Avatar of Raineh Daze


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Help Arknights wants so much AP


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You're making comparisons that don't really make sense...? Like... "C rank NP release" is a term with no easily defined meaning. It's a way simpler question: who do you think she matches up to in a fight.
I think the point is asking for clarification beyond the entire class. There is a pretty big gulf between, say, Gilles de Rais and Lancelot. Aside from both being French.
@FlappyTheSpybot I'll give you the chance, then.
Jack the Ripper

"We're ready!" chirped history's most famous serial killer, cheerfully adjusting the hat on her head. She wasn't quite sure why mother was so insistent on buying her extra clothing when she'd been summoned in something that was better than the clothes she'd had in life--draftier, but at least they weren't tattered!--but it was a nice thought. And after making a mess of the last set, Jack was extra happy that she was still being allowed more.

The only clue that the young girl was in any way dangerous lay in the stitching and scars on her face, though the evident... odd tattoos on her shoulders were a giveaway that there was something strange about her anyway.

I guess I'll post for Tyaethe tomorrow if nobody else moves.
Yeah, that would tend to put a bit of a crimp in progressing that.
Tyaethe Radistirin

"Me, know the palace? They like to change the wings around every other generation, I don't have a clue what's going to be in use," Tyaethe said, cocking her head to look at the nem again. It wasn't like she was used to moving in past the public rooms--it could generally be considered a bad thing if anyone was going on that required her presence. She wasn't on most guest lists either, "Besides, if we just push people back it's not like anyone is going to read what our would-be assassin can write."

Still, it seemed like there was a fairly... obvious oversight being made here. "You killed her"? It wasn't like the knights had any reason to have killed nem recently... and why did that lead to trying to assassinate the princess? The royal family wasn't known for going out of their way to kill people since the rebellion...

"Who have we killed?"
It is rather an ongoing problem, yeah. It's understandable.
I'll get a post up tomorrow.
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