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Actually, I think I'll be rescinding interest for this one. Sorry for bothering anyone!
I'd like to reserve a spot for a Master too, if that's fine with everyone.

She was right in that it didn't sound all scientific. That didn't come off as a surprise to him- rather, Shion's ability itself was more of a surprise. Being in your own world...

Well, Bang did enjoy trying that, at least. When writing a story, authors often seek to make it all happen somewhere in their heads before putting it down on paper, after all. Some preferred to brainstorm quickly to make bring ideas into a reality as quick as possible. He knew both of those methods, because he himself tried them out whether he felt productive or unusually lazy.

Espers, however, were capable of completely distorting what's expected of the field of reality everyone was in, rather than constructing a reality on paper.

It was wrong to compare the two, really.

Esper abilities really did look foreign for people like him. It could range from some of his friends' odd, yet simple abilities that could feel like a tiny miracle, to some rather macabre sights like the one he had witnessed. He saw it almost every week for certain, but he never got used to it because he wasn't capable of it.

The ice in her hand glistened, his turquoise gaze reflecting a bit of its lucid color. Just looking at it made him feel less hot under the weather. Then he looked up at the skies, which were far, far from looking like they were in a winter season. The ice was pretty, its small frame glinting with light, and quite real, too- and he got the gist of what she wanted to tell him.

He thought about asking her as to what the "normal education" was supposed to be, but at that point, he knew he could look into it himself. Bang still knew little about Shion, but quite frankly, nobody knew much about him either.

Everyone did know one thing, though. The fact that he wasn't an Esper. Not even he knew what he would be like if he did end up becoming an Esper.

Her open thoughts on what his Esper ability could be did sound interesting. What could he end up with? If it was something like... "being set on fire whenever his vocal cords were quiet," he'd be in for some serious trouble, though he highly doubted there would even be an ability like that.

"It's alright," he said, almost dutifully, when she gave a short apology for her explanation. For a moment, he wondered how to tell her about what being someone with abilities was like.

It wasn't... normal, even if it was, technically. And it wasn't boring, even if it should've been.

"Having no abilities is," he spoke, a rare pause falling in-between his sentence, "...interesting. Not in the way people think, though."

As he entered the super market, he turned to Shion, wondering if he should tell her to wait. Even if her ability was literally cool, leaving her alone in this weather sounded rude, so he said nothing on the matter.

"Rather than the 'having no abilities' part being interesting," he explained, his tone idle as he walked, "it's the abilities around me that become that much more significant.

Bang quietly picked up some radishes and chili peppers. He observed the radishes closely before he took them. Occasionally, there could be spoiled or damaged radishes among the normal ones. They were pretty much the black sheep nobody wanted, because there really wasn't any more use for them aside from just being worse radishes.

For a moment, the thought of Esper abilities and the magnitude of said abilities' effectiveness, crossed his mind as the analogy drifted in his mind. It quickly faded as he went to purchase the ingredients.

He made sure to buy two chocolate bars before leaving the market.

Despite having a cast on, he held the bag of groceries on his own with his free hand as they left.

"Some abilities can be horrible, and I admit I wouldn't want to see them again- like a certain one I came across a while ago. But most of the time, like your's, they could be interesting, or mesmerizing in some ways. It could be because I know little as to how Espers' realities work."

Glancing in front of him, he decided to take a different road that could lead him to his house. The one he had in mind had more trees, and trees were pretty nice to have around during summer.

"Even if I did know," he admitted, "I don't think my thoughts would change that much. Everyone's realities being unique and peculiar to me, that is."


He didn't think having no powers would be considered rare, but then again, almost everyone he knew of were Espers, now that he thought about it. Sounded a bit weird, when he thought of himself as some kind of rare item- like some kind of Pokemon.

"Didn't take it," he answered her question about whether he underwent the program or not. And he didn't need to at the time.

The two approached the super market as it got closer and closer. He remembered what to buy- some daikon radishes and red chili peppers, along with a few snacks. He already had vegetable oil and salt, along with some other ingredients that he kept in the freezer.

Espers weren't really on his mind most of the time. He had many things to take care of that were more relevant and present to him, such as making sure he was covering expenses properly, keeping his mind clear for both his hobbies and work, and preparing for school during the fall and spring seasons. Though, considering the girl next to him probably had it harder than him.

He didn't know what orphanages were like, truthfully, and he respected her privacy enough to not start blabbering about it. He presumed it wasn't a good feeling. His parents were pretty much the start of everything that made him what he was, and others not having that privilege didn't seem fair.

But he remained quiet about the matter, and instead thought about the thought of him trying the program instead. He glanced at the girl before he looked towards the market's direction.

"What's it like being an Esper?" He asked, his tone honestly curious despite the broadness of the question, though the broadness seemed intentional.

Now that he thought about it, he never actually asked the opinion of an Esper about themselves- particularly their abilities.

Never did he ask his friends or even people he looked up to about it. He always considered it as only a minor difference in social life- but the silent debut of interest he gained about Espers recently kind of made him think twice. Considering she was an Esper herself, and seemed to know that being an Esper wouldn't have exactly guaranteed his safety, she seemed more knowledgeable on that. He wasn't completely unaware of how Espers worked- it was, however, much less known to him on a more up-front level.

Perhaps his question might be the equivalent of asking "What's it like to be a person," considering that she was an Esper for at least a decent portion of her life. He still figured he should ask, though.


It appeared that they intended on going out, and Sangue herself was far from opposed to that. She did dress up in hopes of perhaps following them, though she didn't think of what exactly they'd go out for. The enticing names of certain foods, however, caught her ear.

Hamburger deals.

Ice cream...

Personally, she always felt that she should respect her team members. It was a core aspect of her beliefs as a Huntress-in-training, and one of the few things she preemptively invested her efforts into without anybody's input. They were close to her, and also happened to be the closest to her, and she would do anything for them.

Food, however, was a different story. As soon as Lauren fired her finger gun a second time at her...

Taking a few steps closer to them, Sangue made it clear she was going to follow them.

@Krayzikk@Plank Sinatra@Kaithas

The two walked.

The wind blew softly- not enough to get the heat off him, but just enough to feel soft and cool. And today, he wore a hoodie yet again.

Regardless of the weather, he could be frequently seen wearing a hoodie. He matched the thickness of his clothes with the weather, but it was reasonable for one to question whether he only wore hoodies.

It was a matter of simple preference, really.

Of course, that didn't mean he only had the exact same clothes containing minimal variations. Button-downs to simple t-shirts, he actually wore quite the variety when others wanted to meet him, even if that variety itself was simplistic. But he wore hoodies because it reminded him of days he took easily, and the time that followed his childhood, marching together with simple little thoughts.

The bright sun.

A hoodie and training pants.

And a breeze that was neither excessive nor inadequate.

It felt like any other day- a normal day, like many others.

For a moment, Bang wondered if the simplicity could continue. He lived pursuing small dreams that, while he wasn't the best at, he certainly did want to see the finish line for. If those dreams were the only things he should worry about, just as he had only up to a day before, then keeping simplicity would certainly be fine. Because as obvious as his dreams were, he would do quite a lot to protect them.

But simplicity wouldn't cut it if things didn't remain simple. He realized that the moment things got complicated.

As the two walked, "Shion" asked if he had an esper ability. Glancing at her, he grew curious of her own curiosity for a moment, before cutting off that curiosity. She helped him, so he should answer honestly. Making things seem grander on scale through exaggerations or lying would be more of a disappointing thing for Shion rather than giving her low expectations.

He... understood the appeal of making things seem grander, as one who aspires to be an author. He really did!

But the prospect of him bragging about something rather visceral didn't seem to fit him. He wasn't sure about her, though.

"I'm not an Esper," he answered, his tone remaining in the middle ground of being idle and relaxed. "Though, if I were, I probably wouldn't have been hurt as much."

It was true.

He wasn't an Esper- and now that he thought about it, the likelihood of more Espers being at the scene with him rather than people like him seemed more likely than vice versa. He couldn't put his finger on it, though.

What concerned him more was the thought of being an Esper in the first place.

I'm not an Esper, he repeated to himself as he turned back to the road in front of him.

Espers were on an entirely different level from those without Esper abilities. That was a fact, and even he knew not to test fate by even thinking about bothering Espers about their abilities often. He felt it as not a student, but as a person in Academy City.

Quite frankly, he still didn't want to think hard about becoming an Esper. But...

At this point, the fact that he wasn't an Esper resounded in him uncomfortably. He cared very much about his life, and preferred not to end up like the corpse he came across- and that corpse was most definitely the work of an Esper, too.

He wasn't an Esper.

The thought of it made him reconsider his position in the small number of events that could have significantly influenced his life.

As the supermarket that happened to be in the direction of his jogging route between District 7 and District 15 slowly began to appear in their path, Bang glanced at Shion, a curious thought entering him.

"Are you an Esper?" He asked, his idle tone having a bit of curiosity in it.


The door opened, revealing Sangue with relatively casual clothing. She had just finished wearing a hazy pink-red blouse to go with her jeans.

Turning to Ben, who seemed to be carrying Lauren, the red-haired girl nodded as she took several steps towards them. She noticed Amy’s absence among the two.

“Yes,” she said simply.

If Amy wasn’t around, she’d ask later, though Ben holding Lauren initially made Sangue wonder if Lauren had been hurt. Lauren’s expression screamed otherwise, though, so she seemed fine.

“Yup, yup! That’s me!”

Yun grinned. “You can just call me Yun, though. It rolls off the tongue better.”

Well, so far, she didn’t say anything that got people riled up. That was a good start! Then again, she did kind of just get here, so it’d suck if her first impressions fell over her head before they even began.

“Well, it’s nice to meet ya, captain!” She said before asking, “Say, where’re you from? I’m kinda surprised that there’s quite a handful of guys and gals from Mistral, but I’m one of them.”

Ferris' jacket happened to catch her eye as she talked. His jacket looked pretty comfy, but she did everything in her power to not call it fluffy. It just seemed... odd to just say that right off the bat, so holding her words back about it was probably a better option.

“…Elephant?” Hana mumbled, looking away for a moment in a futile attempt to mask her confusion.

Elephant? Hana thought to herself.


Unfortunately, confusion often led her to getting flustered- or just angry.

“W-Whatever! You get the point,” she said, slightly raising her voice. "Elephant or not, I'm gonna have to know at some point, so I'd rather know now."

As she went down the halls, she took a look at her Scroll as she checked a message sent to her.

Skidding to a halt, Yun stared at the message as she squinted. It was from the "Ferris" guy.

The fountain?

Putting up a thoughtful look, Yun tried to remember if she had ever paid attention enough to see a fountain passing by her. She quickly did, so she perked up and started heading over to the fountain's direction. As she hurried her pace up, she made sure not to bump into anyone.

She decided she'd make it by six minutes! It'd be a decent impression, not being late and all.

That was, until she bumped into a boy accompanied by a girl. They seemed pretty normal.

"Excuse me, do you know where the Grimm Studies lecture room would be from here? A friend of mine said he left his notebook there."

Yun froze up as she put up a thoughtful look. She knew where the Grimm Studies classroom was... technically. Rather, she only knew the general direction of it because some of the students she talked to earlier headed there. "I, uh," she began, trying to remember which classroom it exactly was. "You know what, I can show you really quickly!"

As the two students thanked her, she bit the bottom of her lip as she led them along. Things suddenly got a bit slower than she expected.

I hope I can still make it on time, she thought worriedly.

She led the two students down the hall. Time ticked, minute by minute.

The minutes passed like fresh watermelons in a farm sale.

Five minutes passed.

A blue blur rushed down the halls at breakneck speed as Yun pumped her arms rapidly, clenching her teeth.

Six minutes her butt! At this rate, she'd have to start worrying about making the ten minute mark. Activating her Semblance, she leapt over a corner full of students- some of who turned to watch her run down the halls- as she hoped she could at least make it around the six to seven minute mark.

Eventually, within the seven minute mark, Yun skidded into the fountain, almost tripping as she slowed herself down. Her running transitioning to an awkward walk, her gaze looked around for a face that could belong to a scary person and a leader. Her image of leaders wasn't exactly... the norm, but hey, her assumptions aren't meant to be harmful.

Her eyes fell upon a young man reading a book by the fountain.

Not a tacky comic book. Not a fashion mag. Not anything that looked like it'd contain lots of pictures, whether it be interesting or lively.

A simple book.

Cripes, she thought in horror. He's reading a book.

This man was already nothing like her cousins.

He still looked nice, though.

By nice, she didn't mean by personality- she hadn't even talked to him yet. But his looks weren't as ferocious as she thought her leader could've been.

A good start! So far, at least, she thought, walking up to him.

Plopping onto the fountain's rim, Yun turned to the boy,

"Heya! You're 'Ferris', right?"

@Crimson Raven

"'Sup," they said in unison.

Hana watched the two boys greet her, with Sarina similarly greeting her.

She stared at them, waiting for something more.



Is that seriously it?!


Argh, the nerve of these...!!

For a moment, she pouted, frustrated with how happily carefree they were. Her first impression of her team hadn't been a particularly positive one, but they were still her team members. They probably became seniors because they were capable as Huntsmen, not because they lived solely to goof off. Had she been a freshman, she'd have instantly judged them for not being good Huntsmen, but there were probably things she did not know that they knew.

Also, she needed to calm herself as much as possible before she could reach her breaking point. She was going to be the leader of this... this straightforward bunch of fellow senior classmates. It was either getting used to it all within a year, or leaving just because she couldn't get along with a few people.

And, well...

...admittedly, they seemed more approachable than her previous team.

Her pout remained still for about a second before she glanced away, a small blush filling her cheeks. The nerve of these guys... Hana thought.

Pulling her head up, she turned back to her team.

"I-It's nothing," she mumbled in response to their simple words. "Er, actually!- What are you all up to now? I've been thinking about heading to the dorm, unless there's something else in your minds. I may be new, but I figure that as your leader, I should understand what you guys do on a daily basis. And don't think about tricking me!"

She kept her gaze on her team members, slightly lowering her caution. She still kept her arms crossed though, and her pout had only slightly softened.

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