Avatar of pugbutter


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8 mos ago
Current Fuck yeah, girlfriend. Sit on that ass! Collect that unemployment check! Have free time 'n shit!
2 yrs ago
Apologies to all writing partners both current & prospective. Been sick for two weeks straight (and have to go to work regardless). No energy. Can't think straight. Taking a hiatus. Sorry again.
2 yrs ago
[@Ralt] He's making either a Fallout 4 reference or a S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky reference i can't tell
2 yrs ago
"Well EXCUUUUSE ME if my RPs don't have plot, setting, characters, any artistry of language like imagery/symbolism, or any of the things half-decent fiction has! What am I supposed to do, improve?!"
2 yrs ago
Where's the personality? The flavor? the drama? The struggle? The humanity? The texture of the time and the place in which this conversation is happening? In a word: where's the story?


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If realism concerns you, each language, "Dwarvish" and "Elvish" and the likes, will comprise many dialects, representing the different ethnicities, geographies, etc., during whose usage the language evolved over time. In truth the nuances of the language should reflect its history, particularly in a precise region.

But worldbuilding is hard so the majority of mediocre RPers don't concern themselves with it.
(I do, to be honest, but only in so far as vaguely expecting women and men to have certain strengths and interests respective to gender)

You know, I have an optimistic side. It may be hungry, lonely, and scared, having been locked away in the deepest, darkest, coldest region of my heart long ago, but nonetheless it's there, its heartbeat but a whisper in the dark.

The optimistic side of me wants to say that maybe this is what these people are looking for when they demand from their partners a particular shape to their fleshy protrusions. That they think males play male characters more plausibly than females do, and vice-versa, so really, they're just looking for the partners who can write their characters with as much accuracy to their respective genders as possible.

But this is the point where the realistic side rattles the cage and tells the optimistic side to cease its crazed rambling lest it won't get any bread and water for supper tonight.
@Mercenary Lord When you wrote something and thought it was really great at the time, but four months have passed and now it's fresh garbo. You either grudgingly tolerate its existence as something you wrote when you were less talented; or go to great lengths to expunge it from the internet, hoping no one will ever suffer it again because you don't want it to represent your current standing as an author.
When you try to insinuate that I call characters Mary Sues just to spite their owners, you do more than just insult my intelligence and my honor. You also attempt to degrade the very standards to which writers hold themselves. After all, if anyone who calls anyone else's character a "Mary Sue" only does it to serve a grudge, then what else, I wonder, serves this grudge? When someone in the Advanced section says your spelling and grammar are inadequate for his RP, I suppose you can convince yourself that he only said it because he doesn't like you; because he wanted to drive you away from his thread, but was too cowardly to express that fact directly and suffer the social ramifications. And when you're booted from a game for foul behavior against other players, of course it'll be easy to blame them; they wanted you out, and it's impossible that you brought that punishment upon yourself. Clearly they only did it to hurt you.

Really, under this logic you could be the worst player on the Guild, literally the worst writer here, but because everyone else is secretly out to get you, you'll never find need to improve yourself through introspection. You'll never need to acknowledge your own faults and shortcomings because people are only pointing them out for the sake of bringing you to harm.

In other words, you want a way for writers to be immune to criticism, and that doesn't fly with me.

So I guess you're right. I'm "defensive" because you're making up lies about me, but I'm mostly invested in this exchange because your backwards arguments make far worse implications for the hobby as a whole.
It sounds to me like you are being completely defensive over this.

According to WordCounter your post is 639 words long, and 367 of them (57.43%) are in defense of how deep and engaging your character is despite matching my criteria for being a Mary Sue. Are you sure I'm the one who's getting defensive? I'm just arguing my points, and hopefully, rebuffing the idea that I'm a vindictive piece of shit just because I said something you dislike.
and I never said that he was manipulating anything for a personal vendetta.

Are you sure about that? Maybe you should explain what you meant when you said this, then:

It's so easy to simply label a character that you don't like to be a Mary Sue, and even easier when you toss away the actual definition of a Mary Sue, and substitute your own ... you can cover up the personal bias you hold against them behind some overused criticism like 'Mary Sue/Gary Stu'

It sounds to me like you think I'm pretty damn sinister.
I don't know where these phony accusations are coming from. How can I use Mary Suedom as a catch-all for any character I want to hate when I gave very clear, explicit parameters on my idea of what a M.S. character looks like, and when only a small contingency of characters is sure to fit within these bounds? Furthermore, why would I choose to hate a character first, and then grasp for reasons to justify this hatred only afterward? Doesn't the cause come first and the effect later?

Frankly I'd forgotten that your character ever existed, so I'm glad you don't think I wrote that passage just to spite you. But I'm not rescinding my opinion just because he fits within my personal definition of a Mary Sue. Feeling offended and entering a kneejerk self-defense response simply aren't sufficient arguments in persuading me to do so.
It's a good thing no one in this thread has done that, then.
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