Avatar of Owlriel


Recent Statuses

3 days ago
Current Your brain is toasty on col medicine
9 days ago
Man big changes are going on in 2024 I am hoping the good outweighs the bad fingers crossed
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17 days ago
When corporate gives you pizza instead of money x.X
2 mos ago
I got an 80% on my final might not be 100% but I’m still over the moon 🌙
4 mos ago
Finally a reprieve from depression!
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I am a package handler at one of the many different package shipping services so the hours of 4pm to about 9pm PST I’m busy working and making that sweet sweet cheddar.

I have been a part of the role playing community for several years now, I think it’s somewhere in the teens. Not entirely sure all I do know is that I know what I like and what I don’t like, what I don’t like is ERP. I could go on a tangent about my severe distaste for ERP but I’ll save my breath. While what I do like is to play male roles and also have a couple RP’s going at the same time because then I won’t be antsy when I only have one going. It’s possible I might be an RP addict, not sure and I don’t want to go down that particular rabbit hole.

For my role play style I like to give out surprising moments that I’ve planned in advance. Along with working with my partner to converge our ideas as well to make a better story. One I wouldn’t mind going back and reading through, as I do have that habit of looking back in order to tie up any loose ends we may have left when I run out of story ideas.

Most Recent Posts

Pretty much as the title states I am looking for people to join me on an Isekai adventure.

The options being inspired by:
Overlord: people stuck in a video game and become steadily evil
Log Horizon: basic stuck in a videogame
SAO: trapped in a death game
Arifureta: start off as weaklings and get insanely strong after facing something impossible to survive but do. From it become stronger than everyone else.

Please PM me if interested.

I am thinking of a story that has aspects of Humpty Dumpty, Beauty and the Beast/Hades and Persephone.

Time travel is involved in this story due to a magical mishap scattering my characters body (which is made of dark energy/magic) through his personal timeline at important points of is eons long life. Hence the Humpty Dumpty part of the story.

As for Beauty and the Beast he is someone that keeps hidden and is known as a man eater and an in general monster. Yet your character sees the hidden light inside his soul that he hides from the world. The reasons to why he is so jaded you’ll learn thanks to the Humpty Dumpty part.

This will lean more towards the casual with some combat scenes mixed in to keep things interesting.

Other Info

With the plot out of the way I enjoy OOC I like knowing what sorta person I am doing RP with. I usually post just a paragraph or two and I will sometimes to rarely post 4 paragraphs if I feel lightbulb go on. I understand people have lives so I do not expect you to post every day. Just once or twice a week would be great.

As for my RP style itself I like making my main character have a silly side. I like the juxtaposition of a serious and tragic character having this super silly side that which usually involves hijinks. Though it isn’t LoL so random, usually there is a reason and buildup to the hijinks.

I am happy to let you pick the setting to the RP between Japan, USA, or UK.
I am reopening this because I am finally able to actually take on a partner. When I was looking I'd not been expecting the mallet of life to smack down on me. I am currently hoping that I'll be okay now.
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