Avatar of Necroes


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current I'm just a D&D junkie between DMs.
3 yrs ago
And I'm back!
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3 yrs ago
To all my players and writing partners; Don't worry! I've not vanished or forgotten you. I've had something come up, and will be taking the rest of this week off from my RPs. See you next week!
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3 yrs ago
Starting a Vampire the Masquerade campaign. Look for it in the TTRPG interest check section. I'm gonna be a story teller!
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4 yrs ago
I feel torn. On one hand, I'm bored, so I want to get into some more RPs. On the other, I know once the quarantine ends, I won't have the free time to keep up with all of them. Temptation is a B.


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Most Recent Posts

First draft finally complete! That only took... Well, it was a lot of writing.
This is far from complete, but I'm going to go ahead and get it where people can see it. Hopefully, I can get some constructive criticism/suggestions that might help me decide where exactly I want to take this.

Melech - The Trudger, Flying over Beck's Skiff, Jundland Wastes

"Son of a-!" Melech yelled as he pulled the slug from his leg. His left hand contained a powerful electromagnet at the end of the middle finger. Its original intent was grabbing small metal pieces that slipped out of reach. However, even as he had designed it, Melech could recall having this exact situation in mind. Though, if he was being honest, he'd originally imagined a nail-gun being involved.

He'd gotten onto his back as quickly as he could. The wound wasn't life threatening, but infection was a real threat. So, closing his eyes, he had had to move his hand down his calf, until his finger sunk into the wound. That alone had him cursing and biting holes into his shirt collar. When he finally pulled his hand away, though, that was a new kind of pain. Effectively, he had grabbed the bullet and yanked it back out of the wound. Likely as not, he had caused as much damage taking it out as it had caused when it went in.

"Fuck! Gah, finally, it's out. Now, just bring me the- the...Uhhh..." Without thinking, he had lifted his hand up to look at the slug. Unlike his other limbs, fixing this one left his hand coated in blood. The site of it alone was enough to make him hesitate, but seeing it glisten on his fingers, watching it start to pool on the floor of his ship as it pumped out of his leg; It was all too much. Everything went black, his last vision the roof of his ship as his head hit the floor.

He was woken up by the feeling of antiseptic foam being injected into his wound. Luckily, the mercenaries were smart enough to find his first aid kit, and at least one of them could read the instructions. Once the foam hardened, the bleeding stopped. Someone had put something on his head. Whatever it was-the scent made him think a wet rag-it covered his field of view long enough to tell them all to sop up the blood. Chances were, he wouldn't hear the end of this little incident until he was off this planet. This kind of phobia didn't usually just jump out of people's minds.

Of course, he could always blast it out. Once the floor was clean, he told everyone to move away from the door. Grabbing one of the shells from the bandoleer around his torso. Yanking the massive gun off his back, he cocked it open long enough to slide the round into the chamber. Moving around, the braced himself with one leg against the base of a huge 3D printer, and the gun firmly in his right hand. With that arm bent at the elbow along his side, his weight on top of it, he gripped his other onto it with a vice setting just after the trigger guard. Taking aim, he grimaced, knowing full well what was coming.

When the hammer fell, his arm felt like it was going to come off; Just like usual. The massive round sailed forward, a bright blue light flashing against the surface of the door as he blew it open. As he expected, the hinge shattered under the huge force, forcing the door to hang open. It was now held on only by the braces, and only barely at that. Looking out, he could see one of the enemies. It fired in at them, and Melech could only grin as the little slug fizzled on his heavy shields.

In seconds, the mercs had taken up their stances. Each unloaded rounds into the target, peppering his hiding place until he was dead. When he saw the kill shot, Melech clicked his tongue three times, the signal for Beeps to move on. Which is what they did. Over and over, the shuttle moved, going from target to target. With each move of his ship, another enemy was taken out, unable to offer a counter assault, falling under the onslaught of firepower all the mercenaries could pour onto it. Before long, half of the enemy's numbers had been taken out. Melech himself was busy trying to make his way back up to the deck when a massive blast slammed against the ship's shields. When he saw his shield stutter, he cursed, knowing he needed to get his ass back to the main deck. "Beeps, we've got a new target to find. Prep the scanners for me!"
Melech - The Trudger, Flying over Beck's Skiff, Jundland Wastes

Forty-seven; That's how many new organics pinged on Melech's system. Of those, three had been identified as local fauna, a small group of reptiles sunning themselves on a rock. Given the time of day, they had likely been kept in the dark and then placed there as a distraction for radar-users. Sandmen were no strangers to technology, and it showed in their assessment of his ship. Unfortunately for them, this particular vessel was a lot more than it looked like. It had taken less than a second to identify and then dismiss the lizards, and within the next ten seconds he'd already located thirty of the hidden sandmen. All he had to do was have his droid plot a course to bring them alongside their targets long enough to take them out, then move to the next.

That was the plan, at least. As the ship pulled up alongside the first cluster, Melech told the mercenaries to be ready to fight over the ship's intercom. When they were all in position, one of them slammed the butt of his gun against the hatch control, jamming the button down flush with the panel. Melech saw the warning light flash inside his holo-field, informing him one of the ship's systems had been damaged.

Even as he'd begun disconnecting himself from the ship, he could hear the mercs cursing. The door had opened about thirty percent, allowing gunfire from outside to start ricocheting into the vessel. Then, it had abruptly shut. After a second, it would start to open, then slam closed once more. Melech had to grab his tools and head down himself, knowing the repair would take at least ten minutes, assuming the button was just jammed in place.

"Okay, who did it?" He asked, as they all stared at him. Before he could shout his own obscenities-a most choice selection, that encompassed the daily vocabulary of engineers from across a large percentage of the known regions of space-another shot fired into the cabin, bouncing off two walls before catching Melech directly in his calf. The one limb he had that was still made of muscle. Funnily enough, despite his career, Melech had never actually been shot before.

The string of profanity that proceeded was enough to render the collection of hardened killers wide-eyed. Once his still-organic leg had given out, his prosthetic had locked in place to brace his weight. As a result, Melech immediately lost his balance and toppled to his side, the cybernetic leg sticking straight out, stiff as a board, as he grabbed his injury. "Fuck! Beeps, raise the damn shield! Son of a Glorcknib, that hurt... Now, which one of you skunking cock-suckers broke my door?!" he yelled at them, after a very deep breath.
Melech - The Trudger, Flying over Beck's Skiff, Jundland Wastes

"'It's good money,' he says; 'It's an easy job,' he says. 'It'll help people,' he says; Fuckin' Hutts, always pulling shit like this." Melech muttered under his breath, his ship currently filled with about ten mercenaries packing various flavors of slug-thrower. As a general rule, Melech did not take jobs that merited that kind of firepower. However, when Doga's man approached him about the job, there had been no mention of armed fighters. Technically, his only job was making sure the water systems in the prospecting town were in working order.

When he arrived at the rendezvous, though, he discovered that they had not given him planet-side coordinates for the town. No worries, though, because they had left word with the captain who drove the regular water deliveries to look for him. All Melech had to do was follow the delivery to the town. Of course, since he was going to be there anyway, they asked if he would mind using his ship's scanners to keep an eye out around them. They had had trouble with some locals trying to steal the water, and could use the help. No problem, right? They would even give him a few men in case something happened and his ship was attacked.

What they had failed to mention was exactly how many other vehicles were in this little caravan, or that the 'men' they had guarding it were mercenaries packing heavy ordinance. At least, as heavy as you could reliably get on this planet. The slug throwers were actually more cost effective than gas-powered blasters, since they would have to ship gas in from off world. That being the case, when they found out Melech's ship had the machines they needed, they loaded it up with materials for making bullets. A couple of the mercenaries happened to know how to make their own ammunition, and were busy churning out additional rounds for just about every gun in the caravan.

Letting out a heavy sigh, Melech shook his head and got back to business. Both of his hands were firmly connected to his ship, each connecting him to a port that enabled him to fly a ship that only droids could pilot otherwise. Even then, a droid would need the right port jack to connect, like the one his co-pilot Beep-Boop was equipped with. Currently, the co-pilot was busy keeping them on course. Melech had other things to worry about.

With his hands connecting him to his ship, Melech could see the world around him through it. The vast array of sensors and detection equipment came together with a system that was used to create holograms, combining with his own cybernetics to let him view their surroundings as a vast map spread before him. No one else could see this map, of course, as all of this information was being directed straight into his mind, overlaying his vision whenever he closed his eyes. Thanks to his cybernetics, he could interact with this map at speeds on par with a droid, and it all gave him a perfect view of the world flying by underneath his ship.

There was a storm coming, his on board systems could see it, let him see it. The sand made it difficult to detect anything too deeply within the storm, but once they were in it he should be able to correct for it. As it was, the miles stretched out before them, nothing standing in their way. Each crack and crevice of the canyon they were entering was perfectly clear to him, each little plant and creature giving off its own signature, hundreds of targets being identified and dismissed as they came within his miles-long sensor range. Even as they flew into the tight walls of the canyon, his ship would fly steadily forward, the walls sometimes coming within an inch of the hull. He never once got struck, though, all his sensor data giving his co-pilot perfect information to drive the surprisingly agile ship through the dangerous terrain. Where other ships would have taken off miles overhead to allow for this trench, Melech's ship was able to stay six meters overhead the whole way through. Whatever happened on this trip, he would be ready for it.

His Ship

EM-Rad Grenades(X4)(Approved)

Side arm(X10 rounds)(Approved)

He'll have his standard kit, and the additional items listed.

*His Ship

*EM-Rad Grenades(X4)

*Side arm(X10 rounds)

He'll have his standard kit, and the additional items listed. Assuming everything works out.

*Pending Approval


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