Avatar of Rafiel_purewing


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9 mos ago
Current who here is playing pokemon dlc?
4 yrs ago
Ps5 or new Xbox..... Hmmmmm
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4 yrs ago
Let's go joker!! lets steal some hearts, from the phantom theives of heart!! persona 5 royal hype.
5 yrs ago
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6 yrs ago
my hero acadamia rp, roleplayerguild.com/topics/…


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@Overlord24 @The1Rolling1Boy

is this dead....? I hope not, I'm just waiting others to catch up before posting again.
@Lady Selune so, I'm guessing my Cs was accepted then?
Name: Sarah
age: 23
Reason for attending the party: It looked interesting
Personality: Sarah is happy to lucky and looks for all the good things through the bad. A bit of a video game nerd, though she doesn't do good in crowds.

@Lady Selune
@Lady Selunewill we need a Cs after we done with the waiting stage.
@Hylozoist Half smirked as she started talking about Anime and started to make absulutly no sense to him whatsoever. He had expected this, has grown used to her obsession of anime by now. "Come on, I honestly hope it wont explode to be perfectly honest. I'd hate to start this project from scratch while taking orders from them, and if it does explode then I will get the blame for this by the boss of this place. Then again, if their battery does go boom, then with a bit of luck we can start a new project though I doupt that."

Leading the way over, looking down through the glass down in the testing room. Folding his arms he watched as Paul and the other human he failed to remember the name of started the battery, using it to power up a small computer. Things seemed to be working well at first but then the newly build battery started to smoke before finally true to Gaster's word it did indeed explode.

"You better get back to your desk, I'm going to get an earful when the man in charge finds out who's idea all that was." Gaster watched as they left the testing room and turned in the direction of where the one in charge had his office.
@Hylozoist Shaking his head slightly "Not this time...I just added some changes to their plans, their way. If I had it my way I would have their battery just like the core I created within hotland. These humans dislike any talk on our ways though." Pausing just to glance over his shoulder at the two, watching them remove their original power outlet and started to add some things to the outlit as he had written down. Turning back to Alphys as they worked "It's not going to work though, making a reusable source of power the human way. Maybe they will learn at one point that our magic can become highly useful to them and not as dangourous as they like to think."

Hearing his name being called Gaster glanced up and turned his head only to see one of the scientists make his way over. "The changes in the plans, you think it will work?"

Pausing a moment, he knew it wouldn't, finally he said "No, isn't that why we are still in the testing stage? you never know if you don't try it out. Just cross the wires and change the flow of the current and it may recharge the power that it used up. It is a better possibilty of working then it did before Paul." Paul nodded and left the two alone, putting a shoulder over his partner. Gaster watched as they made their way to the testing room before turning back to Alphys. "One of two things is going to happen...one we will have to start over due to their battery exploading or two the power outlit will just sizzle up and die out completley..for what they asking for the use of magic will help greatly." Sighing a little again.
Hearing the shaking voice of Alphys made him look up, finding himself actually glad she had decided to show up even if she was late. Making his way over while the other scientists was looking at the changes he had added for their reusable power source. As he got to Alphys's desk Gaster glanced over to the human scientists, making sure they were to busy with what they were doing before talking to Alphys in a soft whisper so not to get over heard. "Good to see you Alphys. Glad you made it. Your not the only one who was late though, they were too." Nodding to the two humans who was still scratching their heads looking at the changes to the foundation that Gaster had added, wondering if it would even work out. Finally they seemed to want to try it out as they started adding some changes to their battery pack giving Alphys and Gaster some time to talk freely.
@Hylozoist yep, I say go for it ^^ gotta get Alphys in somehow and where better than in a lab I so happened to have randomly created...it's like I secretly knew you were going to come

spooky :P
@HylozoistI dont mind if you want to be in the university lab with my Gaster and I'm sure Overlord wont object to the idea. I think it's the best way to get Alphys included actully.
@Hylozoist welcome abord the undertale train whoo whoo
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