Avatar of Rabidporcupine


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4 yrs ago
Current I eat negativity and shit out hopes and dreams. Like a tree, but for pessimism.
5 yrs ago
Good news, I'm not failing out of my cooking course tomorrow! Bad news, it's only because I nearly sliced a chunk off my finger practicing for it and needed stitches.
6 yrs ago
Desu before dishonour.
1 like
6 yrs ago
It's days like today that I truly believe this ADHD is both a blessing AND a curse.
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Does that mean I shouldn't try to join? Because this sounds cool but I'm fine with it if you think it's getting too full.
Ok, I need to read the rest of the lore before I make a sheet, but I'm interested. Thankfully, it seems like you're sorely lacking in the area of 'not very good' apps, so I should be able to fill that gap for you!
Jeremy Lindall


Did that girl actually just say 'moseying'?

Wait, no, don't say that! That'll might lead to a fight! Say something else!

"I'm sorry, did you actually just say moseying?"

Nice job man, you nailed it.

"Uh, sorry. It's been a long week. Brain's not exactly firing on all cylinders, you know? Anyway, I'm not lost. Just bored. My sister says I have to make a friend or she won't let me back in the house, so I guess I'm also looking for a nice alley or tree or something to sleep in. That and I'm waiting for the meeting, so I can find her and disappoint her in person."

And then a small part of his brain wondered if it was as sad as he thought it was that it had taken him this long to realise he could try to make friends with these people. They both seemed to have a similar expression on their faces to the ones he usually wore on his own, and they had initiated contact with him. Then again, he was getting some very familiar vibes from the girl in a different direction, specifically some unsavoury memories from his past.

Actually, it may be best to just check quickly.

"So, just to clarify, this definitely isn't a mugging and/or fledgling lynch mob, is it? Because people have already been giving me dirty looks over the last week, and it's beginning to get a little annoying. If it is, I think it'd be best to just stop right now before you hurt yourselves. If not, then great! I'm Jeremy Lindall, professional waste of space."

He was about to go further, but he was suddenly distracted when he felt his weeb sense tingling, and turned to look over his shoulder at another woman around their age shouting some filth about an absolutely trash pairing, and before his horrified brain could stop him, he had already spun around to face the heathen.

"Kobaru is trash! Koara is way be-"

And then he finally managed to catch himself, immediately shutting up, before turning to face his two now most likely completely alienated acquaintances and coughed awkwardly.

"Sorry about that. I appear to have come down with some kind of weird cough recently..."
@Aviaire @chi

"Hey, it's better than zero, right?" Leo asked with a shrug, as he waited for her to cast her spell.

He honestly hadn't known what to expect, but he had to let out a whistle of appreciation when he looked down to realise they were now completely invisible.

"Ok, yeah, this is pretty neat. Nice job." He said, before he too followed her around the police. Once he was a couple of meters past them, he placed a sticky not on each of the alley walls on their side and whispered a command phrase. This caused the runes on the notes to glow, before fading away completely. However, he froze before he could place any more, as the alley extended in both directions, sending taking the police off into the distance as the area darkened.

"I'm gonna go ahead and guess this isn't either of you two?" He asked, the casual tone of his voice not really representing just how alert he had suddenly become. This only increased when he saw the doll-like automatons emerged from the shadows, and he began whispering to himself.

"Stab stab sharp block cut stab sharp fly hunt."

As he spoke, the words appeared in the air around him before coiling around each other to take the appearance of a long glaive.

"I don't suppose you're planning to help us out in our investigation, are you?" He asked, knowing all the while that he wouldn't be getting an answer from the creatures. "Shame... I would've liked to get a little rest."

And then he turned to look to the others, only to remember that they were all actually still invisible.

"Ok, I don't really know where you guys are, but do you have a plan? Otherwise I'm gonna say we should get back to back to make sure we don't hit each other when these things make their move."

I guess I'll try to post at some point soon too, although the next week or so is pretty hectic, so it might not be until after that. Sorry.
Yeah, if I'm being honest, I've started attaching the scooter to Jeremy ever since my last Gintama binge.
By the way, I'm still looking for a good picture, but just keep in mind that when I mention Jeremy's scooter, it's like a vespa, not like a kids scooter. I know most people can probably figure that out pretty easily, but I know I'd probably be a little confused by it if it was someone else's post because I'm an idiot, so I figured better safe than sorry.

Either way, now I just need to find someone for Jeremy to be friends with, and then he can stop being such a grumpy grump!
Jeremy Lindall

The timing, Jeremy decided, had been significantly off.

Originally, he had planned to come here as a way to escape everything, all the miserable crap he'd been dealing with back home, but lo and behold, it turns out that literally two days after he moved in with his sister, someone had gone missing. Not just any someone either, but the mayors daughter.


If that didn't look suspicious, he didn't know what was. And annoyingly enough, he apparently wasn't the only person sharing this line of thought, at least if the nervous glances he had been getting from some of his sisters neighbors were any indication. Oh sure, they never did it when they thought he was looking, but years of having to keep an eye out for any potential details that Hannah could use to get into a fight with someone had left him with the peripheral vision worthy of jealousy from the gods themselves! Hell, he figured he'd probably caught at least eighty percent of them so far.

And then he sighed. If the situation hadn't been what it was, he probably would've felt pretty proud of that statistic. Now he just felt depressed, which wasn't helped by the way his mind had drifted back to Hannah, because of course it had.

"The gardens looking good!" Eleanor said from somewhere behind him, eliciting a yelp from the boy as he jumped up, watering can spiralling through the air. "Jeez, what the hell was that? I'm not that scary."

"That's a lie and you know it." Jeremy said, his face immediately reverting back to it's usual boring old self. "You are literally one spot away from being the scariest person I've ever met."

"Second place huh? I guess I can live with that." She said, smirking at what most would consider a completely neutral expression, but a select few would notice as a faint glare. "Anyway, like I was saying, the garden is looking good. I reckon these vegetables should be ready by this time next week."

"Are you kidding? I just planted these..." He said, pointing to the "garden", which was really just a small garden box with a few small sprouts barely beginning to break the surface. "It'll be a while before we see anything other than the radishes, and even then, we've got a good twenty days to wait for that. This is the absolute quickest scenario, by the way."

"Ah whatever, you're missing the point!" Eleanor said, waving away what must have been approaching his seven hundredth time trying to explain this kind of thing to her. "The point is that you came out here for a reason."

"Yes, to garde-"

"No, no, you know what I meant." She cut him off. "You came out here, to Emerald City, for a reason. Now you and I both know what that reason is, so there's no need to bring it up again, but the fact of the matter is that unless you stop hiding away here, unless you get out of the house and actually spend some time around the town, you're never going to get over anything. You'll go back home exactly the same person you were when you left, if not worse."

Jeremy paused, not quite sure he could think up a reply. He knew, at least on a technical level, that she was right, but still, it... It just wasn't that easy...

Unfortunately, Eleanor decided to take his hesitation as agreement, despite knowing full well that it wasn't, and continued.

"Exactly, so go out and do something! Anything! Make some friends, or go fishing or something! You used to love that! Just do something that isn't moping around here. The garden will be fine, it's not gonna die just because you didn't stare at it in a couple of hours. Hell, go buy something weeby if you really can't think of anything else! I know there are a good few shops here that sell that kind of stuff."

"I... I don'-"

"Plus I'll totally start letting caterpillars loose in it if you don't."

"God, fine! I'll go look for something to do in town, I guess! Is that good enough for you?"

"Yep." She said, a cheerful grin on her face. However, it faded noticeably just a few moments later. "And hey Jeremy? There's a town meeting later. It's about Lily. The mayors daughter." She clarified, noticing his confused stare. "I think you should go too. I'll meet you there."

"Are you sure?" He asked, letting a small, nervous smile appear on his face. He wasn't particularly used to his sister acting serious, and it always made him feel a little awkward. "I'm still pretty new here. Wouldn't it be kind of weird for me to go?"

"It'd probably be weirder if you didn't." She said with a shrug. "I've noticed the way people look at you. They're looking at the fact that you got here just before she went missing and thinking you had something to do with it. I can't see it getting any better if you're the only person not at the meeting..."

"Yeah, I guess that's a decent point. I guess I'll see you there."

"Right. Try not to be too depressing once you get to town. The moods already been brought down enough as it is. No need for you to drag it down even further, you know?"

"Yeah yeah, see ya."

He didn't wait for a response as he went back into the house, collecting a backpack and his helmet and, for what was probably the third time in total since he'd arrived at the house, left through the front door.

It wasn't long before he was out on the road, travelling at a nice, steady pace on his trusty scooter. It was about a thirty-five minute drive to the city from Eleanor's house, but the long drive didn't bother him so much. It was actually kind of nice to be driving out on the open road, as if he didn't need to worry about anything. Maybe someday in the near future he'd take a ride in the opposite direction, just to experience the country road again. It'd been pretty nice on the way up, after all, so it could only help to do it again, right?

And then, before he knew it, he had reached the city. Honestly, he kind of wished it had taken longer, but in the end, driving around wasn't what he'd been sent out to do, was it? He was here to try and enjoy himself and make a friend or two. Sure, Eleanor hadn't said that last part specifically, but he knew her, and he knew she probably wouldn't let him back in the house without a fight unless he told her he'd made at least one.

And so he parked the scooter and got to work.

By goofing off and wandering the city streets at like seven in the morning.
Don't know why, but it says the invite is invalid. Also, Jeremy was accepted right? Because it sounded like he was, but I guess it wasn't specifically said, and I'd prefer to be safe than sorry. Also I may end up changing his picture, and will probably run a few pieces of equipment by you in the discord to see if I can add them in later on.
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