Avatar of PatientBean


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2 days ago
Current I ilike my men like I like my wallets: Flush with money and covered in leather <3
11 days ago
Don't y'all have RPs to write in rather than wasting time on stupid drama? People are waiting for your posts!
12 days ago
Jokes on you, I'm actively aggressive. Bitch.
2 mos ago
Leveled Up Today. Level 33 :D
2 mos ago
It has been purchased and is downloading. Godspeed nerds


Well now that I got the customary "post once" requirement out of the way....


Welcome to my safe space. Well, about as safe as one space can be, I guess. If you are here looking for something, I am very sorry to disappoint you, but I made fresh cookies! Come sit a spell.

I guess I'll do some more in-depth stuff about myself. My name is Nick and I am 33 years old living in Illinois. I am a therapist and clinical responder (which is a fancy way of saying I go out on police calls to provide mental health assistance). Been doing therapy for a few years now and I absolutely love it!

I am a gay, cisgender man. I came out last year in January (smack dab in the middle of a pandemic. Timing was always my downfall). There is still much I am learning, but I am proud and happy to be who I really am and not have to hide it anymore!

I am an avid gamer, especially roleplaying games (cue surprised and shock noises). I also enjoy writing and reading, especially mysteries. I am not new to roleplay, I promise. I have been doing it for years now in different formats. I am experienced, even if it doesn't seem like it.

I use humor as a coping mechanism for sure, but I also like laughing and enjoying myself. Life can be pretty sad and upsetting for the most part and I don't want to add to it.

Whew! That got deep!

I will be poking my nose around in spaces and hoping to jump headfirst into this. Some interests I have in terms of roleplay settings include superheroes, DnD, science fiction/fantasy, mysteries, thrillers, horror stuffs, apocolypse, and espionage. And I am a fan of most things pop culture. If you have any suggestions or possible roleplays you think I would love, please let me know.

Otherwise, stick around! This is gonna get wild!

Most Recent Posts

The Captain and the Companion Pt. 1

Quill found the banter between the Captain and Yuri enjoyable, cute even. As Yuri left to tend to whatever he needed (and pick up his tongue on the way) the Captain sought to seal their deal.

As he worked on the clipboard, he mentioned someone named Buck Cassidy. It took her back a second, because she had never encountered someone who shared their last name apart from her family members. Was this person a distant relative? She let that thought slide over as the Captain continued to speak. At the Captain’s words about her never leaving the Core, she smirked. “I would caution you on assuming Captain. Looks can be….deceiving, after all.”

She wasn’t thrilled to hear that they would not be leaving soon, but at least shade would be going to Pelorum, as intended. “Cred is fine.” She was looking forward to seeing where she would be staying.

"Apologies," his eyes met that smirk of hers before adding, "looks certainly can, but there's a slimmer chance of that happenin' when someone what looks like you do rides a Firefly over a luxury liner." He offered his own smirk in return while he dropped his cigarette and ground it under his boot.

He held out the clipboard for Ms. Cassidy to peruse the fine print and sign her name. "Fare's standard for a double; we don't have no room service, but the galley's open and our cook is happy to oblige. Man's a wonder with a bit of dough, or a cut of meat. Name's Hook, if you're keen."

After collecting payment, Cal deposited the clipboard on the lawn chair for Yuri and led Quill up the ramp.

"This here's the cargo bay, fulla all sorts of things off limits to passengers. If you need somethin' from in here, flag a member of the crew and we'll accompany you."

“And tell me Captain, what *do* I look like?” she asked, hand placed on her hip. She took the clipboard and looked it over. It was standard procedure by the looks of it so she signed it. “There’s plenty of reasons why someone would choose a Firefly over a luxury liner. I mean, have you tried the hors d'oeuvres on one of those ships? Shameful.”

The Captain chuckled, "High class, I'd wager if I were a bettin' man. Like money, right down to them perfectly clean fingernails. But, hey, cred is cred, so I don't look a gift horse in the mouth," he flashed a contented smile as she scrawled her John Hancock. "No offense," he added at her answering look.

"And we ain't got no whores on board, with or without derves, least not that I'm aware."

She handed the clipboard back over to him as she explained some of the inner workings of the ship. It wasn’t as if she was expecting first class lodgings. She didn’t expect to stay any longer than she needed so whatever this ‘Hook’ could cook up would do. “Any other members of the crew I should know? Might be nice to know who I am traveling with, yourself included. And your first mate. You know, the one who needed to pick his tongue back off the ground?”

"Well, you met Yuri--charmin' fella--plucked him outta a shipwreck in New Melbourne. Then there's Abigail. Come to think of it, she thought I was fixin' to hire her on as a whore. Given she's seventeen at the time the thought didn't even cross my mind." He met her eyes for a moment, "She's a whiz with a mop, though, so there's that."

She followed the Captain on the ship. It seemed as if there would be parts out of reach to her. She wondered why the cargo bay would be off limits, what if she had cargo? But then she imagined that a ship like this must transport a bunch of merchandise for paying parties. “Do not go into the Cargo Bay. Noted. Afraid I might uncover some of your secrets?” she joked. The man was not an easy read and she often prided herself on her ability to read others.

Focus Quill. She was not here on business or pleasure. She had work.

Her casual comment about secrets prompted the Captain to square up with his would-be passenger for a second look-over, pushing the brim of his hat back for a better view. His gaze measured the lines in her face, the poise of her posture, the unnamed whispers of numerous gut-feelings. She didn't come up Alliance. Nor Browncoat, former or current. Could be a politician, a body who sold secrets, or a snoop. Conclusions drawn, Captain Strand removed his hat and donned a smile.

"I'm an open book, Ms. Cassidy. I find secrets keep me up at night, don't you?" hat in his hand, the Captain's posture made it plain that the tour was on hold.

The amount of frustration Primrose felt at having discovered something important, only for it to be taken from her in a matter of moments. She let the pleasant thought of throwing an illusion to scare the authorities but thought better against it. For now, this was their scene. They had the images in their heads, she knew about the camera and the witnesses at the gas station. She at least knew their names. She could look them up (or ask Fynn to since he was the resident nerd).

She blew out a breath of frustration as Eleanor dealt with the police. Once it was apparent they would get nothing else, she made it towards her car, driving back to the headquarters. As she drove, her mind worked. There was something more to the dead man, but that was out of her wheelhouse. Hopefully, the others would begin working on that aspect while she focused on the witnesses.

She finally made it back to the offices. She quickly went in, ignoring everyone else at the front. She called the elevator. Stepping inside, she pressed the button for her floor and waited as the irritating elevator music played. As it inched closer to her floor, she felt something watching her. She glanced around but didn't see anything. Then she sensed movement. She looked down.

It would be a lie to say it was anything other than some spawn from the pits of hell. She detested bugs on a good day, but today had already worked her up. She let out a scream that would put any final girl to shame. Thankfully the elevator made it to her floor before she all but jumped out.

She glanced back at it before she put it all together. It wasn't an actual bug. It was some robot...thing. And that meant it was one person's concoction. "Fynn! Get your disgusting bug thing out of the elevator before I fling it off the roof!"

Honestly...these people!

I'm going to be at work most of the day today, but I can get a post up either tonight or for sure tomorrow.
@Penny I was waiting for the others to get their stuff in...but it seems that may not be the case anymore

Time: 7:32 P.M.
Location: Seattle Airport, The Atrium
Interactions: Mr. Smith, Watson, Airport Staff, Mysterious Figure
Mentions: N/A
Equipment: Stun Gun, Shock Baton, Cyberware

Incoming Message
Incoming Message




Mr. Smith: th0rn_r0se. Got a job for ya. Pay is 1k. There’s a risk though. More than the standard security measures. The client desires a package delivered to The Atrium. Payment will be transferred upon pick-up and confirmed contents. The package is a set of golf clubs at the Airport. Obviously, they aren’t really golf clubs, but the client refused to share what it is exactly. Please confirm or deny interest.


Mr: Smith: Thought it would interest you. Please take care of this quickly. The package is expected to be there for a few hours before being moved elsewhere. I will ping you the coordinates of the package when you get close. Do try to be unseen. Security is tight enough there.

_Conection Terminated_

It wasn’t a standard job she did, but beggars couldn’t be choosers. Often she did corpo hacking and rigging, data retrieval, and a few destruction jobs, but typically she got into a system and got out. This one would require more precision. The airport was public and high security. This would mean she would have to plan accordingly.

Persephone jacked into her personal system. She would need to pull some things to make this job easier. She inserted the memory chip into the chip reader on the back of her neck before scouring the net. First, blueprints to the airport. It wouldn’t be anything fancy, but it would allow her to find entrances and exits that were not common knowledge. She found that easily enough. Security records were another matter. Airport security was all managed in-house, meaning if something triggered, they would know and beef it up, expecting the worst.
Persephone cracked her knuckles before she dove into the system. Once she was inside, she activated her St3alth hack. Once she was reasonably sure she was not seen, she connected to their servers. She noticed, oddly enough, a trace. It was almost undetectable. It was professional work.

“Someone was there recently”

She heard Watson in her ear. A reliable source if there ever was one. Watson proved invaluable to her investigations and efforts, though he often chewed her ear off over the morality of it.

“Yeah, but who? It was clearly a professional. The average Netter wouldn’t be able to see that unless they knew what to look for.”

“If it's a professional that hacked into airport security. It’s for one of two reasons. Either there is going to be an attack at the airport. Which would be incredibly foolish. Or….”

“They wanted to know security details to avoid detection. Which means I’m not the only one sneaking into the airport tonight.”

“Do you suppose this person is after the package also?”

“Hard to say, but I wouldn’t doubt it.”

“This already seemed sketchy at first, but now even more so.”

“Thanks, Dad. If I want more advice on right versus wrong, I’ll know who to pester.”

She couldn’t see Watson but she knew he rolled his eyes before disappearing.

She downloaded the data she needed on her memory chip. She disengaged from the hack, making sure any trace of her was gone or invisible. Just in case the other hacker got in to double-check their work.

She thought about options. Normally she would gear up and prepare to sneak in, but this might require a personal touch.

“Can I help you ma’am?”

Persephone, dressed to the nines in a skintight black dress that edged above her thighs. Her hair was down, flowing behind her like a cape. She wore thick sunshades despite being indoors (had to sell it somehow). She exemplified money on image alone. She tried to exude an air of “I’m more important than you”. Clearly the airport worker was buying it.

“As I just told you, I left my McCamerack Handbag in the waiting lounge. It costs more than you make in an hour and I will not be held up any longer! If some common thief didn’t pilfer it, perhaps some good samaritan turned it in. I demand you bring a security officer here right this minute to check.” The man looked flummoxed but did not move. “Now!” At her screech, he opened a comm call “Yeah, I need a security officer to the front desk ASAP.” He hung up and put on a customer service smile. She almost felt bad.

A few minutes later and she saw the uniform of the security personnel. He looked like he wanted to be anywhere else, which was perfect for her. She noted he eyed her up and down. “Yeah get a good look buddy. Enjoy it while you can.”

“What seems to be the problem?” He directed the question to the airport worker, but Persephone quickly swooped in. “I left my handbag in the waiting lounge outside of terminal Z32 flight coming in from Tokyo. It is a VERY expensive handbag that I am sure people manhandled to no end. I demand it be returned to me and be compensated for wasting my time!”

The security officer glanced at the airport worker as if to say “Do you believe this chick?” He sighed, “All right ma’am. Let me call the department and see…” before he could get the rest of his statement out, Persephone spoke up, “Let me stop you right there. I don’t trust anyone in this establishment not to manhandle my property. I demand you walk me over to your little security station and let me collect my property there. That way, if I see any damages, I know who to charge directly.”

The security officer looked aghast. “Ma’am, we don’t allow civilians back there.” Persephone didn’t budge. “Well make an exception this time or so help me I will reach up the corpo ladder and demand amends so wild you will be lucky if you get to clean the lavatories in this place, let alone manage security anymore. Do I make myself clear?”

This was a big risk. She could easily be whisked away, arrested, thrown out. But she read the security log. She knew exactly who this man is. 15 long, unappreciated years in security working at this airport, dealing with all manner of people. No raise, no promotion. He had to be sick of it and sick of dealing with people like her.

“Fine. Follow me, but stick close.”

Persephone followed, her heels clicking on the airport ground as they walked to the security office. Many people passed them by, all at varying levels of stress. The officer slid his security chip and opened the door. He stepped in first (rude not to hold the door open for a lady). He began to walk over to his station. As per the logs, he was the only one set to work in the office itself. The other officers would be patrolling around. “Ok, what did you say the handbag looked like?”


That was the last sound the man heard before jolts of electricity surged through his body as he slumped to the floor. Persephone put the stun baton back into the purse she was carrying. “Sorry, buddy. But you deserve a nap. 15 years and no promotion? I would quit.”

There were no cameras in the office itself, thankfully (though in hindsight, concerning). She wasn’t strong enough to move the officer to a decent hiding place, so she had to move quickly. She skirted around the desks and through the door that led to the back hallways outside of traditional airport traffic. The package was located nearby the baggage being unloaded. Persephone moved quickly and quietly, though she cursed herself at wearing heels. It was hard to be stealthy and look fashionable, it seemed.

She heard a door unlock and she moved to the side, listening. She peeked around the corner and saw a security officer, a young woman, let out a curse as she pulled up her comm. Speaking on the phone, the woman walked back and forth, shouting at some poor person on the other end that he needed to get his rear in gear and step up with parenting their child since she was the sole breadwinner. “Girls get it done,” she thought to herself. Though she also hoped girls got it done quicker than this. Persephone was about to pull out her baton again before the woman hung up and entered the same door she had just appeared from. Persephone took the opportunity to move down the hallway.

She reached her destination. She listened at the door and didn't hear anyone. She opened it slowly before the door itself was yanked. Caught by surprise, she didn't realize a person was in front of her until whoever it was grabbed her neck and flung her across the room.

She hit the wall with a thud, her augmented skin taking the brunt of the damage, though it still hurt. Persephone groaned as she stood up, seeing who it was that attacked her.

The figure in front of her was wearing all black. She saw augments all over their body, covering their legs, arms, and torso. They appeared to be more machine than man, which was saying something given augmentations. "Who the hell are you?" she asked, though it came out more hoarse than anything due to her throat being recently squeezed."

"That's on a need-to-know basis. I assume you are after the parcel too?" As the figure spoke, their voice was a mix of masculine and syntax. It was like their voicebox was processing the words through a computer. Whatever the hell this thing was, it wasn't fully human.

"That's also need-to-know, but good news. You made the cut. Yeah, that's my payload." The figure let out a metallic laugh. It would have been scary any other time, but she was more pissed off now. "Too late then. Should have gotten hear sooner. What passes for security here is pitiful." He nodded his head in the direction of the opposite side of the room. Persephone glanced over and saw the red stains on the floor. It took her a moment to process what she saw, but it was a mangle of bodies. Most donning security uniforms, but some had on what looked like coveralls. Airport workers.


"You killed them?" she asked, though she knew the answer. "They got in my way."

"What's so important about a set of golf clubs?"

"I think we both know it's more than that. My benefactor is paying some decent cred to receive this."

Persephone pulled out her gun, locked it, and aimed it at the figure's head. "You aren't leaving with it."

The figure laughed again. "I already killed plenty. What's one more?"

At that threat, the figure pounced forward, reaching out. Persephone fired off two shots, the figure dodged and she dove to the right to avoid any grab or tackle. She ducked behind the tracks that moved the baggage. She crawled along the ground, attempting to hear his footsteps. She felt eyes on her and glanced up. The figure was mounted on the ceiling. "Surprise!" He launched at her, hitting her hard. She raised her gun, but the figure was quick, knocking it out of her hand. He lifted her up by the throat again and she felt their fingers slowly inch closed. "Shame hacker. I always hate killing the pretty ones. Any last words?"

Persephone felt her vision darken slowly. She clutched at his arm, but only gripped metal. She reached to her side. She felt her hand wrap around a cool, metal object.

"Yeah..... fuck... you.."

With what strength she could muster, she dug her stun baton into the figure's neck and jolted it. The figure convulsed, releasing his grip. She fell to the floor, but her baton still dug into the figure's neck and shoulder. All she could hear was buzzing as electricity surged through him. She took some deep breaths, gathering her strength again, before grabbing hold of the baton and kicking the figure back. It landed with a thud on the ground, twitching slightly.

She considered finishing it off but thought there was too much blood spilled already (if it even had blood inside of it).

Instead, she grabbed the gold clubs. "You better be worth it."

Persephone rubbed her neck as she checked her comm. She had arrived at the atrium about a half hour ago. She left the airport quickly. She heard sirens as she got out. There to clean up the mess. If the figure was still there, would they be able to take it in? Was it alive still?

She would worry about that another day. For now, she needed to be paid. Her comm buzzed and she read the message. "Drop point under the southeastern bench. We are watching." She glanced around, though she knew it was foolish. She made her way over to the bench in question, depositing the clubs underneath it. She waited a few minutes before she got up and walked away.

As soon as she got on the tram, she heard her phone ding. $1k deposited into her account.

Her comm buzzed again.

"Client was pleased to receive package with minimal damage. I assume it all went well?"

She could have told him about the figure. About his attack. His killings. He would hear about it on the news. He would ask questions she wouldn't answer and then he would move on. After all, he made his money. As far as he was concerned, it was done and over.

"It was a walk in the park."
Sorry, I had some free time and wanted to get mine in before I had precious little free time left. Let me know if I need to edit or add anything

The quicker she could be away from the dead body, the better. It was starting to ooze and the heat wasn't making it any more bearable. The others quickly joined them. Jaelle and Mal together followed up with Finn. The gang was all there, such as they were. If someone was asked to put differing personalities and clashing personas together on a team for a comedy TV show, she had a feeling their group would be prime time.

Despite Jaelle's insistence that there would be no cameras (no cameras in this day and age? Even the middle of nowhere had technology), Eleanor felt it was a good idea to check. Primrose tried to bite down a self-satisfied smile in Jaelle's direction but did not do a good job of hiding it. Primrose glanced over at the police officer who had his mind warped. It couldn't have been a young, hot cop? Just her luck.

She debated on how to handle this. She could probably get by on charm alone. She was sure the officer would be like putty in her hands if she laid it on thick. She could also use her family's name. Despite their hesitancy in working for any civil service areas, they maintained a good relationship with the police (for reasons, Primrose was sure, not so honorable). The man's brain was already impacted by Eleanor's abilities, so perhaps that led him to be more susceptible to hers.

Primrose left the others to go over the scene, nodding at Finn as she passed him. Out of everyone on the team, apart from Eleanor who she considered being above the others on authority alone, Finn was the one she could see developing a possible friendship with the easiest. She also had to hand it to him, his skills were incredibly useful. As she walked, Primrose threw up an illusion over herself. So long as she maintained it, anyone who did not know it was her would see an older woman, her late 40's, dressed impeccably in a black suit, hair cut short and no-nonsense glasses over her eyes and a facial expression that read "I am wasting my time talking to you already so don't make me waste anymore."

She made her way over to the officer, who sat there, a speck of drool forming at the cusp of his bottom lip and dripping down over his uniform. Primrose fought a groan. She had a job to do. She snapped her fingers in two quick successions to get his attention. The man shook his head and looked over at her. "Huh? Wha-" was his response. She was quick to respond back. "Save it, I am already annoyed we were not contacted sooner. Agent Beatrice Burns, FBI." She held up a black card, also managed with an illusion. To the untrained eye, it would look like FBI credentials. "I'll make this quick so you can go back to standing there while the trained professionals clean up your mess. This now falls under FBI jurisdiction. I'm going to need the names of anyone who might have seen the car or the driver as well as any camera footage nearby. I also need that yesterday so..." she raised an eyebrow at the officer, expecting him to jump at the chance.

To his credit, he did.

"Um yes, yes ma'am! Sir! Umm..." He fumbled his words a bit more before he continued. "The only camera we have near here is at the gas station up the road a ways. As for witnesses, maybe they saw something there? Last I noticed there was a car parked in the lot that isn't the owner. I'm close with the owner. We go bowling every th.."

Primrose cut him off. "Do I look like I want to know about your recreational pastimes officer? Unless it pertains to the poor dead sod rotting in the car over there, I don't give a damn! Give me whatever reports you have and be on your way. I'm sure there's a box of donuts that needs your attention." She paused a bit as the officer looked at her. "Now!" At her yell, the officer scrambled into his car and grabbed a police report, and handed it to her. He saluted her too, which was a nice touch. "Forget this interaction ever happened officer and I won't have to talk to your supervisor about your absolute tomfoolery. Dismissed!" At that, she turned and walked back to the others, leaving the officer to pick up the pieces.

As she walked, she read the report. It appeared as if someone called in the car. According to the information listed, it was a "Cecil Peterson" and his wife. Last known location of the Petersons? The gas station, where they seemed to remain, despite the long number of hours. Why are the Petersons still there? Surely their information would be gathered and they could be on their way.

As she got closer, she heard tired and turned to see a car pull up. She glanced at Eleanor to see if she knew who they were and, judging on her facial expression, she did. They would have to work fast now.

@Fetzen Go for it if you are ready.
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