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"Your wish is a command."


~ Miyako


Miyako takes many forms so it is difficult to understand what type of person she actually is. On first impression and many after that, she appears quiet with the sense of being shy. While she may seem cute, further inspection will reveal she is rather cold and uncaring to others, not really caring for another's well being without being ordered to. She is very quick to harbor disdain if she feels slighted but depending on the circumstance may or may not be willing to act aggressively towards the one who has slighted her.

Internally, Miyako struggles daily with feelings of loneliness and a strange feeling of she compares to hunger. That strange feeling might be the desire for friendship, appreciation, love or really anything but so far has little to base it on so far. Though these feelings are repressed and hidden only showing the emotionless vessel due to her understanding that strength is key and revealing weakness isn't a good thing.

In combat, she is vastly changed even without entering a Kakuja-state. Her calm and emotionless state is replaced by a rather blood-lusted ravenous beast, who gets a sick satisfaction from it all. It appears as if she thoroughly enjoys fighting and maybe she does actually enjoy it, after all it is the only thing she has known. However, a small part of her is scared of herself and this quiet internal battle rages every time she fights. Fearful of herself, for others, and the ever-lurking creature that is her Kakuja.

For most of her life, Miyako had taken after her parents quite a bit as she grew up. Quickly adopting a feisty temperament to go along with her rather wild and irrational nature. Her parents were very feral and aggressive with both humans and ghouls alike. They weren't completely lost in their bloodlust but any astute observer, they could tell that it was slowly consuming them as they were obsessing about. It was surprising that her parents weren't willing to eat their own daughter but it seemed only human flesh was their desired palette. Maybe at one time her parents were not so consumed in their obsession about eating, seeing as they did have and raise a child. However, Miyako can't remember a time when her parents weren't particularly savage to most.

When Miyako was just about a teenager, her parents sort of "abandoned" her for some reason. They didn't leave her, in fact, Miyako was free to follow them around but they just seemed to stop caring. They no longer helped her with food or really anything else. It was almost as if their daughter vanished and they were fine with that. Of course it wasn't just that. They began bickering with each other and suddenly they weren't even willing to share fresh kills with each other, often willing to fight over a corpse. So when Miyako would try, they'd snap at her, even wounding her, if she tried to encroach on their kill.

With her parents no longer really responding to her, she just kind of wandered with them. She ended up having to study them in order to figure out how to attract and kill for food. For awhile, things remained at that. Just three feral-like people wandering around and eating, like animals, and like animals food was becoming quite their only motivation in life. But perhaps the spark that finally convinced Miyako to leave her parents was one day her father attacked her over her own kill, severely wounding his daughter to get at the food. Nice guy.

Thankfully, Miyako hadn't lost her mind completely before she finally found social outlets outside of family. When she realized there was more to the world than just eating, she left her parents and her their feeding frenzy behind. But now Miyako was faced another type of dysfunction. It turned out her new found 'friends' were a very active and aggressive gang. They saw Mi as a potential member due to increased aggression and strength due to her upbringing and although young, she was already quite formidable.

Her time with the ghoul gang was short and only lasted about two years but within that time Miyako fought with plenty of other ghouls. Her savagery was quite known in Japan and even though she was rather illusive with the CCG, the named the bird-masked girl after a crow for it's ironic flavor.

At around the end of her run with the ghoul gang, she had eaten enough of other ghouls to start the process of her Kakuja. However after her first experience with it was short lived after a group of ghoul peddlers managed to subdue and capture Miyako. Of course the girl was far to feral and dangerous to most potential buyers and thus her captors began the long process of torture and training to quell her rebellious nature. Eventually, they succeed while managing to keep her rather savage fighting potential. They price was high for a half-Kakuja but someone eventually paid the right price...

Miyako would then be shipped off to Rome. There she would be a field agent for her buyer for years before the man mysteriously disappeared, leaving Miyako on her own, again. The events circulating her time in Rome left Miyako to grow a lot and she is a far cry from when she started, especially now since she is a full on Kakuja instead of a half. Anyway, Miyako was left alone and would seek out Tokyo to be her new base of operations as there were many questions to answer and people to find, namely her buyer David Sinclair.


CCG Title
The Harpy

CCG Rating

A Gold and White Venetian Ball Mask that covers her face. Two horns jut from the forehead just above the eyes and bend backwards, branching like a deer's antlers.

RC Type

Miyako's Kagune is a pair of spiny, bat-like wings with quite a large wingspan in comparison to the girl's actual size. Both wing seems to have a dark red spine, or band, on top of the wing while the rest of the wing fades from the red from a more dark purple at the bottom of the wing. While deployed, the wings appear to occasionally drip with excess RC cells in a thick viscosity very similar to blood, but many compare it to tears.

The "tears" of Miyako's wings aren't just for show as the RC cells will remain for awhile. At Miyako's internal command, the cells can crystallize into long thin spines to form lethal traps. Using this ability creatively, Miyako can purposely spray a mist of her RC cells and then have the cells crystallize suddenly in the air.

Notable Characteristics
She has a Kakuja and in her full-Kakuja state, a jagged crystalline-bone structure forms around her arms and joins together around the top of her torso. Her legs are also form this bone structure up to her legs in a sort of jointed armor. A few things are added to Miyako's arsenal in this state.

Starting with the hands, two crystal-bone spikes gently curve out from her knuckles with a third spike jutting out from her wrist. The spikes form a talon and it is noninvasive around the girl's hands to allow her freedom to still move it. Continuing up her arm slightly, the crystal structure starts from the girl's wrist and at a small angle slowly increases its length away from Miyako's body up until her elbow. Overall the triangular structure is comparable to something like a harpy's wing, hence the name. Finally, the crystals continue up the girl's arms, over the shoulders, and finally both arms' crystal structures are connected around the neck and breast. A full mask is formed covering Miyako's face which looks as if a deer skull. Her leg structure has a raptor claw on each set of toes with a single spike jutting out from her heel. A tight structure encasing armors Miyako up to her knee where a complex joint in the armor allows her to keep her movement free. The armor continues up with the top edge curving gently to end at the top of Miyako's thighs.
CCG Database

CCG Staff


For whatever reason, you, as a Ghoul, seeks the rehabilitation offer that a rumored, niche group operating within Ghoul society. The very idea of Ghouls trying to blend into society and become functioning members within it sounds asinine but theKosei claim to try just that. Secretive and selective, hardly any Ghouls know anything more about it outside of their reputation.

It took exhaustive measures to eventually find someone that was within this group and it took even longer to get approved, meeting face-to-face with the Observer in an interview. Eventually you are approved and you are cordially invited to your first meeting. Take care, however, as this group clearly went through a lot of effort to keep their activities private and there is no tolerance for negative behavior.

Meanwhile, the Commission of Counter Ghoul are aware of the Kosei presence but dedicate only a small number of resources to this investigation. Their focus has been elsewhere, focusing on the war that the Silverbacks, one of the largest present Ghoul organization, had started with the CCG. At this point in time, the CCG are winning and will soon look to divert their attention elsewhere.

The City

CCG Headquarters and Affiliated Branches
  • 1st Ward. Main offices, Laboratory Division and 1st Investigator Training Academy.
  • 2nd Ward. Branch Office and 2nd Investigator Training Academy.
  • 12th Ward. Corniculum Ghoul Detention Center.
  • 23rd Ward. Cochlea Ghoul Detention Center.

The People

CCG Senior Division

CCG Junior Division

Kosei Ghoul Rehabilitation Group

A faction of ghouls born out of necessity for their safety after the CCG's relentless raids against smaller gangs and individuals. This conglomerate was originally purposed to provide a safety in numbers but under the leadership of the Primarch, he declared a full-scale war against the CCG. Some rumors persist that his change of mind came from the CCG killing someone close to the Primarch. With their original numbers advantage, they hit the CCG hard managing a successful raid on a district office, but since they have only been on the back foot. Silverback activities are, at this point, only present in districts 10, 11, and 12.

A group exclusively made of extravagant and wealthy ghouls that get their name from hosting "date nights" with significant others by invading a human household and eating them there. Not much else is known about their activity but there is some speculation that the Date-Nighters provide funding for other ghoul gangs to harass the CCG and keep them off their tail.


That's good to know and a relief to hear. I was thinking poor Poli might be stuck in the PC for awhile. x.x

Wow. We've come a long way, huh. At this rate we will get all Pokemon entries in about 9 years and we will capture all the Pokemon in about 30 years. o.O
@PlatinumSkink :( My tactics are bad

Whew. A lot of challenges but I'm there!


Considering the planned meetup, is that still the plan? I can keep Erika in town and even give Claire a call during her stay.


Uhh Oops. Double posted somehow.
❄Erika Olson❄

Erika considered Isaac's stock carefully before deciding that none of it was worth buying at the moment, forgetting that the thunderstone might be useful down the line with Chu. "Hmm.. Freecape Town, alright thank you Isaac and see you later! I'm headed off to try for my first gym badge... I hope." Erika said, looking forward to Stillwood Village, remembering that there should be a gym located in that small, sleep town.

With her ambitions set for the day, it was time to try out her battling ability and offered multiple invitations to other trainers along the path. The trainer from Redcoast had provided Erika with a bit of information that she had already known but reaffirmed her long-term goal. The Stone Store in Raremine was going to be Erika's eventual destination, given time of course. The two would battle and Erika's lead was arguably her strongest, Gibs. At this level Dragon Rage was still strong and that's immediately what Erika called for in this first battle. For the Hoppip, Erika used the typing advantage she had with Sno and used Powder Snow to make short work of the grass/flying type. For Eevee, Erika decided to bring out Chu to give him a chance to battle. Play-nice was used a few times to weaken Eevee's attack strength while also ignoring the potential accuracy loss with sand-attack. Then it was a matter of trying to get Thundershock to hit...

Chu was Erika's first choice when she met and challenged a school kid. Koffin was likely a tougher battle considering Erika's team had no typing advantage and the threat of poison but Erika planned on making short work of Koffin with purely Thundershock. Although Chu may have been able to handle Spearow in the next bout, Erika opted instead to give Sno the typing advantage she had, using Powder Snow again to wreck another flying type. Roggenrola was tricky since Poli wasn't in her team at the moment but Erika stuck with what she knew rock wasn't strong against and that invovled Gibs again. Sand-attack was used before following up with Dragon Rage to power through the rock type's defense. Hopefully that School Kid was taught a lesson about humility!

Slightly annoyed with her next challenger, Erika faced off against a wannabe psychic. Kay would be the perfect choice in this encounter but upon summoning her in against Bronzor, she stuck her tongue out and floated away for a moment with Erika yelling at her to come back. She didn't go far, thankfully. Thus Chic was Erika's backup and even though Erika felt like the steel typing was at a disadvantage, she hadn't accounted for Heatproof turning the fight into a real slugfest. Ember was the only move Erika was pushing Chic to do and try and make short work of her opponent. After some pleading and some intimidation from Gibs, Kay fought against Gothita using Foul Play and psychic immunity to hopefully destroy Gothita. Erika wanted Kay to keep going but Kay simply ignored her and took a comfortable viewing seat on a nearby tree branch. Sno was Erika's second choice to counter the flying type, using Leer before Icy Shard to hopefully break down Woobat.

No doubt her team was really feeling tired at this point but with Stillwood in sight, Erika challenged one more opponent who was also heading South towards Raremine. Kay was drifting around behind, awestruck about the open sky but Erika was content on letting her wander about a bit. She at least helped in one battle. Some rock collector or something but regardless of the man, Erika used her last two potions to recover Sno and Chic. Sno used double team and icy shard to hopefully defeat Sandile, while Chic was tasked with Ember attacks against Magnetmite. Finally the untrialed Eep was Erika's choice for Nuzleaf. Using mainly acid but also constrict and astonish in minor ways to hopefully and eventually defeat Nuzleaf.

With that, Erika's first move was to use the Pokemon Center (if there was one) in Stillwood before finally considering her other options in town!
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