Avatar of Polaris North


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Welcome to my Bio, random person. Yeah, my name is pretty redundant (Polaris - North Star, North... well north.)

Things you need to know about me?

I live in the Philippines. I'm a student and life gets a bit hectic so please understand if I suddenly become more sporadic when it comes to replies.

I'm involved in a lot of fandoms (mostly anime) and as long as it gets my interest, I'll join. My range is from free to casual [or well, as long as I can get it from the post I'm replying to]. I'm more of a fantasy kid than a slice of life but I think I can join something like that. I'm not much of a romance writer so I keep myself to PG-13 and not exceed anything else.

Most Recent Posts

Interacting with: ~~
Mentions: ~~

Alex watched as Hikari entered the room and gave her a small wave. "Define doing well." She used her head to gesture towards Mari. "At least it's lively around here." She said with a small shrug. Sure, club meetings were fun but you don't get potential enemies bursting into your clubroom with daifuku every other day. So really, this was going to go down in one of her most favorable memories of encounters with the other side.

Of course, their president decided to question her motives. And a threat alongside with it. She was right. There was nothing holding anyone back from attacking her. After all, it was in their nature to fight with their counterpart. Be it because of natural competitiveness or something that's just inherent when you fall. Alex turned her head to Mari to hear what she wanted to do.

She then flinched when Mari finally spoke about her true intentions of coming here. It wasn't interest. It was to present an offering to them - like they were dead. Mari claimed that she had failed to protect them, to prevent them from falling. Alex shook her head ever so slightly and knew what was coming.

Kanbaru went up first. She stood for them, planting the idea that they didn't make a mistake. That just because they turned away from the light doesn't mean their life turned out worse. Then she invited Mari for the Christmas part planning, if she so wished to join. That turned out better than she thought. Really, it was. Though, of course, it wasn't over. It's always better to make things more complicated than it already is... note sarcasm.

Ami blew up. Alex wouldn't actually be surprised if she actually did... burst into flames. It was something she did sometimes. But Alex was legitimately concerned since the tension is rising and something might break. Well, aside from Ami's desk which already exploded thanks to her rage going over - or at least, very very close to it. "Oh boy, here's to hoping nothing else-"

She was effectively shut up by what seems to be another overwhelming aura of light coming over and it wasn't coming from Mari. Alex got used to it by now. This was a different one. Then these walls appeared as well as another one of the L. Magical Girls entered the classroom. "Now we've got ourselves a party." She muttered as she stood up. She narrowed her eyes at the newcomer. Alex did not recognize her, surprisingly enough. Alex didn't say anything other than that. Not to Mari, not to this newcomer and not to Ami.

She would stand her ground if they decided to attack. These were her clubmates - her friends - after all, and she won't let these girls harm her even if Ami was the one in the wrong. They gotta stick together. But Alex looked rather relaxed in posture, leaning on her desk now with her arms crossed as if waiting for something to just happen. Though, she did look over to her partner for a moment and then to Touka and Chie wondering what order they would issue.

Baradiel almost fell asleep during the short car ride, merely looking forward until he felt his eyes beginning to close. He wasn't sure if he actually fell asleep or they just got there quicker, but he certainly felt a jolt when the car rolled to a stop. He could vaguely remember Desmond hypnotizing the guard so they could pass through and by that time, Baradiel shook himself awake. Looks like he'll actually need a good nigt's sleep today or he won't function tomorrow.

Or more coffee. That sounded great right about now.

He followed them out of the car but only ended up leaning on it with crossed arms, a small yawn escaping his mouth. Though they were definitely in trouble now. Close proximity with the Stray and they just have to lure it in a bit later. Ah, this brings him back. Then again, every 'before the fight' moments brought back some wicked memories. Baradiel listened to the orders given and then he gave a small nod. He got in the car and then drove it over to the designated location. Shutting it off and then pocketing the key, he headed back to Alice though stayed far behind. He was a long range support after all.

When Desmond's report came in, his face scrunched up in disgust. Gross. But it turned back to his usual neutral face as he waited for the cameras to turn off or the Stray to come in. Whichever came first.
Raviel Husk

Raviel wasn't sure how tough this guy was but damn he could take a hit. And that was even to the head. He quickly jumped back and then began evading the punches this guy was trying to give. Each one looked like it was powerful and getting hit by that would hurt. Wouldn't knock him out, but that would hurt like hell. But he was being pushed to the defensive. He couldn't attack even if he wanted since it would risk opening himself to getting hit.

Too late, Galmore had punched the ground which sent him skyrocketing up. "Oh dear Aylama help me." He muttered to himself as he shook his head, trying to think of a plan to actually beat Galmore somehow. And in a snap, he was somehow already there. It wasn't teleportation though, that much he could tell. He threw his conjurated staff at him and then disappeared back on the ground before creating a sword.
Faye Nisval

"Of course." Faye said with a small nod of her head. However, when Athos continued to say that he may recruit some more people, she laced her fingers together. "As a matter of fact, if you ever get anyone who's already part of the tournament, please do. That way, it would be less suspicious to plant some runes." She could just put it on a talisman or something and then hand it over to be planted somewhere. What a perfect idea.

"You have a good point there, Sir Heatherman. But if he is a big shot in this country, don't you think he would catch on to being followed?" Faye pointed out. He might have bodyguards and the likes. They weren't exactly your assassins and spies, or at least, she assumed these people were. Faye was private investigator and shadowing people was part of the job, but that wasn't her forte.

Faye nodded as she was asked to explain the runes. "I can make them as small as a pebble, if you would. Hardly noticeable when placed on the correct medium. I can disguise it's magical energy if I am close, perhaps around ten feet. But in a place where magic is used frequently, I would imagine there is no need for that." She smiled to herself. Her ear twitched for a moment. "Ah, yes. I can place them on moving objects. Oftentimes, I use talismans." She reached into her inner pocket and took out a rectangular piece of paper.

"Perhaps you are more familiar with these kinds of things, Mister Fuyu." She said, waving the piece of paper in front of her. She then placed it down on the table and tapped it, the black runes activating - turning blue. "Pre-made runes. Can be activated by any magic user so long as they can concentrate their magic power onto it." The runes turned back to black.

"Of course, Mister Fuyu. Let's wrap this case up first and I will see about helping you out." She said with a kind smile.

Marvin had a sincere smile on his face as he walked away from the duo. That look of understanding from John and Frankie's comment made him a little giddy, but maybe that's just because it's a first for him to be cared about. However little it may be. It was an odd feeling to have someone in the group not want you to die. He was always the expendible member - someone who was just paid a certain amount of caps and only really was the muscle. The eye in the sky. The cover they need. If he died, oh well. If he lives, that's good. Perhaps having some people on your side wasn't too bad. Being the lone wolf wasn't always the correct way to do things.

When he saw that their Brotherhood leader began speaking through the radio, he quickly went on to get his mini-radio - something he had gotten from a mission from way back - and then tuned into their channel to listen to them. Once he was there, he placed it back into a safe place so it wouldn't get destroyed at the first hard bump onto his body. This way, he can at least listen to them since he didn't get a rad suit which apparently had built in communicators. As much as he wanted some of those, he didn't want to lug around that heavy suit when he didn't really need it. Oh well, right?

Marvin then looked back at their leader when she questioned him about the map. He took it out again, slinging his rifle on his shoulder for a moment. There was no danger. None yet, at the very least. He slowed down a bit as he looked at the map, moving at the pace of the Power Armored woman beside him. "Yeah, they're marked right here." He started. The map was already filled with symbols and their destination was there as well. "So we're right here and we need to get to here so..." He then traced his finger over the lines. "Closest station there is on East 23rd and Bronx River. We should exit there." He suggested with a small shrug before handing her the map so she could look at it as well and see what she thought about it.

He then looked back at the Power Armor the woman was using. Brotherhood armor. He hated seeing them before, when his ghoul appearance was more pronounce. There's always that eighty percent chance of being shot without even saying anything. It's one of the reasons why he's not on really good terms with their group, even if he was willing to take on some mercenary work for them. So really, being this close to her actually made him nervous. Her multitude of weaponry didn't help either. A sword and a spear - like holy crap those were more intimidating up close than they were through the scope. Marvin wanted to stay far away from the length of those weapons 'cause she can just sweep that and slice his head off.

Marvin then heard more chatter over the radio. Sounded like... "As much as I love to hear some juicy secrets with these communicators, I think you all should be careful about what you say." He then followed it up with a light chuckle. Maybe he'll have some fun here in the down time after all. He wondered what kind of things await for them aboveground. It was a little exciting.

@Alfhedil @Dread
Alex didn't want to make the connection. She had no wish to know the other heroes' identities nor did she wish for them to know about hers. It's called a secret identity for a reason. It was to protect themselves and their loved ones. That was the whole point of it. But now that her mind was unoccupied by the lecture and talking with Brian, her mind was thinking that these three younger students were his fellow heroes. And she didn't like the idea one bit. Not because of their age, that was a whole other thing entirely, but because now that she knew, she was going to be expected to mix her superhero life with her personal life and she didn't want that. Poyzz was getting a hint of her agitation and prodded her under her jacket to which she responded to patting the area above her jacket's inner pocket.

The young boy made his way to her slowly, without the janitor noticing. Or at least, the janitor didn't care about it. She turned to him when he began speaking. "Yeah, I know. You're going to say that we're the heroes who haven't even debuted in the eyes of the media yet. All aisde from you that is." She whispered back in a low voice. It lacked the panic or excitement one would feel upon figuring out who was who. She stopped sweeping for a second and looked down then back at the young boy. What a coincidence, to be in the same school as everyone else. Surely, Rogue Bat was not one of them.

"Even if that is the case, we should talk about this at a more private location." She warned him. It was obvious what she was thinking. Rogue Bat must have eyes and ears everywhere. And even if he didn't, then someone else might overhear them. She wasn't going to risk that. She needed someplace else, other than the cafeteria of this school. "Gather the others and find me later after we're done with this. We can discuss this later." Better than here when the janitor is looking at them. She caught his eyes and she went back to work.

0 gems
Spellbook, Focal Crystal, Sabre

Francis still wasn't all that comfortable going on this adventure. The first steps out of Cosmo City was made through sheer want to get moving - to stop Valeo and Sith from going further with their debate and also further making Archibald uncomfortable. Though now that they were on the move, Francis felt flashes of his childhood coming back to him - the forest trying to eat him alive. Never letting him live the events down. He took the lead, not just because Sith had no plan but because he didn't want anyone to see that he was becoming more uncomfortable.

As they moved forward, he began picking on his glove. He's trying to keep his breath steady, and he wasn't sure if it was because it's been a while since he's walking through an unfamiliar place and he's tired or if it's because he was beginning to actually get scared. He shook his head. This was just nervousness. Besides, he wasn't alone this time. He's rather sure that a Half-Celestial, a Half-Abyssal and a Fae would be able to fend off whatever the forest threw at them. They had Rhaya too, who was rather well-trained by her academy. Surely, they could at least handle the monsters that they pass by.

He took another look back at the group. If he were to be honest, he had his reservations about taking Archibald with them. If anything, it was because he was too young and scared. Not necessarily a coward, but close to it. Francis understood it though, that's just how it is. Archibald had always been under the protection of Gertrude and never stepped outside Cosmic City. Unlike all of them who traversed the land because they had to - they were forced to.

Or well, all except Rhaya (and Sith but who knows about him). The girl noble had come on her own accord on a quest given in her hometown. She had stayed with them for some months. It surprised him that she decided to come along despite having no obligation to Gertrude. But he was more than glad to have her along. She was trained to fight, apparently, and he appreciated having another human around. Whatever that meant for him.

Maybell, someone who's tastes in books he appreciates, is useful in her own way. With her small body and unassuming appearance, and her penchant for illusions and trickery, she would be helpful when they need to break into someplace. The thought of it was amusing to him before and entertaining it was wrong, but now that they had to do whatever they had to to complete their quest.

Francis would list out every personality trait that he liked about Astraea. She was the older sister type, or maybe even a mom. Kind and caring. Those kinds of things. She easily made friends out of everyone with the sole exception of Valeo who seems to not like Celestials all that much. But he also doesn't want to get any closer to Astraea than he already was or else she'll begin to catch up to his thoughts. He has not hidden it for this long only to be prodded open by a half-Celestial.

Francis didn't like Valeo, not all that much at least. Maybe it was because of his personality. Maybe it's because he was coping better with loss than himself. But he didn't deny that Valeo's inputs were actually useful in terms of the outside world. He survived on his own after all with the minor help of Magnar, his tiger friend-sibling. Which reminded him, where was that tiger anyway? He was there this morning but once they were out and about, he was gone. How odd.

Sith managed to snap him out of his thoughts as he talked about the key. "Maybe." He agreed with Sith. "If it seems familiar, then it must have a connection. And even if it doesn't, then maybe if we find something like it, it would unlock some other memory." Francis at least wanted Sith to remember his past because it seemed important to him. And hey, if this adventure helps, then so be it. A win-win situation, provided they survive.

"Hm, that so?" Francis looked forward once more when Valeo pointed out that important detail he seemed to have forgotten to tell them when they were deciding on a place to go. "Do you know anything about him then? We could start to plan on how to defeat him if we know something about him. If not then..." He pursed his lips. "I suppose we will burn that bridge when we get there." He didn't like not having a plan, but if things fall to that, then they would have no choice but to wing it.
@Rockin Strings

Mhm, I'm working on it.
Alex wasn't looking forward to when they were dropped off in school and immediately sent to the principal's office. She got a text from Jess that she was going to wait for her but she didn't know when she'd get out of being lectured by the principal. She patiently waited and listened to the lecture, not allowing the stares on them bother her. Really, she didn't mind that there were people staring at them. Though she wasn't sure how the others felt about that.

Brian was there too, a school delinquent. But really, he was one of her friends. They practically grew up together since they always had classes together since they were in grade school. Their meeting was an odd one and something they don't actually talk about all that much. But he was one of her first friends and despite them growing up extremely different, they kept in touch.

When they were dismissed, she didn't go just yet. She looked at the principal and gave him a respectful smile. "For the record, sir, I didn't go with them. Thought I should take a break." Alex said. "No disrespect of course, sir." Alex was no honor student, but she had been clean up to this point. And she's been a hardworking student. It wouldn't really be a surprise that she ran away for the first time to get rid of something bothering her. With that, Alex bowed her head at the principal and then followed the group.

Brian hung back from the group and then slung his arm around Alex. "So, straight laced Alex finally broke." He said with a grin before reaching over to pinch her cheek but she swatted his hand away and rolled her eyes.

"Expect that this will be the last time..." Alex trailed off before scratching her cheek. "I hope." She then mumbled the last words but Brian didn't really seem to mind as he went over to place both hands at the back of his head and leisurely walked to the cafeteria.

"Least I won't spend detention alone this time." Brian said with a light chuckle.

Alex then looked at him with a serious face. "What did you graffiti this time?"

Brian just gave her a smirk and Alex knew they had their work cut out for them this time.

"You're my friend Brian, but I seriously worry about your track record..."

When they arrived at the kitchen, their janitor was the one who greeted them. Alright, their job was simple and it really wasn't much of a punishment considering the fact that Alex has volunteered at some point to do this before. She waved at Bella when she said she was going to clean the plates and Alex took a mop and the bucket filled with water. She started on the far side, away from the others because she didn't want to be bothering them as she swept.

Then again, she'd need to sweep again when they stepped on the wet floor. Ah whatever.

Brian looked at Eddie and shrugged. "Yeah, whatever man." He then took a rag and a bottle and began cleaning as well.

Age: 16

Species: Human

Description: Francis lets out a noble aura, as was taught to him ever since he was a child. Standing straight and confident, his strides are long and sure. His movements are graceful but precise. There is nothing in his body language that would reflect the insecurities within. The expression on his face when he isn't with anyone is usually just a neutral face plastered on - often seen as bored or lonely. It is reminiscent of a look that someone has when he's mourning, or when he's remembering something that can be considered as 'sad' or a 'horrible' memory.

Francis has silver hair that is obviously well-maintained and this soft, fluffy hair is often associated with his family, a trait passed down from one generation to the next regardless of gender. He has golden eyes that he often cursed because of its meaning to the Breaux, a curse - the start of their disaster. He isn't fond of people paying attention to it and is likely the reason why he only passes a mirror with only a glimpse because of how much he hates it. "But why hate something so beautiful?" And they watched as the golden eyes turned dark, the beautiful now marred by years of hate and spite.

Francis's clothing is something special, but ever since he has been taken in as an orphan, it has dialed down. A beige shirt and black riding pants with his saber to his side. He does have a blue regal coat that he has with him ever since he came to the orphanage, which was tailored with magic so that it grew with him. Though he seems to be comfortable in any form of clothing you could throw at him - whether it be for royalty or for a commoner. As he would ofen say, as long as he is clothed and is warm during the cold seasons, then it is fine. He always wears black gloves.

Francis stands at a height of 5'10" and weighs around 160 lbs which he carries well. He has a lithe body type, fitting for his fighting style of a fencer. Though underneath all the clothing, it wasn't noticeable. He moves gracefully with a sword in hand, practicing every motion. Even in a fight, he never loses composure - the calm and cold look on his face still ever present. Makes you think if he would still have that face when he's finally facing the same things that have haunted his dreams ever since.

"Do you enjoy watching me train?" His voice is melodius, the type of voice that you'd like to listen to even if they're reading off the phonebook. It's charming, captivating and alluring. But something was terribly wrong. The emotions that he's trying to show in his face wasn't being reflected in his voice. It was as if he was still stuck in his training mindset, or perhaps his voice does completely reflect what is inside. An empty voice for an empty shell, fitting isn't it?

~ Persona ~

Strengths - Anyone who has known Francis for more than a month would come to know that he is a hardworking person. He is guaranteed to do a task with everything he's got, exerting his full effort into anything that he must do. That's just how he is and he doesn't like leaving things half-done. It must be perfect, if not at the very least well-done. After all, if you must do something, might as well do it perfectly right? He doesn't doubt that many call him a perfectionist and he doesn't exactly say anything to refute this.

He doesn't let many things bother him, or at least it doesn't bother him anymore. He's just... passive. He doesn't care if someone insults him or someone gets angry at him unless they are close to him. Francis just doesn't feel or care as much as he did back when he was with his family. There's little chance to evoke some sort of anger in him unless you know the specific buttons to push. This attitude has led to him being calm and collected in almost every situation because he's not bothered by the emotions that would often be tapped into when trying to goad someone into a fight.

Once Francis becomes attached or has bonded with someone, he can be protective. While you won't say he would be seen as your typical caring person, he keeps an eye out for those people. He does little things that they like, often going as far as making them something that he thinks they will appreciate. This is how you will know if he's begun to see someone as his friend. He is silent about these sort of feelings so you wouldn't hear him saying that someone is his friend.

Flaws - A perfectionist through and through, Francis doesn't like it when something is done incorrectly or when people do something without even putting an effort in it. He will do it himself if he knows that the other can't do it properly. You will never see him putting anything less than 100%, and he expects others to do so as well.

As explained, Francis doesn't express his emotions very well. After a particularly traumatizing experience, he detached himself from these emotions. He doesn't want to go through the emotional pain he went through before, so he closed that side of him as a need. As a form of protection. This was a bad coping mechanism but it was one he got. He hasn't told any single one of his fellow orphans about this. He isn't sure if people have caught on, but he hasn't told anyone about his past either.

If you can get Francis angry, then it's assured that he would blow up to the point where he might kill someone. There are certain buttons you could push, such as mentioning something bad about his family - adoptive or otherwise. It's hard to get Francis to calm down when he enters this state. You could say that he goes berserk. He hasn't shown this side of him to the other orphans since no one knows what actual buttons to push.

Neutral - Francis enjoys reading books in silence, but can often be bothered to put his book down. In terms of hobbies, he likes fencing or any form of swordplay as well as playing certain instruments such as the piano and the violin. When he isn't doing anything and one of these instruments is nearby, he would prefer playing them rather than reading a book.

Had Francis not been orphaned at a young age, he would have made a fine pianist - which seemed to actually be his passion. If it wasn't a pianist, he would have made a fine craftsman too as his hobby is crafting wooden figures.

It's not that Francis doesn't like crowds and he doesn't mind talking with others, but he prefers to be alone most of the time as it is less likely anyone would pry into his past this way. He doesn't like talking about himself, obviously. He hates being pressured into doing something he really doesn't like.

He often uses formal to semi-formal langauge since he doesn't know anthing else. There is a certain face that he makes - one with a lopsided smile - that he often dons when he is with the other orphans. While others think that this is one of those moments where he is just being polite, he is actually happy.

He fiddles with the hilt of his sheathed sabre when he's simply waiting around. When he's nervous, he has this odd habit of readjusting his gloves even though it's perfectly set on him.

Diplomatic: Francis is of noble lineage and he was taught manythings - diplomancy among them. As he is not ruled by his emotions most of the time, Francis can keep a calm head during debates and actually wishes to settle things peacefully rather than by force.

Fencing: One of his many lessons involved fencing, which is his favorite lesson as he is able to move and protect himself. Francis is quite skilled in this art of swordplay, making use of both his lithe body to gracefully fight. Though many have thought that he would never be able to fight using only fencing, but he's been able to fend off quite a few fights using it.

Instrumentalist: Playing the piano and the violin is one of his favorite past times as his mother was the one to teach him this. He cna play them rather well. It's understandable as Francis was set to become a professional pianist.

Enchantment Aura Reading: When Enchanters start to learn how to use their magic, they begin to feel and eventually see the difference between normal objects and enchanted objects. They see enchanted objects with a different aura. As the Enchanter grows older, they would start to be able to discern the different types of enchantment. Currently, Francis is able to discern certain types of basic enchantments, but those that are above his level, he simply sees as a general enchantment.

Crafting: It was more of a hobby than anything but he got into making small things using a small knife and some wood. He first learned how to do it when he and his friends decided to go to town and found a woodcrafting shop. Ever since, he's began crafting when he's not doing anything and it soon became his hobby. He's become quite proficient in it and this is the form it usually takes when he gives gifts.

Memorization: Francis is a beast when it comes to memorizing. Just give him enough time with the information and he will know it word for word by heart. However, when he merely looks at things with one glance, he wouldn't be able to memorize its fine details.

~ Battle Profile ~

Focal Crystal: Crystal Obelisk - The Focus Crystal is akin to an amethyst in color, the color of his family. As expected, he always wears it and it is said that he never takes it off. Though how he came upon the Focal Crystal itself is unclear, the family took it upon themselves to put the Focal Crystal into a pendant. Francis feeds on the Focal Crystal by simply having it near him; hence why he's able to enchant without physically holding his crystal against the object he wishes to enchant.

Special Equipment:
Silver Pendant: It houses his Focal Crystal. It was specially made by his family for him as he had begun to study magic just before his family was torn apart.

The pendant resounds with the Focal Crystal and emits a light hum if ordered. This allows for the pendant to tap into the memories of the person being affected and show them their wonderful memories - memories from a time long past. Essentially, it is made to calm people down or to remind them of where they came from. Unfortunately for Francis, this meant that he would always see memories of his past, making it near unbearable when asleep and can't order the Focal Crystal to not do it. There must be verbal confirmation from the person being affected.

Enchanted Cloak: The cloak itself is something obviously made for nobility, even without the enchantment. Its fabric is top of the line - being both soft and comfortable for anyone who would wear it. It would insulate someone from the cold, but never get too hot that one would need to take it off during the summer. The coat has inside pockets for easy storage, like his spellbook and some small wooden figure he's trying to create.

Ability: The cloak was weaved with extreme precision and magic causing it to be sturdier than most. It also cleans itself and expands or shrinks depending on who is wearing the cloak. It is said to be tied to its first owner, but can be persuaded to serve another. When it serves its owner, it is much more sturdier and will do its hardest to protect them from damage. Francis is the cloak's current owner and it has served him well over the years.

It acts like a sort of chain mail, allowing for more defense against slashing and stabbing from normal weapons as well as some defense against blunt damage. However, it should be noted that well placed hits that the coat does not cover is an effective way to harm the user. The coat can still be damaged, of course, and will lose effectiveness after five well-placed heavy hits. It does gain back the enchantment after some rest time of not being hit.

Knapsack: As to be expected since they are heading out of the barriers, he decided that maybe carrying the satchel wouldn't be a bad idea. Just in case they needed something to be carried. Though it does contain some books about the various plants and monsters that was chronicled.

Books: Francis carries around two books: one about plants and herbs, and the other being about the animals and monsters that could have been jotted down. While he wished he could have brought more, he figured that it might just bog him down. Though he also carries around a blank notebook along with an inkwell and pen.

Crafting Tools: He carries around this small knife whose blade is as big as his pinky. While it can be dangerous if it punctures the throat, it really isn't used as a weapon. Instead, this small knife is used for wood crafting for Francis. He also has several small tools for fine crafting.

Wooden Token: No one is sure what this is or what its definite importance is and Francis doesn't tell anyone about it. It looks like it was made by a novice craftsman as it was simple, with an 'F' etched onto it. He also has another one with a 'C' etched on it.

Silver Sabre: As the name suggests, it is a simple sabre that was forged by the Breaux Family for the usage of Francis. It is light, but durable. Magically compatible so that he may use the arcane arts to utilize it to its fullest potential. The symbol of the Breaux family - an Owl - can be seen on the hilt though Francis's hand usually covers this part.

Hunting Knife: Something he had grabbed as he was escaping. He's brought it along with him. He isn't sure how much it can do against monsters, but it serves as a lucky charm for him.

Special Attack: N/A

~ Magic Profile ~

Magic Lv: 5

Spellbook: A simple brown colored book with sapphire spheres embedded onto it. There's nothing eye catching about it - unless you count the fact that it can change its size at the will of its owner. It can be as small as a pocketbook or as big as a normal-sized spellbook.

School of Focus: Enchantment Magic

"If you wish to become an enchanter, understanding the phrases... the feelings of those who have used these spells before you, is the key to it being successful."

Lesser Spells

Fire Enchantment

"Telos Ignis"

When the fire of the heart burns, so shall your weapon against the demons shine.

One must have a fighting spirit to be able to fully take out this enchantment and perform it. The courage in one's heart to fight - for others or for yourself, it doesn't matter. As long as there is fighting spirit in their heart, the fire of the enchantment will ignite.

An enchantment that can be placed in any weapon so long as Francis can run his hand against it and he says the chant to activate it. It adds the element of fire to the blade for a minute, leaving burns when it strikes. The fire is magical in nature, burning any surface it can touch. It is entirely possible for any form of flammable gas to be ignited due to this flame. If not handled carefully, the magical fire may backfire against the user of the weapon so care must be placed when it is used.

Sharpening Enchantment

"Ferrum Aceres"

They say that keeping your wits sharp is all you need. I say keeping both weapon and wits keen will keep you a head above others.

The first user of this enchantment has been an excellent diplomat and duelist. It is not made to be arrogant, but something of a fact. Understanding this, it allows the enchanter to utilize the enchantment to its fullest. Enchanting a bladed weapon with the thought that it helps would fare better in terms of success than to think of it as simply harming something.

An enchantment that can be placed on any bladed weapon so long as Francis can touch the blade of the weapon he needs to enchant. It sharpens the blade to the point where it can cut through normal steel all too easily. This enchantment lasts for fifteen seconds. Of course, this also means that this blade will harm anything it comes in contact with. Care must be in mind when using a blade with this enchantment. You don't want to cut your arm off just because you thought showing off this temporarily enchanted blade was a good idea.

Durability Enchantment

"Vestitus Contego"

If you want to protect someone, you need to learn how to protect yourself first.

The enchantment was originally made by a young enchanter who wished to protect everyone she cared about. However, it soon became apparent that she was hurting herself. And so, to solidify this enchantment, she thought that it would also protect herself from harm. Understanding that this spell was to protect oneself so that they may be able to protect others is the key to making the enchantment work.

An enchantment placed on clothing or armor. Francis has to put his entire hand on the clothing or armor and then chant. It increases its ability to endure attacks and is not easily ripped or deformed. This enchantment lasts for one minute. It must be noted the blunt damage can still harm the wearer of an enchanted armor or clothing but it will lessen the damage. Say, it wouldn't kill you, but you may break some of your bones in the fall.

Medium Spells


"Lumen Fax"

Lighting the way for others is a difficult job, but it is a job that we must all do for each other.

Ah yes, the most difficult challenge of all. Being the light to someone's life. The guide. The person who can help. No one is sure who made the enchantment. Some say it was a group, some say it was one person. Nevertheless, what you would need to remember with this enchantment is to always know that you can be someone's light, but you are also in need of someone to be your light.

Any object that is stick-like in form can be enchanted with this. It will emit light for over three minutes, essentially acting as a light source for when they need it the most. It can be reapplied for a lesser cost of mana but must be done before the light completely fades.

Bonding Enchantment

"Dictum Meum Pactum"

For who would know you better than the object you have come to love and care about? The one to protect you from the demons that reside within

It is known that any living being gets attached to something - sometimes they are other living beings, but sometimes they are simple objects to be seen around. Some would believe that these objects are capable of creating legitimate bonds with their owners. When the enchanter has bonded enough with an object, they can perform this enchatnment on it. The object must have some form of sentimental value with the object before the enchantment can be successful.

Francis can only make this enchantment for one object with sentimental value, in this case was his weaponry. When this enchantment is placed on an object, it bonds object to user in a sort of invisible chain. This enables the user to 'summon' the bonded object to their hand as long as they are in a four meter radius. However, it is completely useless when the object is farther away. This can be strengthened through the higher forms of this magic.

Misc Battle Info: His fighting style heavily involves enchanting his blade during fights to defeat the monster. However, he can also serve as support with his enchantments going to others instead of himself.

~ Your Tale ~

"I assure you that my tale does not end happily. Though, if that continues, remains to be seen."

Arrival: The Breaux Family is of noble lineage from the Galaxy Villa. They have been in charge of nearly monopolizing the market with their crops and expert dealings. However, their family was still just that - a noble family. They weren't nearly as important as the Royal Family that resides there, and quite honestly, that was fine with the Breaux Family. They still had power though and they planned to manipulate behind the shadows. Though, of course, they had their own secrets to hide from the masses. After all, you can't expect them to be so high in position without having their own secret dealings.

But that was a story for another time.

Let's start with something from way, way back. Before the barriers were erected. A Witch, no one knows if it's a dark witch or a white witch, but there was one who visited the family. She told them that someone has placed a curse on them. When the child with white hair and golden eyes appear, the Breaux Family would suffer great consequences. Consequences that was equal to their sin against the witch. They brushed this warning off, thinking that it was just an old hag rambling on about crazy things and continued on with their life.

Generations later, the Breaux family had grown to what they are now. More powerful than ever. The patriarch became the financial advisor for the royal family and all was well. But then, Francis was born. There were only a few people within the Breaux family who remembered the warning and began to panic. But the others brushed them off. They raised the young noble with the guidance of his mother as his father was too busy with work to care for him. But everything was fine for Francis. All he wanted in life was to keep his mother happy.

He went through all the boring lessons without fail, and did his best. His mother would often reward him for when he did a good job so he became more and more hardworking even if there was no actual physical reward to be given. His want to impress everyone just grew more and more - and this became the reason why he's such a perfectionist. He doesn't want to disappoint anyone.

While Francis wasn't the most social of people, he still grew up with a few friends he had bumped into repeatedly whenever he goes out to the market or simply to walk around - the city safe enough to do so even for someone of his caliber. However, his best friend was the youngest child of the de Vischer household, Wynona. He would often find the time out of his lectures to play with her, or to just hang around her. They got along well, better than you'd expect between two nobles. The two remained completely oblivious to the dealings that were going behind their backs - a union between the Breaux Family and the de Vischer family didn't sound so bad right now. The secret exchange was kept under wraps from the children of both families.

His younger sister came five years after he was born. He had someone to protect and someone to be a role model to. Cadence and Francis grew up close and soon enough, he started taking her to play dates with Wynona and Joan. Francis cares for his sister more than anything and they spend a lot of their time together. Francis often accompanied the young girl to the market along with their maid and butler who were there to help them out if they wanted to buy something.

Francis was eight years old when Joan de Vischer took him and Wynona out - escaping to the forest outside. This was the most they had broken their own kingdom's rules - three young nobles disappearing from the city in its entirety was sure to put everyone on edge. But they didn't care. They trusted Joan - they knew that she wanted to teach them something. After all, she would never put them in danger without a reason. Joan led them further outside, her staff in her hand as she cast a protective spell around them to avoid being detected by monsters. She led them to a clearing where she sat them down. That was Francis' first real interation with the Moss Woods themselves, instead of just watching his father talking with them or them going to the festival.

The day passed by quickly as the Elves allowed them to traverse through the forest and taught them many of their rules which was linked with Galaxy Villa's own rules. Francis learned a lot in a day, more than he thought he could with one day in Ethics class. As the sun started to set, they had to leave. When they got back to Galaxy Villa, the group had been reprimanded heavily with Joan being locked in her house for multiple weeks after that. But they all knew that they gained more wisdom through that experience which they were sure to use when they take over their own house.

At eleven, it was determined that Wynona was to be bethrothed to Francis. It was considered to be official and the two had no choice but to comply. However, they did think that it was better than being married off to total strangers. Joan even told them that it was a good idea. They figured that they would continue as they were, but Francis never really denied that he was feeling attracted to his best friend.

At the age of twelve, he lost his entire family. Galaxy Villa mourned for the loss of a noble family in one day, especially since they were providers of crops. They had decided to create plaques and hammered them onto the mansion that the Breaux Family owned. The plaques contained the names of everyone who lived in that house, regardless of whether they were the nobles or the servants. Their family which only consisted of a few people - the main family of four, branch families of seven and servants of thirteen. They made a trip out of the barrier. One of the reasons why they are sucha a major noble house is because they have a farm outside of Galaxy Villa; hence becoming the leading market for crops. Once every three years, the family goes out to check on the farms and make sure defenses have held up.

Francis remembers the experience vividly well. They had come during the night and broke through the defense all too quickly. The Family tried to fight them back since they were too far from civilization to call for help. It all started with the screams. Guards were shouting and farmers were running away. His uncles were the first to go to the front lines to defeat their enemies - whoever they were. Then their mages. Then their guards.

There were some old folks who yelled at Francis at that time, telling him that he was the harbinger of this massacre. For a young teen who had no knowledge of the curse, this was too much for him to bear. One of their combat maids stepped up to his defense, his long time friend and maid, Luna. After successfully getting the old men off of Francis, she took him and his sister to the back and then placed them on a horse. Her words have forever echoed in his mind as the last words anyone in his family other than his sister told him - and those same words echo in his mind as he sleeps at night.

"Today was the day that had been foretold. But it is not your fault. It will never be your fault. Goodbye, Francis. Take care of your sister. Your mother and father will rest well knowing that you are safe."

Unfortunately, they got lost out in the woods rather quickly. Francis tried very hard to protect both him and his sister. Days passed by and they at least got through it by eating these edible herbs. But Cadence succumbed to a sickness that Francis just can't cure. Cadence had died in her sleep - her face peaceful and serene. He couldn't dig her a grave, but he placed a wooden plank near her and surrounded it with stones as a makeshift grave and then engraved Cadence's name on it. Broken and devastated even more than he was, he trudged on alone until he passed out near a city that he didn't reecognize.

He woke up in Gertrude's care days later, being treated from the same illness that took his sister. Francis hasn't been the same ever since. He kept his distance from everyone though after a few months, he did manage to start becoming acquaintances with them. Though he doesn't express much emotion, he decided to go along with anyone who wanted him to help as long as it wasn't against the rules. He's come to know each of them by name, and had started to memorize their likes and their needs as well should the time come that he needed to step up to help them.

Francis did his best to learn the magic that was chosen for him - enchantments. Quick, precise, and helpful for a melee attacker such as himself. That was his specialty. Four years in the orphanage and he felt indebted to Gertrude. She didn't pry with his life. Didn't question is obviously noble clothing. She just took him in and took care of him. Francis liked most of the kids of the orphanage. Their teases weren't that bad and he honestly didn't mind most of their curiosity. He's become rather fond of them. So when they approached him with the idea of going beyond the barrier to defeat the Dark Witch, he agreed to go with them.

It was time to face his fears and trudge through the same forest that haunted him for years.

Theme Song:

Misc: The Breaux Family's untimely slaughter had been on the headline for around a week until they were completely swept under the rug. Through Royal Decree, however, their land has been given to the Royal Family but the main mansion had not been disturbed - a reminder of the old, powerful but dead family. Though, some think that the Royals simply thought that perhaps one of the heirs have survived and is waiting for their return.
Raviel Husk

One moment Raviel was looking at the guy, the next he was on the ground. And he couldn't figure out what had happened. If it was a burst of speed from magic or something else, he wouldn't know. But he was already down and he knew along everybody that he was about to get defeated if this continued.

As Galmore stared down at him with one foot raised, Rav gave him a wink and disappeared from beneath him. He reappeared and then pressed his hands together and came out with a bo staff covered in purple light. He then prepared to strike Galmore on the head with it but kept in mind to teleport out of the way if Galmore would counter.
Faye Nisval

Faye sat there, weighing her options. The Caldeyrons. She knew little about them aside from their rise to power which put them on her list of people to know. There was also Varjan - the Caldeyron boy who she heard to be promising in terms of magical capabilities. To think that they might be the ones behind this was certainly... well, honestly it didn't surprise her all that much. They had to keep up these appearances of power and if that meant having to win the Tournament, then she was pretty sure they'd do everything to do so.

There were two places they could start the investigation at. The warehouse or the man named Juan de la Cruz. Faye's eyes darted from the architect to the other man, Fuyu, and wondered if they would want to stick together or to fan out. Divide and conquer. Surely with their age, they'd be able to handle themselves. But still, if these were people who were conspiring to win the Tournament, they were sure to be rather powerful.

"Planting runes there." She replied, moving her finger in a circle in the air. "Think of it is a way to listen in to conversations without them knowing. I assure you that I only intend to see... or rather hear if there are any competitors who are talking about this. I'll get to planting them later." While she could only plant three max without giving her a splitting headache while hearing all sides, she figured that this may give her a chance to find a clue.

She then turned back to Tibrus and Fuyu. "What do you two plan on doing? Do you want to stick together?"
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