. My primary idea involves a character that was very old in the old world but upon reincarnation is somewhat younger, say, 40. I take it that doesn't count as one of the extremes you're prohibiting?

From their hidden position, the scouts of Darkmoon Cathedral peered intently at the decorated carriage as its trek came to a halt. For her part Helena made sure not to watch too intently, for even in this important moment she remembered from experience that some people tended to 'feel' the eyes of dire onlookers upon them, and even the slightest chance of giving away her position could not be tolerated. The vehicle, once stopped, divulged a somewhat pretty woman with inhuman features in what appeared to be semi-ceremonial garb. Curious, Helena observed as she approached the woebegone village with an aura of serenity, drawing people to her like moths to a flame. Before she could take action, her paladin escort confronted her about something, and despite the relatively short distance and the party's generally keen senses they could not discern any hint as to the sudden conversation's contents save the momentary outrage on the woman's face.

A few seconds later the warriors seemed to relent, and with a warming smile once more the woman began her task. One after another villagers went to her, and health radiated from her palms to wash away all their ills. Healing Touch? Helena ventured to guess. As a Cantor, Tatter most likely used it at some point, but such a paltry restorative magic paled in comparison to Recover, which could heal a huge burst to even a Supreme Lord, or Treat, which provided a constant stream of health at range.

The process of healing continued, and Helena pulled herself down from the ravine wall where she'd hoisted herself to get a clear view. Hypotheses swam through her mind but, wondering if her subordinates could provide, she whispered to the other four, “What do you surmise?”

Odile spoke first, perhaps trampling Gretchen, who seemed ready with an answer as well. “Some sort of priestess, with her paladins. They look pretty weak to me. Since she came from the south, there could be an established church of some sort down there, or maybe another village and she's making the rounds with her escort.”

Without a moment's delay the witch Gretchen continued. “None of the envoy are human. The paladins are elves and the priestess a beastkin, most likely kitsune, if the species also exists here. May have something to do with that squabble between them. Humans and demihumans are often at odds. The envoy could be trying to curry favor with the human populace by ministering like this.” She tapped a wizened finger against her mask's chin. “Or perhaps demihumans are the ones in power here, and they're trying to make peace.”

A snort resounded from Tungus. “Hmph. Could just be that they're good people. We shouldn't over-analyze.”

Helena shrugged. “True, but not useful.” She hoisted herself up again to see if the situation changed. If this woman did represent some sort of religious establishment with region-wide influence, she could be a tremendous source of information. Out of her group, only Helena herself looked human -if a bit sickly- so she could head over and inquire. However, that meant thinking up a story and potentially dealing with bothersome questions, and more definitively, it would mean risking disobedience to Volaris' imperative. As tempting as squeezing the priestess would be, she could not risk it.

“If nothing happens, we'll head south,” she declared. “See if the caravan's last destination is near enough to scope out.”

Something happened.

In the distance there came a rumble, rather like a thunderclap. Helena whirled around to look at the forest and saw a trace of orange light over the trees. An instant later a wave hit her, raising the air temperature by a couple degrees. Her allies felt it too. “Commander, I'm sensing a tremendous magical discharge,” Gretchen reported, her whisper low and urgent. “To give off a wave like that from so far away we can't even see it...the power must be immense.”

Helena's muscles tensed, and her mind raced. An explosion at the Cathedral...? Impossible! That could mean only one thing. “One of the fools has gone and attacked something,” she muttered, her voice sharp enough to make her underlings flinch. “No change of plans. We have our mission.” Hopefully, the ambient disturbance wouldn't disrupt things here.

An immediate dilemma—how could one survey the guardians when most of them had left the Cathedral and dispersed who-knows-where? Tatter floated back and forth over the hallway's carpet while Es, still plagued by the shock of her demonic ascension, sat against the wall nearby hugging her newly-purple legs. Even here, halfway up the lofty Thaumaturgium, the drop on the other side of the wooden railing made Es even more sick to her stomach. At first Tatter scorned her for it, but looking back, it made sense in a medieval world where few buildings ever soared above three floors. How grand the Cathedral of the Moon must seem!

After a few minutes of ghostly pacing Tatter decided where to proceed. Hooking a few strands around Es, who gave a small squeak of protest given what happened last time, the ubergeist grabbed her and flew back into the open air, up to the Thaumaturgium's top, and through the door leading farther upward still. One corridor stairway later, the pair reached a room of countless candles and melted wax, where on the floor a teleportation ring drawn in the hardened milky substance took them to the Fallen Kingdom.

Having never seen it before, Es could only stare wide-eyed at what appeared to be an immense expanse of sunny fields. In one direction stood a structure of incredible grandiosity, and in the other lay a small hut. Tatter made a beeline for it, and after pushing open the door revealed another teleportation ring to take her and her demonic captive upward.

The pair appeared in the entrance of an utterly gargantuan arena, the warp spitting them through the darkness of its main gate. “Well, we're here,” Tatter remarked to Es, who looked more overwhelmed than any being the Soul Twister could remember. “Perfectly place for testing magic. I hope you'll continue to write down our results.”

Still dizzy from the trip, Es found it in herself to nod. “Uh...uh huh...”

Tatter released the former elf and surged toward the battleground. As the reached the edge of the seating area, she spotted a familiar figure out on the sand, sitting at a table of roots and vines. “Jack!” she cried as she threw herself over the railing and floated down toward him. The pumpkin gentleman stood up from his table as the lady approached and gave her a bow.

“Hello again, my dear!” he greeted her warmly. “Care to join us?” He motioned his hand at the table, and Tatter noticed that a few of her ally's pumpkin monsters were standing around it, all decked out with stylish hats and bow ties, and bearing cups of tea in their tendrils.

“PFFFFFAHAHAHAHA!” Tatter wailed in laughter. A moment later she composed herself, wiping a pretend tear from her eye. “That's hilarious. And so you. How have you never done anything like this before?”

Jack gave a polite smile. “I'm glad I could entertain, though I'm afraid I personally fail to grasp what's so amusing about my garden party.”

“Right.” After glancing back to watch Es making her way down the stairs into the arena, Tatter asked him, “Why'd you come here?”

Seating himself, Jack replied, “After setting up a perimeter with the esteemed Rule34, I endeavored to seek Lord Volaris out for new instructions, yet neither I nor my entourage can seem to find him anywhere. As such I decided I would patrol the entire Cathedral in the other guardians' absence and make sure my sentries are in place. I invited Rule34 along, though he got left behind somewhere. Still, he may arrive at any time.”

Tatter nodded. She drifted over the table, flipping about, and lay herself upon it. Jack looked annoyed, to which the geist yawned in reply. “...Yeah, Volaris went somewhere. He's having me and that creep Lexicon test people's magic. He might be coming too.” Es appeared in her peripheral vision, inviting a cautious look from Jack. “Oh, that's Es. Prisoner from before the guild moved. Tested the old Beast Within on her. Don't know if she's useful yet, but since I used the guild's resources I guess I gotta make sure they don't go to waste.”

A quiet laugh in disbelief could be heard from Es. “W-what a candid explanation...”

Turning her attention back on Jack, Tatter stared into his eyes from her upside-down position. “So, wanna help? Actually it's not optional, so I don't know why I asked. If Rule comes he should help too. Your spawning abilities'll be super helpful.”

Jack put down his cup of tea and sighed.
The Lady in White

Location: Downtown

Evaporated like mist by the sunlight, perhaps, no eerie specters patrolled outside the building where Pithy, Dew, and the basilisk hunkered down for the night, but nevertheless something in its proximity had changed. In the middle of the street, an old-fashioned vendor’s wooden cart lay abandoned, its display cases and cushions all but empty. Only one bore any trace of what the mobile shop’s owner might have been selling: smack dab in the middle of the main shelf, without any sort of container or protection, stood a golden arrow pinning a piece of parchment to the pine.

That note bore lettering in an ugly, scratchy style, not so much childish as that of someone who had learned the language, then gone through life without ever caring to improve. Getting what you want just got a lot harder, it read. You got strong enemies, and the College may be the least of them. Your next opponent cut a deal with a real powerful bunch and is coming for you from city center. This can even the odds for you. After having to deal with that upstart Barnaby, it’s only fair you enjoy the same boon. Just stab it in, won’t be fatal. Don’t have to if you don’t want, but you’ll probably be wiped out otherwise. Good luck.

- a friend

The Cereal Killer

Location: Oldtown

An empty moment passed before the wounded man stirred with a sudden jolt. A violent cough wracked him as he heaved onto his side, sending spittle flying across his chin and cheeks. With panicked breathing, he writhed around, eyes rolling from side to side as he struggled to make sense of his surroundings. Garbled words issued from him, barely discernable as questions like What happened? Where am I? What time is it? Confusion and agitation held Cyril firm, and more than anything he seemed to lack awareness. Feebly he attempted to pick himself up onto his hands and knees, but his limbs failed to support the weight of his body. After a moment of trying he slumped down onto his chest, head against the ground, and his eyes swept the horizon without focusing.


Location: What Lies Beneath

The entity known as Marotte tittered. “You fl͜a̷t͞t̶er ͝your͝self͡. Únli͟k̀e ͞our̛ ͢m̸a͜st̶er ͞I ̵do ǹot̨ s̷e͞èķ y͏o̢u͝r approv̀a̷l.̸” It made its fingers into a tent and from eyeless, crescent slits stared down at Lily over them and its hooked nose.

Nothing useful could be gleaned from the grotesque living mask of the jester as Lily disappeared, though Egon’s dispassionate gaze spoke for itself, and though I.O.’s round black eyes blinked a few times in succession he did appeared nonplussed. A few questions circulated unspoken among them: did this woman intend to play around with them, perhaps as an act of defiance to her master? Why did she follow her dismissal of what she took to be Marotte showing off with her own spectacle? Only a moment had passed in the new life of this fourfold companionship, but already Lily rubbed them the wrong way. Nevertheless, with their orders to support Lily holding firm, the denizens of Deadbeat Sky put aside the matter to proceed.

Their new acquaintance’s words infiltrated their minds, reaching them all at once, but out of the trio I.O. replied first, his answer sensible and concise. “Sure. Won’t find the enemy here, after all.” One at a time the three guardians began to move. They formed a single-file line with Egon taking the lead, Marotte prancing along behind him, and I.O. lumbering in the rear. Down the staircase they strode with purposeful haste, the titanic insect in particular taking a half-dozen steps with each of his paces, despite his rather diminutive legs.

As they approached, Lily’s unsuppressed conversation with Brucie carried to them over the empty, dead air of the great cavern. Marotte tilted its head in reply to her supposition that shapeshifting cost it any degree of effort, but he only ventured a response to its proclamation. "Ah, a͜ ̀f̀ellow̶ j̕ok̀est͠e̶r̶! ̵P͟erhap̕s͘ w̢e w̶ill gét̀ a͟loǹg."̕

A moment later the group approached Lily’s location, and in organized fashion they spread out to stand abreast, with the smaller guardians on either side of I.O. A moment passed before, after a puff of his cigar, Egon addressed her, “Since ya set the meetin’ time ‘n all, ya must be ready to head out.” The smoldering cinders of his inner eyes lay on the enormous hole in the distance, through which morning sun streamed through. “We’s good to go.”
A few moments’ conversation ended with both Skinner and Anger knowledgeable about one another’s findings. With both halves of the equation put together, all that remained would be to crunch the numbers. While Leonard would be continuing his perusal of the US National, Arthur could take his pick from the selection that now awaited him. “Hmm…” he mused allowed, looking over the two categories of choices and –more importantly- the proximity between pairs of them. “Given how early it is, can’t expect our comedian to be performing just yet, eh, Hogan?”

Twisting the edge of his mustache with one hand, he drew with the index finger of his other on the map splayed over the driving wheel. “Capital Laughs…somewhat near Hillwood Museum and Gardens. And Chinese Menu Comedy is very close to the National Cherry Blossom Festival. But this Theodore Roosevelt Island is right by two of the clubs.” He glanced at his reptile companion, not because he expected the crocodile to have a useful reply, but because an idea occurred to him. “Well, I’d like to get you some time to enjoy yourself. Roosevelt Island is as good a place as any.” Tossing the map into the passenger seat, Arthur began the laborious process of pulling the van out of its spot and departing the library premises.

Midday traffic made the trip a fair bit longer and more uncomfortable than it should have been, but not too much time passed before the not-at-all-suspicious white vehicle came to a stop at a parking lot on the water’s edge. Across a footbridge lay Roosevelt Island, and from here Arthur could look across the river at the stretch of building that housed the two somewhat obscure comedy clubs he read about earlier. He extracted himself from his seat, slammed shut the door, and strode around to the van’s backside. The back doors flew open, bathing the cooped-up creature in sunlight. “Alright, bud, let’s go. Nice area to walk around in while we look for the guy.” He waved a hand at the scenery across the bridge. “If you don’t mind, I’ll tell people you’re trained. If they ask me to prove it, I’d like you to lend a hand. Okay?”
Here's my application! I hope it proves satisfactory.

I'm interested in throwing my hat into the ring, but it looks like you might have enough applications to have a full roster anyway. Is there still a reasonable shot at getting in at this point?
Following his return to the van and a quick 'hello' to Hogan, Arthur seated himself behind the wheel and pored over the list he extracted from the library's database. He did not take long to conclude that out of every option, DC Improv appeared to be the most popular, or at least the most visited. That meant a decent chance of finding his target there—at least, compared to the chance of finding the person of interest at any of the others, for there were many choices for how little there was to go on. Trying to find a single person at any one of these places seemed no better than fumbling in the dark, or throwing a dart blindfolded. He needed to narrow down his search.

Arthur glanced through the window, back at the route he came. Should he go back in and try to find more information? A lightbulb went off in his head. He was, after all, part of a team. A moment of rummaging in his pockets produced Skinner's business card, and the mustached man set about punching the numbers into his phone.

A couple rings came through the line, then a click? “Hello?” Hogan would be able to hear from the van's from. “It's me, Arthur. I've just gotten a list of the city comedy clubs. If you've turned up any info on any gardens or anything, we can help each other out by figuring out places to go that have both clubs and gardens nearby.”
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