Avatar of Rekaigan
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1132 (0.35 / day)
  • VMs: 3
  • Username history
    1. Rekaigan 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current I don't trust stairs. They're always up to something.
6 yrs ago
William Shakespeare in past tense would be "Wouldiwas Shookspeared"
7 yrs ago
Have you heard about the Italian cook with an incurable disease? He pastaway.
7 yrs ago
Trains don't drink.. They chug.
7 yrs ago
Something about subtraction just doesn't add up.


A smile better suits a hero.

Most Recent Posts

I'm quite interested in this one! I hope it's not full up already. (Or dead even.)

Is it restricted to Western dragons or am I allowed to be a noodle dragon?
I guess we'll form a nice queue, ay?
He's dead and we've killed him.
Literally Yeva

The Shrine maiden's constant stuttering was giving Matsuko a massive headache. Had she not been chewing on a fat pork chop, she would've told the girl to be quiet. It was interesting to see a Lander come to an Adventurer first, but well.. There was a first for everything. Fear does anything to people. She had half a mind to say 'no' because she was still eating and didn't like being interrupted, but with Tafui around, she'd most likely have to go along with whatever he decides. Follow the hand that feeds you.

Matsuko stared in awe for a moment as she watched her companion eat faster than she'd ever seen him eat. She gave him a one-handed back rub to keep him from choking to death and ending up at the cathedral in the lamest way possible. With a single big chomp, the Sword Dancer finished her pork chop, tossing a clean bone onto the ground. She gave her hands a quick clean before patting a nervous Tafui on the shoulder, trying to reassure him. "You'll be fine, Tafui. I'm here. And remember, this event will attract more Adventurers like us. We're not alone." She said in a soft voice as the followed the miko.


@Guess Who@suku@Awesomoman64

Just as the faunus had finished tying the tentacles to a pole like a triad of shoelaces, he was attacked by even more roots. "How generous of you~" He chuckled as he bat away one of the roots with his cane, intercepting the others with his own tentacles. His job was to distract as many roots as possible, which was working.. relatively.

For the most part, Llyr was pretty unimpressed by the whole fight. While he may have had just a little bit of fun fighting a thousand branched beast, it seemed that it didn't have the brain to even fight the majority of the class. Strength in numbers he concluded. As the grimm disintegrated unceremoniously, Llyr approached his comrades in arms. "Now wasn't that bloody boring! It's much too bad it didn't do what everyone expected something with tentacles to do!!" He burst into laughter at his own 'joke', if you could even call it one. "But alas, I must bid you all adieu! It is time for the Survival of the fittest!" He added as he loudly snapped his fingers, the bell ringing as if he had set it off himself.. Such impeccable timing. He even gave a bow as if it was some sort of performance.

"May we dance again!" He grinned as he took Cian's hand, giving it a light kiss before combat rolling out the door, the same way he entered. Dramatically.

Since Llyr didn't know where the class was, it wasn't long before he just got lost on the outskirts of the campus. A slight breeze blew by and you could probably imagine a tumbleweed rolling passed him. That's how lost he was. His eyes flit from side to side, gazing at the vast emptiness that was in front of it. Perhaps 'emptiness' was an exaggeration. There were trees.. A few. The Squid kid shrugged nonchalantly as he proceeded to keep walking in a seemingly random direction. Maybe not 'walking' per say. Skipping, jumping, hopping, rolling.. pogo..ing. All such things equated to 'walking' for Llyr.

In that instant, Katyusha knew she made a mistake. She was mentally kicking herself for forgetting that auto-pilot does not work with re-entry trajectory.. ever. Her mind wanted her to move to take manual control of the craft, but her body was frozen in fear. She wasn't used to high pressure situations like this, especially when she was out of her field. This is why she wasn't cut out to be a combat engineer. She heard Xi call out the Emergency protocol, which the AI thankfully acknowledged. Such words would've come out of her own mouth had she not been in a state of shock. The engineer closed her eyes when the AI announced "Brace for Impact."

The pod finally landed after what felt like an eternity of falling. Suddenly everything stopped.

"Icarus I. Life Pod has successfully made a critical condition landing. Scanners show an on-coming weather system of high speed winds, dense sand particles, and.. bzzz.. ichzz." The AI cut out.. She turned to see Xi ejecting the AI's unit. She quickly released her own restraints running after everyone else. She hastily tapped the small console of her wrist, bringing her drone, Dimitri, to life. The 3ft tall surveyor crawled out after it's owner.

As they made it to the colony, she stopped close behind the others as they were greeted by another group of would-be survivors. Kat stood in silence as the two 'leaders' spoke to each other, discussing the situation. Her eyes wandered around the place as they spoke, her mind going off somewhere else as she thought of what could be in this abandoned colony. She snapped back to reality as she was addressed, "I-It's Katyusha. Katyusha Chaykovsky. And I'd be glad to take a look." She stammered slightly, wondering if her last name meant anything to the people here. She didn't really know how the Azaali knew her name, since she hadn't introduced herself beforehand, but aliens worked in mysterious ways she assumed.

She gave Xi a quick nod before making haste toward the Power Core; Dimitri's legs clacking along as it followed close behind.

The constant, rhythmic 'Thud. Thud.' of the Enigma was really getting on the young woman's nerves. Not only was this thing massive, it also made a lot of noise. If this place was populated, they'd all be noticed in an instant. Not only that. They were also amassing way too many people. Four was a sizeable number, not enough to get noticed, however this Diver thing counted for at least three.

Suddenly more voices called out behind her. She felt a vein burst in her temple. She stopped in her tracks as she turned around, her gun instantly aimed at the whore's head. She clicked her tongue as she noticed the were-lion she had in tow. Too many people. Way too many people. 'Fuck this. I'm out.', she thought in frustration. 'Clack...Clackclack.' Three small cylinders fell from Yeva's pocket, rolling along the cobblestone for a moment before bursting; releasing a thick smoke around everyone. As silently as a whisper, the Darbininan split from the group running through the alleyway, making seemingly random turns to throw off any would-be pursuer.

She wasn't about to share this shard with any of them.
As in, Yeva's gonna leave all of ya behind in the dust
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