Avatar of MissCapnCrunch


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Current How do I relearn this craft? I'm so discouraged at myself.


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Only TWO more home spots available.
Deadlines are this FRIDAY! Roommates are acceptable.
Fourteen - Libra - Freshman - 4'10" - Shamon Brown Jr.


Appearance Details

He's a little teapot short and stout. Dontae is a short and rather chubby freshman who is still going through puberty. His Mama (Desirae) would say that "It's just his baby fat, he'll grow out of it!" but his older sister (Mercedes, Seventeen) would bet her life on the fact that he eats nothing but junk food at home. Adorning his face are dark brown eyes that are always framed with his caramel colored bifocals. His hair is black and naturally curly that he likes to keep short. Although born decades after the 90's Dontae's style can be a reflection of the time period. He enjoys bright and bold colors, patterns, and can sometimes even be seen sporting a knock of Gucci fanny pack. He does not wear any makeup or jewelry, and has no prominent scars.

Goofball by nature with. Sensitive side by nurture. Dontae is one of the friendliest and outgoing people in his graduating class. He is constantly cracking jokes while trying to showcase his talent as the next hip hop and rap star. He uploads all of his videos on youtube, soundcloud, tiktok, instagram, and even on facebook when his grandma wants to see. Dontae is a mama's boy and isn't afraid to let anyone know it, she raised him and his older sister all by herself in their one bedroom apartment and he thinks the absolute world of her and her accomplishments.

Some would think Dontae plays around too much but he works hard at both his craft and his school work. He is a very good student and tries his best to get good grades. He does not participate in any sports or any after school activities besides hanging out with his friends now and again. He tried out for football this year, but realized that it was a lot more work than he imagined. Basketball tryouts were supposed to be his next attempt at a sport but then everything went down the drain quickly because of the zombies and all.

During this event the young boy has gone through several emotions but has shown a constant positive attitude and despite his age has been very mature and realistic about his decisions. He complains about being hungry often and wishes that he could have a bag of cheetos or a double butter burger basket from Culvers every few hours to his peers.

- His fanny pack, empty besides an inhaler
- Knock off airpods he got for his birthday in October
- A city bus card

@Majoras End

Hahaha. I loved that game!

Yay! I'm so glad you finished her.
Everything looks to be in order, I like your incorporation of BigCo into your character, and think that definitely could play a role into some of the character development later on. Like the name of your Vineyard! Hmm, something might even happen to her based on this decision.. hmm yes the decisions

You are accepted and I will edit the information to reflect this!

@Majoras End

There ya go hun!

Can I get added to number 7 please?

Freyas Feasting hall that also included there home. :)

Waiting for you to fix your sheet before adding all information.


Glad you got your username change!
Reading your character sheet at the moment-
Right off the bat, thought your theme song was fitting for your personality-
My only thought is maybe he is a little young for his role, but I could believe it for the type of world this is/what they celebrate and who they worship. Plus you have to be a reasonable bachelor age just like in the games Definitely think you made a good character who will get to grow throughout the roleplay.

You are accepted, I'll edit the information to reflect that.

@Stern Algorithm

What a cool theme song, love the sounds of "mining" in the background. Gave me the chills at times reading your character sheet just because of the line "Sierra believes that the prosperity of Root River lies under the earth rather than above it and seeks to save Root River from the fate that befell her hometown by finding a motherlode in the mines." Very very cool. She likes BigCo, which is going to be an interesting fact about her.

Her relationship with BigCo and the Rot is going to be an interesting story to tell, and I think it will make for some cool storylines for her and her neighbors.

Cletus is a beaut' feel free to also put him in the discord, for quick reference.

Very well made character, and I'm happy to say you are accepted- well worth the wait!!

I'll update the information to reflect that; just let me know what house you decide on.

@Majoras End

Wonderful start! Can't wait to see her finished.

Everyone else- I'd like to have character sheets done/submitted by this FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13TH if you will please!
That way we can start the first in character posts by the weekend and the like :) Thank you!
Will get back to everything when I can- weekends are actually my busiest times
So Monday will most likely be the moment I can look through everything/respond :) Thanks everyone!

Hi Yankee! Reading through your CS I thought it was very well done!
I like how you incorporated BigCo into your background and I like that you're the dr who isn't really a doctor!
As far as I'm concerned everything looks good, and I considered Xavier accepted!

I will edit in the information to reflect that as soon as possible.


Hey, looking through your cs-
Would like to have some of the grammar fixed if possible ie: spelling. capitalization etc.
Also, would you be playing your sister as well or is it more of an NPC counterpart?
If just an NPC counterpart that is fine, if not I will need you to make another CS for her.

If those things are fixed, should be good!
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