Avatar of Plank Sinatra


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2 yrs ago
Current deconstructions are fake lol
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3 yrs ago
"return of the mack, you know that i'll be back." in his bed, joe biden lurches awake, wild-eyed. many a year he has watched, waited for the mack's return. hes as ready as he will ever be. he t-poses
3 yrs ago
Today Show 9-11-01 ~ Live on NBC as Tragedy Occurred [s l o w e d + r e v e r b]
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3 yrs ago
40 hours into the mass effect remaster. gameplay is good but not sold on the plot changes. wish garrus would stop saying "reaper? i hardly know her!" laugh track on the normandy is a weird choice too
3 yrs ago
fine, since you asked so nicely officer, i will confess my crimes. since i was seven years old i have refused to match any socks in my sock drawer. i practice sock hookup culture. i am a slut


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i can make some bomb ass stick figures


I personally identify with /ourguy/ Pygmalion on a visceral level

you're in love with holly?
<Snipped quote by Plank Sinatra>

because my name is hector

how DARE you exempt my yaoi
tfw zeus forces you pull a christopher reeves mid-air and his son proceeds to steal your horse

bellerophon a shit and you are shit for liking him
Man, I'm fucking up on the mentions lately.

@Krayzikk @Onarax @Expolar
Angel Ferrara

Angel looked between the three other members of the delegation, slightly taken aback. It was clear he hadn't expected to be asked to stay inside the village; if anything, the androgynous young man seemed to be slightly fidgety, as though the mayor's appearance had reminded him of how cooped up he was feeling in town.

"You...you could use me, though," he suggested to Rei. "I know little border towns like this, and even if you're faster than me I'm still the best tracker in the gang. I could help out lots if you're following game paths or anything like that."

Then again, Cyare had been needling him since they'd first departed about spending time patrolling with her when they reached Myrtle Town. The way she said it, Angel was the most personable, cheerful person of the four, and the young chef's devil-may-care vibe would endear him to the people faster than any of them. Angel didn't know what that had to do with patrolling with Cyare specifically, though...



One chef per team! So that if Rei's scouting took longer than anticipated, they still had a mage capable of feeding everyone! Cyare was so cool; she was such a survivalist, always thinking two steps ahead on how to benefit the group. That must be why she was such a Tactical Mage.

"But I can do whatever," he demurred brightly. "I can help whoever wants the help!"
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