Avatar of Returner


Recent Statuses

7 mos ago
Current Apologies to my partners. My life has taken a turn and I need to spend time with my dad who doesn't have much time left. I am leaving role playing for the time being. See y'all in the future.
7 mos ago
My fiancé is in his way back for Australia now... responses will come when I can stop crying long enough to properly see what I'm writing
7 mos ago
Sorry to all my partners! Responses will come this week, my partner in crime is heading back to Australia so I'm spending as much time as I can with him. I thank you for your patience! :)
7 mos ago
God I love coffee! Why did I ever stop drinking it!?
7 mos ago
Two hours of sleep, a 12 hour shift, and 3 XL dunkin donuts coffees... what could go wrong?


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Most Recent Posts

@Master EffeX

Now you just sound like my therapist! xP

Oh sweet! Well if you're ever down under let me know! Hopefully I'll also be down under by then! xD

Lmao absolutely anytime!

I'm gonna be honest you caught me I've been slacking with my British duolingo lessons! Take me to jail officer!
@Master EffeX

Everyone's complex man, I just can't figure out how to write a man who isn't a himbo! I mean I love my himbos but not every man can be a himbo! And if I write a male side character they always turn out great! So why can't I channel that energy into my male leads!? I don't know, there's a disconnect, my tech support agent is slacking! Dx

Thanks for the warm welcome! Just gotta finish up the paperwork and hope for the best! Want to spend the rest of my life with my hot Australian British man! yeah he has a mixed accent its spicccyyyyy

Gorgeous country if you ever get the chance would highly recommend! Also if you go on a cruise over there, get the unlimited alcohol package! They don't water their drinks down! It's SO GREAT! You rock with the cruise ship at the end of the day lmao!

Ello chap bloody hell that's a warm welcome! Grab this lass a cherry bomb and we'll be best wizard friends for life! (Though we won't tell the muggles lol)
High school; The place of misery, torture, and teenage hormones. Even after it ends the thought of the high school reunion is enough to make one nauseous, but right now you have to get through it to even be able to look back on it fondly with your peers while boozing up in the old locker room. Surviving high school is rough no matter the clique your in, but when you became the boyfriend of the big tittied goth girl you weren't expecting all that vampire mumbo jumbo to be real. I mean, the horse girls didn't become horses when they galloped around the halls of middle school so why would the vampire goth be any different? Well the girl you picked just so happens to be the real deal, thrusting you into a world of darkness. In between your tests you're finding victims for your girlfriend, helping her hide the bodies, and then having fun at every party she's invited to. Your schedule is fully packed, but perhaps you don't mind! Maybe... you enjoy helping her feed?

Well, if you're gonna commit your life to something might as well be the girl who could kill you in less than a second. Who needs after school clubs anyways?

If you're interested in discussing this idea further shoot me a PM and let me know just what clique you want to be a part of! I love it when people tell me their ideas too so if you got something you want to add I'd love to hear! Hope to see you soon!


Hello my fellow American!

bonus points if you heard Obamas voice reading that lol

Haha thank you! Though I am wondering if you're American or just a big fan of baseball haha!
@Blaze Gamma

Thank you!
I'm not British at all but the energy seemed to match my chaos so we're gonna go with it!

What's up? My name is Returner but you can call me Re for short! I also answer to literally every name so call me what you wish! Anything except late for the Chinese Buffet! Then we'll have problems! xP

Current member of CFAA (Chinese food addicts anonymous) and avid consumer of cherry bombs at karaoke, I find myself back on this site after some time. Who was I before? I don't know. Got knocked in the head with a frying pan Tom and Jerry style when I didn't listen to my mama. Should've listened when she said "don't touch the meatballs they're for dinner".

Been writing for longer than I can remember and female characters are my bread and butter. I've tried playing men and frankly I feel like I insult the complex psyche of men when I do. I'm not trying to do you guys injustice so I'll stick to what I know and do a damn good job of it!

I tend to stay in the realm of advanced writing and I'm a sucker for all things romance, the genre doesn't matter but if you suggest me a good supernatural plot idea we'll be best friends for life! Oh and I tend to shy away from the naughty scenes not because I have trouble writing them but because my NSFW Era was started and ended on wattpad and I intend to keep it that way. Lot of steamy shit out there that I will never admit is mine...

As for my non writing life I work as a receptionist six days a week cause I'm an undiagnosed workaholic, my leo self is turning 24 in 12 days, I'm engaged to my Aussie dream man and praying that Australia will allow me to permanently stay in the country. Lived there for six months and I want back in dammit!

So if you got an advanced plot idea to pitch or you want to chat about which horror movie killer is the hottest (there's just something about Mike Myers you know?) Hit me up in PM! Toodals poodles and have a great remainder of your weekend! And for you sorry saps where it's already Monday God speed you magnificent bastards!
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