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@Hokum Thanks for the ping either way!

No questions at the moment really, curious as to what everyone has in mind :)
I kind of have an idea that is floating around in my head, and I'm excited for it!
Was wondering though if our characters should know one another before hand- or is it a meeting for first time? A mix?

Welcome to the guild!
That would be interesting for sure. I am thinking the drugs are going to be hallucinogenic of sorts?
Not sure. I'm picking my brain and others too :)

Hmm, I don't see why not! Those types tend to dip their toes everywhere.
Which gang seems more appealing to you? I am trying to build them up as I go as well as having others contribute
Thanks everyone!
Will let this sit a little bit to gain some more interest :)

Feel free to ask questions and throw some ideas around- maybe I'll get a CS sometime tonight for you guys to look through as well.
Welcome! (:
It definitely is a good time waster, you might mess around and get stuck here for years.

Have fun! Let us know if you have any questions.

oops. what month is it? im back on my bullshit again. grease my brain gears.

Thanks for your interest!
Yeah both of those character concepts can work in this setting.
I have some NPC esque characters I am working on that will push some stories here and there, and both of those could be intertwined for sure.
Interested as well :)

Thanks for your interest guys!
What type of plot lines interest you both?



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In the wake of disaster, humanity has been reduced down to only several thousands, the remaining civilians forced to gather in one spot from across the world to work together for their survival. After decades of struggle, The Gardens: (Baruel) was established. In the absence of an official government, the people inside are ruled by powerful corporations and gangs.

Baruel has two distinct sanctions inside this slice of heaven in the wasteland. The inner most sanction is consisting of the ultra wealthy. This includes the corporate rulers and those allowed in their privileged inner circle. The other sanction is the most populated: these are the fairly oppressed residents of Baruel who serve and dedicate their lives to the higher up corporations who in return provide basic provisions. Some distinct areas of this second sanction are considered the most dangerous and belong to those who are truly uncontrolled and unsupervised. They have their freedom but they must fight daily for their own survival.

This is where your story begins.

You are a resident of Baruel. Where you choose to lay your head at night and with who will be up to you.

Sanction One: Eden
Eden holds the richest and most powerful members of this society. The president of M.A.R.C.O is the most powerful man in the sanction, and overall the entire community within the wall along with his right hand head poacher. Only the most elite live here and they truly thrive here. Drug use in Eden is running rampant, there are several new drugs hitting the market everyday. Some more dangerous than others.

Sanction Two: Korven
Korven is the most populated and overcrowded area of Baruel. Most residents have labor intensive jobs and usually there are more than six people in each household, however not always related to one another. Korven is mainly run by two gangs: The Pure and The Kings. The Kings are a gang who are loud and proud, they run anything flashy and are notorious for their vibrant personalities. The Pure are a bit more stealthy with their doings but just as, if not more deadly. They are a bit eccentric in their religious stand points. They deal with a lot of underground movement of supplies, and even have been known to deal with the people who are hacking off limbs for sale in the slums of Korven. There aren't many people who live there but the people that do are often homeless, dismembered, or even mentally insane. There has been rumor of a group of people that have been hacking off the limbs of people and stealing them for trade. Baby farmers get most of their product from this sanction.

Outside Baruel: Wasteland
Outside of The Garden is considered a wasteland, you will be killed by the elements very soon without food, water, or shelter from the impeding doom. President of M.A.R.C.O has strictly insured people of this. No one knows what lies beyond the walls and no one wants to find out. At least that is what you tell your neighbors.

In Baruel there are all walks of life. Everyone has the culture of The Gardens running through their blood but based on their own family they may have their own traditions and thought patterns. This roleplay is accepting of everyone, I would like to see people play residents, gang members, corporation leaders, elite, homeless, and everything in between. Let your creativity run wild, and let this world be shaped by our ideas and characters.

Without giving away too much there will be plot lines, plot twists, and extreme themes in this roleplay. I want something that can be multiple chapters with lots of actual character development but with the ability to bring in new blood where appropriate.

Let's chat- and maybe bring this world to life?
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