Avatar of Lurking Krog


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3 mos ago
Current Is it just me or has the number of ads increased rather dramatically? I'm seeing them in the middle of people's posts now.
1 yr ago
Did not expect to see a new mobile layout today. Definitely different and it'll probably take some getting used to.
2 yrs ago
Hello vampiretwilight.
2 yrs ago
They don't dark. That dignity left awhile ago with the earlier secret lairs. Though I do still enjoy MtG and D&D personally.
2 yrs ago
I don't think I'd be able to drink only one cup of coffee in the morning or a day. Then again I've started measuring my consumption in ounces most recently.


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Aurora Malister & Gabriel


It has been decades since she had seen this particular carnival. She was only ten years old when her and Xander had snuck out to go see what all the servents had been talking about. The smells of the food, the jugglers spinning firey touches back and forth, and the acrobat walking across the thin wire with no net below them. Just as the acrobat looked like they were going to fall the recovered, and Rory and Xander had been caught by one of the Carnival's owners.

Rory pulled down her face cover while staring in child like wonder still lost in memory. When the goblin yelled to her she snapped out of it and looked around quickly to see who the goblin was yelling to. Off to the side she noticed the groucy looking bugbear who was leering at the carnival as of it was disturbing him. She looked around to see who else was in the line for tickets to the carnival and see a half-elf playing the the basket guard on his rapier.

"Are you ok sir?" turning the man blinked as though he was surprised by the question "Hm?" the half-elf placed his other hand at his hip giving the elvish woman a good look "Oh I'm fine," a smile spread across his face, despite the scar on Gabriel's face his appearance remained as fine as it had before "Your concern is flattering, however."

"I know how overwhelming this place can be if it's your first time seeing the Witchlight Carnival. Just wanted to make sure you didn't get to distracted. Picket pockets love a distracted crowd. Then again, it's been some time since I've seen it last and maybe they've run off any would be thieves." Aurora loosed a string on her belt pouch to draw out the needed coin to get into the carnival while stepping closer to the booth. "Name's Rory by the way.

Gabriel fished out a single gold from a pouch tied to his waistband, nodding in agreement "Well I guess I should return the favor sometime," chuckling he offered her a hand "Gabriel, duelist by trade."

A wry smile passed over Aurora's face quickly. She reached out and shook his hand. "Be careful about saying things like that around here. Carnival workers or not, fey like making deals and gathering favors. So what brings duelist by trade to the carnival?" he gave her hand a firm shake before returning it to the guard of his rapier "Whimsy, or rather a gut feeling." he told Rory with a sigh, smile dipping slightly "The life of a duelist has taken me far from a life I left behind..." Gabriel looked as though he was about to say more but instead cleared his throat and shook his head "Oh but never mind that, what brought you here?"

"Just happened to be passing through and saw the carnival. The noise and sight of it kinda draws you in. I have a few days before I need to find some work or move on anyway." Aurora stretched out her arms, and, then fingers trying to loosen up stiff muscles from having been cramped in the small inn room she was staying at.

Gabriel gave her a slight nod with a bit of amusement upon his face "Story of my life," he chuckled amicably, then scratching the hair of his chin with the hand placed upon his weapon Gabriel silently considered something with a tilt of his head "If you wouldn't mind it," returning his hand to the hilt of the weapon at his side Gabriel sounded as if he were measuring his words "I would ask if you might like my company?"

"I don't see why not." She stepped up to the booth quickly behind the gnome in line.
Alright *cracks knuckles* Time to channel my inner used car salesman and hope for the best.

I was thinking home shopping network host selling priceless cubic zirconium next to the non-stick ceramic pan, and beany babies. Idk maybe it's a combo of the two.

Also I am glad to know I'm not the only one whose come up with a con man character.
This train will run on time and arrive at its intended destination or so help me I will resort to math puns.

Do your wurst. XD
@Dark Cloud

Sounds like a plan then. Let me move what I was working on to a PM to you.
In addition to that, of the last 16 hours since I posted I’ve been at work 5 of them and was asleep for eight. Haven’t had much time yet; after work today I should be able to knock it out. Inbetween building minis.

Yeah. Inbetween building minis. That sounds like a great evening plan.

Have fun with the minis. I still need to finish some for my AoS army.
The inn keep mentions to a man by the kegs and he starts to pour an ale for Kythor. One of the servers nods to Foxfire, collects the coins, and heads to grab a flagon to refill the mug with.

The inn keep set the mug down for Kythor. "Here's your ale. As for someone who can handle a ship there may be a few folk here. Most are probably already out on the ice trying to catch some more fish. The owner of the ferry maybe able to help you since his ship is frozen in the ice. The half elf over there may be able to help as well. Simon Erickson I believe is his name. He's been trying to gather some extra coin since his ship got burned by a clumsy oaf who knocked over an oil lantern."

Rinaldo stands on top a table to see who called out to him. "None really know how she died saddly. Most think she drowned in the lake as well. You could ask her yourself as I believe she is getting closer to us. I'm holding a séance in my room at the back of the inn."

A few folk at tables near the fireplace eye the massive dragonborn as he moves closer to the fire to warm up.
The modron ran up the clock.
@Dark Cloud

Would you like a drink? What brings you here traveler?
<Snipped quote by Lurking Krog>

Awesome! Thank you!


I rolled 18. ^_^

Despite the distance and the normal noise of the crowd you've been able to pick up the tale.

Rinaldo tells of the White Lady and her husband, who was apparently a miserly man. Apparently he kept all his treasure in a locked chest that never left his side even before his wife had passed. Many people claim that the chest is what sank his ship as it was heavy, others claim that while out on the lake he saw his dead wife walking on the lake. The Visage had startled him so much that he had capsized the boat and drowned in the lake. All claim however that the chest he kept is somewhere at the bottom of the lake buried in the cold mud waiting for someone to claim it.
I might just wanna do a collab post.

Anyone in particular you'd like to do this with?
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