Avatar of manapool1


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Current Is he back? Is he going to show up for 2 days and leave forever? Who knows!
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Gonna be real slow during finals time
6 yrs ago
Gonna get all my replies out friday. Life hit me like a brick this week
6 yrs ago
Just cleaned out my Pms. Got a little sad seeing how many old friends are gone.
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A little dude trying to write some fun things with other people. I love to talk with people (especially about different media such as movies, books, comics, art and cartoons).

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Is this still open?
@Blaze Gamma
I could possibly do that.
@JBRam2002 Well, I can make Hunk 18 if you wish, but Hanuman is cool too. Whichever one you'd like.
@JBRam2002Oh thank you! I just saw this!
Hello, my friends! Would you all be offended by a late member to the party?
The three I would like to play are:
Hanuman: A Cleric of protection, a sweet man who believes his purpose is to aid a great hero in their adventure.
Glamdring 'the foe hammer': A hobgoblin fighter who only wants to be the leader of something worth while
Gibbles: A nilbog (Trickster cleric)
Deku: A lizardfolk monk who has always been interested in emotion and wishes to learn to perfectly emulate them'
Hunk Krunkathunk: A 12-year-old barbarian sent out by his people to become the greatest warrior
or lastly
Vasuki: A Warlock of the feind/archfey (Depending on what is desired) looking for a way to travel through planes.

It seems you guys have a decently balanced party that isn't too large but isn't exactly small either. I completely understand if you feel full, but I would love to play if you'd have me!
@mattmanganon looks dead buddy
@Irredeemable Well I had planned on playing a Duros.
So...I take it I am too late?
This still open?

Hey buddy guy! I bought the Emerald spire and the basic players guide (Which apparently didn't come with a complete list of races or classes) and since then I haven't played the game. If you'd like, we could run the game with you until I learn the system (I tend to figure things out better by diving straight in then them being explained) and when I figure it out, I could take you through the Emerald spire.
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