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10 mos ago
Current Catching up today. Yippee!!
10 mos ago
Shaping up to have one of the worst weeks of my life so that's fun
11 mos ago
Pop an interest check up! Plenty of people not interested in that kind of thing. It's less visible because 1x1 discussion happens mostly over PMs
11 mos ago
#DwarfSupremacy point me at the dumb elves boss
1 like
12 mos ago
TIL Texas has used AI to translate thoughts into text.


Forever towing the line between 'is this better in RP or forum game format'

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Our Dungeon was A Clockwork Empire

In our core was a clockwork heart. We built our home in a maze of steam, pipes and gizmos. No one knew from where these machines were built, or how, or when. They replicated themselves and worked towards ends that were alien to a human mind. We formed a symbiotic relationship with the Mechanical labyrinth we were a living part of. We scavenged it's pores for parts, purged it of humanoid parasites, and farmed the great ticking technology within, encouraging it's growth. With time we would surely overthrow the last vestiges of humanity that squatted in the City Above.

That was our beginning. But this was who we were, when we started. We were unique and distinct from the others that lived in the Clockwork Empire. Our niche would prove to be a great advantage to us. Who we were did not guarantee who we would become in time. But we will always have our roots.

We are...

>Builders. Our constructions and architecture was a glory to behold. We were able to build quicker, with fewer resources, and our buildings worked efficiently.

>Collectors. We were the best scavengers. We knew our way safely through the ever changing, claustrophobic corridors. We brought back more loot on our excursions and added them to our hoard. We could always find something useful among the debris, where others saw trash we saw opportunity, and we put it to good use.

>Zealots. We were blessed with the true faith. It was our duty to reach greater and greater heights in the name of our gods. We were to spread their influence and in exchange they empowered us. As we succeeded In our missions our gods, in turn, gained more control over our crippled reality. In time we would reach feats beyond the possible. We were charismatic and one of our greatest skills was 'recruiting' others to our cause.

>Minions. We were looked down on as brittle creatures. But we were many. Fragile and practically invisible to those more powerful then us, we would often get wrapped up in the schemes of more ferocious creatures. But we bided our time and turned our greatest weaknesses into our greatest strength: no one expects the minions to overthrow and rule...

>Expansionists. We felt the heartbeat of cold iron and copper in our veins. The pulse of the Machinery called to us. We spread ever outwards, quicker then any other. Our tunnels zigzagged through every district and underbelly. We had eyes everywhere and cavernous spaces to fill with whatever creations we pleased. In time every cog and gear would belong to us.

>Archeologists. Encapsulated in the dead technologies we found the long buried of ancient ages. In time we taught ourselves to care and study these preserved creatures. We began to burrow deeper into the Clockwork City, hoarding our findings. In time, as we developed our skills, We learnt to bring these preserved beings to life. Extinction was a concept for others.

>Mechanical Masterminds. We knew how to put to use the scrap we found and repurposing it. Pushing the boundaries of our engineering knowledge was our greatest pastime, we took cogs and gears and turned them into inventions and Traps at great speed and efficiency. While some of what we produced had... Quirks... it was all in the name of progress. Our innovation was our greatest asset.

>Genetic Experimenters. We were scientists who knew that the forms of evolution left much to be desired. Left unchecked in the belly of the Clockwork Empire, we set to work studying and combining creatures of all shapes and sizes. Our ability to mutate, adjust genomes, and create entirely new forms of life in our vats would put us in a league all of our own. Of course, our creations needed to test the extent of their capabilities to be truly considered viable forms of life - if a few humans died in their rampages, it was surely because they were genetically inferior.

>The Hidden Hand. We chose to remain as shadows. Our strengths did not lie in power, physical territory, arcane knowledge or scientific discovery. Our power was in our whispers. Our influence stretched far into the City Above. We set factions against each other and moved Kings as pawns. We kept everyone embroiled in struggles and stole from them while their backs were turned. Our economy was in black market goods, valuable secrets, and believable lies.
"Cute baby axolotls that become playable: pet and care for baby axolotls. Feed them, nurture them and see them grow! Finally, bring them on your hunting adventures."

ohno I get to raise my cute little murderers?? Sign me up!

Look at these cute bubble babies growing up to be wittle murderhwobos:
I've been craving some light hearted blast from the past, not trying to be anything other then it is rp recently. Bonus points if it does end up Isekai.

So tentative interest from me! I'll probably play good-hearted but dim oaf or a over the top kingmaker type character, if another player is down to have a loyal but goofy companion.
In Hiya 2 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Gosh, I feel a little sad you felt left out and didn't feel comfortable joining sooner! This place is chaos but the good kind :)

Welcome to the forum and I hope you find the partners and roleplays you're looking for!
Welcome! How much coffee does it take to get coffee drunk in your experience?
Wait how did I not post in here

Welcome back!! *squees in kobold*
@Dark Cloud he be vibin'
@Dark Cloud the QT3.14 right in the middle of the fountain in the gif!
Seconding this, I don't know a single artist who doesn't have alternative options. Just depending on how they advertise they may only show PayPal to save space or to cut down on too much information ect. I'm sure if you reach out to artists you like they will let you know alternatives. Some may even prefer Kofi ect. to PayPal.

Also seconding your weird experiences with PayPal...
@POOHEAD189 Going through the rubble tomb right?
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