Avatar of Raijinslayer


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4 yrs ago
Current Merry Christmas boyos, don't forget to, like, be a good person and stuff. Also start thinkin of a new years resolution you'll actually go through with.
6 yrs ago
Status update: staying up all n8ght fuckin sucks and procrastination is a vile temptress.
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7 yrs ago
4 months into this hole 'being a responsible adult thing' and I've come to a conclusion: It sucks and I want to go back to the days where I didn't have to plan out my game time.
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7 yrs ago
Was supposed to be productive tonight. . . will try to be productive in the morning
7 yrs ago
Taking a short break from posting till Monday/Tuesday, hopefully will feel more creative and less brain-dead


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Argus didn't dare tear his eyes from Jean as Vali suddenly burst into action, ignoring the sounds of explosions as he waited for any shot of an opening to try and strike this bastard. Luckily, the marksman opened one up as the swordsman swiftly dodged a bullet. The moment Argus noticed this move, he launched a knife straight at the pretty boy's face while he was mid-sentence, not expecting it to hit but hoping it drew the man's attention enough to keep him focused on Argus. As the knife flew, so to did two smoke bombs from those the red-haired mage had summoned, these ones aimed at Jean's feet in order to create a thick cloud of cloying smoke around him, cutting off his vision as Argus summoned 3 more daggers and prepped to throw, a small grunt escaping him as he heard Sara tell her spirit to prepare.

"The only thing that's 'insane', Sunshine, is that you're still fucking standing there!" Argus said as he prepped to throw only to be cut off as he suddenly felt something touch his ankle, followed soon by a burst of power flowing through his body as a green aura surrounded him. He glanced towards Damian and offered a brief nod before turning his attention back to the cloud of smoke, his De-obfuscator goggles appearing on his head as let the brace of knives fly towards it. Only one of the daggers was actually heading towards the swordsman, however, the other two appearing to go wide at first, only to turn around in the smoke cloud and attempt to get the fucker from behind, aiming for his back.

Meanwhile, Argus summoned forth another dagger, as well as two pepper bombs, planning a rather nasty surprise for his opponent if he ever decided to close the gap. He also decided to lecture Sara a bit, because she obviously lacked the wherewithal to understand the amount of danger she was in. "Sunshine, if you want my advice, you and whatever the hell you summoned should take a second to back away from Warlock Weekly before you both end up like that idiotic cow. Not knocking your skills, but last I checked, summoner types like yourself do better when you're not right in the thick of things!!"


Argus didn't bother to respond to the bravado-laden answers from Damian and Trixie, though he did turn around to fix them with a look that screamed 'Are you fucking serious?' Whatever the case, it seemed that aside from him, no one was going to provide an alternate course of action besides running right into the trap. To say Argus was less than ecstatic about this development was an understatement, one made even more pronounced when Sara's chosen summon(a stupid lookin' cow . . . thing) decided to just trudge on ahead.

So much for trying to form a plan. And Juno wonders why I never want to group up with any of these idi- Shit!!

Argus grit his teeth together as the caravan suddenly went up in flames, requipping his puppeteer gloves, a knife, and a few smoke bombs as he took a step back, figuring that whoever was behind this was going to make their entrance soon. And that they did, as argus just managed to catch the flicker of movement out the corner of his eye that indicated the enemy's first move. Luckily for all of them, the one they took down was the spirit(some frontliner he turned out to be), which told Argus that whoever these guys were, they were aiming to kill, a fact that was quickly confirmed by the man himself.

The red-haired mage looked between their new foe and the 2 others behind him, trying to figure out the best course of action, but Trixie beat him to it with her loud declaration. For a moment, he thought she was being extremely stupid, but the more he thought on it, the more he couldn't help but agree with her. These guys had just massacred their own men for no reason, so no matter what diplomatic bullshit they spew, the likelihood that they would be satisfied with their surrounded didn't quite strike Argus as rather high.

Keeping his hand with the bombs behind him and taking a stance akin to that of a fencer, Argus walked over until he stood between Sara and the blonde swordsman. After all, he'd be damned if he'd let some half-pint loud mouth make him look like some sort of coward. Plus, if there was anyone who needed to back away right now, it was definitely Sara. Out of all of them, Argus was getting the feeling she was the biggest liability in terms of combat,at least if the speed with which her summon had been taken down was any sign.

"Oh sure, I'm certain killing those mooks over by the carriages was completely neccessary, but regardless, I'm afraid the half-pint has the right of it. I ain't about to let some blonde pretty boy fop clap me in irons without a fight." With an arrogant chuckle, Argus flipped his knife into the air while letting the bombs fall behind him to the ground, using the invisible telekinetic strings attached to them by his gloves to keep the small sphere's hidden behind his frame as they began to float. Catching the Knife with ease, he once again pointed to the man while sweeping his other hand in a rather showy way, the smile never leaving his face. "Besides, I think that looks are really all you must have to go on, Jeeves. I can't think of any other reason why you'd be stupid enough to get rid of your numbers advantage so easily. If that was your attempt to intimidate us, I have to say, not really feeling it. Maybe if you'd sent someone scarier looking then a Warlock weekly reject."


"I don't need 'watching', shooter boy," Argus muttered, casting an irritated glance in Sara's direction at her remark. Has the girl never heard of tempting fate? With a sigh of resignation to his own fate, he waited for the others to clear out before sparing a few words with his sister. Once they said their good-byes, Argus caught up with the rest. A low whistle escaped him as he took a look at Sara's ride.

"I guess I should have expected an heiress to ride around in style." Taking a few of the cookies hostage, the red-haired mage claimed a window seat for himself, summoning his chameleon cloak to wrap up in so he could get in some sleep while they traveled. Hopefully, that also discouraged anyone from trying to strike up any conversation with him as they drove to Mill Valley. Just because his sister forced him to come on this mission didn't mean he'd do anything more than what the situation required. If the rest want to chit-chat and all that, they were free to do so amongst themselves.

Unfortunately for Argus, Sara's driving skills weren't exactly conducive to his plans to rest, as she seemed to have quite the bad case of lead-foot. He was certain that the car had been nearly flipped on its side no less than 5 separate times throughout the whole ordeal, and made a mental note to make sure that anyone but Sara drove on the ride back. He wasn't sure they'd survive otherwise.

He grumpily stepped out at her insistence, gaze fixed on the carriages. While he agreed that this did look like their probable quarry . . .

"Not to rain on your parade, sunshine, but this is way too convenient. The request said that we were to meet the guy in town, yet we just happen to run into the suspects when we're right about to get there? Call me a cynic, but this feels like a set-up." Argus unbuckled his cloak as he spoke, inspecting the fabric a little before tossing it over to Vali. "Here. It's a chameleon Cloak and we're around the same size so u should be able to wear it no problem. If you wouldn't mind staying back, keeping low, and keeping alert for any possible surprises that'd be great for easing my nerves. If it were just me, I'd want to find a way around these fucks, but they've likely spotted us by now."

Argus took a few steps forward before stopping, almost as if considering something else, before turning back around to toss a rather worn looking ring to the sniper. "Take that too. It'll let you tell us if something's up. It's a bit tricky, but I'm sure you can get the hang of it. If not, then just shoot a flare or something. . . also, lose or break either of those trinkets and you owe me big money, shooter boy." Argus held the masked man's gaze for a moment so as to pass on the seriousness of his words before facing the group as a whole.

"Aside from that, rest of you guys have any ideas about how to deal with these fucks? I know that most people in the guild seem to think that just blowing up the bad guys is considered a plan, but I'm going to assume at least one of you possibly has something more tactical in mind."

A rather big assumption, all things considered. The Requip mage thought with a groan, turning his gaze to look out over the field.

In that instant, his eyes widened as his entire body went stock still, so much so that not even his chest seemed to move. For a few moments, he'd remain like this, unresponsive to any words sent his way, before suddenly coming back to reality with a short gasp as he started to breathe again. Shutting his eyes for a moment as if to block out further stimulus, the red-haired mage took a deep breath and held it for a moment longer than needed before letting it out shakily. As he his eyes slid open, he chose to focus on some distant point in the horizon, hands slipping into his pockets as they began to shake.


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