Avatar of Raijinslayer


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4 yrs ago
Current Merry Christmas boyos, don't forget to, like, be a good person and stuff. Also start thinkin of a new years resolution you'll actually go through with.
6 yrs ago
Status update: staying up all n8ght fuckin sucks and procrastination is a vile temptress.
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7 yrs ago
4 months into this hole 'being a responsible adult thing' and I've come to a conclusion: It sucks and I want to go back to the days where I didn't have to plan out my game time.
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7 yrs ago
Was supposed to be productive tonight. . . will try to be productive in the morning
7 yrs ago
Taking a short break from posting till Monday/Tuesday, hopefully will feel more creative and less brain-dead


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In Kakumei 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
In Kakumei 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@The 42nd GeckoWe have a person who has stated interest, but they've yet to submit a sheet or really discuss much in the way of ideas. Also, would you like an invite to the class discord, as i noticed we lack a link on the ooc op, it seems.
In Kakumei 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@The 42nd GeckoYe, one per clan.

Personal Dossier

Inuzuka Juko, Konoha's lone Wolf, The Mongrel, Traitor, Murderer, Satoru's Lapdog




Chakra Nature

Physical Description
Standing at around 5'10, most would say that Juuko is the kind of guy that honestly doesn't stand out too much in a crowd. His features are distinctive, all hard angles around a somewhat feral looking half-grin with playful golden eyes, but he still manages to fade into the background in any bar or seedy den of ill respute. he dresses informally, in whatever he can grab, and does very little to care for his appearance aside from the bare minimum, often sporting a five o'clock shadow due to eithe r forgetting or not bothering to consistently shave it down.

Physically, however, he is surprisingly fit for someone as seemingly ill-kept with a body made of lean muscle that had been toned by decades of exercise, training, and fieldwork. His dark black hair suits him well, drawing little attention in any place he goes, and despite his somewhat intimidating bearing at times, it's easy for most to gain, if not comfort in his presence, at least toleration. He blends in easily to any environment he finds himself in, sitting near the back with a drink in one hand and a smile on the other as if welcoming an old friend.

Personality & Prestige
Many would say that Juuko is sociopathic, bereft of any idea of right or wrong and willing to do whatever is asked of him without question so long as he gets to kill something. Those people would be wrong, but he can't blame them for seeing him in that light. Long ago, when the Civil War began, Juuko realized that the veneer of glory and patriotism that people described the life of a shinobi was made with pure, unadulterated bullshit. And rather than try to clean to a fake ideal, Juuko decided that the only proper way to get by in life was to simply accept the hand he had been dealt and do his best to enjoy life as he did so. When he's not working, Juuko likes to party, to drink, to drown himself in just about any vice he can find. Any attempts to shame him fall on deaf ears and he often ridicules those in his profession that like to profess and shield themselves in such values.

When it comes to work, however, Juuko turns into another man entirely, so much so that most who see both sides of him find themselves suffering from an intense sense of whiplash. On the job, Juuko is an efficient machine, a silent hunter that plans for every eventuality watches his prey for 50 days so that he can capitalize on the one day they make a mistake, a man that does anything and everything to ensure his mission succeeds. Casualties do not matter unless his job is to avoid them, and in many cases, no tactic is considered off the table unless explicitly told as such. But despite the rumors that say he revels in his work, despite the way that he even talks about some brutal jobs after the fact, he never seems to enjoy what he does in the moment. In fact, every moment on the job seems to bring him little more than a pained expression.


Character Development & Conceptualization

Talents & Abilities
Inuzuka Taijutsu:
Coordinated Attacks:

Nin-tai specialization: Mixing the already brutal fighting style of the Inuzuka with both the raw offensive power of Wind or the searing intensity of Fire has made Juuko into quite a force to be reckoned with in many an encounter.

Expert Tracker:

Eight Gates Practioner:

Information Gathering:



Personal Dossier

Uzumaki Ena




Chakra Nature

Physical Description
Ena is a young man, around 5'1 in terms of height and possessing an athletic build due to his intense focus on the perfection of his craft as a swordsman. He can usually be found wearing fine clothes such suits, vests, slacks, loafers, and so on when not engaged with his active shinobi duties, as it is to be expected for an Uzumaki to always look his best. His hair is always immaculately brushed, his teeth are as clean and white as can be, and every part of him speaks to a highly tailored image of perfection. . . all except his eyes. When you look into his gilded eyes, one can tell that not all is right with the young Uzumaki. No smile ever reaches them, and it is only when he grows angered by an insult to his skills or his clan that anything besides a cold hollowness occupies them. It is a well-maintained and well-practiced mask that Ena wears and rare is the person who he willing drops it for.

Personality & Prestige
Ena is a boy who's been giving everything he's ever wanted. A child who has been put on a pedestal his whole life, that has been expected to be one of the very best that the Uzumaki has to offer, a child that has had his every flaw and discrepancy ruthlessly picked over and critiqued. Despite the privilege and pampering that one would expect of one in his position as a scion of one of the more powerful(if not the most powerful, as they like to claim) clans within the elemental nations, to say the Ena's life was an easy one would be a grave mistake.

Due to this upbringing, the boy has a very high opinion of himself and his hard-earned skills, but this pride easily and harshly crumples into frustration and anger upon meeting even the smallest complication. This shows especially when he comes across people who don't respect his skills or the perceived prestige of his clan. While he is too well-trained to let these emotions fully surface, oftentimes those who draw his ire can find themselves the target of strange misfortunes in the form of a number debatably cruel pranks plaguing their day-to-day life for sometime after the slight was given. As such, even if he is all smiles and polite words, most that meet Ena come to see him as an untrustworthy, vindictive and arrogant brat that refuses to be humbled.

However, there are times when the softer sides of Ena's personality comes through, few and far between as they tend to be. While his arrogance does, in fact, know no bounds, when push comes to shove, he can be persuaded(as he puts it) to accept an alternate point of view. Slowly, his time in Konoha has helped him. . . ease up. He'd be lying if he said he didn't feel much less pressure in his current environment than back in his home. That being the case, he still struggles to truly connect with anyone as the barriers he's put up all his life still hold strong, even if he does wish it could often be otherwise. Alas, his caretaker is often times the small reminder he needs to remember his place in the world, what he means to his clan, and most of all, his duties to them. To ask for any other kind of life is a childish notion, and to foster it for even a second is a poison to the mind.

Ena was not allowed a childhood. Since the moment he was born, he was considered not as a person, but as a symbol. Of National Pride, of Purity, of the prestige and power of the clan. He was not raised by his parents and would not be able to tell someone who they even were if pressed. For as long as he lived, he had been passed by a number of impartial, cold mentors whose job was not to raise him but to teach him to be the very best he could be. From one day to the next, it was just a non-stop deluge of lessons from harsh, strict adults who never had the patience for his childish needs.

You may not cry, you may not complain, you may not yell, you may not scream, all these rules and more were heaped upon him as a way to help him learn the control to handle the curse of his bloodline. They were tried and true methods to shut down and control the bestial nature that every Uzumaki struggled with. . . or so was the explanation that Ena was given whenever he questioned his treatment. And so it was that Ena grew up practically alone, the first time he ever truly interacted with someone in a way that wasn't strictly someone trying to teach him was when he first met his instructor in the Whirling Blades Style. While an Uzumaki in name, the man had been born outside of the compound, had lived outside of the interlaced matrices of Fuinjutsu that kept them separated from the outside world for hundreds of years. To this day, Ena does not know how the man was ever allowed inside the village, but it was with this man that the boy found the closest thing he could call a father figure. He was truthful and direct when so may others only spoke in distant half-tones, he was empathetic while others were cold, and while he couldn't show it as often as Ena would've liked due to the constant supervision they were under at nearly all times. . . he cared for Ena. Genuinely cared for him, for who Ena was and not just for what Ena represented as a pureblood Uzumaki.

Character Development & Conceptualization
For Ena, I'm imagining a boy whose struggling to find himself in life, trapped between two sides of himself. On one hand, he wants to prove his Clan proud and has a deep respect for the traditions of Uzushio. But on the other hand, he can't help but feel those same traditions have become stifling for him, and despite the best intentions of his elders, he can't help but feel anything but anxiety and stress whenever he thinks about his position in the world, of the immense responsibility he has to his Clan, and to the way his entire future seems to already have been set of him. It pushes him to rebel against these conventions, but whether or not that's what he needs or what will bring him happiness is something that will have to be seen as the RP goes forward.

It certainly doesn't help that his bloodline proves to make holding his temper even harder than is normal for a boy his age, and every time he denies himself the chance to really let loose and lash out, he can't help but ask: Why not? Why shouldn't he just wreck everything if it gives at least some release to the immense pressure he feels building inside of him every day.

Talents & Abilities
Uzumaki Fuinjutsu Practioner: As an Uzumaki, it is only natural that Ena is well-versed in the complexities of the art of fuinjutsu. While his time away from his former mentors have left him wanting somewhat in terms of learning more of the Uzumaki specific applications, his time in Konoha has not been entirely fruitless as the vast libraries present in the village have allowed him to keep up his own self-study at an appreciable pace in other areas of his fuinjutsu skill. Applications of his fuinjutsu mastery include the ability to form nearly any basic sealing tags, as well as the formation of rather powerful explosive tags.

Aside from combat applications, Ena is more than capable of devising sealing formulas to assist in a number of unforeseen ways if given time to study the issue, including but not limited seals that can help to assist in the regulation of chakra circulation, seals to drive away fatigue, and even a seal that can serve to bind a weakened target by assaulting their very nervous system, though the time and preparation needed to perform it makes it impossible to use in a combat scenario.

Skilled Kenjutsu Practioner: An oddity amongst the Uzumaki, Ena has chosen to become a swordsman, rather than taking to the more accepted Kusarigama that the Uzumaki is often none to employ in tandem with their seals to confound and disable their foes. Instead, Ena assaults his foe with acrobatic and flashy forms, relying on the natural gifts and aggression granted by his Uzumaki blood to let him overwhelm his opponent and ultimately control the direction of the fight. On top of this skillful use of blades, he is able to decently hold his own win hand to hand combat using similar principles, but certainly not to the same extent as he is with them.

Pure blooded Uzumaki: A product of very careful breeding and intermixing of the Uzumaki bloodline, Ena is considered an Uzumaki of truly pureblood, an honor that comes with drastic benefits and downsides. While gifted with the expected Uzumaki traits of large reserves of chakra and stamina, powerful life energy, and a talent for fuinjutsu, as well as the likelihood of eventually being able to manifest the vaunted Enishi-no-Kusari, the chain that is able to bind spirits and beings of chakra with great ease that make these Uzumaki a force to be feared. But along with this, these Uzumaki are subjected to much stronger instincts from the curse of their bloodlines.

Their rages are fiercer, their tempers like that of a wild animal that seeks to tear everything before it to shreds. As such, Ena had been placed under strict supervision and discipline since both to ensure that he's able to main control of his blood and not the other way around. Despite this, however, Ena often finds himself struggling daily to contain his outbursts and emotions, both to appease his fellow clan members and to keep the darker side of himself at bay. But it often irritates him to no end that he must even keep up the facade. Often times, he finds himself wondering what it would be like to simply. . . let go of his grip and truly let the built-up aggression and savagery out upon the world at large.

Calculated Awareness: Due to his preferred method of combat, Ena has developed his senses and perceptive capabilities to keep him attune to his environments in full, giving him an excellent sense of spatial awareness and allowing him to quickly memorize the layouts of any place he's been to and create a mental map that is hardly ever inaccurate. even in maze-like environments, he proves able to easily backtrack his steps without any hesitation.

Planning: More than anything else, Ena is a planner and he likes to account for as many variables as he can when orchestrating a plan of attack or defense. If given enough time, Ena is able to come up with rather devilish schemes that are befitting his Uzumaki heritage, making use of fuinjutsu, environment, and even his own allies to tray and lure his foes into springing his deviously laid traps.

A set of Traditional Uzumaki Fuinjutsu Brushes
Several Blank Rolls of Chakra-treated Paper
A number of storage seal tags for the easy transportation of supplies
Leather gauntlets engraved with specially designed storage seals, with built-in redundancy matrices added to them to ensure proper function even if the main sealing array is damaged
A pair of curved scimitars engraved with spiral-like designs down the length of the blade's spine. High Quality, crafted with fuinjutsu techniques to ensure durability. One of the blades is noticeably smaller than the other
A set of oils, whetting stones and cloths to ensure the maintenance of his blades
A number of both standard and customized explosive seals, including but not limited too: Smoke, Concussive, Distraction, Adhesive

S rank:

A Rank:

B Rank:

Whirling Blades Form: Riptide

C Rank:
Whirling Blades Form: Flowing Whirlpool Body

Crimson Mist Barrier

Water Clone Jutsu

Hiden: Crimson Chains of Binding

D Rank:
Hiding in water Technique

String Light Formation

Shadow Shuriken Technique
E Rank:
Academy Techniques

Custom Jutsu:

Can't really say when I'll get my post up, always stuff to deal with and what not, but something will be forthcoming, i promise ya'll.
Oh, it totally works, ye. Just that my inuzuka is a bit . . . atypical of the clan, and even societal, norms.

And ye, getting in the discord would be aces.

@RaijinslayerAlso, i'm making one of the Jonin who also happens to be sn Inuzuka, so we'll probably have to discuss clan atuff l8r, as well as how well they know each other.
Cause they're a g-fam.

Sapporo, Japan
Ishin Academy
Interacting with:Jin@Mistress Dizzy and Adrianne(via staring)@Savo

Camilla nodded thankfully, setting her luggage beside her before sitting down. Giggling a bit at Jin's mention of Ishin keeping a diversity quota, watched as her fellow student suddenly pulled out a pen and paper, writing down some sort of math equations out as she spoke. Sticking her tongue out at the mere thought of doing math outside of when it 's absolutely necessary, her face quickly changed to an expression of confusion at how Jin had chosen to address her.

Kun. Isn't that supposed to be for boys? Did I come off as particularly boy-ish. The thought swirled for a moment as Camilla considered bringing attention to the odd use of the honorific, at least in her mind, she decided to let it go. It wasn't really that big of a deal to her either way, though it did make her wonder what the girl actually thought of her.

"Heh, I guess I fill two spots then. I'm from the States myself, California to be exact, but my dad is actually an alumnus from Ishin. Honestly, I think he's a big reason why I was even considered, given the school's strict policy on students from out of the country. That said, I doubt his status as a former student is going to get me much further than the door if anything about what I've heard about this school is true." Stretching out a little bit, Camilla turned her gaze across the rows of students behind her, picking out faces in the crowd that seemed interesting or notable. "Oh, and you're free to call me Camilla if you like. Not really a stickler for all those honorifics and what not if I don't have to be, ya know." She wasn't quite sure if she was acting a bit too casual, but Jin seemed to be a casual sort, so she decided to let herself relax a bit, enjoying the ability to drop at least some of the formality that her father's culture so heavily emphasized.

As Camilla's eyes scoured the small crown of students she took note of one girl, in particular, giving a group of students such a nasty glare she could've sworn she was trying to burn a hole into their heads. She couldn't even hazard a guess at what exactly had gotten this girl so riled up, but Camilla decided that it would probably be best not to get on their bad side if she could help it. For all she knew, those eyes could actually burn a hole through people's heads, and she wasn't eager to be the first to experience it by pissing her off.

Sapporo, Japan
Ishin Academy

As students both old and new milled about the front gates of Ishin, a lone girl stood amongst them, hesitating to cross the threshold before her as if there was a huge wall before her. Her long pointed ears drooped as she looked towards the main building, curling a lock of pinkish purple hair around her finger as she seemed to be struggling with some kind of decision internally, the fingers of her other hand tapping rhythmically on the handle of her rolling luggage bag.

Come on, Camilla. Just be yourself, no need to worry about anything. You made it in, things can only get go up from here, right? She thought, brightening up and almost taking that first step, only for another part of her to speak up, seeming insistent on trying to take the wind out of her sails and kick her back into 'reality'.

Except if the racist assholes in this place decide to kick you to the curb for some minor thing. Then they get the brownie points of “at least we tried” while also enforcing their bullshit philosophy of how shitty foreigners are. Why are you even here?

To learn from the school that dad learned to be a hero, and show them just how wrong they are for thinking something like where someone is born makes people less qualified to be here! Stop worrying, everything will be fine!

Will it really? How sure can you be when you haven’t even met your teacher?

And so her thoughts continued to go in circles for a few moments more before Camilla finally snapped out of it with two quick slaps to her cheeks. After taking a breath to calm herself, the young american took her first step onto Ishin academy proper, her ears wiggling a bit in fearful excitement as she wondered how her time here was going to be. She'd never been this far away from her family before, heck, she'd never even had a sleep over before, yet now she was going to have to be by herself for months in a country she'd never even been to before a week ago. Everything seemed so strange and exotic, so much so that even though her eldest brother Trenton(who had been to Japan numerous times with their dad) had shown her around the city in order to help her get situated, she still couldn't quite believe she was here.

The same could probably be said for most of these students about us. That negative part of her subconscious said, seemingly incapable of not chiming in, much to Camilla's frustration.They're looking at you, even now. Judging you. Just waiting for you to slip up and prove every nasty idea in their heads right.

On this point, her inner cynic was at least partially right. Even before she decided to stand in front of the school gates like a statue for a few minutes, she had noticed quite a few students looking at her with a verity of expressions both positive and negative. No matter how much she'd like to believe otherwise, she was certain that there would be people here who already had their minds made up about her. But rather than fixate on that fact, she shook her head, ears perking up as she approached the doors to the academy. So what if they decided to be bigots? She wasn't going to give them the satisfaction of being cowed by their prejudice attitudes, and who knows, she might even change a few minds along the way.

With her mindset and her resolve mostly hardened, Camilla made her way to the meeting hall, walking in with silent steps as she looked around for a place to sit. After a few assessments of the crowd as a whole, she decided to sit up front next to this one girl who seemed like they might be in a similar boat as her. As she approached, however, she couldn't help but notice that she looked a bit. . . tense? Or at the very least apprehensive. It'll be fine, just walk up, smile, and introduce yourself. and things will be just fine. Strangers are just friends you've yet to make, right?

With this in mind, the young girl walked up to her fellow student, ears pulling back slightly as she made her presence known with a soft "Excuse me?", the Japanese coming out a little slowly as she wanted to be sure she didn't mess up anything in her nervousness.

"Uhm. . . Hi. Name's Camilla Yumi and I was wondering if you'd mind if I sit next to you?"

@Mistress Dizzy
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