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7 yrs ago
Current I have been absent for a while and have done alot of changing. That being said, I hope everyone is doing well. (:


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@Pirouette Ok (:
@Pirouette What kind of character will it be (Besides awesome)? Or is it a secret?
@Pirouette Cool
@Pirouette What do you mean? Taking advantage of the chaos?
Standard General Pit Fiend Stats

Personality: It typically varies from Pit Fiend to Pit Fiend, but almost all of them are universally cruel, sadistic, merciless, and several other vile adjectives.


Devil Physiology: All Devils are immune to Heat and Poison, lack vital organs, can resist most environmental conditions, do not age, and do not require the need to eat, breathe, or sleep. In addition, most Devils are weak to Holy and Silver Weapons.

Pit Fiend Physiology: Pit Fiends can leisurely enjoy baths of molten magma and hellfire without harm. Because of this, most Pit Fiends prefer hot places to be in. One of the strangest abilities of their anatomies is their ability to contort their bodies like a snake, giving them the ability to constrict and crush their victims with their brute strength.

Super Strength: Pit Fiends are massively powerful creatures, capable of ripping even the hardiest of tanks with their bare hands and throwing several tons of weight around as if it were nothing.

Super Endurance: Pit Fiends can take absurd amounts of damage, capable of surviving attacks that would have easily killed any other living creature of their size and bulk. Even crippling blows, such as cutting of their arms and legs do little to slow down their rampage.

High Pain Threshold: Due to having experienced and survived nearly every torture conceivable on a regular basis and undergoing the most brutal and gruesome transformations, they know what true pain is, and consider even the worst torture methods known to man as simple tickle contests in comparison.

Scaled Carapace: The scales on a pit fiend are thick and strong, capable of deflecting tank shells and mortar fire with ease. Only the most powerful assaults can hope to break through their defenses.

Regeneration: All Pit Fiends have varying amounts of regeneration, though usually can heal large cuts and gashing wounds in a manner of hours.

Aura of Fear (Only affects NPCs): Only the bravest or dense of mortals do not recoil in fear at the mere sight of a Pit Fiend.

Wings: Pit Fiends possess powerful wings capable of lifting and propelling their large masses to surprising speeds.

Devil Chills: Any living creature bitten by a Pit Fiend is inflicted with a debilitating disease that saps the target's strength

Poison: A Pit fiend's fangs drip with lethal poison that weakens ones endurance

Combat Experience: It takes tens of thousands of years of training, disipline and torture before a devil is even allowed to take the Ritual to become a Pit Fiend. Few mortal creatures that match their combat prowess and technique.

Spells and Spell-like Abilites:

Devil Shaping: Can magically fuse Lemures together to create more powerful devils under its command

Blasphemy (Only affects NPCs): 40ft Radius. Any organic creature that is signifacantly weaker than the Pit fiend is paralyzed. Any organic creature weaker than that (such as NPC humans) insteadly dies. In additon, can also be used to Banish any weak non-evil extra planar creatures (Such as Angels, etc.) To their home dimension. They cannot return to that dimension for 24 hours.

Create Undead: Pit Feinds can reanimate corpses of organic creatures to fight for them

Greater Dispell Magic: Can dispell most non-hex/curse forms of magic. The greater the magic/spell, the harder and longer to Dispell.

Greater Teleport: Can teleport anywhere on a planet it has been to or knows well

Greater Scrying: Can magically spy on any creature it is familiar with. The more familiar, the clearer the picture. The Pit Fiend can also spy on anyone if they possess something like a picture of the target's likeness, a garmet or dear possesion, or have something physical from the target, like a lock of hair, fingernails, etc.

Invisibility: Can turn invisible, but if it attacks or uses any offensive spells, becomes uncloaked.

Magic Circle Against Good: Conjures a 30ft circle around the Pit Fiend. Any creatures (of the Pit Fiends choosing) in the Circle are granted extra protection against holy or good aligned spells and effects and can keep good aligned beings from entering the circle. Alternativley, it can act as a temperary sealing barrier for trapping good alinged creatures. Can be reinforced when used in a ritual circle.

Persistant Image: Makes detailed Illusions.

Power Word Stun: Can stun and hold one target that the Pit Fiend can perceive in place. The stronger the target, the weaker and shorter the spell.

Scorching Ray: Make fire several small heat rays.

Trap the Soul (Only affects NPCs): The Pit Fiend can transfer the soul of one nearby creature (Body or not) into a gem in its possession. The spell can also be cursed on an item to acheive the same effect.

Unholy Aura: Once casted, this dark, malevelent aura surrounds the Pit Fiend, increasing resistances to physical and holy attacks and effects.

Wall of Fire: Creates a giant and long wall of blazing fire that is 5-foot thick

Fireballs: Can launch devastatingly powerful fireballs that can explode and melt tanks.

Meteor Swarm: This or Summon Devil can only be casted once per day. Under a large radius, conjures giant vehicle sized meteors to rain destruction and death upon the battlefeild.

Summon Devil: This or Meteor Swarm can be only be casted once pery day. Can Summon any Devil from Hell that is weaker than the Pit Fiend.

Wish: Can only be casted once per year. It is essentially an Arcane get out of jail free card. Wish can duplicate just about any kind of spell imaginable. When casted, the Pit Fiend can choose to use of the following effects.

Replicate any sort of magical ability or spell

Temperarily increases one target's strength, durability, speed, etc.

Instantly heal one target of all wounds and physical injuries

Remove any ongoing curses, poisions, afflictions, etc of one target

Bring back the body of any creature whose body was destroyed

Bring one dead body back to life

Transport one target to any other location

Undo one single recent event (on a small scale)


Because of their high ranking status as lords and generals of Hell, they are allowed to requisition almost any of the most powerful weapons, armor, magic, and technology in Hell's Armories. No two Pit Fiends are alike in their taste of weaponry.

I want you to know that I blame the Imperium for this.

@eemmtt Ok
@eemmtt You do know it is just a branch of an already existing faction right?

Mortainius had just arrived on the scene, sporting a new corpse body and kickass katana with a dragon on the hilt. He was following the Mech to confront some new creatures who were to be targeted and converted. Unfortunately, one of them was some kind of freaky fish guy, and another was a big scary demon. Mortainius did not like were this was going. Then again, the very presence of the mech could force them to surrender on the spot.

Then out of nowhere, some young dude who looked like he walked straight out of a renaissance fair came the hell out of nowhere and gave some rousing speech. You know what? Mortainius thought. He was right on the money. Mortainius was a conqueror at heart and a conqueror by nature. He doesn't take orders from NO ONE! (Except for Cyano and the rest of the Alliance, because they are awesome) And he most certainly was not to take orders from an oversized tin can with appendages! "Minions." He whispered silently to his lieutenant as to not rouse the mech's driver. "You guys take care of anyone who is following that giant assclown. I got this." With that, his infantry dispersed to fight for their major. Mortainius then approached the mech, put on his Major hat, and decided to give it a piece of his mind. "Hey! You with an ugly face for a chest! Turn around!" Mortainius did not care about death anymore, it was now a matter of pride.

"Now you listen here and you listen damn good! I am not going to stand around and take any of your stupid orders any more! You are unworthy of commanding me! I may have surrender to you, but now in hindsight, YOU should have surrendered to ME! I wield more power than you can possibly imagine! I make the laws of psychics my bitch! I am a living tempest! A hurricane of awesome! You are nothing but some talentless hack who lets others build his stuff for him! And nobody! And I mean NOBODY threatens to disintegrate my minions! Just for that, I'm going to repurpose your so called "war machine" into my personal margarita mixer! Then, I'm going to rip you out of that thing and shove my Rainbow Rod right up your candy ass!"

Mortainius would wait to let that sick burn sink in, then he would unleash a storm of magical pain upon his opponent.

@supertinyking @Gentlemanvaultboy @thewizardguy @Wraithblade6
Vulga Remmington

Location: Winnipeg, Canada, Arcadia

Vulga was floating high up in the air, far above the city which would be the stage for a great battle. He was observing from a safe distance this strange mechanical giant and a host of strange individuals around it. He was mostly there to supervise the status of his newest agent, Damien, who had struck the first blow against the metal beast. He did this not with any sort of care for his well-being, only to see if Damien could prove himself in combat and survive to do his bidding. At the end of the day, this young sorcerer, like most others, were only pawns in Vulga's sick game of manipulation and treachery, and if need be, disposable ones.

He would not be spotted, however, using his illusion magic to make him undetectable by almost any form of technological or living sensors, including infrared, and cast the screen spell to make him invisible to any form of magical or psychic scrying, allowing him to observe from a distance without fear of being detected, though he is staying alert mode, ready to dodge any sort of stray projectile and stay out of the crossfire.

Vulga's scheme here was simple, allow Damien and anyone willing to confront the Mech. Then, wait for the perfect opportunity to strike, all while avoiding detection. While a simple plan, depending how Vulga plays this, can bear great significance on how he will go about future projects to secure Arcadia for his dark masters.

Edit: Mentioning @Wraithblade6 @supertinyking @thewizardguy @gentlemanvaultboy
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