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2 yrs ago
Current Well... after years of being away, I'm... sort of back. Kinda wonder where should I start, though.


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Location: World Crossers Guild - Underground Lab

Lilina: I see. In short terms, DUST was created to research Psychics and allow their coexhistence with humans but the project went towards a different route from the initially planned.

Lilina: ... That goal... it's something I could definitely share. Peace between us and humanity...

I don't mind it. It could be cool to see how they work.

World: Renovation
Location: Gummi Ship "Renovation's Might" - Cafeteria

Agni followed Tocsax and the rest to the cafeteria, with Ignitio and Victor following from behind, as they finally finished talking. As they walked, Tocsax gave Agni a quick rundown on Keyblades. The Oracle came to have a better understanding about them, although still holding many questions. "I see... that truly appears to be the case, since they can aid us in using magic and also function as a wrod. The name also implies the part about the locks, which it was obvious from the start and I shouldn't even raise a question about it. Still, how can someone comes to wield a Keyblade? Does it choose the user or is it a different process?" Agni asked. Suddenly, Victor joined them and decided to ask something.

"U-Umm... I-I'm sorry to bother both of you, but why are we here? I-I mean, I just arrived so I want to know... kinda..." He asked, nervous. "Well, let's see... how should I explain to you?" Agni thought about it, but with the arrival of a mysterious swordsman and a cat in the group, his thought line stopped momentarily. "More people arriving out of nowhere. This is starting to bother me... alongside many other things." Ignitio commented, while glancing at Tocsax for a moment. "Wow, it's a cute cat! Look, Agni!" Victor looked at the cat, eager about the small pet. That's when Tocsax gave another rundown of information.

"Oooooh, I see. Well, I'm sorta useless, b-but I'll do my best!" Victor spoke. "Stop labelling yourself as useless. That could not be farther away from the truth, Victor." Ignitio commented. "Ignitio's right. Have some more self-confidence in you and in your music, Victor." Agni spoke. Hearing their back up animated Victor a bit.

As they reached the cafeteria, they could see a dinosaur in the kitchen as the Moogles seemed to be feeding him nonstop. Victor got distracted with the raptor. "Wow, a dinosaur! Look, it's a real dinosaur! It's so cool! I'm going to take a closer look!" He spoke. Victor liked animals, from the most innocent to the most deadly. He walked closer and stared at the raptor from outside the kitchen. As Agni looked, Tocsax spoke about bathing. Before he could ever answer, Ignitio interrupted Agni. "Agni, I have something to speak with him for a second. I suppose it is best if you stay near Victor before he gets hurt." He spoke. "OK. I'll wait there with Victor." Agni spoke, leaving to watch over Victor.

Once Victor and Agni were distracted looking at the dinosaur, Ignitio grabbed Tocsax by the neck and turned him until both were staring at each other. From the calm demeanor he had with his brothers, the Death returned to his frigid, cold-hearted tone. "Do not even dare to do something of your sluttish sort with my brother, you bastard. He might be trusting you and Victor may not have seen reason to doubt, but that does not extend to me. If you betray, distort of defile either Agni or Victor, you will be answering to me. And I assure you-" He spoke, while squeezing Tocsax's neck. "I am not nearly as kind as they are, so I will show no remorse on taking your life." He finished speaking, punching Tocsax in the stomach and releasing him from his grasp. After that, Ignitio joined Agni and Victor. It was clear that he wasn't exactly an ally and he would kill the rest if necessary from protecting his brothers.
Location: Spring Zone - Hakurei Shrine

Reimu: Alright then, it's time for us to eat.

Xaizor: Great! I'm hungry as hell after all that fighting!

Marina: Xaizor, we have guests! Get back here!

Alice: Ah! Hey, don't mess up things in the kitchen!

Alice followed the hasty brothers as they went inside the kitchen, almost messing everything up.

Cookie: Those two will surely give us trouble.

Reimu: Get used to it. This is your life right now.

Reimu: Oh, right. Before I forget...

Reimu took out a letter and gave it to Rayla. It contained the royal emblem of Lacrima.

Reimu: King Lumino asked me to give you this letter. However, he said he'd like you all to read it whenever Marina and Xaizor aren't near you.

Cookie: Well then, shall we head inside?
Jin: Wait for me!!

Jin descended right from the sky and landed right next to them.

Jin: There's still some for me, right? Don't tell me you guys ate all the food already!

Cookie: We didn't even begin to eat.

Jin: Whew... I was worried I'd go to sleep hungry...

Reimu: OK, enough talk. Let's go inside and eat.

Location: World Crossers Guild - Underground Lab

Lilina: Y-Yes... I... want to see my mom.

5T: I'll go check if she can receive your visit. She has been really stressed out.

Lilina: I can only imagine. Still, I'd like to see her, if only that.

5T: I'll send the confirmation. Stay here for a while.

5T left the lab and went to check on Lilina's mother since the girl wanted to see her. While the idea was for her to rest her mind, she also wanted to know what Makis had to tell her.

Lilina: In the meanwhile, I suppose I can hear what you have to tell me. It's important, so let's not leave for another time.

World: Renovation
Location: Gummi Ship "Renovation's Might" - Control Room

"Glad to meet you, Sir Tocsax. I'll ensure that me and my brothers will help you and the others." Agni spoke and saluted. He then looked at Ignitio and Victor, who were still chatting with each other for a little bit.

BGM: Believe in Possibilities

Then, an invitation was made. Tocsax had invited Agni to go to the cafeteria. While the invitation was executed, well, as direct as possible, he didn't count with one thing: the Oracle was actually dense when it comes to notice people like him. And even on this case, when said person was being direct as possible, Agni didn't understood it well. "We've just met and you're saying this too. I wonder why people say that to me. I know I'm wearing a magical armor, but it doesn't have any magnet functions. At least, I don't know if they do. Mom never tells me if she installed any sort of weird properties anyways..." Yes, he mistook himself for having properties of a magnet. In his case, his armor is made of Orihalcum and thanks to Rosangela's magic, it wasn't attracted to magnets as metal.

Still, he didn't mind the invitation, though. It would do him good to actually discuss with the group's leader about the Keyblades, as he seem to be far more smarter than Agni would be in this area. "I do have somethings that I'd like to know more about the Keyblades and how they function, so I suppose I accept the invitation. You don't mind if I take notes while we talk, do you, Sir Tocsax?"

Country: Cyprus
Location: Larnaca District - Alaminos Pier

BGM: Land of Beginnings

The country of Cyprus, a small island right next to the coasts of Syria and Turkey. This was the meeting place for all candidates enlisted to the known Operation: Symbiote. The new and old soldiers were all disperse around the Alaminos Pier, at the Larnaca District. Perhaps there was some anticipation, especially among the recent enlisting members. It wasn't pretty full of people and not all of them were in combat gear right from the start. It was for the best, though. The new recruits weren't just simpletons who would grab a gun. In fact, they needed no gun...

Arms Masters. Those were most of the operation's new recruits. Each of them with their own unique ability, whether to attack or to support, was there to ensure the success of the operation's mission: to ensure peace between humanity and Arms Masters, finishing the war that has begun because of their differences and the prejudice each side began to hold against each other. The ones chosen to Operation: Symbiote shared the same goal. All they wished was peace, so that live could progress without the need of people dying at all sides of the world.

Or so it seemed to be... after all, not all of them shared the same perspective.

BGM: Mary, the Magician

He was sitting on a bench. Silent, holding a strange-looking knife for some seconds before it vanished. He had a view to the sea right ahead of him. Tranquility was the last thing his mind had though. He looked around, seeing the big amount of people reunited around him... and that scared him. By following logic, wouldn't he need to interact with them from now on? Wouldn't he need to live his life around all of those strangers around him? If that would be the case, he had been tricked. But the person who brought him here didn't lie... did he?

"Ein, I'm back." A voice spoke. When the boy named Ein looked, someone was right next to him. It was André Dias, ex-police officer and now member of Operation: Symbiote. The one who took care of Ein over these past years. The man kneeled and looked at him. "The boat will be coming soon. Once we board in, we're already in Operation: Symbiote." André spoke. Ein looked down and spoke, quiet and soft. "... André, I... why am I needed?" He asked. "It was a direct request from my superiors. They didn't explain to me why, but they requested that you join Operation: Symbiote with me, Ein. Besides, I can't leave you alone back at home." He spoke. "B-But... I can take care of myself-"

That's when André reached his hand out to Ein's shoulder. In a fast reaction, Ein backslapped it away. "A-Ah! I-I'm sorry... I...!" Ein began to panic a little after doing what he did. "See? We've been together for a good amount of time and you still don't let me touch you. You also don't talk that often so leaving you with a stranger is impossible." André spoke. It's true, Ein never let someone touch him, not even André. The human touch was something he feared to extremes... because it would always remind him of the past. "E-Even so, I-I don't like it here... there's too many people around and..." Ein said. "We can't turn back now, unfortunately. The airspace around here is too unstable due to the war. You'll have to endure it, Ein." André spoke.

Ein saw he had no choice, but couldn't do anything other than looking down once more. "Don't worry. I'll be here with you, OK? If you get scared, just stick close to me." André reassured him. That was actually a lie. The plans for Ein would involve something other than the comfort offered to him. Still, for now, it would be for the best to calm him down. Ein's response was a nod, showing his trust in his caretaker.

World: Renovation
Location: Gummi Ship "Renovation's Might"

BGM: Boy Meets Girl, Twoson still playing

"Great! Let's do our best together!" Agni spoke, happy with Vic's answer. Seeing that the boy got calm made his effort worth it, which solved one of the problems present in the ship. Ignitio glanced a little and remembered how Agni accepted him, even though he once stood in his way. It was proof of how Agni had a kinf heart capable of forgiving and accepting errors. A smile formed in his mouth under his mask, but his face was clearly showing he was smiling even a little bit.

BGM: Battle Preparations -Reunion-

After that, Tocsax began explaining the reaon why they have been called. Apparently, they were creating a sort of small group composed of Keyblade Wielders around the worlds in order to prevent incidents with the Heartless and with the 12 mysterious people back from the palace plaza. He also explained they needed to find his Somebody, which was a term that elluded Agni and Ignitio. "In a sense, we're travelling around the worlds in order to make sure balance is restored. The Heartless, which are supposed to be those black monsters, are rampaging around and causing distortions, being our job to stop them." Agni compelled the information in the best way he could. He was unsure if he was right or not, but that was what he understood so far. The parts where he didn't understood it well would be clarified with practical effort.

Then, he explained about the first world they would be visiting. The situation really seemed dire, as the Nazi had begin their domination over Europe. However, his aim was a different one. "We'll go after the Princess of Heart and the exorcist. It'd do us better to leave the offensive fighting to those capable of doing it." Agni spoke. "Then we shall head to Britain immediately once we arrive. I do feel as if we will meet those caped enemies in the way." Ignitio spoke. That was true: the possibility of those caped men arrive is big, considering they are the enemies. "We'll do whatever is possible to ensure the mission will be successful, with or without them in our way." Agni spoke.

*BGM fades*

Suddenly, a portal opened right in the room's roof, in between Tocsax and the rest. "That portal... is it from Mother?"

BGM: Temmie Village

Victor fell limp on the ground as the portal closed. That surprised Agni and Ignitio, who didn't expect someone from their home to appear, much less Victor of all people. "Oww... Mama always opens portals right up at my feet... she always teases me like that." He spoke, believing that he was alone, when he got up, the first thing he saw was a stranger and he immediately panicked. He seemed to be serious, so he might have interrupted him. "A-Ahh, I-I thought I was alone! S-Sorry! Eep, I was too loud! S-Sorry again!" Victor spoke, panicking more than what one person should in front of a stranger. "V-Victor?! What are you doing here?!" Agni asked. Upon hearing his voice, Victor immediately got up and looked at his brother. "A-Agni! I found you! Yes! Now I don't have to feel lost anymore!" Victor spoke, happy that he found Agni quickly. All his fear seemed to have faded. He lacked confidence, but whenever he was near his brothers. "You still have not answered the question, Victor." Ignitio spoke.

"Well, it was Mama and Papa's idea. They said you two would need help, so they sent me. I told them it was a bad idea, but they ignored me." He spoke, swirling his index fingers. "Honestly, we do not even know why we were summoned and now we have to carry you around too. They should have sent Claire in your place." Ignitio spoke. Victor wasn't a fighter, so sending him wasn't the best idea. At least, in his opinion. "Y-You don't have to remind me that I'm useless, Ignitio..." Victor spoke, depressed. "H-Hey, you do not have to get that depressed. I did not exactly call you useless, I just said-" ignitio tried to fix the situation, but Victor's head went even more down. Ignitio looked at Agni, with a face signaling "help me" as the Oracle just facepalmed and let out a huge sigh. Me and my dysfunctional family... He thought with himself.

This wouldn't get them anywhere. Agni had to know about the mission before he could help his brothers right now. "... Ignoring my brothers who are sort of lost with each other, I think I don't know your name yet. Would it be much for you to tell me?" He asked Tocsax.

@Letter Bee @Double @Gentlemanvaultboy

World: Royal Sky Capital of Lizeria
Location: Royal Castle - Throne Room

Claire and Victor waited at the throne room together. They were called by their parents, so they had to be there at all posts. "And we've arrived~" A voice echoed around the room. Suddenly, a woman with an evil look and an empty-faced man appeared. "Hi, my beautiful children! How are we in this wonderful and fashionaaaaaaabluh day of ours, hmm~?" The woman kept speaking. She was Rosangela Blackheart, mother of the four children, one of Lizeria's Creators and a wicked being known as a Walpurgis. "You mean fashionable, Mommy?" Claire asked. "But Claire cutie, all the hipster kids at the kingdom are talking like that! Why, it's one of those trending words those earthlings always have in their social media! You seriously are behind times." She said. Rosangela was flamboyant and very eccentric, but under her playful guise hides a woman that fused magic with technology and tricked life and death by hiding her soul within her son's soul. By no means she is weak, so Claire, Victor and everyone had their toes ready, because they were in her playground, whether Agni rules it or not.

"Victor and Claire. Your brothers have departed." The man now spoke, making Claire and Victor stand uptight. This man was their father, Sidney Whitesoul. Another one of Lizeria's Creators and Death himself. His power is absolute and undeniable, equivalent to the gods praised by the Church down in Earth. "Y-Yes, Papa! W-We don't know where they went though..." Victor spoke. "Other worlds... a mission they were called." Sidney spoke. He was a man of few words, a cold voice enough to send shiver in any spine. "What is curious for me is that giant, oversized key your brother is holding. The fact the guns I made to him have vanished is also curious. Aww... he had to leave me with this unsatiable curiosity..." Rosangela spoke. Claire and Victor looked at each other and were actually glad Agni wasn't around. "Soooo, why did you two called us anyway?" Claire asked. "Ooooh, righty right! We're sending one of you to go after Agni and Ignitio! Those two alone won't be helpful at all, they need someone else." Rosangela spoke, excited. Claire beamed in anticipation while Victor was completely nervous. "O-O-One of us...? A-And who will that be?" Victor asked. "Oh, me! Me, me, me! Send me!! ME!!" Claire jumped and swung her arms like crazy. Rosangela looked at Sidney as he gave his verdict. "... Victor." He spoke.

BGM: Free and Easy

"Wait, WHAT?! You're sending HIM after Big Bro and Bigger Bro?!" Claire spoke, completely surprised. Victor wasn't happy with the idea either. In fact, he was already foretelling the worst. "M-Mama, I don't think this is a good idea too! I mean, I'm not a fighter a-and I'm not good with these stuff! What if I find a monster or something like that?! I don't know how to defend myself, I'm going to die!" Victor spoke, trembling and desperate. "Victor dear, but you shouldn't worry about it. Believe me, your precious Mama knows EXACTLY what she's doing. Besides, I know where your brothers are~" Rosangela spoke, cheerfully. "We have installed a special sigil that allows us to know wherever you are." Sidney spoke. "I don't care about this shitty sigil BS. Why the hell are you sending Victor and not me?! You know damn well I can kill one army by myself! I did that already, for hell's sake!" Claire questioned, getting angry. "Claire cutie, the last thing they need is you killing allies like a savage. Ignitio dashing is already there to give Agni darling a headache, so perhaps Victor dear can give him some brief rest to the head." She spoke. "Our decision is final, Claire. There is no more discussion." Sidney said.

Claire, utterly defeated, looked at Victor. She was extremely furious. "You better listen DAMN WELL HERE, Victor! If Big Bro returns here with a single, A SINGLE SCRATCH, I'm killing you and Ignitio. And after that, I'll descend into hell myself and kill you again. And again. And again! And again!! AND AGAIN!! YOU HEAR ME?!" Her scream was so loud, it echoed around the whole castle, sending a shiver in all servants and in the aforemented Victor. "EEEEEK!! I-I get that clear and loudly!! I-I-I won't fail!! Please don't kill me!!" Victor hid his face in fear. Claire stared at him once more and left, punching the door and sending it away, breaking a wall. With stomps, no guard, maid, butler or any other servant dared to speak a word to her. "My, but she is violent. For as much as I am proud, I am disappointed." Rosangela sighed. "Victor, you will depart immediately. Aid your brothers at your best." Sidney said. "Wait, wait, wait!! A-At least give me a day to prepare myself and my bag, Papa!!" Victor implored. "Well... I guess we can give you time..." Rosangela spoke. "Denied~! Good luck, sweetheart~!!" She waved at him with a wide smile. Suddenly, a portal appeared right under Victor. "M-Mama!! W-WHOAAAAA!!" He screamed as he fell inside the portal like a hole.
Here's another one.

Location: Gummi Ship "Renovation's Might"

After Vic's sudden burst, the room lit itself on fire. Tocsax had been smart to cover everyone with Mass Shellga. Agni got surprised with the sudden outburst and covered his eyes for a moment. One he opened them, flames were everywhere around Vic and he was still trembling with fear. That was sudden... but now I know he has power inside him and volatile emotions. We need to approach Vic with care from now on. Agni thought. He had too many things to think about right now: calming Vic down, understanding what was going on and making Ignitio put his gun. Talking about the latter, he still had it upwards and seemed unfazed by the whole happening. In fact, his aim hasn't changed a single bit. "That still does not explain the situation. If you do not wish to say it, then allow me to-"

But a Keyblade suddenly pushed the gun's aim down with a strong slash. "Agni, what are you-" He questioned. "If you don't give people the chance to explain, it's difficult to get anywhere. Now put the gun down." Agni spoke, a little more fierce than before. Ignitio just let out a small "tch" and his gunblade vanished. "Now's not the time for us to be bickering around each other. We're strangers, for sure, but there was a reason for us to be here. With or without doubts to each other's morals, we must work together." He said, now for all present to hear. He was always seen as a commanding presence to the allies he had back then. He didn't want to take the lead, but at least thought that sharing his own opinion would make things better, even if a little.

BGM: Smile

Then, before he could ask Tocsax about the mission, Agni turned once again at the trembling Vic. After the request, the woman named Georgia tried to calm him down by calming herself down near him. The feeling of tranquility wasn't expressed by words, but it was well expressed. At least, that was what he thought. Still, he wanted to help as well. "Let me help with Vic too. I was the first person to talk with him, so maybe I can help in some way." Agni spoke to Tocsax. "Do you really need to? We need to understand the mission first, right?" Ignitio asked. "Aren't you used to the fact that I put people before order, Ignitio?" Agni said, while going towards Vic. His brother always questioned why he would help a stranger. Ignitio always disagreed with the idea, because he always felt as if he wasn't being cautious. Or maybe he was being cautious and was putting his trust to test. Either way, he just looked to the window and waited. If he looked at Tocsax again, the risks of him shooting at the Nobody were big.

Agni walked towards Vic. He looked at the crying and trembling boy. "Guess we got interrupted on our conversation. Your name was Vic, right? That's a cool name." Agni spoke, smiling. He crossed the flames and put his hand on Vic's shoulder. "You're scared because you don't understand what's going on, right? Believe me, I went through the same thing. Being tossed into places we don't know, with people we barely know is pretty harsh to take on. I don't know if this helps you, but how about being my friend?" He offered something. Ignitio returned to look at the scene and reminisced the war. The day he fought Agni and his friends, lost and gained the forgiveness of his ex-alterego. Or rather, ex-host. "We can get strong together, have some laughs and enjoy an adventure together. I'm not exactly the strongest person ever, but I won't let harm come towards you or anyone else. What do you say, Vic?" Agni asked him.

@Gentlemanvaultboy@Letter Bee@Ryteb Pymeroce@ShadowVentus
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