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Ted was on a mission for knowledge, viewing it as the ends rather than the means until he met another scientist named Hank Pym at a symposium in New York. But Pym wasn’t the catalyst for change so much as a mirror to help see himself better through.

I'll investigate further since I effectively kill of Hank in Hope's story. It isn't a big deal though since I can just restate that he was injured or something. The effect of Ray being corrupted is kind of central more than Hank's death.
( Gimme a minute to convert this old thing )

❄Erika Olson❄

Considering what she had heard, Erika didn’t like the sound of whatever this Amethyst was. Who or what they were was a bit perplexing but now wasn’t the time to think about that. There was a battle and Erika had to focus, if not for her sake, then for her team’s and Farfetch’d.

”Gibs. You’re up.” Erika commanded with a focused tone. She was in the zone and had come up with just the strategy that may win her the battle soundly. First, Gibs would use sandstorm to keep his Sand Veil up, allowing him to be extra evasive. Next, he would be kept at a distance using sand-attack a few times, say like twice, to avoid the range of his opponent’s scratch and to further lower accuracy. Finally, after a few turns of being buffeted by sand, the opponent should be weak enough to be KO’d by Dragon Rage.

Okay. Here is more interest :)
❄Erika Olson❄

There was a lot to consider, honestly. She loved how light and almost whimsical a Swablu looked floating around in the sky and she remembered that the evolution of that one was a favorite in the competitive scene. She couldn't quite remember the details or even the name but she remembered the look as it was difficult to forget. Spoink and Chatot were interesting in that they were entirely new for her to see! They were definitely what Erika was kind of thinking about when looking for a Pokemon that was uncommon and Spoink's fairy typing was the first one she had a chance encounter in the wild. Then a Riolu, of course, had a powerful evolution in Lucario. A lot of trainers wanted a Lucario.

She stopped and thought about it for a moment before those thoughts were interrupted. A Farfetch'd flew at her general direction which scared her, flinching as if she was suddenly about to be attacked. However, when she opened her eyes she noticed that the bird Pokemon had taken refuge behind her while another person approached.

"Oh well..." Erika had started to feel a bit sorry for the strangely well dressed trainer as chasing around a Pokemon to catch was natural. Except this other trainer kept talking about something that wasn't quite right.

Erika wasn't really a vegetarian as she did eat some meat and no doubt some of that came from Pokemon before. However glancing down at her Pokedex with the image of a Farfetch'd after hearing what disturbing tale was brought up by her little digital encyclopedia made the point in her mind. Then glancing over to Gibs, who she had convinced to join her after meeting Leslie who defended the Dragon types like Gibs from being captured for rather inhumane means would definitely motivate her to be more like that sort of role model.

"...Umm... I don't think I will." Erika said surprisingly a bit sternly as she took a step put herself more in the way. "I think its clear that Farfetch'd has a problem with that and I do too. So I suggest you leave him.. her?.. Alone anyway, okay?"

Gibs had realized the tone and he strutted over to stand next to Erika with a fiery eye as well. He was ready to tag in, just in case.


Of course!

I'll give you three guesses. :)
So to get an idea of what sorta things people are planning, what sorta races/designs are you all thinking of using?


I was considering apping an aquatic humanoid since that would probably be important for an aquatic rescue. x.x
❄Erika Olson❄

Erika took a deep breath as she cleared the almost stifling perfumed air of Stillwood Village and entered the more rugged and chilled Mountain Valley. An uphill trek most of the way was rewarded with an open and beautiful view that had the previous snowy denizen smiling from ear to ear. Hiking like this was something that Erika loved as a child while living in Cooldome so if you subtracted the snow and colder temperatures, Mountain Valley was a breeze!

Speaking of breezes, the wind seemed to whip in between the two mountains never quite leaving this valley in peace and yet, it seemed to be paradise to all the bird Pokemon she was seeing gliding freely. "Hmm maybe someday soon..." Erika muttered to herself, imagining flying through the clouds. She balled up her fist and gave it a tight squeeze in determination before turning to consider her team's Pokeballs all lined neatly on her belt. She drew one and gave it a toss. The ball hit the gravel of the pathway summoning her Gible!

"Alright Gibs, we have work to do!" She said, bending down to give her companion a pet along his dorsal fin. "Gib! Gib!" The little dragon cheered. With that, Erika would find a safe way off the trail and into the wild grasslands. She was particularly interested in finding a flier type and would keep her eyes peeled to the sky to spot any unusual birds or fliers. Meanwhile, Gibs was tasked with keeping his eyes out on the ground to spot any nests. However, Erika was making progress North towards Mt. Strength where she might try to investigate some of the rock faces to find any nests.

❄Erika Olson❄

Stillwood Village had made a nice place to relax in as it turned out. Something that Erika needed after her rather stressful match against her friend Claire who had stomped her, at least that's how Erika's mind had stressed about through a series of mental gymnastics. She spent the rest of the day moping around Stillwood Village, trying to figure out what she could have done better. Was it there a better matchup for this Pokemon against that? What if she utilized this move better.. or maybe...?

It was a process that while normally good, became a problem if you worried too much about it. Claire had seemed to take everything in with a cool head. It wasn't until a few hours after that battle that Erika had realized she was stressing about too much. A real trainer, like her mother, felt comfortable as the commander of their team. Blunders happened at all levels but if a trainer felt comfortable no matter what, they could win any match! At least that's eventually where Erika's mindset ended up. She needed to relax.

So as a bit of a break, she decided it was best to not worry about being a trainer but to relax with her and her Pokemon! She spent time in Stillwood Village hanging around the gardens with her whole team and did various activities that she could, like watching the battles at the gym. It was nice being a spectator for awhile but seeing others progress had only reminded Erika of her ambitions and so it was time to set out again.

Running to the Pokemart, she picked up a few essentials: 5 Potions, 6 Pokeballs, 1 Antidote, and 1 Paralysis heal as a means to be better prepared for her next leg of her journey. Speaking of, it was obvious she needed to consider her team to challenge the Stillwood gym here and a Flying type would be a very helpful member to her team. Mountain Valley was the perfect place, supposedly, where she could find a Flying type and with that she set out from Stillwood Village to the Valley...
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