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Lv. 9
HP: 208/230 SP: 200/200 MP: 30/30
(200) + 10% + 10 (200) + 0% + 0 (30) + 0% + 0
STR – 53 (41) + 15% + 5 | AGI – 20 (20) | END – 23 (21) + 5% | DEX – 10 (10) | LUC – 10 (10)
Wrestler's Loincloth - Common Accessory - +10 HP, +5 STR

Well, that just complicated the simple 1v1, didn't it? Mags didn't exactly say to leave her out of altruism. No, it was her keen, divine intellect about MMO mobs. With no way to generate enmity, the frog would freely go after the most inconvenient target possible for them. Colour her surprised when Raime got pounced on, leaving Mags' fist with a dull ache and her mind utterly embarrassed that the frog boomed her like that.

The collision of flesh and bone made Mags realize something. The frog was, likely, heavily speed oriented. Her fist not crumbling into dust the moment the frog struck, at the very least, she wasn't outmatched in strength. Legs were stronger than arms, especially that of a frog. For Mags to take less than 10% of her life in one blow, that meant she had ten more hits. Nine more opportunities for dumb shit.

Then Raime, from what Mags could see, got crater'd. That kind of ruined her entire thought process. Maybe it was stronger than her after all. Mags didn't know the full extent of her strength, though. If she was lucky, she could also crater like that.

Well, that just meant it wouldn't be easy. She'd have to cut the frog's mobility in some way. A brief thought came over her. Would it work? Maybe, maybe not. It was better than shooting bolts that could be caught and thrown at the useful ranged DPS, at least.

She kicked off the ground once more, dashing towards the crater where Raime once stood. She leapt after the frog with two fists leading the way. This time, however, she wasn't aiming to strike the frog. No, she intended to grapple it back to the ground and keep it there. Then, with every ounce of strength she could muster, break its leg.

After all, she was a brawler. Not an honorable martial artist.
Lv. 9
HP: 230/230 SP: 200/200 MP: 30/30
(200) + 10% + 10 (200) + 0% + 0 (30) + 0% + 0
STR – 53 (41) + 15% + 5 | AGI – 20 (20) | END – 23 (21) + 5% | DEX – 10 (10) | LUC – 10 (10)
Wrestler's Loincloth - Common Accessory - +10 HP, +5 STR

Haha, whoops. Mags accidentally aggroed an honor bound martial artist. Good and bad parts to it. The good being that the rest of the party was likely safe. Likely being if the frog hadn't planned to kill them all, of course. They could probably return to town alive. The bad news, of course, was Mags was locked into a fight, possibly to the death. She might get out if she prostrated and made like a coward, but she wasn't a coward. No, she had a powerful thing called an ego. Something at the back of her mind that whispered "Do it, no balls. Beat up an overgrown pollywog."

Well, now was a good time to fully limit test what 53 strength, 20 agility, and 23 endurance did to someone.

"Run away or watch, I don't care," she told the rest of the party, refusing to take her eyes off of the frog. "it's time for me to duel."

Reciprocating the frogman's gesture, Mags mirrored his motion of respect and took her stance. One leg forward, fists at the ready by her forehead. Rather than wait for any sort of move from the frog, she quickly leapt for the first strike.

With all of the strength that her level ups had given her, she drove her foot deep into the ground, propelling her entire body forward. With all of the strength and weight that level 9 body of hers could muster, she threw a brutal left straight directly at the frog man's chest as she cut to its outside. More specifically, she aimed her punch at where she thought its liver was. Mags didn't actually know if her high school biology dissections carried over to biped amphibians.

If the frogman fought with fists like hammers, Mags would fight with arms like spears. Well, that was if she was in her wheelhouse. She might have been fighting with pointy twigs, if it was really a world boss.

With more grinding out of the way, Mags became stronger and stronger. Even with a certain someone slowing the grind down to a much more relaxed pace, she was still able to become half-herculean. Well, that's if the stats were linear. Considering stat and item boosts, she now had the strength of five ordinary men. The kappas that once threatened her life were nothing more than walking bundles of EXP now. She'd learnt their patterns and strengths. Unless they stumbled upon a rare boss type kappa or something, she could easily turn their face into a second water bowl. Soon, she hit level 9 and allocated the last of her ability points.

HP: 170 > 200
SP: 100 > 200
STR: 27 > 40
AGI: 15 > 20
END: 12 > 21

She was now firmly stronger than Ames in every way. In fact, she was the strongest person in their little party. Unless Klein decided to minmax STR. Mags dipped into other stats, after all. Soon, the group approached the Pearl Bloom River waterfall. Something was there. Then it wasn't. They all got nothing personel kid'd by an oversized frogman. Of course, they couldn't keep up the grind forever. It was now do or die. Such was the life of the grinder that stumbled across a world boss. Well, if it was a world boss. Might have just been a named enemy. Resolving herself, Mags equipped the loincloth.

Lv. 9
HP: 230/230 SP: 200/200 MP: 30/30
(200) + 10% + 10 (200) + 0% + 0 (30) + 0% + 0
STR – 53 (41) + 15% + 5 | AGI – 20 (20) | END – 23 (21) + 5% | DEX – 10 (10) | LUC – 10 (10)
Wrestler's Loincloth - Common Accessory - +10 HP, +5 STR

Since it appeared behind them, the only escape route that the group had was cut off. Crossing the river was a possible route to escape, but the enemy was a frog. Had it been a dry cracker, it may have actually worked as an escape route rather than an obstacle. Comparing leg strengths, there was no way in hell they were running. That meant the options were either to negotiate with a frog or to beat the shit out of it and pray it wasn't a world boss.

Well, there was always a chance it was a friendly frog. The fact that it was calmly under a waterfall until they came made her think it was a martial arts user. Well, that and the fact that it didn't use weapons. That meant that it had a martial artist's discipline, right? Unless it was one of those "I'll murder you to get stronger" martial artists, then she'd be fucked. Alternatively, it wasn't a martial artist at all. It was just a frog that liked to chill under a waterfall. With a respectful bow queue'd up, she quickly approached and became closest to the frogman. With her bow, her eyes were still locked on the frog and her powerful legs were ready to jump backwards, insuring herself from any sneak attack. Hell, she could even take her allies by the collar nearby and take them with her.

In any case, she had to size up what the frog was going to do. Whether it would attack, be friendly, or some other third thing. If it would attack, she'd do her best to jump out of the way. If it was friendly... They'd neatly part ways?

She lived. She couldn't tell if it was good luck or bad luck that pretty much every instance of damage she took another 22 points of damage like that. Being ragdolled by an oversized toad wasn't a fun time. Thankfully, the time she bought was worth it. Rather than taking a spine-buster and crumbling into dust, Mags was thrown onto the ground in a familiar pose.

By the time Mags managed to rise up, the bulk of the combat had finally ended. Klein became radiant, making Mags somewhat jealous of those sick arm tats. Those absolutely screamed brawler tough guy. Shame that he got them, really. Well, not really a shame since when the radiant light vanished, Klein looked considerably less eviscerated. Mags was there, battered and bruised, and that man just managed to heal himself.

Well, that just meant Mags was the one who lost the most out of all of them. She had the highest health pool out of the entire group, yet somehow she was the least healthy. Such was the life of a brawler, especially when they didn't have any sort of healer. Maybe she'd spec into some form of healing. Some kind of monk type, inner ki technique shit. A slam slim Kharazim, if one would. When she capped out brawler, though. She wasn't about to lose her levels just so she could fill in a role this early.

Luckily, those levels came with something important: being refreshed. Her resources were refreshed quickly, so the game's mechanics rescued her from death's door. Important to know, really. She allocated her points in an appropriate manner for a brawler. HP, STR, and some more AGI. Endurance was a good stat, but only if she was getting hit. Which she was. A lot. But she also wanted to punch a kappa's head straight off.

HP: 140 >> 170
STR: 10 >> 27
AGI: 11 >> 15

The corpse of a brawler slid towards the loot like a gremlin.

"Mmmmmmind if I roll... NEED?"

By the time she slithered on over, she was already trying to stuff the loot into her bag. She'd make the choice of putting on the loincloth at a later date. It was +5 extra strength or so, after all.

Lv. 4
HP: 187/187 (170) + 10% SP: 100/100 (100) MP: 30/30 (30)
STR – 31 (27) + 15% | AGI – 15 (15) | END – 13 (12) + 5% | DEX – 10 (10) | LUC – 10 (10)
hey, sorry but i have to drop this

my schedule for a while is going to be absolutely boffed and my motivation has fallen to gutter levels

Sanhan's time on the train car was much different to the rest of the class. She didn't exactly interact with those who she sat with, though it wasn't out of her typical lack of interest or self-isolating tendencies. No, this time it was because she was absolutely destroyed by the carriage. While the rest seemed to enjoy using new technology reserved for elites, having staff wait on them for food, or more, Sanhan sad sunken into her uncomfortable seat and gripped whatever stable surface she could. The rattle of the rails and every shake made her sick to her stomach. This wasn't like riding a horse at all. On any glance, someone could tell that she looked sick as a dog.

Then they finally reached their destination.

The walk to the village wasn't the best for Sanhan. Her nomadic lifestyle made walking long distances such as this like a way of life. She may not have been strong or durable, but she could at least endure long walks. No, the issue was that she was still reeling from the train. After riding it, the earth no longer felt as stable as it once was. She stumbled every few minutes, only to pick herself back up. Thankfully, the symptoms of her sickness ended by the time they reached the village.

But in comparison to the villagers, Sanhan's sickness was nothing. They seemed to be afflicted by something horrible. She couldn't help but remain silent. Sekhandur's response, like always, was that of a disgusting human being. The others shared similar reactions of wishing to help, scholarly pursuits, or curious bewilderment. Really, Sanhan just had no idea what was going on.

HP: 55/160 SP: 75/100 MP: 30/30
STR – 12 | AGI – 11 | END – 13 | DEX – 10 | LUC – 10

Gah, that hurt. Getting slammed with disgusting head water wasn't something Mags wanted to make a habit of. Her health was already drained from a mix of getting thrown across town and numerous collisions. She could survive another two hits like that, but it wouldn't be pretty. She still had her job to do. With rocks in her hand, she pitched them as hard as she could at the Kappa's dome in an attempt to slow him even more. Reminded her of playing catch with her dad, really. The man never knew how to chill. Complete type A personality, really.

Well, nostalgic memories didn't really matter right now. She was gaming. After pitching the rock as fast and hard as she could, she broke into a full sprint to intercept him again. She wasn't going to stop there, no. Ames managed to break the spear tip—what worried the unarmed and unarmoured Mags—off of the spear, leaving the kappa with a makeshift staff.

With one rock still in hand, she rose it and was about to attempt to beat the shit out of a Kappa with a rock. If she got hit with Amulak's next spell alongside the kappa, so be it. She'd try not to be physically between the mage and the turtle man.

Originally, Lilliane was going to attempt to partially break through the wall using「Future History」and extract Chloe that way. Plans, however, change. By the time that she dashed around the corner to the wall Chloe had been near, the majority of their fight had passed. Unseen to those inside, the spy's stand placed itself against the wall. With another unnatural, jittering motion, its claws slowly dragged along the bricks, leaving no mark behind. Like before, the bricks began to vibrate. Then they launched in the same way as before, creating another hole in the wall.

The blast created was intentionally aimed away from Chloe and the Reaper's fight. While a blast of bricks was often a great tool to stop people in their tracks, hitting Chloe was the one thing she didn't want to happen. This time, however, was different. Emerging from the dust and entering with the bricks was the spy with her hand in jacket pocket. As she became visible through the dust, she had already drawn a bizarre needle. More icepick than sewing implement, she had pointed it at Till.「Future History」came along, its hand grasping Lilliane's.

A brief pause ensued. Rather than fight, the two were having... an argument? The man seemed more confused if anything. Chloe also seemed angry and confused.

Really, what was going on here?

The needle shook in Lillian's hand. Right. She did that as soon as she entered. This is why she never liked fighting. She quickly looked around the room, trying to gauge the situation. If the man with the reaper wasn't trying to actively kill Chloe, that meant that the best target would be the ballerina. She quickly pointed the needle at the ballerina and grasped it with both hands. Not a moment later, the components of the needle violently came apart. The handle was left with Lilliane, the recoil of it knocking her onto the ground. The needle, likewise, launched itself at the ballerina. Not very well aimed, though.

Had Locke been a worshiper of a cruel god or a violent criminal, he may have assisted in the final push to gain freedom. He was, however, the exact opposite. He was a scholar first and foremost. Violence was a means of getting to an end. Unnecessary bloodshed—something that could be done by another, rather—was not something Locke cared for. Why would he attempt to rout his enemies when the others could do it for him? His support was all that was needed. So long as he maintained the smoke to protect the band of loosely associated adventurers, he could leave safely.

So he waited for the others to make their moves so he could escape. He put himself in a position to make a break for the gate. Not enough for him to be put in considerable danger in case something lurked outside, but enough to be one of the first out when they made a break. He caught his breath as he waited. A man from the mountain who spent most of his time on his two feet wasn't immune to exhaustion.

HP: 77/160 SP: 75/100 MP: 30/30
STR – 12 | AGI – 11 | END – 13 | DEX – 10 | LUC – 10

With an audible "Gwuh", Mags had been hit by the force of an unstoppable dumbass and collided with her more friendly teammate. Then, from above, the fool landed on top of her. Normally, she'd be incredibly mad about that sort of thing. A mix of having an instant meat shield and memories of rescuing her allies into mechanics tempered her instant rage. Rather than yell at Klein for being a massive idiot, she simply slid out of the miscoloured human Oreo. Thankfully, Amulak's magic missile protected Magpie from being skewered to the massive idiot that caused this issue in the first place.

Now free, she could figure out the situation. There was the spear wielding kappa and an unarmed Kappa that could probably wrestle her to kingdom come.

Well, she might as well go to the backline to try to help defend Amulak. He was the one person who seemed to be able to do considerable damage to the kappas, after all. Quickly sifting the ground nearby for hand-sized rocks, she put a nice one in each hand and went back to protect the useful mage alongside Ames.
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