Avatar of rebornfan320


Recent Statuses

10 mos ago
Current Pondering an idea, kinda want to do a rp that someone gave up on and want to try it here..
11 mos ago
This EVO was insane! Definitely over 100K watching and the building was stacked full! The energy was incredible!
1 like
11 mos ago
Arslan Ash is the T7 GOAT! 4th EVO title that is insane!
11 mos ago
After a insane day 2 of EVO, with today being the last day and day 3, I hope there is just as much excitement today!
11 mos ago
After a loss...I don't know like what else to do...Keep your guard/shell up and life finds a way to hurt you when you want to protect yourself from prior experiences...


Pen Name: Alexander
Aliases: Kyoya, Terra.
Birthday: September 1
Ethnicity: African-American.
Ancestry: English, Irish, African.

Occupation(s): Part-Time Parking Event Staff, Student (school-year; part-time)
Major: Cinema and Screen Studies

Sources of Writing: Laptop, Desktop [maybe in the future]
Years of Experience: 10.
RP Level: High-Casual to Low Advanced. It varies on mental state, knowledge, and time.
Commitment/Dedication Level: Very High.

Personality: Nice, Shy [when not pushed], Introverted, Caring/Compassionate, Understanding, Friendly, Honest, Imaginative, Organized, Protective, Loyal, Stubborn, Determined, Opportunistic, Sarcastic, Obsessive (somewhat)
Habits, Tics, and Quirks: Daydreaming, Repeating things [at times or when pushed/provoked] Fixated on thoughts, Autistic (Learning and processing information is affected)

Biggest RP Pet Peeve:
Ghosting, Whereabouts, Dishonesty.
Please be present and keep me updated from time to time. I'll do the same for you.
It's annoying when people become invisible or ignoring, miraculously appear out of nowhere, and complain, once they find a story canceled.
And be truthful in RP's and out of them.

Close Peeps: @AngelBites15, @Vampiretwilight, @SilverRain, @Polymorpheus [RIP]

Basic Comforts:
~ Primarily 1x1, since groups one time died on me quick
~ Mainly male OCs, though I'll take on a female role [npc].
~ CanonxOC, OCxOC & (sometimes) CanonxCanon. I can play various canons for both of the two.
~ MxF, FxF. I mostly do/lean into the dominant-role, depending on character and plot.
~ PM's more than threads [doesn't mean I am open to them], but stories with strong adult content belong in the PM's only.
~ Open to dark themes (drugs, abuse, etc.)

Genres - Action, Adventure, Anime/Animation, Comedy, Drama[a bit], Family, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Romance, Sci-Fi, Superhero, Western, Fandom, Video Games
Themes - College/High School, Martial Arts, Medieval, Post-Apocalypse, Supernatural, Fantasy, Modern, Slice of Life, Futuristic [maybe]

Music: '80s-'00s Heavy Metal/Rock/Rock and Roll,/Electronic-Dance, Pop, R&B, '90s-'00s Hip-Hop/Rap & Blues, Jazz, Country, Video Game OST's, Anime OST's.

Most Recent Posts

Could try Skyrim.
I'm interested in Princess x Knight if that is still open.
Here's my top 3 if you are interested.

Sent you a PM.
Edited and still looking
Sent a message!
I could go for Naruto and I have a Discord.
I wish my ideas and myself were just more understood as a whole instead of what feels to be the world having it out for me and casting them aside.

Stories and novels not really in my case right now as I yet to write one outside of fanfiction. I've yet to find that strong muse for it since mine has been up and down but never really at one level for too long at times. The ruins of dead 1x1 and group roleplays for me I've tended to not really been able to find a spark of inspiration, but I've read some books like for example the Harry Potter series and I can read those for a long time for at least to help churn something but games for me and anime has been more of something of a inspiration but I end up flaked and abandoned more often than not.
Still looking.
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