Avatar of Plank Sinatra


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2 yrs ago
Current deconstructions are fake lol
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3 yrs ago
"return of the mack, you know that i'll be back." in his bed, joe biden lurches awake, wild-eyed. many a year he has watched, waited for the mack's return. hes as ready as he will ever be. he t-poses
3 yrs ago
Today Show 9-11-01 ~ Live on NBC as Tragedy Occurred [s l o w e d + r e v e r b]
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3 yrs ago
40 hours into the mass effect remaster. gameplay is good but not sold on the plot changes. wish garrus would stop saying "reaper? i hardly know her!" laugh track on the normandy is a weird choice too
3 yrs ago
fine, since you asked so nicely officer, i will confess my crimes. since i was seven years old i have refused to match any socks in my sock drawer. i practice sock hookup culture. i am a slut


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@Krayzikk @NarayanK @HereComesTheSnow

Well, Umeko seemed to have that all in hand. The goofy gal with the bag of books in her hand was trying to put on a show by stopping his partner in her tracks like some common delinquent. It was almost enough to make him collapse belly laughing and roll all the way back across Academy City into his flat. Unfortunately, returning without Kawaguchi was impossible; she had an intense mistrust of him around her unopened Gunpla boxes, something about his avant-garde attempt to """"malign!!!"""" one of her Gundams by painting it pink. It wasn't as bad as all that.

He'd looked it up online first to make sure there was a pink variant, after all. Oh, excuse. Rouge variant.

Anyway, the point is, slipping away before the real guards showed was gonna be a bitch without his bitch, no offense intended. And Brennan had no desire to follow Umeko into the brier-bush of model citizens that she had become entangled in. So, bereft of other things to do, he pulled out his phone and hit one of the speed dial buttons.

"Ey, it's me. Yeah, nix da pizza oorder tonight. We went out for some sashimi instead."

Tonight was usually their Venus probe-and-pizza night. At the last minute, they'd decided to go out shopping instead - or rather, Brennan had decided, and Umeko had been bribed by plastic robot ogling.

Brennan angled his head over his shoulder and looked at the mangled body, neck tensing in a playful cringe as he muttered a low "eww-www-wwww" and turned away from it again, focusing his eyes on the distant form of his toku gal.

"Aye, sashimi 'n' shopping. We'll be on track fer next week. I'll letcha know, yeah? Toodaloo mothafucka."

The phone call was over almost as quickly as it had begun, a mindless update Brennan did to pass the time and avoid any weirdo misunderstandings later.

Wouldn't be right to have a pizza show up to the house when they were full on sashimi after all.

Brennan's stare turned from Umeko's ass to the body again, lips slowly pursing in thought.

"Ha!" Corinne Shourichi exclaimed, hands shoved proudly in her pockets. They were clenched into eager fists within her pants, legs coiled up with energy as though ready to pounce - an eager movement that would prove difficult from their current position, outstretched up into the sky and toes of the Captain's boots stretched up towards the ceiling of their transport. Shourichi's neck was craned slightly to allow her to stand on her head and stare at Adam. She was grinning at her SIC rakishly, as though unimpressed and amused in equal measure by his perceived reticence to pitch a tent.

"Camping is nothing, Summers," proclaimed the UTX commander. "Many a time I was bored while abroad and decided to go camping in my Supra. Once a bear discovered where I had parked in the woods and thought to peel me from the car like a sardine in its can. The memory of that fight will warm my blood even in the grave!"

Corinne somersaulted to her feet to follow Hazel, digging both of her elbows deeply into the collar of her subordinate and lacing the fingers over her head, as though she was ready to drive the mute into Irish soil like a nail.

"Regardless, despite our wishes, we've definitely been provided with accommodations. We're the protection detail; if they think we need protection from the elements and beds to sleep in if we're going to kick ass, then we'll let them labor under that delusion, yeah? Yeah~!"
oops hello i am also a very smart man and have also forgotten my tags @Krayzikk @HereComesTheSnow @NarayanK @banjoanjo @GreenGoat

"Aw, yeah? Dat's why you didn't give no chase?" echoed the cheerful voice behind Kawaguchi Umeko, a gregariously mocking brogue that was joined by an intimate elbow dug into the otaku's shoulder. "Coulda sworn that was 'cause you was just sookin' down sashimi like a fookin' sea monster. You're gonna be da first Kamen Rider to need a fookin' school bus."

The incredibly course, incredibly Irish student's face fell down to stare at the object of the group's attention, and his face darkened imperceptibly. He passed a bag of takeout from the arm that was balanced atop Umeko into his free hand, and his tongue tittered against his teeth in disgust.

"Look a'dat," he opined, cursing through a low whistle. "Dat's just oonprofessional. Look a'dat, see how she only got da one lil' stoomp fer an arm? Dat's still five fingerprints left fer a posi ID. Betcha her teeth ain't smashed. In the IRA days, old man used to tell me how dey'd bang your teeth oop all well 'n' good 'cause dental was sooch a good way of gettin' ya victim nailed down. Take a cudgel to ya, da real pros would, and dey'd leave ya all crooked grinnin' like a deacon at a pool party."

He was catching stares from the rest of the students assembled and shrugged their judgement (yuk yuk fookin' yuk) off without heed, though his nose did wrinkle slightly at the smell of the body and its fluids.

"Have Anti-Skill or whoever the fook check 'er earlobes too, dey're pretty solid identifiers. Best'a luck, sweetheart." Brennan saluted the corpse slightly with the leftover food and elbowed his partner again. "C'mon Umeko. Hobby shops ain't closed for anudda two hours and we still gotta get you summa dem robot dolls and the shit for the probe by morn."
awwww yiii billionaire twitter weirdo melon husk on the prowl
i shall only join this science-only travesty if my powers or my business can center around private space flight

"...Dressing as distractingly as possible is certainly an option."


“I think the ladies of the other team have us men at a disadvantage.”


"I also believe that if they attempt to distract us with pleasures of the flesh, we may should try the same, captain Ben and second in command Luke. I believe that our coach most likely had a prior manner of identifying who is on which team, such as colored flags. With this in mind, I offer the idea of our most attractive removing their clothes as well. It may help us in the long run."


“Me, Luke, 007 here, the big man, and Miss Jane Doe’ll play offense."


"007 here..."

You all knew what this place was like, didn't you. All I ever did was fight for you all...

"007 here..."

Jer's gloved hand clenched into a fist.

...and you abandon me to this.


Is this why I was born?

Until proven otherwise...even if it wasn't...even if it wasn't!

To defeat them, one of us must become them.

Jericho Piper began to peel off his shirt.

Even as he pulled off the fabric, however, there seemed to be an unsettling shimmer about his body that couldn't be explained away by his usual bishounen sparkle. Instead, this seemed to be a very subtle morphing of Jericho's very being, as the Gold Stripe slimmed in some places and spread out imperceptibly in others, becoming an androgynous chimera of the human sexes before taking on a decidedly female body type - one with a tight-fitting top similar to that of one of Trad's chief lieutenants.

Jericho's dark hair lightened out, starting at the roots and eventually spreading even to his characteristic hair rune, which was lost in the all-around shortening of his long mane of hair. Though the cast of his face didn't change much, nor did his skin tone, it did soften somewhat around the cheeks and his (her?) eyes, which gradually faded from the intense amber of the Piper clan into a more familiar, warm coffee color.

"The name I was born with is gone now. I've buried it," said the chameleon. "On the pitch, my name is Sand Vespa."

Corinne Shourichi came to in the shower.

She had not, as could be expected of a fun-loving, devil-may-care young woman such as herself, gotten here with the assistance of alcohol. Nor had she slept her way into such a primo location to lay her head for the night; after all, had she taken either of these very plausible avenues, there would be a guy or gal here for her to share a hot shower and plenty of morning Eurobeat (it’s good for the soul!) with. No, Corinne had wound up in her present state through cold hard cash and careful geographic planning. This shower, and the lovely little studio apartment that it sat in, was exactly 21.098 kilometers away from the headquarters of Mao Industries, and was owned by a Mao employee who was enrolled in SpaceBnB, meaning he could not turn down Corinne’s money in any good conscience as long as there was nothing demonstratably wrong with her.

And there was nothing demonstratably wrong with her.

Since Corinne had fallen asleep and woken up in this advantageous position, her initial gameplan for the morning was, so far, still capable of being satisfied. Having fallen asleep nude, she rose up and promptly showered, stepping out of the shower in a Spartan manner instead of enjoying the soak of the hot water on her skin as she usually might. When she stepped out after only a few minutes, she promptly grabbed the clothes she’d left on the sink the night before and threw herself into them, saving the metallic mask that she donned for military functions for last.

She saw no reason to wake up the Mao Industries wage slave, preferring to kick open his front door to fire up her leg muscles for the hour ahead. Normally on Earth she would take this chance to breathe in deeply, savoring the crisp morning air of whatever city she happened to be laying over in. Cerevis City was a domed environment; there was no joy in the first breath Corinne took at the front door, nor was she even technically outside. Her mouth set in a hard line. It would have to do. Her morning run schedule could not be interrupted, or she would no longer be fit to even be called human. Her spine and herosim would become primordial soup inside her very flesh! This was proven science!

She was a human being. She was not soup. This was proven science.

With her destination of Mao Industries HQ set firmly in her mind, Corinne began her morning half marathon.

There were those who said that Corinne was a maniac to perform such runs on such a regular basis, and that her heart would surely give out half a century prematurely from the stress. To those people, the glorious Captain Shourichi said:


Those who the masked Captain was passing on the sidewalk turned to look at her incredulously, certain that her determination was aimed at them. This was nonsense. They were worms; worms, worse than soup, for they had never been heroes at all. She was screaming for someone else.


Her determination kept her blood boiling all the way to the vending machines in the Mao Industries break room on the floor of their briefing. Corinne Shourichi, flushed red through exertion and hot blood, and the proud owner of a 1:06:44 half marathon time, burst into the conference room after delivering a fierce kick to the automatic door. Thankfully the glass didn’t break. It was prone to breaking on Earth.

Corinne raised a sports drink in each hand, a gesture which resembled the hunter-gatherers of yore, presenting fresh kills and the promise of food to those who hugged the cradle of civilization in times long forgotten. Hazel Ada Stoll in particular received a defiant thrust of Corinne’s chin, as though the Captain had proved the mute’s doubts unfounded somehow. Her expression only brightened when she saw who she would be receiving the briefing from.

“Sadbear Gynecology!” the Captain exclaimed. “Seeing you alive this morning makes my heart beat even faster!”

Corinne knew the young woman from her days at the academy, but she hadn’t been scheduled to come across the Federation official again until it was time to object at Sadbear’s wedding and carry her off for their own ceremony. Seeing her this early - even before the engagement! - was a genuine pleasure!

“Tell me, what was your time this morning?” she asked expectantly.
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