Avatar of Rafiel_purewing


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9 mos ago
Current who here is playing pokemon dlc?
4 yrs ago
Ps5 or new Xbox..... Hmmmmm
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4 yrs ago
Let's go joker!! lets steal some hearts, from the phantom theives of heart!! persona 5 royal hype.
5 yrs ago
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6 yrs ago
my hero acadamia rp, roleplayerguild.com/topics/…


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@Hylozoist yep, I say go for it ^^ gotta get Alphys in somehow and where better than in a lab I so happened to have randomly created...it's like I secretly knew you were going to come

spooky :P
@HylozoistI dont mind if you want to be in the university lab with my Gaster and I'm sure Overlord wont object to the idea. I think it's the best way to get Alphys included actully.
@Hylozoist welcome abord the undertale train whoo whoo
@Hylozoist I have my assistant if overlord accepts you ^^

@The1Rolling1Boy Your doing Frisk alright yourself mind ^^ I like your frisk :)
Gaster made some changes to the plans they had noticing the energy output was too weak for it to even power up the simplist of things. Didn't even bother to look up as the door opened, asuming it was the other scientists who are working on this project and almost forgetting he was in a university. "Oh...wrong room?" a confused female voice spoke up which made Gaster look up, turning he saw a young female...a student by the look of her. Offering a smile he put down the changed plans for them to see on the desk before speaking to the newcomer.

"Your lost?" He asked gently, making a note she was mildly surprised to see a monster working here. "Um...yeah..I'm new and..must have taken a wrong turning or something." Gaster noticed she didn't mind talking to him and that she didn't seam to be scared at all which made him smile. "Maybe I can help..though to be honest, I don't really know my way around either. Why not start by telling me where your looking for?"

"Yeah...that helps, well it's actully embarrising, I'm looking for the library but this place is like huge you know?"

Half way talking to the young girl the two other scientists walked in at long last, noticing Gaster speaking to a student. "Anything wrong?" One of the two asked sounding a little worried. The girl looked up shaking her head. "I was asking this kind monster if he knew where the library was..he doesn't know either it seems."

"Ah...here, this will help you" The scientist handed over a map to the girl before looking at Gaster. "Sorry we're late, my car broke down on the way. Anyway, how we doing?"

"I've added some changes that will help the power output but having it create power out of nothing still seems asking a lot. Not impossable if you know what your doing, there is a way but you chose not to take it." Gaster said calmly.

"Your on about using magic on it right to power it up? it's not like we don't want to try that out. It's just...well, it's dangourus right?" Gaster sighed at his responce and said nothing else on the subject.

@Lady Selune

Sounds good to me.
I'm new to this, but I'm still in.

Fav colour is Dark red

We got someone else who wants to join in.
I'm new to this, but count me in :)
@The1Rolling1Boyna, you never did, I was just saying as a refrence :) Anyway, I need to get some sleep. I feel like crap right now. I sware this cold is killing me slowly lol Anyways might be on laters maybe if I cant sleep.
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