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A few things about me:
My name is Fox, I've been doing RP for about 11 years and playing/running TRPGs for going on 6 years. Outside of RP I enjoy drawing, writing, hiking, reading, and equestrian. I enjoy most genres of books, movies, TV shows, etc., so I'm down for pretty much anything!
I have an Italian Grayhound named Harley and he is the best dog in the world, and I really love animals in general.
I'm looking forward to getting to know some new people!

Now to the RP Stuff
-Supernatural themes are always fun
Modern in some cases

Fandoms (Does take a good plot to get me to do a fandom RP, but I'm always excited to talk about them!)
-Dragon Age
-Critical Role/Adventure Zone/Dimension 20
-Elder Scrolls
-Mass Effect
-Leviathan Trilogy (Westerfeld)
(Will add as I remember things)

Discord: PrankFox#5538

Most Recent Posts

Eclipse couldn't decide whether he was angry or tired, probably both at this point. The only thing really keeping him going was the need for answers, and unfortunately they had none of those. Just more questions. He smiled slightly as he felt Skua lean into him, it was grounding for the both of them and that was something they needed at this point. It was either that or do something he'd would definitely regret later.

He felt a little bad as he saw Dreamseeker's ears drop. He hadn't meant to accuse her of not being helpful because she certainly was. "I suppose that would be our best bet here. One of them had to have seen something, even if they weren't involved in it. At best we'll get information about who might be responsible, and at worst we figure out where someone who can help us is in the camp." He waved a paw through the air, "It's either that or we sit around here doing nothing productive until tomorrow when we meet with Queen Ardent, and I don't know about the rest of you but if I sit around any longer I'm gonna lose it."

He paused at Skua's question, glancing off deeper into the camp where he could see the platforms and trees all intermingled together. It really looked like a maze to someone who wasn't familiar with the space.

"Well there's plenty of dragons about and we don't really know the lay of the land here," Aardwolf finally piped up, "If we want to make sure it's someone who didn't hear us talking I say we just fly deeper in until we come across someone who looks reasonably friendly and willing to have a chat."

Eclipse snorted softly. He made it sound so simple, but he did have a point about them not knowing anything about this place. As long as they stuck to the platforms though they should be fine. "Alright," he hefted himself to his feet, "Let's get to it then." He stepped to the edge of the platform looking up and down before leaping off into the sky towards one of the platforms he could see higher up and deeper in the forest.

Hawkpaw could tell that Blackmoon and a couple of the other warriors seemed to become a little more tense and nervous as they stepped mercifully out of mud and onto stone and grass. She let out a tiny sigh of relief at the familiar feeling under her paws. It would take ages to get the dirt out of her sand colored fur. She felt even worse for Frostpaw; his pelt was fluffy and white.

She met her mentor's serious blue gaze and nodded firmly. "Okay. I'll be quiet and no more questions until we're on our way out." She wanted to show him that she could follow his instructions and curb her curious nature. The last thing she wanted to do was be a nuisance to the leader of another clan. That would be a terrible way to start, or end, her first half-moon gathering.

Blackmoon's tail almost startled her as her vision adjusted but she moved in closer to him, enough that she could feel his fur brush against hers every so often, but not enough to get under his paws. Frostpaw was already standing close to Dew-whisker; looking like he was almost trying to disappear into the she-cat's shadow as he walked with his fur fluffed with nerves. Without the dim light of the moon it made it difficult to see and the small shafts of light that crept through cast odd, spiky shadows on the ground around them. It felt almost sinister in the quiet and she didn't like it.

At Tigershine's soft words she squinted towards what, at first glance, appeared to be an area of the forests shrouded in even deeper shadow that Hawkpaw quickly realized was the mouth of a tunnel. Two cats waited for them: a brown and white tabby, who she assumed was Willowcloud based on size, and a smaller gray and white she-cat, that must be Lavenderpaw.

"Glad to see everyone made it here safely." Willowcloud greeted them as they approached. Her green eyes were steady and calm as they swept over the group, pausing for a moment on Hawkpaw before continuing on. "It's almost time. Come." She flicked her tail at them before turning and vanishing into the darkness of the tunnel behind her.

The immediate panic caused by their line of questioning did not bode well for the idea that the RainWings had no idea what they were doing, and Eclipse did not like it one bit. Jaguar had told them that the rest of her tribe were basically harmless and didn't ever think to use their venom on another dragon, but this definitely didn't seem line up with that. He felt his blood beginning to boil as Hummingbird told them that she knew nothing and that their Queen wouldn't either. They'd come this far and there was no way they were going to leave without getting something from these dragons. Just a name or tribe would be a starting point.

Even as Dreamseeker tried to use soothing words to get Hummingbird to say something the smaller dragon simply fled. He let out a low growl as she vanished into the trees just like Lemur. So much for that.

Skua seemed just as irritated as he was, while Aardwolf seemed almost indifferent to the entire thing. It would've made him more angry if the SandWing actually had any stakes in this, but he really didn't. "Normally I'd say violence isn't the answer but I'm tired of getting the run around and no answers here."

He flopped down next to Skua, one side pressed against his friend as a way of grounding himself before he let his anger get the best of him. He frowned at Dreamseeker's words. He had no idea how her abilities worked, but it seemed a bit strange that there was just nothing about who they gave the venom to. "Has that ever happened before? Where you try to read their thoughts and just get nothing about a specific topic?"

At least they had something of a lead. "How're we going to find him? We kind of lost our guide and I'm not sure if anyone who could hear what we were saying is going to be any more interested in helping us then they were." It'd be a waste of time to wander around asking the name of every dragon they saw.

Name: Viper

Namesake: A jungle dwelling snake

Age: Young Adult

Gender: Female

Species: RainWing

Personality: Like many of the tribe Viper is a bright and excitable young dragon. She is fascinated by the other tribes and has a great desire to travel and visit all of the different landscapes and meet all of the new dragons she can. She loves learning about new places and things; she's never found something, or someone, she didn't like. Despite this, the rainforest is all she's ever known and the thought of leaving her only home is as terrifying as it is exhilarating. The main thing she knows is that is not a journey she would want to make alone. She wants to make new friends that aren't necessarily like those she's known all her life as that gets a little boring.

Short Bio: Viper grew up as all of her friends and surrogate family did, relaxing in the sun and enjoying the benefits of living far out of the way of the conflicts of the other tribes. She was and is happy with the life that she leads; helping out mostly with the healers, and occasionally keeping notes for Queen Ardent since, unlike many of her peers, she can read and write. Probably not as well as many of the other tribes, but she knows enough to jot down simple sentences that help the Queen keep track of the requests that have been made over the course of the day. It is a good life, but Viper can't help but find it growing more and more boring as time goes on.

Other: She is very bad at keeping her emotions from showing on her scales, so if someone knows what the colors mean it is very easy to tell what she's thinking or feeling.

Dawnwing nodded in agreement. "With the way things are now this peace may not last as long as we hope, but there is always a chance of these friendships persisting and perhaps preventing conflict." She shook her head fondly at Tigershine's comment. He had a point, but the realistic view was one that was always needed.

The question Hawkpaw had been about to ask Frostpaw died on her tongue with Blackmoon's order. She glanced at the other apprentice, a bit nervous, and she could see the young tom clamming up again at the mention of the DuskClan. He'd actually seemed to be warming up a little bit to her too. Though, he'd said the DuskClan cats freaked him out a bit, but were they really so bad? Everyone else was getting along so well, so why should they be any different? She knew they lived in tunnels underground, which was admittedly a bit strange, but that didn't make them bad right?

The silver she-cat grinned at Braveleap, "We'd have to pick them up on the way back, no time to wait for stragglers." Hailshine picked up a paw and shook it a bit, but none of the mud really came off. "This is a bit much, even for me."

As the voices of the group dropped closer to a whisper Hawkpaw picked up the pace, as much as she could with her smaller stature in the thick mud, to get closer to Blackmoon with Frostpaw following shortly behind her. "If DuskClan is where the Moonbrook is shouldn't they be expecting us?" She asked towards her mentor. There were rules about attacking medicine cats on their journey to commune with StarClan right? They wouldn't try to hurt them.

Eclipse had to fight not to snort at the inherent narcissism that all of these RainWings seemed to possess, well aside from Jaguar but she was an outlier in general. Aardwolf on the other hand, who was usually fairly unbothered by most things, was staring at Lemur with an incredulous expression. What was going on in that slippery mind of his, Eclipse had no idea.

He gave Hummingbird a somewhat forced smile, "I'm sure he will." He wasn't sure how much Lemur would really know or remember depending on how important he thought it was. If they were lucky he would actually have the information they needed, and maybe they could just leave without talking to the Queen.

Before he could continue on his line of conversation with Lemur Skua jumped in with a, more blunt than he'd hoped, statement towards the larger RainWing. He let out a small sigh. He loved his friend dearly, but sometimes his tendency to brute force everything didn't work in their favor. These RainWings seemed fairly disconnected from the goings on in the outside would and telling them they were complicit in killing a Queen may not be the best idea.

Eclipse leapt to his feet as Lemur disappeared over the edge into the below, "Hey wait! We just want to talk!" He watched as the pinkish dragon vanished. As much as he wanted to follow after him there was no way he could navigate better than someone who lived here. Seems like he spoke to soon about him being able to help. He turned to look back at Hummingbird who still looked pale. "I apologize for him, this is what we wanted to talk to the Queen about. You don't know anything about it do you? We just want to know who was involved so we can find them."

Hawkpaw continued her chatter towards Frostpaw. The young tom seemed to at least be warming up a little bit. He wasn't staring at the ground any longer, but he still hadn't looked in her direction or spoken in more than short sentences. "How long have you been an apprentice? This is my first time going to the Moonbrook, so I'm excited to see what it's like!" She frowned as she remembered a snippet of the conversation between Blackmoon and Dawnwing that she had overheard. That StarClan had stopped talking to them. "Has StarClan ever spoken to you?"

"Only a few moons." Frostpaw's voice was still quiet, "It's pretty, but the DuskClan cats always make me nervous." He looked a bit startled by her last question. "We're not really supposed to talk about our dreams, but no, I don't think they have."

If StarClan wasn't there to speak with them then how were new medicine cats supposed to get their names or learn about the prophecies that would protect the clans. It seemed so strange that one moment they were there and the next they were gone with no warning. The least they could've done was give a sign that they wouldn't be around. That would've stopped at least some of the doubt. "Well maybe they'll be here tonight! We won't know until we get there."

"It's hard to say how many of the warriors have lost faith. I can only hope our leadership holds onto it and your deputy finds it again." Dawnwing let a small smile cross her face at the talk and laughter behind her. "At least it hasn't severed the connections between us." She was pretty sure this was the most relaxed she'd seen members of other clans since the gathering. She nodded in agreement with Tigershine and let Dew-whisker take the lead through the marsh; mostly ignoring the wet dirt she could feel building up between her claws.

The odd, fleshy interior of the fruit, and somewhat overly sweet taste, quickly got tiresome so Eclipse pushed the rest of the of it to the side. He turned his full attention to Hummingbird, who was responding to Aardwolf's thanks, and had to stop himself from snorting at her somewhat naïve view of the world. Sure that'd be nice, but it just wasn't possible. "If everyone thought that way we wouldn't have any wars, but unfortunately there are some parties who seem determined to cause just that."

"It seems to be working for them well enough," Aardwolf stated. "I haven't heard a single raised voice since we got here and that is something I am not accustomed to."

Eclipse was glad that she didn't ask about how he knew who Lemur was, though given how much her thoughts seemed to bounce around he doubted she'd really care if his response was simple. He didn't want to use Jaguars name, but he could've told her something general if the dragon he just asked for hadn't landed on the platform near them with a question of who.

He wasn't sure what he expected when Jaguar mentioned Lemur being the one who gave the other dragons they were looking for the venom, but it wasn't a large, pinkish dragon. He had never seen anyone with scales that color, and they apparently got to choose whatever color they wanted to be. The only conclusion he'd been able to come to during the short time they'd been here was that the RainWings were a strange bunch.

Though he supposed they looked strange to them, yet they didn't seem suspicious or angry, just curious. "We've never met before. We're on a mission for the SkyWing tribe and your name came up in our travels as someone we could talk to about what we're looking for." He figured it'd be better to keep things as general as possible until they got an idea of what this dragon was about. After all, he might be the reason his aunt was dead.

Hawks deftly caught the bronze coin in one hand as it was tossed to him. He rubbed across the engraving with a single claw before pinning it onto part of his armor nearby the gleaming yellow fastener of his fur ruffed cloak. It felt good to be a part of something even if it was just a group of initiates at the guild. It was a starting place to work his way up from. Just like his father did before him.

Finally they got to the discussion of their actual mission. A blight-storm. He kept his face neutral but inside he felt the spiritual magics he commanded flaring in preparation for the destruction of things that went entirely against what his guardian stood for. Peace and protection versus chaos and violence. With this group he had a good feeling about just which side would come out on top. His whole job was to make sure that the other members of the team stayed on their feet and strong enough to fight back, and that was something he could do with ease. If it came down to it he had his own radiant magics that could likely carve swathes through the blight-storms stragglers that they were going to be up against.

They would likely go over their skills and make a plan for how they were going to tackle this on their way to the breach. While they weren't taking down the most difficult monster in the area it would still do them good to know what each of them was capable of and where to position themselves during the fight. He could already tell that Koth and Kohl would most likely be their front-liners with himself further back. He wasn't sure how the druid's abilities would work around the blight, but they'd cross that bridge when they got to it.

A quiet chuckle came from Eclipse as the rest of the group did a poor job of hiding their distaste. Perks of having to keep up decorum in the courts he supposed. He ate some of the melon that was in front of him, forcing his nose not to wrinkle at the odd texture. The flavor was good but it was just a bit different from what he was used to.

Aardwolf picked up a banana and used much more careful claws than one would expect of a large mercenary type dragon to peel it and pop the center of it into his mouth with no complaint. "Definitely tastes better than some of the fruits that have shown up a The Scorpion Den, but those are usually dried." He gave Hummingbird a bright smile, "Thanks for welcoming us so warmly, not something that happens a whole lot these days."

Eclipse shook his head a bit, not at anyone, just in general confusion about how he'd ever ended up halfway across the continent with a bunch of dragons he barely knew; eating fruit in the middle of the rainforest. Bizarre. "Do you think I'd be possible for us to speak with Lemur, if he's around?" He directed the question towards Hummingbird. If they couldn't speak to the Queen yet then they could at least try to get some information. If they were lucky they might be able to get what they needed from him and just leave.
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