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There are things that go bump in the night. Since before humanity has existed, there have been creatures of utter horror, twisted things that should not exist. For untold millenniums, these beings have operated in the shadows, preying on humankind, all the while making it seem like they didn’t exist.

It is only within the last few centuries that these monsters began to come together. Initiated by a young Count turned Vampire, named Dracula, this unification of monster kind started with just like species. Vampire with Vampire, Werewolf with Werewolf. But Count Dracula had a grander vision, one of supernatural creatures manipulating the human world from the shadows. It is with this in mind that he formed the Council of Night.

Comprised of leaders from many different supernatural communities, the Council of Night ruled over all monsters, creating laws and treaties to abide under. This authoritative power was maintained by Dracula. Called the Prince of Darkness by some, Dracula held much sway over all the different monsters. It was only with him as the head that the Council of Night could exist.

The only problem is that Count Dracula disappeared a week ago. However, only a few key members of the Council of Night are aware of this. Called by Dracula to attend a meeting at his castle, these Council members would suddenly find themselves in charge of the Council of Night. However, without the power of Count Dracula to cement their rule, can these creatures maintain control over all the other monsters?


So each player will be playing a supernatural creature, or otherwise horror type character, who is a member of the Council of Night. While this was initially inspired by the old Universal Monster Movies, I am opening this up to a wider array of monsters. Pretty much anything that has been in a horror movie and is able to have advanced thought and speech, would fit.

It was also probably fit better if your character had a way of hiding amongst humans. Whether this be magic, shape-shifting, invisibility, or other means, they will need to blend in as this is set in modern day.


  • All the Standard Rules of RPGuild apply.
  • Almost any type of monster is allowed, as long as it doesn’t have god-like power or wouldn’t care about the going ons of other monsters.
  • Right now I’m limiting it to one character per player.
  • The character sheet is located at the top of the Characters Tab. When finished with it, post it in the OOC tab for review.
  • As this is based on Horror Movies, expect some violence and scary stuff. If that bothers you, you may want to think twice about joining this.
  • I’m pretty flexible with posting, so please let me know if you have to be away or other circumstances come up that prevent posting.


So this is actually based on a RP I was in briefly several years back. I have since lost the link to it and I’ve even forgotten who ran it. However, it did pop up back into my mind a few days ago, as I’ve been in a major horror kick. I do remember that in the previous iteration that I was playing Graf Orlok from Nosferatu, a character I’ll still play for this.

This will be a love letter to all the classic monster films of any classic era, ranging all the way from the 1920s to the 1980s. Basically if you’ve ever wanted to play the villain, the horrible thing killing everyone, this is your game.

So is anyone interested in a modern day horror thriller, starring the classic movie monsters? There will be action, conspiracies, and of course, horror. Will you try and find Count Dracula, or will you try and seize power in his absence? And what will become of the Council of Night?

If this sounds fun, please let me know. Also I’m open to any questions about the setting or acceptable characters.
The massive sign for Pandora Agency had seen better days. The electric purple lettering had started to rust, with the O not even lit up. For anyone passing by here in Los Angeles, this would seem like a Z-tier talent agency. River Seth would have thought as much if not for the fact that he had been through the doors before.

Located in a lower key, more residential part of LA, River could guess that none of the locals even knew what the building was for. The first time River had been told about the building, he had searched them up on his phone, only to discover a website that hadn’t been update since the nineties.

And yet Dionysus, god of far too many things, who was also River’s father, had told him that this was the place to be for the west coast of America. In truth Pandora Agency was just a shell, containing a magical secret inside. For this was just one of many links around the world that led to the ancient Olympian temple, where the demi-god children of the Olympians gathered to prepare for the ascension challenge.

Even though River had chosen to drive here, he was still unsure if being a god was for him. After all he had a hard enough time being an actor, let alone a divine being. But there was just something alluring about living forever among the heavens. So he entered the run down building.

Once inside, River found himself in an orange colored room, with a brown carpet spread across, which told him that they probably hadn’t changed the design since the seventies. The sole other person in the room was the receptionist, an elderly woman sitting next to an equally elderly phone. River didn’t bother talking to her, knowing what she would say.

Please take a seat. Your guide will be here shortly.

So River took a seat, sinking into one of those uncomfortable doctor’s office chairs. He guessed that he had arrived early as there was no other demi-gods present. This was supposed to be the first time the Olympian demi-gods of the west coast were to be meeting. Truth be told, River had never actually met a fellow demi-god. His father Dionysus had a more hands off approach to raising River, meaning he didn’t really interact with things of myth.

Still, River was excited. Apparently besides him, there were three other demi-gods that were due to show today. From the little he had been told, none of them were his half-siblings, as Dionysus had stated that River was his only American child, or at least the only one still alive.

So River tried to relax as best as he could in the hard chair as he waited for the others. Fortunately he wouldn’t be waiting long.

River Seth


Cis Male

Divine Parent:

As a demi-god, River inherited some powers from his divine father. Once River hears any sound or voice, he can immediately replicate it perfectly with his own voice. River also has chaos based powers, able to affect the likelihood of things happening, though he has no idea how to control this power. River can also transfer positive feelings through contact, making someone feel better. If he maintained his touch for long enough it could lead to something as strong as ecstasy.

River’s main drive in life is acting. However, as he has no actually attended an acting school, River is much more amateur than his peers. What River does have is a wonderful singing voice, though he has no interest in becoming a musician, unless it’s musical theater. River also has an encyclopedic level of knowledge about film history and actors. He can recite every line by heart for about a dozen movies, with most of his apartment full of DVDs and Blu Rays.

River is in very good health as he regularly goes for runs and does other exercises. River is also the best good in his friend group and as such hosts many dinners at his apartment.

Personality Traits:
Exuberant, Cringe, Loving, Oblivious, Interested, Opinionated

Anika Seth was the daughter of an Indian couple who fled to small town America to avoid religious persecution. Anika would grow up the only brown girl in her class, for which she was bullied. However she felt comfort with her parents. As Anika got older she ended up enrolling in a nearby community college. It was while attending college that she attended a party and met a man named Dean. The handsome man, who just happened to look exactly like her favorite Bollywood star, claimed that he was in town just visiting family. Following that, Anika had the wildest night of her life, awakening the next morning naked in a nearby forest.

She would quickly learn that she was pregnant. While initially considering adoption, Anika would ultimately decide to keep the child, dropping out of college. Anika would end up moving back in with her parents, who helped her with the child. Named Hakim after her grandfather, Anika’s son would grow up with love. From a young age it was clear that Hakim was overly emotional, getting riled up easily.

In school he would struggle with many classes, but would excel at English and Drama class. By the time Hakim was in middle school, he had decided that he wanted to be an actor. In high school Hakim was in every theater production, though never as the lead character. Upon graduating high school with mostly alright grades, Hakim would declare that he was going to New York to be an actor.

However with no monetary support, Hakim just ended up living in poverty, working at a bodega near his tiny apartment. After less than a year there, Hakim gave up and returned home. Mostly just lying around his grandparent’s house, Hakim would eventually appear in some local plays produced in the nearby county.

It was after one such show that Hakim would meet Dean, except now he looked like Hakim’s favorite Bollywood star. Dean would claim to be Hakim’s father, which Hakim had a hard time believing. What was even harder to believe was Dean saying that he was in fact the Greek God Dionysus. However, Dean, or Dionysus, would prove this by teleporting the father and son to a temple in Greece.

Now believing his father, Hakim would be told of his status as a demi-god and how, if he chooses, could potentially become a full god. While having power did seem cool to Hakim, he wanted to focus on the mortal world for know. Dionysus would then depart, but not before telling Hakim to go for whatever he wanted in life.

Taking these words to heart, Hakim would spend all of his money to move to Los Angeles. Like New York, it was hard to break into the film industry. That was until Hakim realized that he had inherited some powers from his father. He could do a perfect recall of anything he heard, making him great at accents and impressions. So Hakim would be cast in some low budget movies.

To celebrate this, Hakim and his friends would have a massive party, the wildest one in Hakim’s life. That night would change Hakim. For one thing he learned he was bisexual by waking up in bed with a man and woman. And he had a vision that told him to change his name. So he became River Seth.

River would spend the next few years getting small roles, and even occasionally writing scripts himself, though mostly for low budget horror. However, on his twenty-seventh birthday River would be offered a chance to audition for a major movie. Unfortunately he would also learn from Dionysus that this generation’s ascension challenge was starting in a year.

Torn between becoming a famous actor or a literal god, River was having a hard time deciding. As of right now he is attempting to do both, auditioning for movies while also attending lessons at Pandora Agency.

When man first walked the Earth, it was saturated in divine energy. This mystical force gave birth to all kinds of magical beings, monsters, and even gods. Soon different pantheons of these divine beings laid claim to different parts of the Earth, forcing the mortals who lived there to worship them. One such pantheon were those of Greece, based out of the mythical Mount Olympus.

The Olympians would quarrel with the other gods, trying to spread their influence across the planet. To this end they would continually create new gods, using up the divine energy that existed on Earth. After several centuries the gods began to realize that the divine energy was not replenishing, in fact it was becoming less and less with each generation. Soon there no longer was enough power to create a fully formed god.

So the remaining gods turned to the demi-gods. For almost all of history the gods had bedded mortals, creating these demi-gods. While traditionally they had lived on Earth, usually as a hero of some sort, the gods realized that they could be made full gods with a little divine energy.

Even with these demi-gods becoming full gods, the power of the different pantheons began to fade as people stopped believing in them. By modern day the pool of divine energy left only allowed for a handful of demi-gods to ascend to godhood per generation. It is now such a tight race that the gods decided the only fair way to use the divine energy is by having a challenge to prove who is the most worthy demi-god.

For the Olympians, they would invest a lot into the demi-gods they made. To that end their remaining worshipers formed Pandora Agency. While appearing as a simple talent agency in California, it was in fact a place to train Greek demi-gods to participate in the challenge.

With just under a year until the next challenge, the various demi-gods interested in becoming full gods are flocking to Pandora Agency. Will the Olympians see any new members this generation? Or will other pantheons prove victorious.
Interested in this. I have some characters in mind, like a washed out rockstar that is just blowing whatever money he has left on extravagant trips, or a woman who broke up with her fiancée a week before the wedding, but still went on the honeymoon trip by herself. Once I pick a concept I’ll start work on my character sheet.
@Guardian Angel Haruki
Thanks for accepting Xanatos! I’ve moved him over to the Characters tab. Please let me know via mention or PM when it’s time to bring in my character.
“Born wishing for a better life,
He would fight and toil and go through strife,
Now a made man he still yet thirsts,
For to live forever is his chosen curse.”

David Xanatos

Rolled Stats:
Rolled this. Didn’t like it so I used the standard stat array instead.

Character Sheet:
Link to Mythweavers.


Standing at an even six foot, David is a little taller than most men one would find. With deeply tanned skin, a gift from his father being from Chora, David is conventionally attractive. His hazel eyes sparkle in the moonlight, while his dark brown hair is kept in an immaculate pony-tail, as is his beard which is perfectly trimmed. While generally dressing extravagantly, David has changed his attire since departing on his quest. Now he wears a set of dark leather armor as a base, covered with a nice dress shirt and pants. On the top layer is a large brown jacket, which goes all the way from David’s shoulders to his leather boots.

David is a driven individual, always having some kind of plan in mind. He can go quite stir crazy if he’s not actively doing something and as such will make sure that his days are chock full of activities. At first meeting David appears to be a sociable man, able to get along with anyone, making them feel good. But this is actually years of practice, David having figured out how people work by purposefully making the transformation from fisherman to businessman. David has become quite good at manipulating people, often playing along several people at once, making them do what he wants.

However this mastermind type of life has left David with few real friends or people that matter to him. He is estranged from his father, he hasn’t been able to maintain a romantic relationship, and he just ends up using most people he meets. This has left him with a sense of emptiness in his life, one that he has tried to fill with many things. Wealth, status, renown, none were enough for David. That is until his current obsession of living forever came about. David wishes to become a living legend, a piece of history that all future generations could not ignore.

Born the son of Petros Xanatos, a poor fisherman, David had an unremarkable childhood. His father had left an island near Chora for a better life in the Americas. And yet he remained poor there, spending his day fishing along the eastern coast. From a young age David proved bright, and he dreamed of making something of himself, something to be remembered.

David would struggle against the limits of the fishing village he lived in. He wished to leave and do better things, but he had not the money needed for such a trip. That was until he was a teenager, when a mysterious courier gave him a package. In said package was a single gold coin, but what was special about the coin was its age. Dating thousands of years back, this coin was worth a fortune. Immediately nosy neighbors began watching David, wanting to see what he did with the coin.

David would decide to disappear one night, using what funds he had saved to make the trip to the big city. Once there, David looked for a potential buyer of his coin. While several people were interested, David was a fierce barter and would not settle for anything but the best. When he did finally sell the coin, David used his monetary windfall to start his own company.

As David aged, his company grew, eventually becoming known as the Xanatos Trading Company. And even with his wealth, David felt not at peace. While it seemed that his company would outlast him, David became obsessed with immortality. Researching as many magical texts as he could get his hands on, David eventually believing that such a thing existed in Camelot.

Crossing the ocean, David would arrive in the less civilized northern part of Camelot. However, due to time magic situations, David would never find the Magus’s Tome and as such wouldn’t learn of the cursed Gargoyles of Wyvern Clan. Instead David would learn of Avalon, a mysterious island of the coast of Camelot that may actually be its own plane.

David would spend years trying to find Avalon, until he met a man named Owen Mercer. David would quickly deduce that Owen was in fact the Fey known as Puck. Eventually, Puck would take David to Avalon where he met the Fey King Oberon. After proving his intentions to Oberon, David was offered a choice, become immortal now or gain the power of Oberon and control over Puck. In a moment of ego, David believed that he could find his own way of becoming immortal and thus chose the second option.

In making this choice, David was bonded to Oberon, gaining his power, but also a duty to help him when called. David and Puck would then depart Avalon and head back to the Americas. With his new Fey-powered Warlock abilities, David would set off on a quest to find his own way of becoming immortal, leaving Puck, in the Owen Mercer identity, in charge of Xanatos Trading Company.

I wish…that I could live forever, be a part of all of history.
I am iffy about having Satan himself as a member of the Council of Night. The power scaling is just way off. But if you wished to play a different demon, who could be an emissary for Satan, that might work better. Or you could stay with your first choice. You don't need to make up your mind this second as it will be a few days before I post the OOC thread.
@Guardian Angel Haruki

So I finished my character sheet. Please let me know if anything needs changing.

“Born wishing for a better life,
He would fight and toil and go through strife,
Now a made man he still yet thirsts,
For to live forever is his chosen curse.”

David Xanatos

Rolled Stats:
Rolled this. Didn’t like it so I used the standard stat array instead.

Character Sheet:
Link to Mythweavers.


Standing at an even six foot, David is a little taller than most men one would find. With deeply tanned skin, a gift from his father being from Chora, David is conventionally attractive. His hazel eyes sparkle in the moonlight, while his dark brown hair is kept in an immaculate pony-tail, as is his beard which is perfectly trimmed. While generally dressing extravagantly, David has changed his attire since departing on his quest. Now he wears a set of dark leather armor as a base, covered with a nice dress shirt and pants. On the top layer is a large brown jacket, which goes all the way from David’s shoulders to his leather boots.

David is a driven individual, always having some kind of plan in mind. He can go quite stir crazy if he’s not actively doing something and as such will make sure that his days are chock full of activities. At first meeting David appears to be a sociable man, able to get along with anyone, making them feel good. But this is actually years of practice, David having figured out how people work by purposefully making the transformation from fisherman to businessman. David has become quite good at manipulating people, often playing along several people at once, making them do what he wants.

However this mastermind type of life has left David with few real friends or people that matter to him. He is estranged from his father, he hasn’t been able to maintain a romantic relationship, and he just ends up using most people he meets. This has left him with a sense of emptiness in his life, one that he has tried to fill with many things. Wealth, status, renown, none were enough for David. That is until his current obsession of living forever came about. David wishes to become a living legend, a piece of history that all future generations could not ignore.

Born the son of Petros Xanatos, a poor fisherman, David had an unremarkable childhood. His father had left an island near Chora for a better life in the Americas. And yet he remained poor there, spending his day fishing along the eastern coast. From a young age David proved bright, and he dreamed of making something of himself, something to be remembered.

David would struggle against the limits of the fishing village he lived in. He wished to leave and do better things, but he had not the money needed for such a trip. That was until he was a teenager, when a mysterious courier gave him a package. In said package was a single gold coin, but what was special about the coin was its age. Dating thousands of years back, this coin was worth a fortune. Immediately nosy neighbors began watching David, wanting to see what he did with the coin.

David would decide to disappear one night, using what funds he had saved to make the trip to the big city. Once there, David looked for a potential buyer of his coin. While several people were interested, David was a fierce barter and would not settle for anything but the best. When he did finally sell the coin, David used his monetary windfall to start his own company.

As David aged, his company grew, eventually becoming known as the Xanatos Trading Company. And even with his wealth, David felt not at peace. While it seemed that his company would outlast him, David became obsessed with immortality. Researching as many magical texts as he could get his hands on, David eventually believing that such a thing existed in Camelot.

Crossing the ocean, David would arrive in the less civilized northern part of Camelot. However, due to time magic situations, David would never find the Magus’s Tome and as such wouldn’t learn of the cursed Gargoyles of Wyvern Clan. Instead David would learn of Avalon, a mysterious island of the coast of Camelot that may actually be its own plane.

David would spend years trying to find Avalon, until he met a man named Owen Mercer. David would quickly deduce that Owen was in fact the Fey known as Puck. Eventually, Puck would take David to Avalon where he met the Fey King Oberon. After proving his intentions to Oberon, David was offered a choice, become immortal now or gain the power of Oberon and control over Puck. In a moment of ego, David believed that he could find his own way of becoming immortal and thus chose the second option.

In making this choice, David was bonded to Oberon, gaining his power, but also a duty to help him when called. David and Puck would then depart Avalon and head back to the Americas. With his new Fey-powered Warlock abilities, David would set off on a quest to find his own way of becoming immortal, leaving Puck, in the Owen Mercer identity, in charge of Xanatos Trading Company.

I wish…that I could live forever, be a part of all of history.
Bumping once more.
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