Avatar of Plank Sinatra


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2 yrs ago
Current deconstructions are fake lol
1 like
3 yrs ago
"return of the mack, you know that i'll be back." in his bed, joe biden lurches awake, wild-eyed. many a year he has watched, waited for the mack's return. hes as ready as he will ever be. he t-poses
3 yrs ago
Today Show 9-11-01 ~ Live on NBC as Tragedy Occurred [s l o w e d + r e v e r b]
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3 yrs ago
40 hours into the mass effect remaster. gameplay is good but not sold on the plot changes. wish garrus would stop saying "reaper? i hardly know her!" laugh track on the normandy is a weird choice too
3 yrs ago
fine, since you asked so nicely officer, i will confess my crimes. since i was seven years old i have refused to match any socks in my sock drawer. i practice sock hookup culture. i am a slut


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I don't see any messages in the Discord right now and I'm not sure if it's glitching out for me, so I just thought I'd ask here - what's the state of some of the world events right now? Obviously there's no Gehenna (phew) but have the Assamite split, have the Gangrel left the Camarilla, etc. etc.?
I'm super interested.
This is pretty cool.
Oh I'm all the way fucking in for this. Time to level my swimming
I think this looks pretty interesting.
@Crimmy forgot to tag u again

"Look at this," Lauren said, waving a hand dismissively from Grat to Gren's efforts at cutting down timber. "Look at this shit. Look at this fuckery on our hands. You'd think we didn't all have superpowers, huh?"

Lauren tilted her head backwards at Grat as she approached from the beach, giving the cold Mistralian girl a dazzling smile and tossing her hair up from over one of her emerald eyes.

"So Luke says you that bitch, huh? He's always talking about how you're 'bout that action." Lauren looked Gratia up and down, appraising the merits of the Vignoble girl for her plan before shrugging to herself and beaming wider. "So look, we know how these rich bitches rock. We've been in this sim for what, fifteen minutes? This girl Stella, love be upon her, she's got an hour and a half of class to fill, right? I don't see her letting us skate out of here an hour early unless we're done an hour early, and monsoon season don't take too kindly on these niggas out here. I think Stella's banking on that. So look here."

Lauren leaned forward and grinned conspiratorially, lifting up her jacket and displaying to Gratia what she was keeping underneath the garment. Her eyes were twinkling now - the look of the salesman making her pitch.

"I'm going up there and I'm gonna finesse that motherfucking airship right from the sky. I got the ordinance to get us up there, but I don't know how many projections might be programmed to crew that bitch. I need a girl who packs some heat in case things go wild up there. Ain't like we're shedding any real blood up there, right? We're killing video game characters. Like running over hookers or whatever. You gun 'em down, toss 'em into the ocean, whatever you gotta do, and I will take the ship down onto this here beach, pick up the kids, and we'll split the extra credit for not using any of this silver screen bullshit to try and flag the airship."

She was staring at Grat intently now, eyes boring right into the listless onyx gaze of the Mistralian girl.

"Even before Luke told me about you, I could tell you were a shark. I could see it in you in Armory. I can appreciate that. And I always appreciate another girl looking to fuck over a zillionaire." Lauren covered up her package again with a casual brush of her jacket over its surface, and then pulled her hand away from the white leather and held it up to Grat to shake. "So you come up there, be my shooter, and let's get this A-motherfucking-plus, the two of us. Then let's be friends."

Lauren wasn't particularly hungry after the twin punches of lunch and Estelle's cupcakes, but nevertheless, the mangoes in the simulation left her curious. The first thing she had done after getting off the life rafts, besides cursing that cocksucker Ben for jinxing her last night with the swimming joke, was go digging around in the foliage that hugged the beach. If there's one thing she knew about the tropics, it was the cuisine; sure enough, it had taken her only half of Estelle's briefing to find a pair of fruits, and now here she was, listening to the Survival professor's instructions.

Idly juggling her mangoes.

3:45, huh?

So, for the second half of Estelle's little halftime show, she had taken to watching the group with curiosity to see what they would do. It was kind of sad. What Estelle said about accelerated time had stuck with her; there was no telling when the hell the airship would actually come around, or how far a monsoon would come after that. The more people got lost in the forest, the more people would be fucked when the doomsday clock ticked 5 PM. Seems like a lot of these motherfuckers got their survival ideas from such acclaimed how-to guides as Cast Away, LOST, and that dumb book in fourth grade about the lil motherfucker with the thot mom.

Fourth grade was one of the years she skipped, so the book's title escaped her.

Bored, Lauren sighed and took her hatchet to one of the pieces of fruit.

Seriously, this is some red pill blue pill shit.

If she bit into this mango, would she taste mango? Would she taste nothing? Had whoever designed the simulation thought that far ahead? These were the questions that she was banking on good answers to. Inspector Negasi was about to see if this state of the art simulation was certifiably nigga-proofed.

All she needed, she opined as she looked at the small, rectangular shape that was wrapped up in her jacket, was another woman at the trigger.

Lauren lay back in the sand calmly, letting the smooth dark skin revealed by her makeshift crop top bake in the simulated hot sun for a few seconds and staring up at the clear blue sky. In her head, she was already making her selection. That cute angry bitch who Luke was always palling around with. The three of them had Armory together. She seemed cold enough.

"Hey-o on the frog! Fuck, uh...Grat! Hey-yo Grat! Word of prayer time."

She gestured expansively at the sand on the beach around her, as if it were hers to give.

@Krayzikk @NarayanK @HereComesTheSnow

Well, Umeko seemed to have that all in hand. The goofy gal with the bag of books in her hand was trying to put on a show by stopping his partner in her tracks like some common delinquent. It was almost enough to make him collapse belly laughing and roll all the way back across Academy City into his flat. Unfortunately, returning without Kawaguchi was impossible; she had an intense mistrust of him around her unopened Gunpla boxes, something about his avant-garde attempt to """"malign!!!"""" one of her Gundams by painting it pink. It wasn't as bad as all that.

He'd looked it up online first to make sure there was a pink variant, after all. Oh, excuse. Rouge variant.

Anyway, the point is, slipping away before the real guards showed was gonna be a bitch without his bitch, no offense intended. And Brennan had no desire to follow Umeko into the brier-bush of model citizens that she had become entangled in. So, bereft of other things to do, he pulled out his phone and hit one of the speed dial buttons.

"Ey, it's me. Yeah, nix da pizza oorder tonight. We went out for some sashimi instead."

Tonight was usually their Venus probe-and-pizza night. At the last minute, they'd decided to go out shopping instead - or rather, Brennan had decided, and Umeko had been bribed by plastic robot ogling.

Brennan angled his head over his shoulder and looked at the mangled body, neck tensing in a playful cringe as he muttered a low "eww-www-wwww" and turned away from it again, focusing his eyes on the distant form of his toku gal.

"Aye, sashimi 'n' shopping. We'll be on track fer next week. I'll letcha know, yeah? Toodaloo mothafucka."

The phone call was over almost as quickly as it had begun, a mindless update Brennan did to pass the time and avoid any weirdo misunderstandings later.

Wouldn't be right to have a pizza show up to the house when they were full on sashimi after all.

Brennan's stare turned from Umeko's ass to the body again, lips slowly pursing in thought.

"Ha!" Corinne Shourichi exclaimed, hands shoved proudly in her pockets. They were clenched into eager fists within her pants, legs coiled up with energy as though ready to pounce - an eager movement that would prove difficult from their current position, outstretched up into the sky and toes of the Captain's boots stretched up towards the ceiling of their transport. Shourichi's neck was craned slightly to allow her to stand on her head and stare at Adam. She was grinning at her SIC rakishly, as though unimpressed and amused in equal measure by his perceived reticence to pitch a tent.

"Camping is nothing, Summers," proclaimed the UTX commander. "Many a time I was bored while abroad and decided to go camping in my Supra. Once a bear discovered where I had parked in the woods and thought to peel me from the car like a sardine in its can. The memory of that fight will warm my blood even in the grave!"

Corinne somersaulted to her feet to follow Hazel, digging both of her elbows deeply into the collar of her subordinate and lacing the fingers over her head, as though she was ready to drive the mute into Irish soil like a nail.

"Regardless, despite our wishes, we've definitely been provided with accommodations. We're the protection detail; if they think we need protection from the elements and beds to sleep in if we're going to kick ass, then we'll let them labor under that delusion, yeah? Yeah~!"
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